Restructure Proposals

British Telecommunications PLC 10 May 2001 NR0120 May 10, 2001 British Telecommunications public limited company ('BT') NOT FOR RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION OR PUBLICATION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES 3 FOR 10 RIGHTS ISSUE AT 300p PER SHARE TO RAISE £5.9 BILLION AND DEMERGER OF BT WIRELESS Highlights: * 3 for 10 Rights Issue to raise £5.9 billion * The issue price of 300p represents a discount of 47 per cent. to the closing middle market price of BT ordinary shares on 9 May 2001 * Decision to create two strong and separately quoted businesses, BT Wireless and Future BT * Sale or demerger of Yell * Good progress made in debt reduction with £5.5 billion of disposals already agreed * Dividend payments halted for the time being Sir Christopher Bland, Chairman of BT, said: 'It will require determined and rapid action by management to achieve the transformation of BT; we have made a good start, the culture is changing, and I am confident that we can complete the process in the best interests of our shareholders, customers and staff.' Sir Peter Bonfield, Chief Executive of BT, said: 'These actions will provide shareholders with ownership of two strong, tightly focused, independent businesses, one high growth and the other well established and cash generative. We have tightened our geographic focus to the UK and Western European growth markets and our disposal programme is going well and according to plan. 'BT Wireless's demerger represents an opportunity for BT's shareholders to participate directly in the growth of mobile telecoms. The business is based on 100 per cent. ownership positions in four markets which together make up 40 per cent. of Western European the real differentiator of Genie. BT Wireless will start life as an independent company from an exciting position. 'In Future BT, which has a customer base of 22 million, we shall build on our leadership position and develop our presence through four strong operating businesses. Our key goal is to bring new partnerships and services to a larger customer base. 'We have announced that we have agreed to sell interests in Japan, Spain and, in principle, Malaysia for a total of almost £5 billion. With the sale or demerger of Yell, together with property sales, there is the possibility of more to come. Today we are announcing a £5.9 billion rights issue which will enable us to implement these structural changes. These announcements show real momentum in Future BT going forward.' The Group also announces today its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2001. A presentation to analysts will take place at 9.00 am today and a presentation to the media at 11.30 am at the offices of BT, 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ. ENQUIRIES: BT Media enquiries: Robin Pauley Telephone +44 20 7356 6540 Group Communications Director Tim Johns Telephone +44 20 7356 5365 Director, Media Relations BT Group Newsroom 24-hr number Telephone +44 20 7356 5369 Investor Relations enquiries: Telephone +44 20 7356 5065 John Brougham Director, Investor Relations CAZENOVE & CO. LTD Telephone:+44 20 7588 2828 David Mayhew Robert Pickering MERRILL LYNCH INTERNATIONAL Telephone:+44 20 7628 1000 Philip Yates Mike Gibson BRUNSWICK Telephone: +44 20 7404 5959 Alan Parker Jon Coles This announcement is issued by British Telecommunications public limited company ('BT') and the Directors of BT are the persons responsible for the information contained in this announcement. The contents of this announcement, which has been issued by, and is the sole responsibility of, BT, has been approved by Cazenove & Co. Ltd and Merrill Lynch International, which are regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority, solely for the purposes of Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986. Neither this announcement nor the information contained herein is for reference, publication or distribution in whole or in part in or into the United States. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of US securities laws. Prices and values of, and income from, shares may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. It should be noted that past performance is no guide to future performance. Persons needing advice should consult an independent financial adviser. This announcement does not constitute, or form part of, an offer or any solicitation of an offer, for securities, and any purchase of, or application for shares in the Rights Issue should only be made on the basis of the information contained in the prospectus dated 10 May 2001 and any supplement thereto and issued in connection with the Rights Issue. This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States unless they are registered or are exempt from registration. BT intends to register a portion of the securities to be issued in the rights issue in the United States. The public offering of rights to subscribe for new BT Shares or new BT ADSs is being made in the United States by means of a prospectus containing or incorporating by reference detailed information about BT and its management, as well as financial statements. Copies of the prospectus may be obtained from BT. British Telecommunications public limited company ('BT') NOT FOR RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION OR PUBLICATION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES 3 for 10 Rights Issue at 300p per share to raise £5.9 billion and demerger of BT Wireless. INTRODUCTION BT announces that it is proposing to raise approximately £5.9 billion, net of expenses, by the issue of up to 1.976 billion new BT Shares at a price of 300 pence per share. The issue is being made by way of a rights issue to Qualifying Shareholders on the basis of 3 new BT Shares for every 10 existing BT Shares held at the close of business on 9 May 2001. The Issue Price of 300 pence per new BT Share represents a 47 per cent. discount to the closing middle market price of 568.5 pence per BT Share on 9 May 2001, the last business day before the announcement of the Rights Issue. The Rights Issue is not being underwritten. Cazenove & Co. Ltd is sole sponsor to the Rights Issue. Joint brokers and Joint financial advisers to the Rights Issue are Cazenove & Co. Ltd and Merrill Lynch International. BT is also announcing proposals to transform the Group structure including: * the positioning of Future BT as a focused European network and retail business which will include BT Retail, BTopenworld, BT Wholesale and BT Ignite with Concert providing international connectivity; and * the intention to demerge BT Wireless, which will principally comprise BT's wholly owned wireless businesses. BACKGROUND TO AND REASONS FOR THE RIGHTS ISSUE BT is one of Europe's leading communications companies offering high quality innovative voice, broadband, data, internet and wireless services. Over the past 18 months, BT has made significant cash investments in pursuit of growth opportunities. BT has obtained 3G wireless licences in the key markets of the UK, Germany and The Netherlands, and has built new IP broadband networks in the UK and elsewhere in Europe. BT has taken full control of its fixed and wireless operations in Germany and The Netherlands, and acquired Esat Telecom and Esat Digifone in the Republic of Ireland. These investments have substantially increased its net debt position from approximately £8.7 billion on 31 March 2000 to approximately £27.9 billion on 31 March 2001. Recognising the increasingly diversified nature of its activities, during 2000 BT embarked on a process of structural change, moving away from a geographically based organisational structure to one which emphasises accountability by separate lines of business. BT's objectives were to enable each line of its business to focus on its own strategic goals and the needs of its customers and furthermore to allow it to respond more effectively to the rapidly changing nature of its markets. In July 2000, BT created the following lines of business alongside its UK communications services business: * BT Wireless - an international mobile business, with particular strengths in mobile voice, data and next generation services; * BT Ignite - an international data-centric, broadband IP and internet solutions business focused on corporate and wholesale markets; * BTopenworld - a mass-market internet business focused increasingly on broadband services; and * Yell - an international directories and e-commerce business. In October 2000, management of the UK communications services business was split as follows: * BT Retail - the UK's leading communications business and the prime UK channel to market for BT's other businesses; and * BT Wholesale - the provider of network services and solutions to communication companies, network operators and service providers, including BT Retail, BT Wireless and BT Ignite. These six businesses operate alongside Concert, the global joint venture with AT&T launched in January 2000, which is a leading global communications provider for multinational business customers, international carriers and ISPs. In November 2000, BT announced details of the Group's restructuring plan which was drawn up following the identification of the potential benefits which should follow from a separation of the Group into a number of operating units with defined management accountability. BT recognised the merits of separate stock market listings, following such restructuring, to improve the focus on value generation through the creation of distinct equity for each quoted entity. BT's plan was to optimise the positioning of its individual businesses within its respective markets. BT said it would focus on Western Europe and Japan and seek separate listings for up to 25 per cent. of BT Wireless and Yell and a possible separate listing of BT Ignite, to be reviewed by the end of 2001. In addition, BT described proposals to create a new holding company to enhance corporate flexibility and provide scope for further subsidiary listings where advantageous to shareholders. BT also detailed plans to create a new network company, Netco, which would be both structurally and managerially separate. Following this corporate reorganisation, and subject to the satisfactory outcome of necessary discussions with the Government and Oftel, BT's intention was to seek a separate listing for up to 25 per cent. of Netco. During 2000, BT borrowed to finance acquisitions with the intention of reducing the level of indebtedness by asset sales and other means. BT identified the need to introduce new equity capital into the business to support the reduction in the unsustainable level of Group debt, and BT indicated its intention to raise new equity through the sale of minority stakes, notably of BT Wireless. BT's aim was to reduce the net debt of the Group by December 2001 by at least £10 billion using the cash proceeds from the issue of equity in these various IPOs, together with the proceeds of disposals of non-core businesses and assets. IMPLEMENTING STRUCTURAL CHANGE Rights Issue The weakness of the IPO market, particularly for telecommunications companies, has caused BT to review whether the sale of equity in Yell and BT Wireless still constitutes the best option to strengthen the Group's capital base. BT believes that under current market conditions the price at which these shares could be sold in an IPO would lead to an unacceptable level of dilution to BT Shareholders as a result of the transfer of value to new investors. BT has therefore concluded that shareholders' interests are best served by a Rights Issue to existing BT Shareholders. The Rights Issue introduces new equity at the Group level and permits the avoidance of any transfer of value from existing BT Shareholders. Furthermore it enables the implementation of structural change. The Rights Issue is proposed to raise approximately £5.9 billion, after expenses, which, together with the cash from disposals already announced, should allow BT to meet its debt reduction target of £10 billion by December 2001. Any debt assumed by Yell or BT Wireless on demerger or proceeds received from the sale of Yell will further contribute to debt reduction. BT expects net debt to increase as a result of net cash outflows from its planned capital expenditure and interest payments even after taking into account proceeds from its restructuring plans. However, its debt reduction and cash generation focus continues and its target is now to reduce net debt to between £15 billion and £20 billion in Future BT by 31 March 2002. BT remains committed to management actions to ensure the financial strength of the Group. These include the Rights Issue, the demerger of BT Wireless, the creation of a new holding company, its programme of non-core business and asset disposals and the halt in dividend payments, described further below. BT is also focusing capital expenditure on projects with higher and more immediate financial returns. BT has set a target for capital expenditure of £ 4.9 billion for the year ending March 2002, compared with £5.0 billion spent by the Group in the year ended 31 March 2001, before taking into account the capital expenditure of Viag Interkom prior to it becoming a subsidiary. Demerger of BT Wireless BT now intends to demerge BT Wireless, which it expects will include all of its wireless assets in the UK (BT Cellnet), the Isle of Man (Manx Telecom Limited), Germany (Viag Interkom), the Republic of Ireland (Esat Digifone), and The Netherlands (Telfort). BT Wireless will also include Genie, one of Europe's leading mobile internet portals. BT Shareholders will benefit directly from all the value created by the BT Wireless business and its enhanced ability to participate in any consolidation of the European wireless sector. BT Shareholders should in due course receive detailed proposals relating to the demerger of BT Wireless, which it is proposed will take place towards the end of the year. As a consequence of the demerger, BT Shareholders will become shareholders in BT Wireless and separately in Future BT and both focused independent businesses will be committed to value creation. BT expects both companies to be included in the FTSE100. Creation of a New Holding Company BT continues with its plans to create a new holding company to give it corporate flexibility and to facilitate other potential acquisitions, demergers, disposals or IPOs. BT has determined that in order to demerge BT Wireless efficiently, the new holding company structure should be put in place at the same time as the demerger. The new holding company structure will be implemented through a court-approved scheme of arrangement and the Board intends to seek shareholder approval for this move at an extraordinary general meeting expected to be held towards the end of the year. Yell BT is reviewing its plans for Yell and is currently considering proposals to sell or demerge this business, pending a ruling from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on a report produced by the Office of Fair Trading. Disposals BT continues with its programme of non-core business and asset disposals. On 4 May 2001, BT announced that it had agreed, in principle, to sell its interest in Maxis Communications in Malaysia for £350 million. This transaction is subject to regulatory and other approvals. BT announced on 2 May 2001 that it has agreed to sell its interests in Japan Telecom, J-Phone and Airtel SA to Vodafone for £4.8 billion in cash. The transaction values the Japanese investments at £3.7 billion and the investment in Airtel at £1.1 billion. The overall impact of the combined transaction, net of the costs of exercising an option in the J- Phone regional operating companies, will be to reduce BT's net debt by £4.4 billion. Completion of this transaction is conditional upon relevant regulatory and procedural approvals in Europe and Japan. BT announced on 1 May 2001 that as a result of becoming a less centralised group it had decided to vacate and sell its headquarters in London. In January 2001 BT announced that it was in negotiations to realise the value of its UK property portfolio through the mechanism of a sale and lease back. This, BT believes, should enable it to take a more flexible approach to its office arrangements and building requirements. However, BT intends to retain the freehold and exclusive right to occupy its operational buildings. In April 2001, Tereal Group a 50:50 joint venture between Land Securities Trillium and the Williams Pears Group was selected as the preferred bidder for their proposed acquisition of the BT property portfolio and the subsequent provision of certain buildings and management services to BT. In November 2000 BT sold its 34 per cent. interest in sunrise communications, a telecommunication joint venture in Switzerland, for £464 million. DIVIDENDS As part of its debt reduction and restructuring plans, BT has decided that there will be no final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2001 and that there will be no interim dividend for the year ending 31 March 2002. The total cost of the dividends for the full year ended 31 March 2000 was approximately £1.4 billion. Future dividend policy will be decided by the individual listed companies, taking into account their respective capital structures, cash requirements and the markets in which they operate. The Board expects that Future BT will recommend a final dividend in respect of the year ending 31 March 2002. STRATEGY AND OUTLOOK Future BT Future BT will be a focused European network and retail business concentrating on voice and data services. Its aim is to create value based on service excellence, its brand leadership, its large scale networks and existing customer base. It will also develop and market new higher value broadband and internet products and services. Future BT will comprise principally four separately managed lines of business, BT Retail, BTopenworld, BT Wholesale and BT Ignite, with Concert providing international connectivity. It will have a balanced portfolio of businesses with well-established, market-leading and cash generative UK retail and wholesale businesses and, in BT Ignite and BTopenworld, rapidly developing businesses in internet solutions and broadband in the UK and elsewhere in Europe. BT is discussing a variety of strategic alternatives to the Concert joint venture which could include all or a substantial portion of the business currently within BT Ignite. See 'Discussions with AT&T regarding Concert and BT Ignite' below. On a pro forma basis, turnover of the Future BT would have been £17.3 billion with earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of £5.8 billion for the year ended 31 March 2001. Through focusing capital expenditure on projects offering higher and more immediate financial returns, BT's aim is to reduce capital expenditure from approximately £3.9 billion in the year ended 31 March 2001 to £3.4 billion in the year ending 31 March 2002 and BT's expectation is for capital expenditure in the medium term to be approximately £3.5 billion per annum. Furthermore, productivity improvements and cost savings will be sought and initiatives to reduce costs totalling approximately £575 million have been identified for the year ending 31 March 2002. A brief description of each business is set out below. BT Retail BT Retail is the UK's largest communications service provider to the residential and business markets and is one of the UK's leading brands. BT Retail has more than 21 million business and residential customers in the UK. It has an extensive product and service portfolio covering voice, data, internet and multimedia and offers managed and packaged communications solutions. BT Retail's key strengths are its distribution and service capabilities and its extensive customer base and customer relationships. It has introduced new products (such as broadband) and innovative pricing policies (such as BT Together). It will continue to deliver digital solutions supported by BTopenworld and wireless solutions supported by BT Cellnet, a subsidiary of BT Wireless. BT estimates that the total addressable market is worth £28 billion (Source: Analysys). The most recent Oftel statistics show that to September 2000 BT Retail had a 64 per cent. market share of UK fixed call revenue. Since that time BT believes it has seen a slowing in the rate of loss of market share, which declined by 4.5 percentage points in the year to September 2000. At 31 March 2001, BT Retail had 28.9 million customer lines within the UK equating to a market share of approximately 82 per cent. The number of exchange lines in the UK has been increasing, reflecting growth in demand for communication services. In a very competitive market, BT Retail's strategy is to maintain turnover and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation margins in the medium term, at 2001 levels by seeking ongoing productivity improvements in existing businesses and new business opportunities in higher value, internet and broadband services. BTopenworld BTopenworld brings together BT's UK ISPs and ISP-related portals. BT believes that BTopenworld is well positioned to meet the needs of the second internet wave characterised by new broadband technologies that support services that are 'always on', localised, personalised, faster and video and audio rich. BTopenworld expects to continue to focus its ISP activities on the UK market, benefiting from BT's brand, distribution channels and other capabilities. In addition, BT believes there are substantial new market opportunities that BTopenworld can address including the delivery of entertainment and other applications/solutions to the home and office. BTopenworld is growing fast. It is one of the UK's leading ISPs to SMEs, and in un-metered services and is the UK's market leader for DSL broadband services. BTopenworld's strategy focuses on growing average revenue per customer through added value services such as narrowband internet, fast internet and video centric services. BT Wholesale BT Wholesale provides network services within the UK to communications companies, network operators and service providers. Together BT Retail, BT Ignite and BT Wireless currently account for some 70 per cent. of BT Wholesale's turnover, the majority of which is subject to regulatory controls. The Directors estimate that BT Wholesale has a 65 per cent. share of a market valued at £17 billion and that there is a medium-term outlook for market growth of 7 to 9 per cent. per annum. BT Wholesale will build on its reputation for delivery of wholesale network solutions to BT Retail and other communications companies. BT Wholesale's strategy is to extract efficiencies from the scale and scope of its operations, broaden its customer base and expand next generation services by, among other things, satisfying demand for bandwidth and applying new technology to boost capacity, broaden its product base and lower costs. BT believes this should minimise erosion of market share and generate attractive returns on capital. BT Wholesale also aims to reduce its dependence on its regulated business and grow its sales to other communications companies. The Directors estimate that BT Wholesale currently has an external market share of 35 per cent. and is aiming to grow turnover in this segment in excess of 25 per cent. per annum. In the year to March 2001, the business incurred capital expenditure of £2.3 billion and anticipates that its future capital expenditure will be in the region of £2 billion per annum over the medium term. BT plans, through tight controls on operating costs and capital expenditure, to ensure that the current level of free cash flow is at least maintained over the medium term. The decision with respect to the listing of this business will be made in 2002, and is subject to, amongst other factors, consents and the satisfactory outcome of necessary discussions with the Government and the regulator, Oftel. BT Ignite BT Ignite, BT's internet solutions and broadband IP business, delivers a range of services, including customer solutions, application service packages, web hosting and data transport. In particular, BT Ignite's internet data centres provide the hardware, software and high speed communications connections required by customers to run their websites and their online business applications, allowing these customers to focus on their core business and meet growing requirements for e-commerce. BT Ignite has established a strong European footprint, serving over 400,000 business customers with 52,000 route kilometres of fibre connecting 250 cities and with 21 content hosting centres. Across Europe BT Ignite owns its own infrastructure but is primarily a service and marketing business using its own and BT Retail's sales force of 4,000 employees, including 2,000 solutions consultants. It sells direct to businesses in Europe and sells to businesses in the UK through BT Retail's sales force. Building on its position as a leading business in the European services market, as measured by customer and revenue base, BT Ignite plans to continue to build its revenues from the high end of the value chain - valued added services and complex solutions - from current levels of over 50 per cent. of revenue. It aims to use its large sales force to add more business customers and increase revenue per customer by selling more of these higher value products and migrating customers towards tailored services, such as moving customers through hosting and applications to solutions. Its strategy for moving into profitability also includes increasing the throughput in its existing network infrastructure of cables and data hosting to benefit from operational gearing. BT also expects to generate synergies across BT Ignite by establishing functional responsibilities, including single network management and single product management across the business. BT is discussing a variety of strategic alternatives to the Concert joint venture which could include all or a substantial portion of the business currently within BT Ignite. See 'Discussions with AT&T regarding Concert and BT Ignite' below. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation are targeted to approach 15 to 20 per cent. of turnover over the medium term and capital expenditure is targeted to be approximately £1 billion per annum compared to £ 0.9 billion for the year ended 31 March 2001. The growth in turnover is targeted at in excess of 15 per cent. per annum in the medium term. Concert Concert is the global communications joint venture owned equally by BT and AT& T. It combines what were the trans-border assets and operations of BT and AT& T, including their international networks, all their international traffic, and their international products for business customers. Concert's strategy is to build on its position as a leading global communications provider for multinational business customers, international carriers and ISPs worldwide. See 'Discussions with AT&T regarding Concert and BT Ignite' below. Discussions with AT&T regarding Concert and BT Ignite BT and AT&T are discussing ways to improve the performance of the business and strengthen the scope of relationship between them in business services. These discussions include a variety of strategic alternatives to the Concert joint venture, including the sale to, or other business combination of its business services operations with, AT&T's business services unit upon its planned separation from the remainder of AT&T. Such a transaction could include all or a substantial portion of BT's business services operations, including BT Ignite and BT's interest in Concert, in exchange for some mixture of cash, equity and/or other instruments in the combined business. These discussions may or may not lead to any sale or other business combination and may or may not lead to any change in the existing alliance arrangements. As possible alternatives to such a transaction, BT has also been considering a narrowing of Concert's business scope, as well as its termination as a joint venture. There can be no assurances, however, that agreement could be reached with AT&T with regard to either of such alternatives. The Board believes that the BT Ignite and Concert businesses will generate potentially significant value for the Group in the future. The Board will keep under review whether this value is best achieved for shareholders by a combination of these businesses with AT&T's business services unit, a disposal of all or part of the businesses or their separation from BT by way of IPO or demerger from BT. Where necessary, BT will seek the approval of its shareholders. Other businesses A number of other business units including Information Systems Engineering, fleet operations, logistics and procurement services and BT Exact Technologies, a world renowned research and development capability, will form part of Future BT. It is currently intended that the Group's 26 per cent. shareholding in Cegetel, a leading French telecommunications company, be retained within BT. Yell Yell is a leading provider of classified advertising directories and associated products and services, principally to small and medium sized enterprises and consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States. In the 2000 financial year, Yell distributed in the UK approximately 28.8 million copies of directories to households and businesses, and published 861,000 advertisements on behalf of 417,000 advertisers. In the 2000 financial year, Yellow Book, Yell's US business, distributed approximately 17.5 million copies of directories to households and businesses, and published 1,155,000 advertisements on behalf of 170,000 advertisers. BT is currently considering plans to sell or demerge this business pending a ruling from the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on a report produced by the Office of Fair Trading. BT Wireless Following demerger, BT Wireless will provide BT Shareholders with the opportunity to participate directly in the growth of mobile telecommunications. It has a major European footprint with wholly owned operations in the UK (BT Cellnet), Isle of Man (Manx Telecom), Germany (Viag Interkom), The Netherlands (Telfort) and the Republic of Ireland (Esat Digifone). BT Wireless also includes Genie, which is one of Europe's leading mobile internet portals. BT Wireless has a portfolio that combines established businesses in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, with relatively new and immature ventures in Germany and The Netherlands which are currently loss making but which have high growth potential. BT Wireless now covers territories with a total population of over 161 million. At 31 March 2001, BT Cellnet had 11.2 million customers and East Digifone had 1.1 million customers. In Germany and The Netherlands the BT Wireless businesses have seen significant growth since launch in 1998 and at 31 March 2001 had over 3.7 million and 0.9 million customers, respectively. At the end of March 2001 Genie had operations in six countries in Europe and around 4 million registered users globally. BT Wireless has a strong position in the UK and Irish wireless markets where in each case at 31 March 2001 it had the second largest market share by customer base and a strong position in the business market. The Directors estimate that as at 31 March 2001 BT Wireless had market shares of 26 per cent., 7 per cent., 8 per cent. and 41 per cent. in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands and the Republic of Ireland respectively. BT Wireless owns third generation licences to operate 3G mobile services in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, all territories where it has already launched GPRS services. It also has a 3G licence in the Isle of Man. The application process for gaining one of only four 3G licences in the Republic of Ireland is expected to commence shortly. BT Wireless's strategy is to attract and retain high value customers and increase revenues per customer by positioning itself as a leader in the European mobile data market. Being wholly owned, the wireless businesses will be managed on a unified basis, facilitating the development of common technology and the swift roll out of services such as the Genie mobile internet portal and associated content and applications across the BT Wireless networks. BT Wireless has developed relationships with a large number of application and content developers, including through its applications developers forum. It will seek productivity improvements through these cross-business synergies and seek network sharing options with other operators to reduce build out costs where allowed. On a pro forma basis, turnover would have been approximately £4.1 billion for the year to 31 March 2001 and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation would have been approximately breakeven. Capital expenditure for 2001amounted to £1.1 billion before taking into account capital expenditure of Viag Interkom prior to it becoming a subsidiary. BT's aim over the medium term is to improve earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation margins and bring cumulative capital expenditure as a percentage of cumulative turnover, towards the European average for mobile telecommunications businesses. Note and Bond Holders BT is mindful of its obligations to the holders of its outstanding notes and bonds, and has consulted The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c. which is trustee of certain of the notes and bonds. The trustee has taken independent legal and financial advice and has confirmed to BT that, subject to certain conditions being met, it will not take any steps in relation to the demerger of BT Wireless. The principal condition is the successful completion of the Rights Issue; others include the information provided to the trustee remaining accurate and no new and materially adverse factor emerging. Further certification will be required by the trustee prior to implementation of the demerger. PRELIMINARY FINAL RESULTS, CURRENT TRADING AND PROSPECTS BT today announced its preliminary final results which show group turnover of £20,427 million for the year ended 31 March 2001, an increase of 9.1 per cent. over the £18,715 million achieved last year. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation showed an increase of 0.8 per cent. to £6,492 million. Profit before taxation, exceptional items and goodwill amortisation amounted to £2,072 million, a decrease of 33.2 per cent. on 2000, while earnings per share before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation fell from 34.2 pence to 20.5 pence. The results include a charge of £3,000 million relating to the impairment of goodwill in connection with the acquisition of Viag Interkom. Taking this into account, the overall loss per share for the year ended 31 March 2001 amounted to 27.7 pence compared with earnings per share of 31.7 pence for the previous year. The Directors believe that current trading and prospects for the current financial year are satisfactory and that the restructuring proposals will enhance the prospects of the Group. PRINCIPAL TERMS OF THE RIGHTS ISSUE 1,975,580,052 new BT Shares are being offered in connection with the Rights Issue, with a view to raising approximately £5.9 billion, after expenses. The Issue Price of 300 pence per new BT Share represents a 47 per cent. discount to the closing middle market price of 568.5 pence per BT Share on 9 May 2001, the last business day before the announcement of the Rights Issue. Qualifying Shareholders are being offered new BT Shares at a price of 300 pence per new BT Share on the following basis: 3 new BT Shares for every 10 existing BT Shares held at the close of business on 9 May 2001 and so in proportion for any other number of BT Shares then held. Entitlements to fractions of new BT Shares will be rounded down and will not be allotted to Qualifying Shareholders. The number of new BT Shares equal to the aggregated fractions will be sold for the benefit of the Company. Accordingly BT Shareholders with fewer than 4 BT Shares will not be entitled to any new BT Shares. Based on the closing middle market price of a BT Share on 9 May 2001 (the last business day before the announcement of the Rights Issue) of 568.5 pence and the proposed Issue Price of 300 pence for each new BT Share, the theoretical ex-rights price of the BT Shares is 507 pence. The Rights Issue is conditional upon admission of the new BT shares to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities becoming effective by not later than 8.00 a.m. on 21 May 2001 (or such later time and/or date as Cazenove & Co. Ltd, Merrill Lynch International and the Company may agree (being not later than 3.00 p.m. on 29 May 2001)). Admission is expected to become effective on 20 May 2001 and dealings in the new BT Shares, nil paid to commence on 21 May 2001. Application has also been made for the new BT ADSs to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Full take-up of entitlements under the Rights Issue would result in the issue of 1,975,580,052 new BT Shares (representing approximately 23 per cent. of the issued ordinary share capital of BT, as enlarged by the Rights Issue). The new BT Shares when issued and fully paid will rank pari passu in all respects with existing issued BT Shares. A UK prospectus is being posted to UK shareholders in BT. The new BT shares being offered in this Rights Issue have been registered in the United States and a US prospectus will be posted extending the Rights Issue to US and certain other international shareholders. A full timetable for the Rights Issue is set out in Appendix I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION A proforma analysis of the turnover, EBITDA and operating profit and balance sheets for each of BT Wireless, Yell and Future BT as at and for the year ended 31 March 2001 is set out in Appendix II. This assumes that the acquisition of Viag Interkom had occurred at the start of the last financial year and the Rights Issue occurred on 31 March 2001. This announcement is issued by British Telecommunications public limited company and the Directors of BT are the persons responsible for the information contained in this announcement. The contents of this announcement, which has been issued by, and is the sole responsibility of, BT, has been approved by Cazenove & Co. Ltd and Merrill Lynch International, which are regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority, solely for the purposes of Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986. Neither this announcement nor the information contained herein is for reference, publication or distribution in whole or in part in or into the United States. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of US securities laws. Prices and values of, and income from, shares may go down as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested. It should be noted that past performance is no guide to future performance. Persons needing advice should consult an independent financial adviser. This announcement does not constitute, or form part of, an offer or any solicitation of an offer, for securities, and any purchase of, or application for shares in the Rights Issue should only be made on the basis of the information contained in the prospectus dated 10 May 2001 and any supplement thereto and issued in connection with the Rights Issue. This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States unless they are registered or are exempt from registration. BT intends to register a portion of the securities to be issued in the rights issue in the United States. The public offering of rights to subscribe for new BT Shares or new BT ADSs is being made in the United States by means of a prospectus containing or incorporating by reference detailed information about BT and its management, as well as financial statements. Copies of the prospectus may be obtained from BT. APPENDIX I EXPECTED TIMETABLE OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS RELATING TO THE RIGHTS ISSUE 2001 Record Date for the Rights Issue close of business on 9 May Nil Paid Rights and Fully Paid Rights enabled in CREST by 8.00 a.m. on 21 May Dealings in new BT Shares, nil paid, commence on the London 8.00 a.m. Stock Exchange on 21 May Recommended latest time for requesting withdrawal of Nil Paid 4.30 p.m. Rights from CREST (i.e. if Nil Paid Rights are in CREST and on 7 June you wish to convert them into certificated form) Latest time for depositing renounced Provisional Allotment 3.00 p.m. Letters, nil paid, into CREST or for dematerialising Nil Paid on 11 June Rights into a CREST stock account Latest time and date for splitting Provisional Allotment 3.00 p.m. Letters, nil paid on 12 June Dealings in new BT Shares, fully paid, commence on the London 8.00 a.m. Stock Exchange on 14 June Latest time and date for acceptance 9.30 a.m. on 15 June Recommended latest time and date for requesting withdrawal of 4.30 p.m. Fully Paid Rights from CREST (i.e. if Fully Paid Rights are on 22 June in CREST and you wish to convert them to certificated form) Latest time and date for splitting Provisional Allotment 3.00 p.m. Letters, fully paid on 27 June Latest time for depositing renounced Provisional Allotment 3.00 p.m. Letters, fully paid, into CREST or for dematerialising Fully on 27 June Paid Rights into a CREST stock account Latest time and date for registration of renunciation of 3.00 p.m. Provisional Allotment Letters, fully paid on 29 June New BT Shares credited to CREST stock accounts 2 July Despatch of definitive share certificates for new BT Shares by 16 July APPENDIX II PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED AND AS AT 31 MARCH 2001 The Group has announced that it plans to seek a demerger and listing for BT Wireless and is currently considering proposals to sell or demerge its Yell business. The BT pro forma financial information has been analysed below between Future BT, BT Wireless and Yell for illustrative purposes only and assumes no internal or external debt is transferred to Yell or BT Wireless. This analysis does not purport to represent what the results, or financial position of, Future BT, BT Wireless and Yell would have been if they had been managed separately for the year ended or as at 31 March 2001. a) Analysis of pro forma consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 March 2001 Pro forma Group's share of joint venture/ Pro forma associates Pro forma Group operating total Pro operating (loss)/ operating forma profit/ profit profit/ Group Pro (loss) (loss) turnover forma EBITDA* £m £m £m £m £m Future BT 17,342 5,763 2,814 (129) 2,685 BT Wireless 4,119 10 (3,852) 7 (3,845) Yell 775 221 186 2 188 Eliminations (831) - - - - and other Pro forma BT 21,405 5,994 (852) (120) (972) Group *EBITDA is quoted before exceptional items and excludes associates and joint venture's results. b) Analysis of pro forma consolidated balance sheet as at 31 March 2001 Future BT Pro forma BT Yell Wireless BT £m £m £m £m Fixed assets Intangible 2,350 429 15,601 18,380 assets Tangible 17,848 43 3,734 21,625 assets Investments 5,134 2 68 5,204 Total fixed 25,332 474 19,403 45,209 assets Current assets Stocks 124 88 149 361 Debtors 5,010 304 946 6,260 Investors 2,557 - - 2,557 Cash at bank 412 - - 412 and in hand Total 8,103 392 1,095 9,590 current assets Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Loans and (6,261) - - (6,261) other borrowings Other (7,007) (154) (1,436) (8,597) creditors Total creditors: amounts (13,268) (154) (1,436) (14,858) falling due within one year Net current (5,165) 238 (341) (5,268) assets/ (liabilities) Total assets less 20,167 712 19,062 39,941 current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Loans and (18,775) - - (18,775) other borrowings Provisions for liabilities (497) - (226) (723) and charges Total net 895 712 18,836 20,443 assets Minority 499 - - 499 interests Capital and 396 712 18,836 19,944 reserves 895 712 18,836 20,443 Inquires about this release should be make to the BT Group Newsroom on its 24-hour number: 020 7356 5369. From outside the UK, dial: +44 20 7356 5369 All BT group news released can be accessed at their web site: http:// Video interviews with Chairman and CEO are available at:


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