Interim Results
Tiger Brands Ld
18 May 2000
Tiger Brands
Interim report to shareholders for the six months ended 31 March 2000
Tiger Brands Limited (Formerly Tiger Oats Limited)
(Registration number 1994/017881/06)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Strategic positioning through
- focus on brands
- acquisitions
- divestments
Operating income from continuing operations up 14%
The unaudited results for the six months ended 31 March 2000 are set out
below. This report has been prepared in compliance with generally accepted
accounting practice and in accordance with the principles applied in the most
recent published annual financial statements.
Tiger Brands Limited ('Tiger') achieved an increase of 9% in headline earnings
per share for the six months ended 31 March 2000.
The strategic positioning of Tiger as a branded food and healthcare products
group has continued during the review period. As an integral part of this
strategy the minorities of Beacon Sweets & Chocolates and Adcock Ingram were
acquired and a number of non-core businesses were disposed of. The short-term
impact of these divestments has been to limit the growth in turnover to 1% and
the growth in operating income to 9%. More importantly, however, turnover and
operating income from continuing operations rose by 14% and 13% respectively
compared to the same period last year.
The group incurred a net interest charge of R109 million in the first six
months compared to net interest received of R24 million in the prior year.
This was primarily caused by the acquisition, in December 1999, of the
outstanding ordinary and 'N' ordinary shares in Adcock Ingram, the acquisition
of Lagap Pharmaceuticals in October 1999 and the acquisition of the
outstanding minority shares in Langeberg Holdings at the end of the previous
financial year. On an after tax basis, however, the adverse movement in
interest was offset by a R90 million reduction in the share of profits
attributable to outside shareholders.
Non-core operations disposed of since September 1999 include Island View
Shipping, the 50% interest in The Cold Chain, and the 50% interest in SA Bulk
Terminals. The latter two disposals are subject to the approval of the
competition authorities and accordingly the proceeds have not as yet been
The Marine Oil Refineries business in Cape Town has been closed. A decision in
principle has been made to dispose of the egg producer Golden Lay Farms; and
to dispose of Tiger's 30% interest in the Jumbo Cash & Carry joint venture.
Food Brands The branded foods division performed well, growing profit from
continuing operations by 28% on a 9% increase in turnover. This was a
particularly pleasing result, given the difficult trading conditions and the
disruption in certain areas arising from the unusually heavy summer rainfall.
The enhanced profitability was driven in part by Beacon, which is now trading
profitably, and by pleasing turnarounds at DairyBelle and the baking
operations where significant losses have been turned around into marginal
profits through the closure of loss-making bakeries. The losses in maize
milling have also been substantially curtailed.
Langeberg produced a good result, although export volumes were depressed as a
result of a slower offtake by customers in the European Union. Improved
performances were also achieved by County Fair, King Food and Jungle Oats.
Notwithstanding strong volume growth, Tastic's results were marginally below
the previous year due to the deliberate decision to reduce prices on premium
brands in order to offer better value to the consumer.
The Oceana Fishing Group improved headline earnings per share by 35%, whilst
Sea Harvest improved headline earnings per share by 5% despite catch rates
both in South Africa and Namibia being lower than in the previous year.
Operating profit declined by 2% in the Agri-Poultry division. Although Meadow
Feeds and the poultry operations performed satisfactorily, the results were
affected by continuing losses in Golden Lay Farms. As noted above, a decision
has been taken to dispose of Golden Lay Farms and negotiations with regard to
the sale are at an advanced stage.
The Wholesaling division, which includes the Spar Group and the 30% interest
in Jumbo Cash & Carry, improved operating income by 9%. This result was made
possible by a good performance from Spar, which benefited from growth in new
stores and an increased market share.
Adcock Ingram produced a good performance in the first six months, recording a
16% increase in operating profit on a turnover growth of 29%. The results were
favourably influenced by the acquisition of the UK-based Lagap
Adcock Ingram is expected to make a growing contribution to Tiger's results.
Income from associates showed good growth following a recovery in
profitability at Enterprise Foods and a sound performance by Chilean based
Empresas Carozzi. ConAgra Malt incurred a loss for the period as a result of
continued pressure on volumes and margins.
Following the comprehensive exercise undertaken to ensure that the company's
critical systems and processes were Year 2000 compliant, no difficulties were
experienced as a result of the millennium date change.
The company has declared an interim dividend of 68 cents per share (1999: 62,5
cents), which represents an increase of 9% over last year.
The group is well positioned to benefit from any improvement in consumer
spending. It is anticipated that the performance levels achieved in the first
six months will be sustained in the second half of the year, translating into
further real growth in earnings from continuing operations.
For and on behalf of the Board
Managing Director
18 May 2000
Unaudited Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 March 30 Sept
Notes 2000 1999 Change 1999
Rm Rm % Rm
Turnover 9 680.6 9 590.7 1 19 097.8
Continuing operations 9 394.6 8 264.3 14 16 695.5
Discontinued operations 286.0 1 326.4 2 402.3
Operating income before
interest 1 855.0 785.2 9 1 641.8
Continuing operations 848.3 751.1 13 1 577.1
Discontinued operations 6.7 34.1 64.7
Income from investments
including associates 21.4 21.2 46.5
Interest (paid)/received,
net (109.1) 24.3 43.7
Income before taxation and
abnormal items 767.3 830.7 (8) 1 732.0
Abnormal items 2 3.1 7.3 69.6
Income before taxation 770.4 838.0 1 801.6
Taxation 259.3 260.1 529.5
Income after taxation 511.1 577.9 1 272.1
Share of associated companies'
retained income 28.1 18.9 56.2
Income after taxation
including 539.2 596.8 1 328.3
associate companies
Attributable to outside
shareholders in
subsidiaries 74.5 164.1 347.3
Net income for the period 464.7 432.7 981.0
Number of ordinary shares in
issue (000's) 165 594 165 365 165 442
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares on which headline
earnings and net income
per share are based (000's) 165 504 165 156 165 290
Headline earnings per
ordinary share (cents) 278.2 255.6 9 550.9
Net income per ordinary
share (cents) 280.8 262.0 593.5
Dividends per ordinary
share (cents) 68.0 62.5 9 194.0
Reconciliation of headline earnings
Rm Rm Rm
Net income for the period 464.7 432.7 981.0
Adjusted for:
Losses on sale or
discontinuation of
operations, net 18.0 3.5 52.7
Profits on sale of fixed
assets, net (6.5) (3.2) (4.4)
Profits on change of interest
in subsidiaries, associates
and other investments (15.8) (10.8) (118.7)
Headline earnings for the
period 460.4 422.2 9 910.6
Segmental analysis
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
Contribution to 31 March 31 March 30 Sept
operating income 2000 1999 Change 1999
before interest Rm % Rm % % Rm %
Tiger Foods
Food Brands 325.5 38 255.0 34 28 530.9 34
Agri-Poultry 75.3 9 76.7 10 (2) 142.8 9
Wholesaling & Other 103.9 12 123.2 16 (16) 280.4 18
504.7 59 454.9 60 11 954.1 61
Healthcare 343.6 41 296.2 40 16 623.0 39
Continuing operations 848.3 100 751.1 100 13 1 577.1 100
Discontinued operations 6.7 34.1 (80) 64.7
855.0 785.2 9 1 641.8
Unaudited Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 March 30 Sept
2000 1999 1999
Net worth per ordinary share (cents) 867 2 446 2 513
Net borrowings: Total funding* (%) 67.3 positive positive
Interest cover - net (times) 8.0 positive positive
Current ratio (:1) 0.8 1.3 1.3
Capital expenditure (R million) 156.0 168.3 334.6
- expansion 76.6 88.3 151.0
- replacement 79.4 80.0 183.6
Capital commitments (R million) 131.6 143.8 257.6
- contracted 65.4 74.4 125.1
- approved 66.2 69.4 132.5
Capital commitments will be funded by operating cash flows
and the utilisation of existing borrowing facilities.
Contingent liabilities
Guarantees and contingent
liabilities 235.0 138.4 92.0
Market and directors' valuation of investments and loans
Listed - market value 175.7 568.4 490.0
Unlisted - directors' valuation 1 607.3 1 503.6 1 394.1
* Total funding represents net borrowings plus interest of all shareholders.
Unaudited Audited
31 March 30 Sept
2000 1999 1999
Notes Rm Rm Rm
Capital employed
Share capital and premium 699.8 690.1 693.2
Non-distributable reserves and
retained surplus 3 123.4 3 001.1 2 555.5
Interest of shareholders of
Tiger Brands Limited 823.2 3 691.2 3 248.7
Interest of outside shareholders
in subsidiaries 262.9 1 085.3 1 086.7
Interest of all shareholders 1 086.1 4 776.5 4 335.4
Deferred taxation (1.7) 89.1 (5.4)
Long-term borrowings 172.4 624.6 272.7
1 256.8 5 490.2 4 602.7
Employment of capital
Fixed assets 2 000.8 2 126.1 2 046.2
Investments 1 008.0 1 734.7 975.5
Current assets 6 788.7 6 808.5 6 615.7
Inventories 1 930.8 1 875.3 1 758.9
Debtors 2 693.1 2 719.0 2 609.6
Cash resources 2 164.8 2 214.2 2 247.2
Total assets 9 797.5 10 669.3 9 637.4
Current liabilities 8 540.7 5 179.1 5 034.7
Short-term borrowings 4 227.3 862.3 923.3
Creditors including shareholders
for dividends 4 313.4 4 316.8 4 111.4
Net current (liabilities)/assets (1 752.0) 1 629.4 1 581.0
1 256.8 5 490.2 4 602.7
Unaudited Audited
31 March 30 Sept
2000 1999 1999
Rm Rm Rm
Cash operating profit 1 028.6 950.5 1 986.9
Working capital changes (61.7) (135.0) (76.4)
Net interest (paid)/received (109.1) 24.3 43.7
Dividends received 21.4 21.2 46.5
Taxation paid (175.8) (130.5) (634.0)
Cash available from operations 703.4 730.5 1 366.7
Dividends paid (226.9) (281.6) (433.2)
Net cash inflow from operating
activities 476.5 448.9 933.5
Net cash outflow from investing
activities (3 854.7) (1 224.1)(1 407.8)
Net cash outflow before financing
activities (3 378.2) (775.2) (474.3)
Net cash inflow from financing
activities 3 295.8 492.8 435.4
Net decrease in cash and cash
equivalents (82.4) (282.4) (38.9)
Unaudited Audited
31 March 30 Sept
2000 1999 1999
Rm Rm Rm
1. Operating income
Operating income is reflected after charging:
Cost of inventories utilised 6 697.9 6 767.7 12 339.0
Depreciation 130.3 131.6 293.6
2. Abnormal items
Net loss on discontinued and disposed
operations (18.0) (5.0) (51.3)
Profit on sale of land and buildings 2.7 1.5 12.4
Profit on change of interest in
subsidiaries, associates and
other investments 18.4 10.8 113.5
Other (5.0)
Abnormal profit before taxation 3.1 7.3 69.6
Taxation (1.4) (5.5)
3.1 8.7 75.1
Outside shareholders' interest 1.6 0.3 0.4
Abnormal profit attributable to
shareholders in Tiger Brands Limited 1.5 8.4 74.7
3. Non-distributable reserves and retained surplus
At the beginning of the year 2 555.5 3 291.9 3 291.9
Translation reserve movement (29.6) (33.5) (1.4)
Arising on consolidation of
subsidiaries (0.1)
Legal reserves created 3.4
Retained earnings for the period 345.3 329.0 659.7
Goodwill on associates written off (762.4)
Goodwill and trademarks in subsidiaries
and joint ventures written off (2 747.8) (586.3) (635.6)
At the end of the period 123.4 3 001.1 2 555.5
Notice is hereby given that an interim dividend (number 111) of 68 cents per
share has been declared payable to shareholders who are registered in the
books of the company at the close of business on 9 June 2000. The transfer
books and registers of members will be closed from 10 June 2000, to 18 June
2000, both days inclusive.
The dividend is payable in the currency of the Republic of South Africa and
warrants in payment thereof dated 7 July 2000, will be posted to shareholders
by the company's transfer secretaries in South Africa and the United Kingdom
on or about 4 July 2000. Payments made by way of electronic transfer will be
made on 7 July 2000.
Registered shareholders paid from the United Kingdom will receive the United
Kingdom currency equivalent of the rand currency value of their dividends
(less appropriate taxes), the rate of exchange being determined on 19 June
By order of the Board
I W M Isdale
Secretary 18 May 2000
Messrs RAWilliams (Chairman), D E Cooper (Deputy Chairman), N Dennis (Managing
Director) (British),B HAdams, C A Apsey, B P Connellan, G A L Ebedes*,
M H Franklin*, WRCHolmes*, Ms W Y N Luhabe, JHMcBain* (British), P S Nortier*,
I B Skosana, R V Smither*, J L van den Berg, C F H Vaux*, C Wolpert
*Executive directors
Company secretary
I W M Isdale
Registered office
85 Bute Lane, Sandown
Sandton, South Africa
Postal address:
POBox 78056
Sandton, 2146, South Africa
London office
St James's Corporate
Services Limited
6 St James's Place
Share transfer secretaries
South Africa:
Mercantile Registrars Limited
11 Diagonal Street
Postal address:
POBox 1053, Johannesburg, 2000
United Kingdom:
Computershare Services plc, POBox 82,
Caxton House
Redcliffe Way, Bristol, BS99 7NH