Interim Results - 6 Months to 31 December 1999
Caledonian Trust PLC
19 April 2000
Caledonian Trust PLC, the Edinburgh based property investment company, announces
its unaudited Results for the six months to 31 December 1999.
Unaudited Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
for the six months to 31 December 1999
6 Months 6 Months Year to
to 31 Dec to 31 Dec 30 June
1999 1998 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
INCOME-continuing operations
Rental Income 2,005 1,721 3,340
Property sales 476 - -
2,481 1,721 3,340
Property rental outgoings (103) (50) (93)
Cost of property sold (398) - -
Administrative Expenses (307) (292) (593)
(808) (342) (686)
OPERATING PROFIT 1,673 1,379 2 ,654
Profit on disposal of investment
property - - 205
Discount on redemption of 10%
unsecured loan stock - 17 17
Interest receivable 15 31 43
Interest payable (620) (909) (1,613)
BEFORE TAXATION 1,068 518 1,306
Taxation - - -
AFTER TAXATION 1,068 518 1,306
PROFIT RETAINED 1,068 518 1,306
Earnings per ordinary share 8.69p 4.22p 10.63p
Diluted earnings per ordinary share 7.78p 3.85p 9.73p
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 1999
As at 31 As at 31 As at 30
Dec 1999 Dec 1998 June 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investment Properties 26,088 28,405 27,160
Equipment & vehicles 210 215 202
26,298 28,620 27,362
Current assets
Stock and work in progress 985 1,299 985
Debtors 137 81 69
Cash at bank and in hand 290 89 453
1,412 1,469 1,507
Creditors: Amounts falling due
within one year (6,616) (5,354) (6,233)
Net current liabilities (5,204) (3,885) (4,726)
Total assets less current
liabilities 21,094 24,735 22,636
Creditors: Amounts falling due
after more than one year (9,764) (14,498) (11,625)
Net assets 11,330 10,237 11,011
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,458 2,458 2,458
Share premium account 2,531 2,531 2,531
Revaluation reserve 1,524 3,148 2,274
Profit and loss account 4,817 2,100 3,748
Shareholders' funds equity 11,330 10,237 11,011
1 The figures for the six months to 31 December 1999 and 31 December 1998 do
not constitute the company's statutory accounts within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended) and are unaudited. The figures for
the year to 30 June 1999 do not constitute full accounts. The audited accounts
for that year were unqualified and have been delivered to the Registrar of
2 The interim statement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting
policies set out in the group's statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June
3 The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on the reported
profit for the six months to 31 December 1999 and on the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue in the period. The calculation of diluted earnings
per ordinary share is calculated adjusting the profit for the six months to 31
December 1999 in respect of interest on loan stock deemed to have been
converted. The weighted average number of shares has been adjusted for deemed
conversion of loan stock and deemed exercise of share options outstanding.
4 The Directors do not intend to pay a dividend at this time.
5 Copies of the Interim Results for the six months to 31 December 1999 will be
posted to shareholders on 26 April 2000 and will be available from the company's
Nominated Advisor, Noble & Company Limited, 1 Frederick's Place, London EC2R
8AB, for a period of 14 days from the date thereof.
Douglas Lowe, Chairman of Caledonian Trust PLC, says:
Pre-tax profit for the six months to 31 December 1999 was £1,068,000 compared
with £518,000 in the previous comparable period. Reported rental income rose
£284,000 but included a prepayment of £417,000 from a lease surrender. Property
outgoings increased £53,000 due to increased voids and refurbishment works in
Aberdeen but net interest payable fell £273,000. The sale of two of our
licensed premises in Balloch and Brechin for £476,000 produced a trading surplus
of £78,000. The Group's investment portfolio has been devalued by £750,000
resulting in a net increase in shareholders' funds since 30 June 1999 of
£319,000. The NAV per share at 31 December 1999 was 92.3p.
In Aberdeen we have re-let the top floor at St Magnus House on a 15 year FRI
lease from 13 March 2000 to the Government's newly established Food Standards
Agency and we are currently negotiating a new 10 year lease for floors 2,3,4 and
5 with a blue chip tenant for entry in November 2000. The Karting Centre at
Stoneywood re-opened in January 2000 and is reported to be trading well. There
has been no significant change in our Edinburgh investment portfolio but
development prospects are encouraging. We have obtained detailed consent for
our development of five houses at Eskbank. In Belford Road, a few minutes from
Charlotte Square, we have now finalised plans for a most attractive 20,500 ft2
office development for which we expect early approval. At St Margaret's our
92,000 ft2 office East of the city centre, we are evaluating options at the end
of the current lease or any extension of it including refurbishment with or
without a 50,000 ft2 extension, rebuilding up to 150,000 ft2 and a possible
joint redevelopment of up to 400,000 ft2.
The sale of our trading property at Gateshead was completed in April 2000 for
£1.315m. an increase of £330,000 over book value. In late December our public
house tenant unilaterally abrogated its contracts and we are now operating two
licensed premises, one in East Edinburgh and another in Alloa, which opened
after refurbishment on 20 March 2000.
Property prospects vary significantly between our two main markets. In
Aberdeen, where supply is the highest for over 15 years and uptake is below
recent averages, rents have fallen. However the quality and location of St
Magnus has ensured that subsequent to high-quality refurbishment the property is
proving attractive to occupiers. In contrast in Edinburgh supply continues to
drop, average take-up is steady and headline office rents are quoted at a new
peak of £28.
This year prospective economic conditions seem likely to favour Property
relative to other asset classes. In 1999 the IPD Property total return was
14.5% compared with 23.8% for Equities and -3.5% for Gilts (1998 25.0%!) and
5.5% for Cash. However in 2000 by 14 April the All Share Index had lost 4% and,
given the current high valuation of some markets and some particular sectors,
the likely future interest rate rises and the increase in margin trading and
momentum investing, the probability of further falls in stock values seems high.
A consequence of recent investment fashion has been a widening of the discount
to NAV on which many property companies' shares trade. The Group has little
exposure to many of the factors that contribute to high discounts to NAV as we
have little high cost long-term debt and at current valuations there is no
contingent CGT liability. Indeed, we have large tax losses and there are
development opportunities in the Group, neither of which is reflected in the
Trading for the year will be satisfactory as, even if interest rates rise 0.25%
in both May and June, rates will average 0.68% points lower than in the last
reporting year. However the Group's NAV will depend on the net change in
The Unaudited Interim Results will be circularised to all shareholders on 26
April 2000 and copies are available free of charge from the Company's Head
Office at 61 North Castle Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3LJ, and will also be available
free of charge from 19 April until 3 May 2000 in the offices of Noble & Company
Limited, Floor 4, 1 Frederick's Place, LONDON, EC2R 8AB.