Offer for Sterling Industries Goes Unconditional

Caledonia Investments PLC 17 January 2000 CALEDONIA INVESTMENTS BID VALUING STERLING INDUSTRIES AT £97 MILLION GOES WHOLLY UNCONDITIONAL Caledonia Investments plc ('Caledonia'), the diversified trading and investment company with a range of subsidiaries and associates and a portfolio of strategic and general investments, has today announced that it has declared wholly unconditional its offer for those issued ordinary shares in Sterling Industries PLC ('Sterling') not already owned ('Offer'). Background to and reasons for the Offer There has been a long association between the two companies and the Caledonia group has held a substantial shareholding (27.21 percent at the time of its Offer) in Sterling since 1989. In addition, The Cayzer Trust Company Ltd, a major shareholder in Caledonia, held 45.44 percent of Sterling. These holdings had contributed to very low levels of liquidity in Sterling shares. Furthermore, one of Sterling's principal assets was its 9.59 percent shareholding in Caledonia. The boards of both Caledonia and Sterling became increasingly of the view that these cross-shareholdings were not helping the share price of either company to reflect its underlying value and concluded that an agreed offer by Caledonia for Sterling represented the best way to resolve this situation. The recommended Offer by Caledonia to acquire the 72.79 percent of the issued ordinary shares in Sterling that it did not already own was announced on 25 November 1999. Value of the Offer On the basis of Caledonia's middle market share price (net of Caledonia's interim dividend of 7.5 pence) of 740 pence on 25 November 1999, the Offer (including the interim and special dividends totalling 48 pence per Sterling ordinary share) amounted to £71 million, valuing the whole of Sterling at £97 million. Results of the Offer As at 3 p.m. on 14 January 2000, Caledonia had received valid acceptances in respect of a total of 20,628,563 Sterling ordinary shares, representing 67.92 percent of Sterling's issued ordinary share capital. When added to the 8,265,450 Sterling ordinary shares already held by the Caledonia group, Caledonia now either owns, or has received valid acceptances in respect of, a total of 28,894,013 Sterling ordinary shares representing 95.13 percent of Sterling's total issued ordinary share capital. Caledonia intends to apply the provisions of sections 428 to 430F of the Companies Act 1985 to acquire compulsorily the remaining Sterling ordinary shares and also to seek the cancellation of Sterling's Stock Exchange listing. Caledonia has also today declared its offer for Sterling's preference shares wholly unconditional. Peter Buckley, Chairman and Chief Executive of Caledonia Investments plc, commented: 'We are delighted with the results of the recommended offer for Sterling. It had become clear to us that Sterling's small market float and ownership structure was not helping the share prices of either Sterling or Caledonia, and the time had come for the cross-shareholdings to be unwound. 'We believe that Sterling's interesting niche engineering businesses offer good prospects in the medium term and that the scope for exploiting their potential will be enhanced by bringing the company fully into the Caledonia group.' Enquires: Peter Buckley, Chairman and Chief Executive Caledonia Investments plc Tel: 020 7481 4343
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