Local Loop Unbundling

British Telecommunications PLC 10 November 2000 BT GOES THE EXTRA MILE ON LOCAL LOOP UNBUNDLING BT today put forward a new plan for more rapid progress in local loop unbundling (LLU), with the aim of delivering widespread availability earlier. At an Oftel forum attended by representatives of other UK telecommunications operators, BT made firm proposals developed in the light of experience gained working with the industry. LLU is intended to enable other operators to rent BT's local lines and run their own services over them. The plan provides opportunities for the industry to work with BT to launch LLU in an initial 600 exchange areas progressively between January and June 2001, using a combination of facilities within BT exchanges and in nearby buildings. Ian Morfett, BT's director, regulatory affairs, said: 'BT is working flat out on the complex process of unbundling. It has delivered all its commitments to date in a challenging programme and is determined to maintain that record. We need the rest of the industry to play its part in turn to meet our common objectives. 'We have always said that we would examine ways to speed unbundling, if and when we were confident that it could be done successfully. 'The past month's experience is significant in giving us a fuller understanding of what is practicable. 'Our proposals will substantially boost early availability of unbundling. The UK already has more competing local loop infrastructure than anywhere else in Europe, and this package will position the UK firmly as one of the leading European countries in the practical delivery of LLU. We see significant commercial value in LLU across Europe and expect it to bring exciting opportunities for our ventures in other EU countries.' NOTES TO EDITORS Increased availability in early months BT expects unbundling in at least 600 exchange areas (190 where operators have equipment in BT exchanges and 410 where operators have equipment in adjacent buildings) to become available progressively from January to June 2000. This could mean as many as 2000 points of presence (POPs) by June for new entrants. Each POP is one new operator's connection in one exchange area. For example, if five new operators each had unbundling facilities in 100 exchange areas, the result would be 500 new POPs. BT proposes adding a new phase to LLU from January, in advance of the availability of automated order processing and provisioning which will be provided by the planned full strategic operational support system (OSS). The new phase will allow lines to be unbundled earlier in the process for all operators who have established location. This phase will be partly manual, and partly supported by a short-term tactical OSS development. BT has also put forward proposals that will: * significantly speed up the initial surveying of popular exchanges * reduce delays in scheduling building work * provide penalty payments for late delivery Industry trials LLU trials are proceeding ahead of original expectations. BT plans to work closely with the triallists whose co-location facilities are complete before the end of 2000 to provide unbundled lines which will allow technical trials and valuable advance testing of the delivery processes before January 2001. Currently the first facilities are expected to be ready by mid-November, with initial unbundled loops to follow. Use of nearby buildings Unbundling can be achieved either by physically siting operators' equipment in BT's exchanges (co-location) or by siting the equipment in nearby buildings and connecting it by tie cable to BT's main distribution frames (distant or adjacent location). Of the 381 exchange sites which have so far had initial surveys at the request of operators, nine out of ten are available for co-location for at least some operators. Using nearby buildings can potentially enable every operator that wants it to have access to the lines in any given exchange area. With some BT exchange buildings having insufficient space to pack in the numbers of operators who have expressed interest, using adjacent buildings is one of the most effective paths to greater availability of LLU. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inquiries about this news release should be made to the BT Group Newsroom on its 24-hour number: 020 7356 5369. From outside the UK, dial + 44 20 7356 5369. All news releases can be accessed at our web site: http://www.bt.com/mediacentre


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