Final Results
Caffyns PLC
31 May 2001
Preliminary Announcement
For the year ended 31 March 2001
Chairman's Review
Results from ongoing trading operations can be considered satisfactory in a
difficult trading climate. However, our net operating profit has been affected
this year by two adverse sets of events. Firstly, we suffered losses (£800,000)
as a result of flooding at our two branches in Lewes together with our branch in
Uckfield; losses which we were advised by our auditors at the time of
publication of our half yearly figures should be treated as extraordinary, but
now have to be shown as an exceptional charge. Secondly, we are making full
provision at the year end for losses likely to arise in the future from
guaranteed repurchase values given on cars sold on contract hire.
However, against that we have a surplus on sale of properties. All in all,
therefore, I feel that the management and staff have performed well and are to
be congratulated.
The year saw the retirement of Mr. Robert and Mr. Anthony Caffyn. Both have
served the company loyally over many years, Robert in charge of our financial
affairs and Anthony the after sales operations. Both have been instrumental in
introducing new ideas and practices into our business that has allowed us to
remain in the forefront of the retail motor trade. I thank them for their
immense contributions and wish them happiness in retirement. Robert is
remaining on the board whilst Anthony has been appointed a consultant to the
As with last year I feel that it is sensible for the chief executive to
present a more detailed report of the year's activities. As for the future
there remains much uncertainty, particularly the outcome of the Block
Exemption debate and the subsequent reactions of the car manufacturers with
whom we deal. We have already seen Mercedes reveal their radical ideas for the
future. They may of course be right but history suggests otherwise.
Finally, an interim dividend of 5.5p per ordinary share was paid on the 16
January. A final dividend of 9.5p, the same as last year, is now being
recommended which, if approved, will be payable on 25 July 2001 to
shareholders on the register on 6 July 2001.
31 May 2001
Chief Executive's Review
The year ending 31 March 2001 has been an exceptionally difficult one for the
motor industry and, consequently, I am very pleased to report an improved
profit of £2.515m on our continuing operations.
Unfortunately we have been adversely affected by the Competition Commission's
Report and its affect on residual prices together with unprecedented levels of
flooding affecting three of our sites. These extraordinary events, outside of
our control, have reduced our profit before tax to £1.09m.
Competition Commission
Following the publication of the Competition Commission's review of the Motor
Industry, new car enquiry levels remained low as customers continued to delay
buying decisions as Manufacturers began to reduce prices. Confidence in the
market did not return until January 2001 when prices had stabilised at about
10-12% below peak levels.
We are delighted to see this overall reduction in new car prices but in the
short term this has had a detrimental effect on residual values of used cars.
It is well known that this has produced large write-downs (losses) in contract
hire fleets and ours, Caffyns Motor Contracts (CMC), is no exception. We have
decided to close CMC to new business, as although the division has produced
healthy profits in the past, the fleet size is insufficient to compete with
the large operations who are becoming dominant.
Preliminary Announcement
For the year ended 31 March 2001
Chief Executive's Review (continued)
We continue to maintain existing customer contracts but this year's profits
include a charge for anticipated losses on disposal of the vehicles at end of
Block Exemption
I am encouraged that discussions with both Manufacturers and the Department of
Trade and Industry are progressing in a very positive manner. No decisions
have yet been made on future regulation after Block Exemption expires in
September 2002, but it seems that these may be to our overall benefit.
In October 2000 we were greatly damaged by unprecedented levels of flooding in
Lewes and Uckfield. It is to the credit of our staff in these sites that we
re-opened for business so quickly and consequently mitigated some of the
Franchises and Premises
In September we opened our new Vauxhall dealership in Ashford on the Orbital
Park site near the International Railway Station. This is also the location of
our Skoda dealership and both are enjoying success in the growing Ashford
We have had a very successful year with Volkswagen in Worthing following our
major redevelopment of the site and have agreed with them to merge our Lewes
operation with our dealership in Haywards Heath.
In Sevenoaks our new Peugeot showroom is nearing completion and we will then
have an excellent facility in a prime location.
In Brighton we have redeveloped our after sales facilities at our Audi
dealership and at the same time managed to produce an outstanding result.
In Eastbourne we have had three major projects. The first was to refurbish our
Rover dealership, which along with some of our other Rover sites produced a
very good result for the year.
Jaguar have expanded their model range with the introduction of the X-Type
and, recognising the increased opportunity, we have extended our showroom
facilities in our Meads Road site. I believe that the X-Type will be a great
success for Jaguar.
Thirdly we acquired the Volvo franchise for Eastbourne and now represent three
of Fords Premier Automotive Group's marques for this territory, namely Jaguar,
Land Rover, and Volvo. Already Volvo has made a significant contribution to
the group.
During the year we sold premises in Canterbury, Crowborough, and Heathfield at
a premium to book value. Customers of Crowborough and Heathfield have been
able to use our facilities in nearby Uckfield and Tunbridge Wells. We have
also sold our remaining stand-alone petrol forecourts and now only offer
petrol sales on three dealership sites.
As I mentioned above, our MG Rover businesses continue to do well and the
Phoenix consortium are to be congratulated on their performance. MG Rover have
proved resilient and made themselves far more attractive to a joint venture
partner than had been expected.
Mercedes have surprised the industry by issuing their entire dealer network
one year's notice of termination. Their intention is to appoint only a small
core of dealers. The dealer body is taking legal action and we await the
outcome of the trial in July 2001.
Preliminary Announcement
For the year ended 31 March 2001
Chief Executive's Review (continued)
Following the abolition of ACT relief on pension fund investments, there has
been much talk about the increasing cost of providing pensions, in particular
company final salary schemes. We have reviewed our own scheme and, on the
advice of our actuaries, we have made some modifications to contribution and
benefit rates. We are satisfied that we have taken sufficient action at the
present time.
We have extended our successful relationship with our software suppliers and
continue to enjoy the benefits of a group-wide dealer management system.
Our website continues to provide us with strong enquiries on
sales as well as other services such as warranty and insurance. We are
extending our use of this medium to provide intranet company communications.
After more than 40 years service with the company, Anthony Caffyn retired as
joint managing director in February this year. Under Anthony's guidance, the
after sales operations of the company have flourished. In particular, his
innovative Flexi fixed price servicing and repair programme for cars outside
manufacturers warranty period has been consistently successful in retaining
customers in our service departments.
Anthony will remain close to the company as a consultant and we wish him a
long and happy retirement.
I would like also to thank our non-executive directors and professional
advisors for their advice and support during a challenging year.
The Future
I began by reporting our strong underlying performance in our continuing
operations. This is again a testament to the hard work, commitment, and
loyalty of our staff and I am grateful to them for their efforts, particularly
those involved in the recovery of the flood affected branches.
Our ongoing management development training continues to pay dividends and
together with our strategy of concentrating our resources with our more
successful franchises, I am very confident that we will take full advantage of
the more beneficial trading conditions.
Chief Executive
31 May 2001
Preliminary Announcement
For the year ended 31 March 2001
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Continuing Acquisition Discontinued
Note operations operations Total Total
2001 2001 2001 2001 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 139,062 938 3,401 143,401 147,305
Cost of (119,946) (775) (3,589) (124,310) (126,586)
Exceptional 2 (800) - (785) (1,585) -
Total cost (120,746) (775) (4,374) (125,895) (126,586)
of sales
Gross 18,316 163 (973) 17,506 20,719
Other (16,240) (138) (375) (16,753) (17,877)
Operating 2,076 25 (1,348) 753 2,842
Exceptional 2 1,039 - (100) 939 5
Profit on 3,115 25 (1,448) 1,692 2,847
activities before
Interest (600) - - (600) (696)
Profit on 2,515 25 (1,448) 1,092 2,151
before taxation
Taxation 3 36 (345)
Profit on 1,128 1,806
Dividends 4 (611) (601)
(equity and
Retained 517 1,205
Earnings per 5
Basic 30.6p 51.3p
Adjusted 52.1p 51.3p
Diluted 30.6p 50.7p
Note of
Cost Profits
and Losses
Reported 1,092 2,151
profit on
Realisation 1,111 163
of property
Historical 2,203 2,314
cost profit
on ordinary
cost profit
for the year
and dividends 1,628 1,368
There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit for the
financial year.
Preliminary Announcement
For the year ended 31 March 2001
Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 March 2001
Note 2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets 24 -
Tangible assets 25,022 24,077
Investments - -
25,046 24,077
Current Assets
Stocks 22,096 21,647
Debtors 6,262 5,895
28,358 27,542
Amounts falling due within one year (23,179) (22,353)
Net Current Assets 5,179 5,189
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 30,225 29,266
Amounts falling due after more than one year (4,427) (4,937)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (960) (150)
24,838 24,179
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital 2,935 2,899
Share premium account 164 58
Revaluation reserve 4,308 5,419
Profit and loss account 17,431 15,803
24,838 24,179
Equity shareholders' funds 23,601 22,942
Non-equity shareholders' funds 1,237 1,237
Total shareholders' funds 6 24,838 24,179
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 31 May
Preliminary Announcement
For the year ended 31st March 2001
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2001
Note 2001 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from
activities 7 1,975 6,966
Returns on investment
and servicing of finance
Interest paid (600) (696)
Preference dividends paid (102) (98)
(702) (794)
UK Corporation tax paid (353) (302)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible (3,524) (1,582)
fixed assets
Closure costs (260) (82)
Sale of tangible fixed 4,024 267
240 (1,397)
Acquisitions (1,590) -
Equity dividends paid (502) (483)
Cash (outflow)/inflow (932) 3,990
before financing
Capital element of (118) (104)
finance leases
Issue of shares 142 7
Loan repayments (500) (3,498)
Loan advance 1,000 -
Net cash 524 (3,595)
inflow/(outflow) from
(Decrease)/increase in 8,9 (408) 395
Notes to the Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31 March 2001
1 Basis of preparation
This preliminary statement which does not constitute statutory accounts as
defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, has been extracted from the
statutory financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 March 2001
on which the auditors issued an unqualified audit opinion on 31 May 2001.
These financial statements have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of
The financial statements have been prepared using accounting policies which
are consistent with previous years.
2. Exceptional items
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Exceptional items - flood losses 800 -
- Caffyns Motor Contracts 785 -
1,585 -
The exceptional item for flood losses relates to the losses arising on the flood
damage at three of the company's branches.
The provision of £785,000 on the cessation of Caffyns Motor Contracts ('CMC')
relates to the difference between the forecast residual values of vehicles and
the residual amounts that the company has guaranteed to pay for the vehicles. It
is anticipated that the provision will be utilised over a period of not more
than 3 years from 31 March 2001.
Arising in respect of branch closures: 2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Net profits on disposal of tangible fixed assets 1,199 87
Closure costs (260) (82)
939 5
The closure costs and profit on disposals related to the surplus on and related
costs incurred as a result of disposing of five branches in the year and the
estimated costs of closure of CMC. The effect on the taxation credit for the
current year of the exceptional items recognised below operating profit is
disclosed in note 3.
3. Taxation
The Group's UK corporation tax charge has been reduced by £ 78,000 (2000 -
£25,000) as a result of the exceptional costs (note 2). There is no corporation
tax charge arising on the exceptional profit due to the availability of
roll-over relief and indexation.
Notes to the Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31 March 2001
4. Dividends
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Non equity
6.5% Cumulative First Preference 25 25
6.0% Cumulative Second Preference 12 12
10% Cumulative Preference 65 65
102 102
Interim dividend paid of 5.5p (2000 - 5.5p) 186 183
Final dividend proposed of 9.5p (2000 - 9.5p) 323 316
509 499
Total 611 601
5. Earnings per ordinary share
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the year. Shares held in employee share schemes are
treated as cancelled for the purposes of this calculation.
The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per
share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the post tax effect of
dividends and/or interest, on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and
other dilutive potential ordinary shares.
Reconciliations of earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the
calculations are set out below.
2001 2000
Number Earnings Number Earnings
of of
Earnings shares per share Earnings shares per share
£'000 '000 £'000 '000
Profit on 1,026 1,704
and preference
number of
shares 3,350 3,322
Basic 30.6p 51.3p
per share
Profit on
and preference
dividends 1,026 1,704
Add : 800 -
item (see
note 2)
Less: Tax (80) -
1,746 1,704
number of
shares 3,350 3,322
Adjusted 52.1p 51.3p
per share
Number of 51 133
Number of
that would
been (48) (95)
issued at
Diluted 1,026 3,353 30.6p 1,704 3,360 50.7p
per share
Notes to the Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31 March 2001
6. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
2001 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial year 1,128 1,806
Dividends (611) (601)
517 1,205
Equity shares issued in year 142 7
Net increase in shareholders funds 659 1,212
Brought forward at 1 April 24,179 22,967
Carried forward at 31 March 24,838 24,179
Shareholders' Funds are attributable
as follows:
Equity interests 23,601 22,942
Non-equity interests
6.5% Cumulative First Preference shares 389 389
of £1 each
10% Cumulative Preference shares of £1 648 648
6% Cumulative Second Preference shares 200 200
of 10p each
1,237 1,237
24,838 24,179
7. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow
from operating activities:
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Operating profit 753 2,842
Depreciation charge 921 894
Amortisation of goodwill 1 -
Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets - 19
Decrease in stocks 9 894
(Increase)/decrease in debtors (275) 2,535
Decrease in creditors (169) (218)
Increase in provisions for liabilities and charges 735 -
Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,975 6,966
8. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (408) 395
Movement in loans (500) 3,498
Cash outflow from capital repayments of finance leases 118 104
Movement in net debt in the year (790) 3,997
Net debt at 1 April (5,735) (9,732)
Net debt at 31 March (6,525) (5,735)
Notes to the Preliminary Announcement for the year ended 31 March 2001
9. Analysis of net debt
At At
31 March 2001 Cashflow 1 April 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Overdrafts 3,219 408 2,811
Debt falling due within 1 year 1,000 (500) 1,500
Debt falling due after more 2,000 1,000 1,000
than 1 year
Finance leases 306 (118) 424
3,306 382 2,924
Total 6,525 790 5,735