Stmnt re BT Wireless

British Telecommunications PLC 5 April 2001 NR0112 April 5, 2001 BT WIRELESS INCREASES CUSTOMER BASE WITH STRONG MOBILE DATA GROWTH * Equity customers up by 93 per cent following full control of Viag Interkom * Mobile data customers grow by more than 50 per cent in last quarter * Genie records four million registered users * BT Cellnet announces pre-pay price increase BT wireless has grown its equity customer base by 93 per cent (57 per cent organically) in the last year and further boosted its leading position in the expanding mobile data market. Peter Erskine, chief executive of BT wireless, said: 'Today's announcement caps a positive year's performance from BT wireless and a strong quarter. We are committed to a strategy of retaining and growing a high quality, profitable customer base as well as building on our leading position in mobile data and next generation services.' In the financial year to March 31, 2001, BT wireless added more than 11 million new equity customers and now has around 25 million equity subscribers in 14 countries. It has also more than doubled the number of customers in fully controlled operations from 7.4 million a year ago to 16.9 million. In the quarter there was an increase of 4.2 million equity customers, of which two million result from the increased stake in Viag Interkom. Underlining its strength in next generation services, BT wireless now has more than three and half million equity customers with mobile data or WAP services. It also increased the number of mobile data equity customers by more than 50 per cent in the last quarter. BT wireless continues to build on the market-leading work of Genie, BT's mobile Internet business, which reported four million registered users internationally at the year end - a 57 per cent increase in the last quarter. In March, Genie achieved 89 million WAP page impressions in the UK, as well as 63 million web page impressions. Genie has now launched integrated portals in seven countries. BT Cellnet BT Cellnet, the UK arm of BT wireless, grew its customer base by more than 50 per cent in the financial year, with its base standing at 11.2 million at end of March, this year. Its closing base consists of 3.455 million post-pay customers and 7.707 million pre-pay customers. BT Cellnet added 918,000 new customers in the final quarter (Jan - Mar). For the year, BT Cellnet added 3.758 million new customers. At the year end, BT Cellnet has 1.5 million mobile data customers, accounting for around 13.5 per cent of its total customer base. In the final quarter of the fiscal year, mobile data customers grew by around 500,000. The focus for BT Cellnet going forward will be on customer retention and development of value added and mobile data services. From May 1, it will raise the price of its entry pre-pay package to £69.99 in line with this strategy. Viag Interkom In Germany, Viag Interkom's subscriber base continued its rapid growth to 3.72 million customers, an increase of 2.397 million or more than 180 per cent over 12 months. 550,000 new customers were added in the last quarter and mobile Internet customers stood at 346,000 at the year end. Telfort In the Netherlands, Telfort grew its customer base to 918,000 at the year end, an increase of 426,000, or 87 per cent, over 12 months. New customers in the latest quarter total 61,000. Esat Digifone Esat Digifone of Ireland achieved growth of 68 per cent to the end of the year, passing the one million customer milestone (1.059 million). Of these 135,000 were mobile data customers. Growth in the last quarter totalled 71,000 new customer connections. Note to editors The customer numbers quoted are from 14 operations internationally where BT wireless either has outright ownership, a controlling interest or an equity stake. Equity customer numbers are measured in proportion to the equity stake in each operation. BT wireless BT wireless is an international leader in mobile communications. It is responsible for the development of all BT's global mobile services and direct in-country operations, as well as for BT's move into broadband mobile networks through the introduction of GPRS and third generation (3G) services globally. BT wireless is one of the new lines of business created by BT last year as part of the company's major restructuring. It provides management focus for the company's wholly-owned mobile networks and joint ventures across the globe and strategic direction for its R&D investment in advanced technology, market research, product development and vendor partnerships. ------------------- For further information please contact: Simon Gordon, BT wireless + 44 (0) 20 7356 5369 + 44 (0) 7710 070 698 William Ostrom, BT wireless + 44 (0) 7802 910000 Carole Williams, BT Cellnet + 44 (0) 1753 565656 Simon Matthews/Fiona Campbell Fishburn Hedges + 44 (0) 20 7839 4321 All BT group news releases can be accessed at our web site:


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