BT wireless customer results

British Telecommunications PLC 9 July 2001 July 9, 2001 BT WIRELESS REPORTS CUSTOMER AND MOBILE DATA GROWTH BT WIRELESS SETS NEW REPORTING BENCHMARK * BT wireless achieves first fiscal quarter organic growth of 3.1 per cent active customers * Genie customers grow 41% over the last quarter, to 5.5 million registered accounts * BT wireless today sets the new benchmark for reporting - for the first time, only active prepay customers are reported END JUNE 2001 Operator Pre-pay Post-pay Active % growth in active customer base active customer base from 31 March 2001 (000's) (000's) (000's) (like-for-like basis) BT 7,455 3,435 10,890 2.8 Cellnet VIAG 1,654 1,724 3,378 3.8 Interkom Telfort 636 199 835 5.3 Esat 655 342 997 2.5 Digifone Manx 14 19 33 3.1 TOTAL 10,414 5,719 16,133 3.1 BT wireless reports today active subscriber growth of 3.1% for the three months ended June 2001, and applies a new benchmark focussed on reporting active customers for the first time. It expects other networks will in due course also apply and adjust customer numbers to set a welcome new industry standard. As a result of the decision taken by BT wireless, inactive prepay customers registrations and related handsets sales have been eliminated from the reporting of the customer bases of all the BT wireless operations. It believes the overriding priority is to drive value and profitable growth and eliminate the reporting of all inactive pre-pay customers. From today, BT wireless will define pre-pay customers as active if they have used the network within the last three months. There is no effect on contract post-pay customer numbers. The number of post-pay customers and active pre-pay customers will be described as the active customer base. For the three months ended June 2001, BT wireless added 492,000 new customers to its active customer base across its four key wholly-owned businesses, BT Cellnet, VIAG Interkom, Telfort and Esat Digifone, an aggregate increase of 3.1 per cent, on a like-for-like basis. BT wireless now has an active customer base of 16.133 million comprising 10.414 million pre-pay customers and 5.719 million post-pay customers. BTwireless' success in the mobile data market has resulted in 5.5 million registered accounts at Genie, its leading mobile Internet portal, a 41 per cent increase of new registrations over the last quarter (ended 31 March 2001). Genie has also shown a strong usage growth of 37 per cent to reach a monthly average of 103 million WAP page impressions. Further evidence of the BT wireless drive into mobile data is provided by its Telfort/Postbank partnership, an innovative mobile banking service in the Netherlands. More than 500,000 Postbank customers have already registered for pre-pay handsets following the launch of this promotion during the quarter. These subscribers, when connected, will be included in future reports of BT wireless' or Telfort's customer figures. Peter Erskine, chief executive officer of BT wireless, said: 'This is a seminal year for BT wireless. Today's announcement sets a new benchmark for reporting and shows our commitment to higher quality and profitable customer growth, part of our focus as a demerged business. The change in our reporting base is a logical and important step to help our stakeholders clearly understand the underlying trends both in our business and the wireless market as a whole.' 'The adjustment in our figures confirm our active customer base and as a result we are well placed to grow profitably in a market where the pace of overall customer growth is slowing. I am also delighted we continue to leverage our strengths in mobile data.' BT Cellnet BT Cellnet, the UK arm of BT wireless, has a total of 10.9 million active customers consisting of 7.5 million active pre-pay customers and 3.4 million post-pay customers. BT Cellnet added 301,000 active customers, an increase of 2.8 per cent over the last quarter. VIAG Interkom In Germany, VIAG Interkom continues to grow. VIAG Interkom has a total of 3.4 million active customers: 1.7 million active pre-pay and 1.7 million post-pay customers. VIAG Interkom added 124,000 new customers, achieving a 3.8 per cent growth in its active customer base since the end of March. Telfort In the Netherlands, Telfort has 835,000 active customers: 636,000 active pre-pay and 199,000 post-pay customers. Telfort grew its active customer base by 5.3 per cent since the end of March 2001, adding 42,000 new customers over the last quarter. Esat Digifone Esat Digifone has 997,000 active customers in Ireland: 655,000 active pre-pay and 342,000 post-pay customers. Esat Digifone added 24,000 active customers achieving growth of 2.5 per cent in its active customer base since the end of March 2001. Notes to Editors BT wireless has a European footprint of cohesive wholly-owned operations in the UK (BT Cellnet), Germany (Viag Interkom), The Netherlands (Telfort), the Republic of Ireland (Esat Digifone), and the Isle of Man (Manx Telecom). BT wireless also includes Genie, which is one of Europe's leading mobile Internet portals. BT wireless owns third generation licences to operate 3G mobile services in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands - all territories where it has already launched GPRS services. We expect to apply for a 3G licence in Ireland where the application process is expected to commence shortly. BT announced on May 10 that it intends to de-merge BT wireless before the end of this year. -------------------- Inquiries about this news release should be made to the BT Group Newsroom on its 24-hour number: 020 7356 5369. From outside the UK, dial + 44 20 7356 5369, or to Derek Bainbridge/Fiona Fong, Brunswick, 020 7404 5959 All BT group news releases can be accessed at our web site: Appendix: BT Wireless Customers for quarter to June 30th 2001 Customer registrations at March 31st 2001 (000's) Pre pay Post pay Total BT Cellnet 7707 3455 11162 Viag Interkom 2026 1694 3720 Telfort 744 176 920 ESAT Digifone 727 332 1059 BT Wireless 11204 5657 16861 Active Customers at March 31st 2001 (000's) Pre pay Post pay Total BT Cellnet 7134 3455 10589 Viag Interkom 1560 1694 3254 Telfort 617 176 793 ESAT Digifone 641 332 973 BT Wireless 9952 5657 15609 Active Customers at June 30th 2001 (000's) Pre pay Post pay Total BT Cellnet 7455 3435 10890 Viag Interkom 1654 1724 3378 Telfort 636 199 835 ESAT Digifone 655 342 997 BT Wireless 10400 5700 16100 Net additions to active base in quarter to June 30th 2001 (000's) Pre pay Post pay Total BT Cellnet 321 (20) 301 Viag Interkom 94 30 124 Telfort 19 23 42 ESAT Digifone 14 10 24 BT Wireless 448 43 491


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