Substantial Interest

British Land Co PLC 2 November 2000 The British Land Company PLC announces that it received notification on 1st November 2000, pursuant to sections 198-202 of the Companies Act 1985, that Merrill Lynch & Co, Inc's aggregate interest in the Company is 57,388,019 ordinary 25p shares, representing 11.08% of the issued share capital of the Company. Details of this disclosure of interest by Merrill Lynch are as follows: ML Invest plc, ML Invest Holdings Limited and ML Invest, Inc are certain holding companies of Merrill Lynch Investment Management Limited ('MLIM') and have interests, through MLIM, in the share capital of the Company as follows: Registered Holder: Number of Shares Nutraco Nominees Limited 44,838,337 Mercury Life Nominees Limited A/C Noncert 439,716 Merrill Lynch Pensions Nominees Limited A/C Logica 102,763 Stamford Nominees Limited 41,010 Stamford Nominees Limited A/C Charty 49,000 Other Names 10,732,322 Merrill Lynch Group, Inc and Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., which are holding companies of MLIM and of certain other companies, have interests in aggregate in the relevant share capital of the Company as follows: Merrill Lynch Group, Inc 56,493,671 shares Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc 57,388,019 shares
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