Interim Results
City of Oxford Geared Inc Tst PLC
24 October 2000
Chairman's Statement
This is my first report to shareholders since the Company changed its name to
The City of Oxford Geared Income Trust, and it covers the six months to 30
September 2000. Looking first at performance, the total return on the
portfolio including income was 5.2%. This represents a creditable performance
against the All Share Index which saw a negative return of -1.5%. The Higher
Yield Index was bolstered by the strong performance of the Oil sector and
returned 10.7%. A second interim dividend of 2.86p per Geared Ordinary share
and 2.05p per Income share has been declared by the Directors, which is in
line with the assumptions made in the September 1999 reconstruction
In the last Annual Report I ventured that after a sustained period during
which growth companies had been to the fore, a more realistic approach to
valuing companies was re-emerging which, if it continued, would be beneficial
to the portfolio. This approach has continued but rather half-heartedly. The
frequent switchbacks into growth stocks suggest that despite warnings of
tougher trading conditions from some high profile companies in the technology
orientated sectors, the market preoccupation with growth may still not be
Part of the problem is that conditions for companies in the old or established
economy have themselves been far from ideal. The effect of the high level of
Sterling against the Euro has been compounded by the sharp rise in oil prices.
As most investors recognise, this is not as serious as the oil crises of the
1970s but it does start to jeopardise one of the central tenets of equity
market valuations - that inflation remains at current low levels. It also
means, and we have started to see this recently, that company profits are
squeezed by higher raw material and transportation costs. This has meant that
some of the portfolio's industrial holdings have performed poorly. However
the very full weightings that we have in more defensive stocks, for example in
foods, insurance and utilities have more than made up for these
disappointments. The split capital portfolio has likewise performed well,
with higher yields providing downside protection.
We have seen recently another major setback in the TMT sectors which may
provide some opportunities to purchase oversold stocks. As a principle
however we are still concerned that valuations in these areas fail to take
account of the long term demand risks and rising competition, not to mention
the rising debt levels, which are currently preoccupying telecom investors.
The portfolio's generally defensive positioning looks right for the shorter
term at least, but we would hope to be able to take a more optimistic stance
early in the new year on prospects of a more certain earnings background.
Fred Carr
24 October 2000
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (incorporating the Revenue Account) OF
THE GROUP for the six months ended 30 September 2000
6 months to 30 September 2000 11 months to 30 September 1999
(unaudited) (unaudited - restated*)
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on
investments - 4,478 4,478 - 2,448 2,448
Income 4,042 - 4,042 2,952 - 2,952
management fee (166) (384) (550) (124) (288) (412)
Other expenses (78) - (78) (91) - (91)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Net return
before finance
costs and
taxation 3,798 4,094 7,892 2,737 2,160 4,897
Interest payable (522) (1,217) (1,739) (332) (774) (1,106)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Return on
before taxation 3,276 2,877 6,153 2,405 1,386 3,791
Taxation (78) 78 - (117) 95 (22)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Return on
after taxation 3,198 2,955 6,153 2,288 1,481 3,769
Dividends and
in respect
of non-equity
shares (2,145) (1,704) (3,849) (1,636) (1,152) (2,788)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
attributable to
Geared Ordinary
shareholders 1,053 1,251 2,304 652 329 981
dividends paid
to Geared
shareholders (992) - (992) (605) - (605)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Transfer to
equity reserves 61 1,251 1,312 47 329 376
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Return per
Geared Ordinary
Share 6.07p 7.21p 13.28p 10.78p 5.43p 16.21p
Return per
Income Share 4.35p - 4.35p 7.73p - 7.73p
Dividends per
Geared Ordinary
Share 5.72p 10.00p
per Income Share 4.10p 7.17p
* The income and tax on ordinary activities figures for the period to
30 September 1999 show income net of tax credits, in accordance with
Financial Reporting Standard No. 16 'Current tax'.
17 months to 31 March 2000
(audited - restated*)
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on
investments - 1,872 1,872
Income 6,647 - 6,647
Investment management
fee (280) (655) (935)
Other expenses (141) - (141)
----- ----- -----
Net return before finance
costs and taxation 6,226 1,217 7,443
Interest payable (839) (1,956) (2,795)
----- ----- -----
Return on ordinary
activities before
taxation 5,387 (739) 4,648
Taxation (236) 214 (22)
----- ----- -----
Return on ordinary
activities after taxation 5,151 (525) 4,626
Dividends and other
appropriations in respect
of non-equity shares (3,548) (2,758) (6,306)
----- ----- -----
Return attributable to
Geared Ordinary shareholders 1,603 (3,283) (1,680)
Interim dividends paid
to Geared Ordinary shareholders (1,597) - (1,597)
----- ----- -----
Transfer to equity reserves 6 (3,283) (3,277)
----- ----- -----
Return per Geared Ordinary
Share 16.19p (33.15)p (16.96)p
Return per Income Share 11.54p - 11.54p
Dividends per Geared
Ordinary Share 15.72p
Dividends per Income Share 11.27p
AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 30 September 30 September 31 March
(UNAUDITED) 2000 1999 2000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
------------ ------------ --------
£'000 £'000 £'000
Listed Investments 153,250 100,599 145,894
Current Assets:
Debtors 3,570 40,387 1,432
Cash at bank 2,696 2,010 6,266
------ ------ -------
6,266 42,397 7,698
Creditors: amounts
falling due within
one year 5,190 19,072 2,404
------ ------ ------
Net Current Assets 1,076 23,325 5,294
------ ------ ------
154,326 123,924 151,188
Creditors: amounts
falling due after
more than one year (47,550) (18,150) (47,550)
------- ------- -------
Net assets 106,776 105,774 103,638
======= ======= =======
Called up share
capital 5,152 5,152 5,152
Share premium 98,991 98,975 98,994
Redemption reserve 4,462 1,152 2,758
Capital reserve
-realised (3,328) (429) (2,133)
Capital reserve
-unrealised 1,296 757 (1,150)
Revenue reserve 203 167 17
-------- ------ ------
Total shareholders'
funds 106,776 105,774 103,638
======== ======= =======
Net asset value per
Income Share 100.28p 100.24p 100.02p
Net asset value per
Zero Dividend
Preference Share 116.79p 107.70p 112.11p
Net asset value per
Geared Ordinary Share 85.48p 98.89p 77.94p
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2000
Six months to Period ended Period ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2000 1999 2000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash inflow from
operating activities 3,386 2,186 4,368
UK taxation paid - (22) (22)
Return on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest paid (1,730) (912) (2,253)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
------ ------ -------
Purchases of investments (23,743) (67,312) (164,410)
Sales of investments 21,603 10,555 46,202
------ ------ -------
(2,140) (56,757) (118,208)
Dividends paid (3,086) (1,405) (3,554)
------ ------ -------
Cash outflow before
management of liquid
resources and financing (3,570) (56,910) (119,669)
Management of liquid
Money market deposits
withdrawn/(placed) 2,428 (1,600) (4,530)
Gross proceeds from ------ ------ ------
issue of shares - 42,195 81,939
Issue expenses paid - (1,438) (3,567)
Bank loans drawn down - 18,150 47,550
------ ------ -------
- 58,907 125,922
------ ------ -------
(Decrease)/increase in cash (1,142) 397 1,723
====== ====== =======
Reconciliation of net
cash flow to movement
in net debt
(Decrease)/increase in cash (1,142) 397 1,723
Bank loans drawn down - (18,150) (47,550)
Cash used to (decrease)/
increase liquid resources (2,428) 1,600 4,530
----- ------ ------
Change in net debt (3,570) (16,153) (41,297)
Net (debt)/funds at
start of period (41,284) 13 13
------ ------ ------
Net (debt)/funds at
end of period (44,854) (16,140) (41,284)
====== ====== ======
Liquid resources comprise short term money market deposits.
Approved by the board of Directors on 24 October 2000.
The Second Interim dividend in respect of the year ending 31 March 2001 will
amount to 2.86p per Geared Ordinary share and 2.05p per Income share. The
dividend will be payable on 20 November 2000 to eligible shareholders on the
register at the close of business on 3 November 2000.