Final Results

F&C U.S. Smaller Companies PLC 25 September 2006 Date: 25 September 2006 Contact: Robert Siddles F&C Management Limited 020 7628 8000 F&C US SMALLER COMPANIES PLC Unaudited Preliminary Statement of Results for the year ended 30 June 2006 HIGHLIGHTS OF RESULTS • The net asset value (NAV) per share of the Company rose 7.6% to 318.52p compared to an increase of 9.8% in our benchmark, the sterling-adjusted Russell 2000 Index and 3.3% in the Standard & Poor's Composite Index, adjusted for sterling; • Market conditions encountered during the year, with strong performances from higher risk stocks, particularly in commodities, did not suit the Company's longer term, conservative investment approach; • Although slightly behind in the year, the NAV performance has exceeded its benchmark in eleven of the thirteen years since formation in March 1993. Since then, the NAV per share has risen by 230.1%, whereas the sterling-adjusted Russell 2000 Index gained 148.5% SUMMARY OF RESULTS 30 June 2006 30 June 2005 Change Net asset value £75.46m *£71.35m +5.8% Net asset value per share 318.52p *296.02p +7.6% Russell 2000 Index (sterling adjusted) 391.81 356.86 +9.8% Share price 287.50p 263.50p +9.1% Increase in net asset value per share since inception on 8 March 1993 +230.1% Increase since 8 March 1993 in the Russell 2000 Index (sterling adjusted) +148.5% * Restated to reflect change in accounting policy (see note 1) Extracts from the Chairman's Statement Dear Shareholder I am pleased to report a good year for your Company. The net asset value (NAV) per share of the Company rose 7.6% to 318.52p. This compared to an increase of 9.8% in our benchmark, the sterling-adjusted Russell 2000 Index and 3.3% in the Standard & Poor's Composite Index, adjusted for sterling. Although it is moderately disappointing that performance did not exceed the benchmark this year it should be borne in mind that last year's performance was very strong: NAV per share rose by over 21%, exceeding the benchmark by 11.7%. Your Company's NAV performance has exceeded its benchmark in eleven of the thirteen years since formation in March 1993. Since then, the NAV per share has risen by 230.1%, whereas the sterling-adjusted Russell 2000 Index gained 148.5%. Market Review During the year under review the Russell 2000 rose by 13.3%, in dollar terms, significantly better than the other major indices such as the Standard & Poors Composite Index, which gained 6.6% and the heavily technology-orientated NASDAQ Composite Index, which advanced by 0.5%. Once again the US smaller company sector provided superior equity returns. Early on in the Company's financial year, the smaller company sector retreated as concerns about the impact of higher oil prices intensified. In October, however, a strong rally began and the Russell 2000 rose approximately 25% to its high in May. Robust economic conditions and a high level of mergers and acquisitions encouraged the market. A sharp correction occurred in May as confidence ebbed away in the US dollar and the bond market, spilling over into equities. Sterling investors suffered from a small fall in the US dollar over the year. The dollar was hurt by concerns that the new Federal Reserve Chairman might not be sufficiently timely in dealing with rising inflationary pressures. Commodity-oriented sectors were by far the best performing in the Russell 2000, driven by fears of supply shortages. The best performers were integrated oils, materials and processing, and other energy. The worst performers were the lower risk sectors: consumer discretionary, utilities and consumer staples. Overall the year was characterised by frenzied investor enthusiasm and growing speculation and this did not suit the Company's longer term, conservative investment approach. Discount and Buybacks The price of the shares rose by 9.1% to 287.5p over the year. The discount to NAV per share narrowed during the year from 11.0% to 9.7% and at 22 September 2006 was 10.1%. The average discount during the year was 8.9%. The company bought back some of its own shares during the year. There were purchases of 411,000 shares at an average discount of 12.0%. The Board will continue to apply its policy of buying back shares at appropriate times with a view to limiting the discount in the longer term to around 10%. Foreign Currency Hedging Policy and Gearing Policy It is worth reiterating the Board's policy in relation to hedging and gearing. Although the Board has the authority to hedge out the £/$ risk for a sterling based investor, it does not routinely do so and the portfolio is not currently hedged. The Company is not currently geared. The Board has the authority to gear the Company. The Board takes the view that the asset class in which it invests is sufficiently risky that it does not wish to compound this by adding additional risk by borrowing. The Board believes that most of the Company's shareholders are conservative long-term investors and that this policy suits their needs. AGM The Annual General Meeting will be held at 12.30pm, Tuesday 14 November 2006 and I hope that you will attend. The meeting will be held in the offices of F&C Management Limited at Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY. Prospects Whilst the Board remains optimistic on the longer-term prospects for the smaller company sector in the US, the market is going through a difficult period as it recovers from a period of speculative excess against a background of rising inflationary pressures. The Board believes that the Company's risk adverse approach will continue to benefit shareholders over the longer term. Gordon Grender September 2006 BALANCE SHEET at 30 June 2006 2005 Restated* Restated* £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Fixed assets Listed investments 73,081 70,264 Current assets Debtors 57 76 Cash at bank and short-term deposits 2,664 1,591 2,721 1,667 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (338) (581) Net current assets 2,383 1,086 Net assets 75,464 71,350 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 5,923 6,026 Share premium account 2,468 2,468 Non-distributable reserve 841 841 Capital redemption reserve 7,429 7,326 Special reserve 4,235 5,346 Capital reserves 55,781 50,720 Revenue reserve (1,213) (1,377) 69,541 65,324 Total equity shareholders' funds 75,464 71,350 Net asset value per ordinary share- pence 318.52 296.02 *Restated to reflect change in accounting policy (see note 1) INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 30 June 2006 2005 Restated* Revenue Capital Total+ Revenue Capital Total+ £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Gains on investments - 5,106 5,106 - 11,976 11,976 Exchange losses - (37) (37) - (39) (39) Income 1,128 - 1,128 1,032 - 1,032 Management fee (621) - (621) (533) - (533) Other expenses (193) (8) (201) (198) (6) (204) Net return before finance costs and taxation 314 5,061 5,375 301 11,931 12,232 Interest payable and similar charges - - - - - - Return on ordinary activities before taxation 314 5,061 5,375 301 11,931 12,232 Taxation on ordinary activities (150) - (150) (79) (94) (173) Return attributable to equity shareholders 164 5,061 5,225 222 11,837 12,059 Return per ordinary share - pence 0.69 21.26 21.95 0.88 46.82 47.70 +The total column is the profit and loss account of the Company. * Restated to reflect change in accounting policy (see note 1) All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. A statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Called up Share Non- Capital Total share premium distributable redemption Special Capital Revenue shareholders' capital account reserve reserve reserve reserves reserve Funds £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Balance at 30 June 2004 (as previously reported) 6,621 2,468 841 6,731 10,713 38,988 (1,599) 64,763 Investment valuation restatement - - - - - (105) - (105) Balance at 30 June 2004 (restated) 6,621 2,468 841 6,731 10,713 38,883 (1,599) 64,658 Movements during the year ended 30 June 2005: Shares purchased by the Company (595) - - 595 (5,367) - - (5,367) Return attributable to equity shareholders (as previously reported) - - - - - 11,816 222 12,038 Investment valuation restatement - - - - - 21 - 21 Balance at 30 June 2005 (restated) 6,026 2,468 841 7,326 5,346 50,720 (1,377) 71,350 Movements during the year ended 30 June 2006: Shares purchased by the Company (103) - - 103 (1,111) - - (1,111) Return attributable to equity shareholders - - - - - 5,061 164 5,225 Balance at 30 June 2006 5,923 2,468 841 7,429 4,235 55,781 (1,213) 75,464 CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 30 June 2006 2005 £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Operating activities Investment income received 993 1,028 Interest received 36 14 Fee paid to management company (743) (390) Fees paid to Directors (103) (36) Other cash payments (120) (129) Net cash inflow from activities 63 487 Taxation Overseas tax paid (149) (174) Total tax paid (149) (174) Financial investment Purchases of investments (26,995) (20,260) Sale of investments 29,517 25,658 Other capital expenses (8) (6) Net cash inflow from financial investment 2,514 5,392 Net cash inflow before use of liquid resources and financing 2,428 5,705 Management of liquid resources Decrease in short-term deposits 21 - Financing Purchase of ordinary shares (1,204) (5,570) Net cash outflow from financing (1,204) (5,570) Increase in cash 1,245 135 Notes 1 Changes in accounting policies With effect from 1 July 2005, the Company has adopted Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 21 to 26. The effect of adoption, where it has resulted in a change in a significant accounting policy is described below. FRS 25 (Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation) and FRS 26 (Financial instruments: Measurement) - The Company has designated its assets and liabilities as being measured at 'fair value through profit or loss'. The fair value of fixed asset quoted investments is deemed to be the bid value of those investments at the close of business on the relevant date. Previously, all quoted investments were valued at middle market value. There have been no other changes to accounting policies during the period. The accounts for the year ended 30 June 2005 have been restated to give effect to the above change. Note 4 further explains the restatements. 2 Dividend The directors do not propose to pay a final dividend. 3 Return per share Year ended Year ended 30 June 2006 30 June 2005 (restated) £'000s £'000s Total return 5,225 12,059 Revenue return 164 222 Capital return 5,061 11,837 Weighted average ordinary shares in issue 23,803,464 25,278,501 Year ended 30 June 2005 As previously stated £'000s Total return 12,038 Capital return 11,816 The total and capital returns for the year ended 30 June 2005 have been increased by £21,000 (0.08 pence per share). This reflects the effect of the reduction in valuation of investments, as a result of the change in accounting policy, at 30 June 2004 by £105,000 and 30 June 2005 by £84,000. 4 Share capital During the year 411,000 shares were purchased for cancellation at a total cost of £1,111,000. Since the year end 763,015 ordinary shares have been purchased at a cost of £2,033,000. 5 Restatement of opening balances A reconciliation is given between the closing balances per the 30 June 2005 and 30 June 2004 accounts and the restated balances following the adoption of revisions to UK GAAP. Balance Sheet Previously reported Restated 30 June 2005 Adjustment 30 June 2005 £'000s £'000s £'000s Fixed assets Listed investments* 70,348 (84) 70,264 Current assets Debtors 76 - 76 Cash at bank and short-term deposits 1,591 - 1,591 1,667 - 1,667 Current liabilities (581) - (581) Net current assets 1,086 - 1,086 Net assets 71,434 (84) 71,350 Shareholders equity Called up share capital 6,026 - 6,026 Share premium account 2,468 - 2,468 Non-distributable reserve 841 - 841 Capital redemption reserve 7,326 - 7,326 Special reserve 5,346 - 5,346 Capital reserves* 50,804 (84) 50,720 Revenue reserve (1,377) - (1,377) Total equity shareholders' funds 71,434 (84) 71,350 Net asset value per ordinary share - pence 296.37 (0.35) 296.02 Balance Sheet Previously reported Restated 30 June 2004 Adjustment 30 June 2004 £'000s £'000s £'000s Fixed assets Listed investments* 63,843 (105) 63,738 Current assets Debtors 171 - 171 Cash at bank and short-term deposits 1,381 - 1,381 1,552 - 1,552 Current liabilities (632) - (632) Net current assets 920 - 920 Net assets 64,763 (105) 64,658 Shareholders equity Called up share capital 6,621 - 6,621 Share premium account 2,468 - 2,468 Non-distributable reserve 841 - 841 Capital redemption reserve 6,731 - 6,731 Special reserve 10,713 - 10,713 Capital reserves* 38,988 (105) 38,883 Revenue reserve (1,599) - (1,599) Total equity shareholders' funds 64,763 (105) 64,658 Net asset value per ordinary share - pence 244.53 (0.40) 244.13 Note to the restatement of opening balances * Effect of revaluation of fixed asset investments from middle market to bid value 6 Results The above financial information comprises non-statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the years ended 30 June 2005 and 30 June 2004 has been extracted from published accounts (except as restated) for the years ended 30 June 2005 and 30 June 2004 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the reports of the auditors have been unqualified. The audited Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in early October 2006. Copies may be obtained, during normal business hours from the registered office of the Company, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY. The Annual General Meeting will be held at the registered office of the Company, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY on 14 November 2006 at 12.30 pm. By order of the Board F&C Management Limited, Secretary Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY 25 September 2006 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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