2nd Quarter Results
BT Group PLC
07 November 2002
November 7, 2002
• Group turnover* of £4,661 million, up 2 per cent
• Profit before taxation* of £496 million, up 55 per cent
• Earnings per share* of 3.7 pence, up 54 per cent
• Free cash flow of £552 million generated
• Net debt reduced by £285 million in the quarter
• Interim dividend of 2.25 pence per share
• Broadband end users of 451,000 at November 1
• Customer satisfaction well ahead of the competition
*from continuing activities before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items
Chairman's statement
Sir Christopher Bland, Chairman, commenting on the second quarter results, said:
"This is an excellent set of results. The operating performance of the
business has been particularly strong in a difficult market. We
generated over half a billion pounds in free cash flow in the quarter.
I am pleased to report that we will be paying an interim dividend
of 2.25 pence per share.
The recently announced agreement to dispose of our stake in Cegetel
will see net debt reduce by a further £2.5 billion on completion.
These results demonstrate our ability to reduce debt, reward our
shareholders and invest for the future."
Chief Executive's statement
Ben Verwaayen, Chief Executive, commenting on the second quarter results said:
"We continue to make strong progress in achieving our key goals of
improving cash flow, earnings per share and customer satisfaction. Free
cash flow was £552 million and earnings per share* increased by 54 per
cent over last year to 3.7 pence, well ahead of our targets. Customer
satisfaction was also well ahead of the competition.
Our revenue growth in the quarter was 2 per cent. Although the
three year revenue target of 6 to 8 per cent compound annual growth is
unlikely to be achieved in the present market conditions, we expect
total revenue growth for the second half to be in line with current
market expectations. Future revenue growth will benefit from our focus
on developing new wave initiatives, particularly in broadband and ICT."
*from continuing activities before goodwill amortisation and exceptional
BT Group's results, excluding discontinued activities, exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation, are summarised in the following table:
BT Group's continuing activities before goodwill amortisation
and exceptional items
Second quarter Half year
2002 2001 Better (worse) 2002 2001 Better (worse)
£m £m % £m £m %
Group turnover 4,661 4,557 2 9,248 9,055 2
EBITDA before leaver 1,515 1,403 8 2,974 2,825 5
EBITDA after leaver 1,478 1,385 7 2,781 2,808 (1)
Group operating profit 729 657 11 1,299 1,350 (4)
Net interest charge 295 352 16 595 798 25
Profit before taxation 496 321 55 818 521 57
Profit after taxation 331 206 61 546 300 82
Earnings per share 3.7p 2.4p 54 6.2p 3.7p 68
Capital expenditure 559 660 15 1,108 1,365 19
Net debt 13,112 16,529 21
Group turnover increased year on year by 2 per cent to £4,661 million in the
second quarter. This was a good performance in a difficult market for telecoms
operators and solutions businesses. Although the three year revenue target of 6
to 8 per cent compound annual growth is unlikely to be achieved in the present
market conditions, we expect total revenue growth for the second half to be in
line with current market expectations. Future revenue growth will benefit from
our focus on developing new wave initiatives.
Group operating profit before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items at
£729 million for the quarter was £72 million higher than the second quarter of
last year, with improved gross margins in BT Retail, cost reductions across the
lines of business and reduced losses in the overseas activities of BT Ignite.
The strong operating performance is despite the negative operating profit effect
of unwinding the Concert global venture, the Telereal property sale and
leaseback and the impact of £37 million of leaver costs (£18 million last year).
The operating improvement does however reflect the year on year effect of one
off charges of £52 million, relating to certain regulatory decisions, made in
the second quarter of last year.
BT's share of associates and joint ventures operating profits before goodwill
amortisation was £66 million (£9 million last year) in the quarter, benefiting
from the unwind of Concert and improved results from Cegetel.
Net interest payable was £295 million for the quarter, an improvement of £57
million against last year as a result of the significant reduction in the level
of net debt.
Profit before taxation of £496 million in the quarter increased by 55 per cent
reflecting the underlying operating performance of the group and lower net
interest costs.
The taxation charge for the quarter was £165 million; this represents an
effective rate of 33.3 per cent (35.8 per cent last year) on the profit before
exceptional items and goodwill amortisation.
Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation and exceptional items were 3.7
pence for the quarter (2.4 pence last year), an increase of 54 per cent.
Goodwill amortisation at £3 million for the quarter was £38 million lower than
last year. This reduction reflects the disposals and goodwill impairment write
downs made last year. Earnings per share after goodwill amortisation and
exceptional items were 3.7 pence compared to a loss of 15.0 pence last year.
An interim dividend of 2.25 pence per share will be paid on February 10, 2003 to
shareholders on the register on December 27, 2002. We expect this year's final
dividend to be slightly more than the historical level of one and a half times
the interim dividend. Our progressive dividend policy remains unchanged.
Underlying performance and intra-group trading
In the line of business commentaries that follow, references to "underlying
performance" are to trading performance after adjusting for the estimated impact
of the Concert unwind and business acquisitions and disposals on the line of
business results. Trends in the results of the lines of business are described
by reference to the underlying performance.
The group results have not been adjusted for the pro forma impact of the Concert
There is extensive trading between the lines of business, the effect of which is
eliminated in arriving at the group results. The intra-group turnover and
intra-group costs of BT Retail for comparative periods and the first quarter
ended June 30, 2002 have been restated to reflect changes to the intra-group
trading arrangements.
Second quarter ended Group EBITDA Group operating profit Capital expenditure on
September 30, 2002 (i) Turnover Before exceptional (loss) before goodwill plant, equipment and
Items amortisation and property additions
exceptional items
£m £m £m £m
BT Retail 3,288 439 388 26
BT Wholesale 2,833 990 512 385
BT Ignite 1,267 34 (115) 93
BT Openworld 67 (16) (22) 1
Other 85 31 (34) 54
Intra-group items (ii) (2,879) - - -
Total 4,661 1,478 729 559
Half year ended Group EBITDA Group operating profit Capital expenditure on
September 30, 2002 (i) turnover before exceptional (loss) before goodwill plant, equipment and
items amortisation and property additions
exceptional items
£m £m £m £m
BT Retail 6,463 858 758 46
BT Wholesale 5,583 1,835 885 744
BT Ignite 2,513 44 (245) 187
BT Openworld 132 (38) (46) 2
Other 168 82 (53) 129
Intra-group items (ii) (5,611) - - -
Total 9,248 2,781 1,299 1,108
i. See note 2 on pages 24 and 25 for prior year figures
ii. Includes elimination of turnover between businesses, which is included in
the turnover of the originating business
BT Retail
Second quarter ended September 30 Half year
ended September 30
Better (worse)
2002 2001 Actual Underlying 2002 2001
£m £m % % £m £m
Group turnover 3,288 3,184 (a) 3 1 6,463 6,315 (a)
Gross margin 948 846 12 8 1,906 1,723
Sales, general and 509 531 1,048 1,047
administration costs
EBITDA 439 315 39 39 858 676
Depreciation 51 46 100 91
Operating profit 388 269 44 44 758 585
Capital expenditure 26 18 (44) (44) 46 48
Operating free 413 297 39 39 812 628
cash flow
(a) Internal turnover restated to reflect changes in intra-group trading
(b) Adjusting for the effect of the Concert unwind
Compared to the second quarter of last year, BT Retail increased turnover
by £46 million (1 per cent). Operating profits increased by £119 million (44 per
cent) due to margin improvements and cost reductions.
The estimated impact on BT Retail of integrating the returning Concert
multinational customers and associated sales staff on the reported results for
the second quarter of last year would have been to increase turnover by £58
million (in the product areas of fixed network calls, exchange line connections
and private circuits) and increase gross margin by £34 million. There would have
been no impact on EBITDA and operating profit.
Turnover for the quarter is summarised as follows:
Second quarter ended September 30 Half year
ended September 30
Better (worse)
BT Retail turnover 2002 2001 Actual Underlying 2002 2001
(a) (b) (a)
£m £m % % £m £m
Voice Services
Fixed network calls 1,200 1,217 (1) (2) 2,361 2,392
Analogue lines 772 743 4 4 1,529 1,487
Other 454 433 5 (2) 893 867
2,426 2,393 1 - 4,783 4,746
Intermediate Products
Narrowband access (inc. 215 187 15 12 418 363
Digital private circuits 270 298 (9) (12) 560 606
Other 184 160 15 10 354 317
669 645 4 1 1,332 1,286
New Wave 193 146 32 32 348 283
Total 3,288 3,184 3 1 6,463 6,315
Sales to other BT 458 515 (11) (2) 884 1,038
businesses incl. above
(a) Internal turnover restated to reflect changes in intra-group trading
(b) Adjusting for the effect of the Concert unwind
Turnover from voice services was unchanged from the second quarter of last year,
with growth in the consumer market being offset by a decline in the business
market. Within this, turnover from fixed network calls including outbound
international calls, calls to mobile phones and calls to the internet decreased
by 2 per cent to £1,200 million reflecting a reduction in call volumes. The
effect was partly offset by an increase in revenue from packages such as BT
Together and from analogue line rentals and connections.
The continued success of BT Together and BT Answer 1571 has held the rate
of decline in geographic call volumes in BT Retail to 4 per cent, consistent
with the last quarter. In the second quarter of last year the rate of decline
was 5 per cent. The growth in fixed to mobile call minutes of 7 per cent (5 per
cent in the last quarter), compares to 13 per cent in the second quarter of last
year. Internet related and other non-geographic call minutes declined by 8 per
cent compared to the second quarter of last year mainly due to customers
continuing to switch to either FRIACO (Flat Rate Internet Access Call
Origination) based internet products or, increasingly, broadband.
Within the residential voice market BT Retail has maintained market share
at around 73 per cent as it has done since June 2000. In the business voice
market, excluding the returned Concert businesses, estimates show BT Retail's
market share to be down around 0.5 percentage points since the first quarter to
45 per cent.
Turnover from analogue exchange lines of £772 million increased by 4 per
cent compared to the second quarter of last year as a result of rebalancing
tariff charges. The number of residential voice lines has remained stable.
Other voice services include operator services, directory enquiries,
payphones and chargecards. Turnover from these services decreased by 2 per cent
to £454 million compared to the second quarter of last year.
Turnover from intermediate products of £669 million increased by 1 per cent
compared to the second quarter of last year, despite the continued migration of
customers from retail private circuits to partial private circuits, the effect
of which is estimated at £41 million for the quarter. Narrowband (ISDN) lines
continue to grow and at 3.7 million are 11 per cent higher than last year. Total
business lines grew by 1 per cent reflecting the growth in ISDN lines. Other
services comprise hardware, conferencing and other data services.
New Wave revenue grew by 32 per cent in the quarter as a result of the
continued focus on the information, communications and technology ("ICT"),
broadband and mobility products. The benefit of product launches during the
quarter should contribute to further revenue growth in the second half of the
During the quarter BT Retail announced the next strand of its ICT strategy,
namely the provision of applications management, hosting, mobility and web
services which together with the IP infrastructure portfolio products helped BT
achieve some notable wins: Unilever, Dixons Group and Leisure Link.
BT Retail fully launched its direct broadband product on September 22,
2002. Volumes are being stimulated by an extensive marketing campaign.
September also saw the launch of the BT click&buy micropayments service
which offers customers a secure means of buying digital content on the internet.
At launch, twenty content partners were on-line with a further twenty-five
signed up.
The increase in gross margin of £68 million (1.7 percentage points to 28.8
per cent) compared to the second quarter of last year continues to benefit from
a more favourable traffic mix, value added offers and lower wholesale prices.
The prior year effect of one-off charges relating to regulatory decisions,
totalling £30 million, in the second quarter of last year has also improved the
year on year gross margin.
Cost transformation programmes have generated a 10 per cent saving in
sales, general and administration costs of £56 million against the second
quarter of last year. These savings have been driven by the implementation of
the call centre rationalisation programme, the reduction in business expenses,
lower service payments resulting from improvements in service quality and other
similar cost transformation programmes. On a full year basis these programmes
are expected to deliver £200 million savings in the voice services and
intermediate products.
EBITDA in the second quarter was £124 million (39 per cent) higher than the
prior year which enabled BT Retail to contribute an operating free cash flow
(EBITDA less capital expenditure) of £413 million in the quarter; £116 million
better than the second quarter of last year.
The second quarter saw continued success in achieving our objective of
establishing "clear blue water" against the competition for customer
satisfaction. Customer satisfaction was well ahead in all areas of the business
with Consumer achieving 80 per cent satisfaction (9 per cent ahead of the
competition), Business achieving 67 per cent (3 per cent ahead) and Major
Business achieving 66 per cent (10 per cent ahead).
BT Wholesale
Second quarter ended September 30 Half year
ended September 30
Better (worse)
2002 2001 Actual Underlying* 2002 2001
£m £m % % £m £m
Group turnover 2,833 3,027 (6) - 5,583 6,016
Total operating costs 1,872 2,090 3,808 4,185
before depreciation
Other operating income 29 54 60 120
EBITDA 990 991 - - 1,835 1,951
Depreciation 478 468 950 941
Operating profit 512 523 (2) (2) 885 1,010
Capital expenditure 385 439 12 12 744 884
Operating free 605 552 10 10 1,091 1,067
cash flow
*Adjusting for the effect of the Concert unwind and transfer of a major account
from BT Ignite
BT Wholesale's turnover for the quarter at £2,833 million was flat and
operating profit was 2 per cent lower than the second quarter of last year at
£512 million. Operating free cash flow has continued to improve, showing growth
of 10 per cent, mainly as a result of tight control of capital expenditure.
Second quarter ended September 30 Half year
ended September 30
Better (worse)
BT Wholesale turnover 2002 2001 Actual Underlying* 2002 2001
£m £m % % £m £m
Internal turnover 1,968 2,097 (6) (3) 3,878 4,135
Concert - 148 n/m n/m - 286
UK fixed operators 515 480 7 4 1,020 976
UK mobile operators 350 302 16 16 685 619
Total 2,833 3,027 (6) - 5,583 6,016
*Adjusting for the effect of the Concert unwind and transfer of a major account
from BT Ignite
Turnover was flat due to the adverse market conditions in the
telecommunications sector and a reduction in prices.
External turnover in the quarter of £865 million showed an increase of £66
million (8 per cent) over the second quarter of last year. This partly reflects
the year on year effect of regulatory provisions, made in the second quarter of
last year, for the retrospective effect of the Oftel Number Translation Services
(NTS) determination. This reduced prior year revenues by £22 million.
New business external revenues, including broadband and solutions, at £45
million were 55 per cent higher than the second quarter of last year reflecting,
in part, the significant growth of wholesale ADSL lines of which there were
451,000 as at November 1, 2002.
Within traditional products, the impact of price reductions - due to flat rate
price packages, new Network Charge Control (NCC) pricing formulae and Oftel
determinations - coupled with unfavourable market conditions have continued to
slow turnover growth. Mobile operator originated transit continues to grow
although the effect is partly offset by the decline in fixed operator originated
transit. FRIACO revenues continue to grow but are partly offset by the slow down
in the conveyance revenues they substitute. Also, revenues from retail private
circuits are down, due to migration of customers to lower priced partial private
Internal turnover in the quarter at £1,968 million showed a decrease of £65
million (3 per cent) due to a reduction in both volumes and prices charged to BT
Retail, partly offset by an increase in sales (including ADSL) to other BT lines
of business.
Despite network volume increases, BT Wholesale's operating costs, excluding
depreciation, of £1,872 million were broadly flat against the second quarter of
last year. Full time equivalent staff numbers have reduced by 8 per cent since
the second quarter of last year, the benefit of which is recognised in lower
capital investment and improved operating efficiencies. Leaver costs were £6
million in the second quarter, £5 million higher than last year.
Depreciation at £478 million increased by £10 million (2 per cent) reflecting
the move towards shorter asset lives partly offset by reduced capital
Operating profit decreased by £11 million (2 per cent) whilst operating profit
margins remained stable at 18 per cent.
Capital expenditure at £385 million decreased by £54 million (12 per cent)
reflecting the continued tight control over capital investment.
BT Wholesale has maintained its focus on managed cash costs (operating costs
excluding payments to other network operators and depreciation, plus capital
expenditure). Managed cash costs at £1,436 million decreased by 3 per cent
despite an increase in network volumes. Managed cash cost savings are £133
million, year to date, and BT Wholesale remains on track to achieve the full
year target savings of £200 million after allowing for price and volume effects.
BT Ignite
Second quarter ended September 30 Half year
ended September 30
Better (worse)
2002 2001 Actual Underlying* 2002 2001
£m £m % % £m £m
Group turnover 1,267 1,131 12 1 2,513 2,146
EBITDA 34 34 - n/m 44 70
Group operating loss (115) (87) (32) 25 (245) (165)
Capital expenditure 93 104 11 48 187 246
Operating free cash flow (59) (70) 16 70 (143) (176)
*Adjusting for the effect of the Concert unwind, acquisitions and disposals and
the transfer of a major account to BT Wholesale
BT Ignite made good progress in the quarter with a significant improvement
in underlying profitability and cash flow despite experiencing difficult trading
conditions in the corporate sector and reduced carrier revenues. Underlying
operating losses for the quarter were reduced by 25 per cent on last year.
Underlying turnover for the quarter grew at 1 per cent to £1,267 million. This
includes the impact of a 16 per cent fall in Global Carrier turnover primarily
due to the decline in trade with AT&T and Worldcom following the unwind of the
Concert global venture. Excluding Global Carrier, BT Ignite's turnover grew by 6
per cent. Global Products grew by 10 per cent and Solutions by 9 per cent.
Syntegra has outperformed the declining systems integration market, holding
turnover at around last year's level. European Connectivity turnover fell by 2
per cent to £243 million due mainly to the decline of non-core revenues as BT
Ignite has exited non profitable elements of the SME and consumer markets in
Europe. Growth in core European Connectivity revenues was 5 per cent compared to
the second quarter of last year.
Costs have been managed carefully to compensate for the lower revenue
growth with EBITDA improving by £49 million over the second quarter of last
year. As part of the cost reduction programme approximately 350 people left
under early leaver terms at a cost of £14 million (£5 million last year).
Excluding leaver costs EBITDA was £58 million ahead. All businesses generated an
improvement in EBITDA compared to the second quarter of last year.
European operations have made excellent progress towards their targeted
EBITDA break even run rate by March 31, 2003 with their combined EBITDA
improving by £25 million to a loss of £4 million. The results benefited from one
off credits in the quarter of £3 million. During the second quarter Spain became
the second operation to generate positive EBITDA, following Ireland in the first
The operating loss was £101 million in the quarter before early leaver
costs, a £48 million improvement from the second quarter of last year.
Capital expenditure was £93 million in the quarter, £87 million lower than
the second quarter of last year. As a result, the operating free cash outflow
(EBITDA less capital expenditure) of £59 million was 70 per cent better than the
second quarter of last year.
BT Openworld
Second quarter ended September 30 Half year ended September 30
2002 2001 Better 2002 2001
£m £m % £m £m
Group turnover 67 56 20 132 102
EBITDA (16) (25) 36 (38) (63)
Group operating loss (22) (36) 39 (46) (77)
Capital expenditure 1 3 67 2 5
Operating free cash flow (17) (28) 39 (40) (68)
BT Openworld made further good improvements in turnover, profitability and
cash flow. Turnover for the second quarter was £67 million, an increase of £11
million (20 per cent) on the second quarter of last year. The improvement is
mainly due to growth in new broadband products and continued growth in the core
narrowband product range.
EBITDA loss for the second quarter was £16 million, £9 million (36 per
cent) less than the second quarter of last year and £6 million less than the
previous quarter. Operating losses fell by 39 per cent to £22 million. The
reduced losses reflect economies of scale from increased volumes, in particular
in the narrowband business, which is now EBITDA positive. This is well ahead of
the target date of March 31, 2003.
As at September 30, 2002, BT Openworld had 213,000 broadband customers,
representing approximately 20 per cent of the total UK broadband market.
Cash inflow from operating activities amounted to £1,423 million in the quarter.
This represents a strong conversion of profits into cash with EBITDA of £1,478
million in the quarter. The reported cash inflow last year of £1,433 million in
the quarter was generated from both the continuing and discontinued activities
of the Group.
The cash outflow on fixed asset purchases was £602 million in the quarter which
compares to £804 million from the continuing activities last year. This reflects
the continued management focus and control over capital expenditure. Full year
capital expenditure is expected to be around £2.8 billion.
Free cash flow (before acquisitions and disposals, dividends and financing) was
£552 million in the quarter.
Net debt at September 30, 2002 was £13.1 billion, a reduction of £285 million in
the quarter. BT repaid £381 million of gross borrowings during the quarter,
principally bonds held by Esat, the group's Irish subsidiary.
The group's gross borrowings at September 30, 2002 totalled £16,978 million,
compared with £18,440 million at March 31, 2002. After deducting short term
investments and cash of £3,866 million (£4,739 million at March 31, 2002), net
debt was £13,112 million at September 30, 2002 (£13,701 million at March 31,
In the third quarter the previously announced annual deficiency funding and
special contribution for early leavers' pension costs, totalling approximately
£340 million, will be paid to the BT Pension Scheme. In addition, bond interest
payments of approximately £370 million will be made.
On October 16, 2002, BT agreed to sell its 26 per cent stake in Cegetel for €4.0
billion (£2.5 billion) in cash representing a return of around two and a half
times on the total investment in Cegetel. BT will recognise a profit of
approximately £1.4 billion after taking account of goodwill of £0.9 billion that
had previously been written off directly to reserves. The transaction is
conditional upon relevant regulatory approvals and is expected to complete
during the second half of the year.
A review has been undertaken of the group's London office strategy with a view
to reducing the number of office based staff and the number of office locations
in the London and M25 area. It is anticipated this will require an exceptional
property rationalisation charge of between £150 and £200 million to be
recognised in the third quarter.
On October 8, 2002 the shareholders of Blu SpA agreed to the sale of their
shares to Telecom Italia Mobile. As a result BT expects to write back
approximately £150 million of exceptional charges when the transaction
The half year report, which contains the independent review report of the
auditors, will be advertised in the Financial Times on November 8, 2002.
The third quarter results of BT Group are expected to be announced on February
13, 2003.
for the three months ended September 30, 2002
Continuing activities
Before goodwill Goodwill Total
amortisation and amortisation and
exceptional items except-ional items
(note 7)
(unaudited) Notes £m £m £m
Total turnover 5,094 - 5,094
Group's share of associates and joint ventures (433) - (433)
Group turnover 2 4,661 - 4,661
Other operating income 44 - 44
Operating costs (3,976) (3) (3,979)
Group operating profit (loss) 2 729 (3) 726
Group's share of operating profits of associates 4 66 - 66
and joint ventures
Total operating profit (loss) 795 (3) 792
Loss on sale of fixed asset investments and - (4) (4)
group undertakings
Profit on sale of property fixed assets 3 - 3
Amounts written off investments (7) - (7)
Net interest payable 6 (295) - (295)
Profit (loss) before taxation 496 (7) 489
Taxation (165) - (165)
Profit (loss) after taxation 331 (7) 324
Minority interests (9) - (9)
Profit (loss) attributable to shareholders 322 (7) 315
Earnings per share
- basic 9 3.7p 3.7p
- diluted 3.7p 3.6p
for the three months ended September 30, 2001
Continuing activities
Before goodwill Goodwill Discontinued Total
amortisation and amortisation and activities and
exceptional items except-ional eliminations
items (note 1)
(note 7)
(unaudited) Notes £m £m £m £m
Total turnover 5,487 - 774 6,261
Group's share of associates and joint (1,087) - (27) (1,114)
ventures turnover
Trading between group and principal 157 - - 157
joint venture
Group turnover 2 4,557 - 747 5,304
Other operating income 3 74 - (2) 72
Operating costs (3,974) (123) (935) (5,032)
Group operating profit (loss) 2 657 (123) (190) 344
Group's share of operating profits 4 9 (825) 2 (814)
(losses) of associates and joint
Total operating profit (loss) 666 (948) (188) (470)
Profit on sale of fixed asset - 2 9 11
investments and group undertakings
Profit on sale of property fixed assets 7 - - 7
Amounts written off investments - (535) - (535)
Net interest payable 6 (352) - (10) (362)
Profit (loss) before taxation 321 (1,481) (189) (1,349)
Taxation (115) (2) (10) (127)
Profit (loss) after taxation 206 (1,483) (199) (1,476)
Minority interests (1) - - (1)
Profit (loss) attributable to 205 (1,483) (199) (1,477)
Earnings (loss) per share 9
- basic 2.4p (17.3)p
- diluted 2.4p (17.3)p
for the six months ended September 30, 2002
Continuing activities
Before goodwill Goodwill Total
amortisation and amortisation and
exceptional items except-ional items
(note 7)
(unaudited) Notes £m £m £m
Total turnover 10,092 - 10,092
Group's share of associates and joint ventures (844) - (844)
Group turnover 2 9,248 - 9,248
Other operating income 96 - 96
Operating costs (8,045) (11) (8,056)
Group operating profit (loss) 2 1,299 (11) 1,288
Group's share of operating profits of 4 115 - 115
associates and joint ventures
Total operating profit (loss) 1,414 (11) 1,403
Profit on sale of fixed asset investments and 5 - 66 66
group undertakings
Profit on sale of property fixed assets 6 - 6
Amounts written off investments (7) - (7)
Net interest payable 6 (595) - (595)
Profit before taxation 818 55 873
Taxation (272) - (272)
Profit after taxation 546 55 601
Minority interests (11) - (11)
Profit attributable to shareholders 535 55 590
Dividends 8 (194)
Retained profit for the period 396
Earnings per share 9
- basic 6.2p 6.9p
- diluted 6.2p 6.8p
for the six months ended September 30, 2001
Continuing activities
Before goodwill Goodwill Discontinued Total
amortisation and amortisation and activities and
exceptional items except-ional eliminations
items (note 1)
(note 7)
(unaudited) Notes £m £m £m £m
Total turnover 10,921 - 2,394 13,315
Group's share of associates and joint (2,188) - (691) (2,879)
ventures turnover
Trading between group and principal 322 - - 322
joint venture
Group turnover 2 9,055 - 1,703 10,758
Other operating income 3 167 - 1 168
Operating costs (7,872) (166) (2,044) (10,082)
Group operating profit (loss) 2 1,350 (166) (340) 844
Group's share of operating profits 4 (43) (843) 62 (824)
(losses) of associates and joint
Total operating profit (loss) 1,307 (1,009) (278) 20
Profit on sale of fixed asset - 129 4,366 4,495
investments and group undertakings
Profit on sale of property fixed assets 12 - - 12
Amounts written off investments - (535) - (535)
Net interest payable 6 (798) - (38) (836)
Profit (loss) before taxation 521 (1,415) 4,050 3,156
Taxation (221) 2 (53) (272)
Profit (loss) after taxation 300 (1,413) 3,997 2,884
Minority interests (1) - (13) (14)
Profit (loss) attributable to 299 (1,413) 3,984 2,870
Earnings per share 9
- basic 3.7p 35.8p
- diluted 3.7p 35.5p
for the three months and six months ended September 30, 2002
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
(unaudited) £m £m £m £m
Net cash inflow from operating 1,423 1,433 2,735 2,687
activities (note 10)
Dividends from associates and joint 1 1 1 1
Net cash outflow for returns on (235) (138) (606) (679)
investments and servicing of finance
Taxation paid (58) (144) (146) (238)
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (602) (1,204) (1,269) (2,240)
Net sale of fixed asset investments 1 55 1 70
Sale of tangible fixed assets 22 21 42 138
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (579) (1,128) (1,226) (2,032)
and financial investments
Acquisitions (105) (32) (127) (974)
Disposals - 383 128 6,393
Net cash inflow (outflow) for (105) 351 1 5,419
acquisitions and disposals
Equity dividends paid (173) - (173) -
Cash inflow before use of liquid 274 375 586 5,158
resources and financing
Management of liquid resources 334 3,878 1,117 (3,959)
Issue of ordinary share capital - 107 42 5,983
New loans 17 1 20 2
Repayment of loans (381) (499) (1,467) (789)
Net movement on short-term borrowings - (4,365) (64) (6,297)
Net cash outflow from financing (364) (4,756) (1,469) (1,101)
Increase (decrease) in cash 244 (503) 234 98
Decrease in net debt from cash flows 274 482 628 11,141
(note 11)
at September 30, 2002
September 30 March 31
2002 2001 2002
(unaudited) (note 1)
£m £m £m
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 230 18,557 252
Tangible assets 15,995 21,748 16,078
Investments 946 1,797 1,221
17,171 42,102 17,551
Current assets
Stocks 104 253 111
Debtors 5,384 6,186 5,272
Investments 3,748 6,973 4,581
Cash at bank and in hand 118 404 158
9,354 13,816 10,122
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Loans and other borrowings 1,584 6,202 2,195
Other creditors 7,180 8,239 7,195
8,764 14,441 9,390
Net current assets (liabilities) 590 (625) 732
Total assets less current liabilities 17,761 41,477 18,283
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
Loans and other borrowings 15,394 17,704 16,245
Provisions for liabilities and charges (note 12) 2,304 2,763 2,324
Minority interests 67 78 72
Capital and reserves (note 13)
Called up share capital 434 9,890 434
Reserves (438) 11,042 (792)
Total equity shareholders' funds (deficiency) (4) 20,932 (358)
17,761 41,477 18,283
1 Basis of preparation
The unaudited interim results of BT Group, which are not statutory accounts,
have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the
report and accounts of BT Group plc for the year ended March 31, 2002. Figures
for the year ended March 31, 2002 are extracts from the group accounts for that
The group accounts for the year ended March 31, 2002, on which the auditors
issued an unqualified report which did not contain a statement under Section 237
(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985, have been delivered to the Registrar of
The activities of mmO2, Japan Telecom, J-Phone Communications, Airtel and Yell
were disposed of in the year ended March 31, 2002, and are shown as discontinued
operations in the profit and loss account for the comparative periods. The
eliminations are intra-group eliminations.
2 Results of businesses
The tables below show the results of BT's lines of business. There is extensive
trading between many of the business units and profitability is dependent on the
transfer price levels. These intra-group trading arrangements are subject to
review and have changed in certain instances. Comparative figures were restated
for these changes during the first quarter.
During the second quarter, the intra-group turnover and intra-group costs of BT
Retail for comparative periods and the first quarter ended June 30, 2002 have
been further restated to reflect refinements to the intra-group trading
arrangements. This has no impact on the group results.
2 Results of businesses continued
(a) Operating results
Group turnover EBITDA before Group operating profit
exceptional items (loss) before goodwill
amortisation and
exceptional items
£m £m £m
Second quarter ended
September 30, 2002
BT Retail 3,288 439 388
BT Wholesale 2,833 990 512
BT Ignite 1,267 34 (115)
BT Openworld 67 (16) (22)
Other 85 31 (34)
Intra-group items (ii) (2,879) - -
Total before exceptional items 4,661 1,478 729
Second quarter ended
September 30, 2001 (i)
BT Retail 3,184 315 269
BT Wholesale 3,027 991 523
BT Ignite 1,131 34 (87)
BT Openworld 56 (25) (36)
Other 69 70 (12)
Intra-group items (ii) (2,910) - -
Total continuing activities before exceptional items 4,557 1,385 657
Discontinued activities 1,062 71 (94)
Intra-group items (ii) (315) - -
Total before exceptional items 5,304 1,456 563
2 Results of businesses continued
(a) Operating results continued
Group turnover EBITDA before Group operating profit
exceptional items (loss) before goodwill
amortisation and
exceptional items
£m £m £m
Half year ended
September 30, 2002
BT Retail 6,463 858 758
BT Wholesale 5,583 1,835 885
BT Ignite 2,513 44 (245)
BT Openworld 132 (38) (46)
Other 168 82 (53)
Intra-group items (ii) (5,611) - -
Total before exceptional items 9,248 2,781 1,299
Half year ended
September 30, 2001 (i)
BT Retail 6,315 676 585
BT Wholesale 6,016 1,951 1,010
BT Ignite 2,146 70 (165)
BT Openworld 102 (63) (77)
Other 173 174 (3)
Intra-group items (ii) (5,697) - -
Total continuing activities before exceptional items 9,055 2,808 1,350
Discontinued activities 2,270 176 (152)
Intra-group items (ii) (567) - -
Total before exceptional items 10,758 2,984 1,198
(i) The results of the lines of business for the quarter ended September 30,
2001 and the half year ended September 30, 2001 have been restated to reflect
changes to intra-group trading arrangements.
(ii) Includes elimination of intra-group turnover between businesses which
is included in the total turnover of the originating business.
2 Results of businesses continued
BT Ignite analysis
Second quarter ended Half year
September 30 ended September 30
Better (worse)
Before goodwill amortisation 2002 2001 Actual 2002 2001
and exceptional items £m £m % Underlying (i) £m £m
Group turnover
Solutions 475 434 9 9 919 844
Syntegra 143 145 (1) - 285 288
Global Products 459 379 21 10 899 737
Global Carrier 247 64 286 (16) 499 124
Other and eliminations (57) 109 (89) 153
1,267 1,131 12 1 2,513 2,146
European connectivity included 243 248 (2) (2) 490 473
Solutions 45 31 83 69
Syntegra 5 3 8 5
Global Products (27) 5 (64) (6)
Global Carrier 34 5 76 4
Other (ii) (23) (10) (59) (2)
34 34 - n/m 44 70
European connectivity included (4) (29) (19) (53)
Group operating
profit (loss)
Solutions 26 11 47 29
Syntegra 2 1 3 -
Global Products (123) (51) (253) (115)
Global Carrier 13 (11) 32 (29)
Other (ii) (33) (37) (74) (50)
(115) (87) (32) 25 (245) (165)
European connectivity included (43) (68) (101) (131)
Capital expenditure 93 104 11 48 187 246
Operating free cash flow (59) (70) 16 70 (143) (176)
(i) Adjusted for the effect of the Concert unwind, acquisitions and
disposals and the transfer of a major account to BT Wholesale.
(ii) Other is after charging leaver costs of £14 million in the second
quarter (£5 million last year) and £39 million (£5 million last year) in the
half year ended September 30, 2002.
BT Ignite's comparative figures for the segmental results have been reclassified
to reflect the new internal financial reporting lines that were introduced with
effect from March 31, 2002.
2 Results of businesses continued
(b) Capital expenditure on plant, equipment and motor vehicle additions
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
BT Retail 26 18 46 48
BT Wholesale 385 439 744 884
BT Ignite 93 104 187 246
BT Openworld 1 3 2 5
Other 54 96 129 182
Total continuing activities 559 660 1,108 1,365
Discontinued activities - 339 - 624
Total 559 999 1,108 1,989
(c) Net operating assets (liabilities)
September 30 March 31
2002 2002
£m £m
BT Retail (141) (187)
BT Wholesale 12,117 12,163
BT Ignite 1,510 1,486
BT Openworld (37) (28)
Other 926 900
Total 14,375 14,334
Note: Net operating assets (liabilities) comprise tangible and
intangible fixed assets, stocks, debtors less creditors (excluding loans
and other borrowings) and provisions for liabilities and charges
(excluding deferred tax). The March 31, 2002 comparatives have been
restated to reflect changes to the method of allocating central balances
to the lines of business.
3 Other operating income
In the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2001 other operating income
included income from the provision of administration services to the Concert
global venture of £28m and £70m, respectively.
4 Group's share of profits (losses) of associates and joint ventures
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
Share of operating profits (losses) before 66 9 115 (43)
goodwill amortisation and exceptional items
Provision for impairment of Concert - (806) - (806)
tangible fixed assets and goodwill, and
share of redundancy and unwind costs
Provision for impairment of other - (10) - (10)
associates and joint ventures assets and
Amortisation of goodwill - (9) - (27)
Share of operating profits (losses) of 66 (816) 115 (886)
continuing associates and joint ventures
Discontinued activities - 2 - 62
Total share of operating profits (losses) 66 (814) 115 (824)
of associates and joint ventures
5 Profit on sale of fixed asset investments and group undertakings
The profit in the six months ended September 30, 2002 of £66m is mainly
attributable to the sale of BSkyB shares.
6 Net interest payable
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
Group 343 460 678 975
Joint ventures and associates 6 35 16 77
Total interest payable 349 495 694 1,052
Interest receivable (54) (133) (99) (216)
Net interest payable 295 362 595 836
Continuing activities 295 352 595 798
Discontinued activities - 10 - 38
295 362 595 836
7 Exceptional items and goodwill amortisation
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
Attributable to continuing activities:
Impairment of Concert and AT&T Canada - (1,153) - (1,153)
Impairment of other investments and related - (221) - (221)
Costs related to mmO2 demerger - (68) - (82)
Profit (loss) on sale of group undertakings (4) 2 66 129
and fixed asset investments
Goodwill amortisation (3) (41) (11) (88)
Net credit (charge) before tax and minority (7) (1,481) 55 (1,415)
Attributable to discontinued activities:
Profit on sale of group undertakings and - 9 - 4,366
fixed asset investments
mmO2 demerger costs - (6) - (6)
Goodwill amortisation - (90) - (194)
Net credit (charge) before tax and minority - (87) - 4,166
Total exceptional items and goodwill (7) (1,568) 55 2,751
8 Dividends
Half year Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
pence per share £m £m
Interim dividend 2.25 - 194 -
9 Earnings per share
The basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit attributable
to shareholders by the average number of shares in issue after deducting the
company's shares held by employee share ownership trusts. In calculating the
diluted earnings per share, share options outstanding and other potential
ordinary shares have been taken into account.
The average number of shares in the periods were:
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
million of shares million of shares
Basic 8,613 8,530 8,609 8,021
Diluted 8,649 8,578 8,659 8,086
10 Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
Group operating profit 726 344 1,288 844
Depreciation and amortisation 752 1,031 1,493 2,045
Changes in working capital (93) 96 (88) (212)
Provision movements and other 38 (38) 42 10
Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,423 1,433 2,735 2,687
11 Net debt
(a) Analysis
At September 30 At March 31
2002 2001 2002
£m £m £m
Long-term loans and other borrowings falling due 15,394 17,704 16,245
after more than one year
Short-term borrowings and long-term loans and other 1,584 6,202 2,195
borrowings falling due within one year
Total debt 16,978 23,906 18,440
Short-term investments (3,748) (6,973) (4,581)
Cash at bank (118) (404) (158)
Net debt at end of period 13,112 16,529 13,701
11 Net debt continued
(b) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
Net debt at beginning of period 13,397 17,481 13,701 27,942
Decrease in net debt resulting from (274) (482) (628) (11,141)
cash flows
Net debt assumed or issued on acquisitions - - (13) (15)
Currency and other movements (16) 174 17 27
Other non-cash movements 5 (644) 35 (284)
Net debt at end of period 13,112 16,529 13,112 16,529
12 Provisions for liabilities and charges
Second quarter Year ended
ended September 30 March 31
2002 2001 2002
£m £m £m
Deferred taxation 2,146 2,276 2,140
Pension provisions (a) 33 372 29
Other provisions 125 115 155
2,304 2,763 2,324
(a) The pension provision relating to the BT Pension Scheme of £351m at
September 30, 2001 has moved into a prepayment of £231m at September 30, 2002
and is included in debtors.
13 Share capital and reserves
Share capital Reserves Total
£m £m £m
Balances at April 1, 2002 434 (792) (358)
Profit for the six months ended September 30, 2002 - 590 590
Dividend - (194) (194)
Goodwill written back on disposals - 6 6
Currency movements (a) - (48) (48)
Balances at September 30, 2002 434 (438) (4)
(a) Net of £7m movement on the retranslation of foreign borrowings and other
hedging instruments in the six months ended September 30, 2002.
14 Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
£m £m £m £m
Group operating profit before exceptional 726 441 1,288 955
Depreciation 749 893 1,482 1,786
Amortisation 3 122 11 243
EBITDA before exceptional items 1,478 1,456 2,781 2,984
Continuing activities 1,478 1,385 2,781 2,808
Discontinued activities - 71 - 176
Total before exceptional items 1,478 1,456 2,781 2,984
15 United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
The results set out above have been prepared in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United Kingdom. The table below sets out
the results calculated in accordance with United States Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles.
Second quarter Half year
ended September 30 ended September 30
2002 2001 2002 2001
Net income (loss) attributable to 514 (1,046) 725 2,705
shareholders (£ million) including
discontinued activities and exceptional
Earnings (loss) per ADS (£)
- basic 0.60 (1.23) 0.84 3.37
- diluted 0.59 (1.23) 0.84 3.35
Each American Depositary Share (ADS) represents 10 ordinary shares of BT Group plc.
Shareholders' equity, calculated in accordance with United States Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles, is £3,798m deficiency at September 30, 2002
(September 30, 2001 - £18,538m surplus, March 31, 2002 - £4,247m deficiency).
Forward-looking statements - caution advised
Certain statements in this results release are forward-looking and are made
in reliance on the safe harbour provisions of the US Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, without limitation,
those concerning: expectations regarding broadband growth and the benefits of
other new wave initiatives; the possible or assumed future results of operations
of BT and/or its lines of business; dividend cover and the group's cash
position; expectations regarding revenue growth, capital expenditure, investment
plans, cost reductions, return on capital employed and pension funding; the sale
of Blu SpA; the disposal of Cegetel and net debt.
Although BT Group believes that the expectations reflected in these
forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that these
expectations will prove to have been correct. Because these statements involve
risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those
expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
Factors that could cause differences between actual results and those
implied by the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to:
material adverse changes in economic conditions in the markets served by BT and
its lines of business; future regulatory actions and conditions in BT's
operating areas, including competition from others in the UK and other
international communications markets; selection by BT and its lines of business
of the appropriate trading and marketing models for its products and services;
fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates;
technological innovations, including the cost of developing new products and the
need to increase expenditures for improving the quality of service; prolonged
adverse weather conditions resulting in a material increase in overtime, staff
or other costs; developments in the convergence of technologies; the anticipated
benefits and advantages of new technologies, products and services, including
broadband and other new wave initiatives, not being realised; the timing of
entry and profitability of BT and its lines of business in certain communication
markets; significant changes in market shares for BT and its principal products
and services; to the extent that BT chooses to sell assets or minority interests
in its subsidiaries, prevailing market levels for such sales; general financial
market conditions affecting BT's performance; the reintegration of Concert; and
the outcome of the actuarial funding valuation as at December 31, 2002. BT Group
undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange