The issuer advises that the following replaces the C&C Group plc Transaction in Own Shares announcement released on 3 April 2017 at 7.00 a.m.
The total number of voting rights was incorrect and has now been amended to 311,434,801.
All other details remain unchanged.
The full amended text is shown below:
C&C Group Plc
Transaction in own Shares
31 March 2017
Pursuant to the authority given by its shareholders, C&C Group plc announces the purchase by the Group of its own ordinary shares of €0.01 each as follows:
Date of purchase: 31 March 2017
Number of ordinary shares purchased: 5,120,000
Highest price paid was €3.65 pence per share and the lowest price paid was €3.64 pence per share.
The purchase represented an average price of €3.6441 per share.
The purchased shares will be cancelled. Following this purchase, the total number of ordinary shares held in treasury, which do not carry voting rights, is 9,025,000. The total number of voting rights in C&C Group plc is 311,434,801.
David Johnston
Company Secretary