Interim Results

CAMELLIA PLC 14 September 1999 INTERIM STATEMENT Largely due to the disappointing interim results of Lawrie Group subsidiaries engaged in the growing and manufacture of tea, your Group's operations incurred a loss of £1.469 million after tax and minority interests in the six months ended 30th June 1999, compared to a profit of £6.26 million earned in the comparable period in 1998. Shareholders should be aware from the wide annual variations in the interim figures that they are not necessarily a guide to the full year's results. The Board, however, is quietly confident regarding the outlook for the balance of the year. Scheme of Arrangement to acquire the outstanding shares of Lawrie Group Plc Shareholders will find enclosed a document entitled 'Supplementary Listing Particulars'. This is required by the Financial Services Act 1986 to ensure that shareholders are made aware of any matters considered significant that have occurred since the Extraordinary General Meeting but before admission of the new shares on the London Stock Exchange. This interim statement is such a significant matter. On 15th July 1999 the shareholders of Lawrie Group Plc voted in favour of the Scheme of Arrangement. The Scheme remains subject to the sanction of the Court, which is anticipated to take place on 4th October. The new shares are then expected to be admitted to the London Stock Exchange on 11th October, and immediately following this date, assuming the Scheme is sanctioned and the new shares are admitted, it is the intention of your Board to declare an interim dividend in respect of the year ending 31st December 1999. Art Galleries During the six months to 30th June 1999, Lumley Cazalet Limited experienced particularly profitable trading, and prospects for the balance of the year are considered encouraging. Additional modest progress has been made with the orderly disposal of the JPL Fine Arts Limited inventory, but once again further provision has been made against the carrying value of this inventory. In view of the experience of Lumley Cazalet in the year to date, it is expected that the year will show a continuing overall improvement in profitability for the Group's art businesses. Prospects The commercial and industrial interests of Lawrie Group have generally performed well, as described by Mr. FitzGerald in his interim statement to the shareholders of Lawrie Group. The outlook for the remaining months of the current year will be dominated by Lawrie Group's very substantial tea operations. Mr. Dieter Johr It is with the greatest regret that the Board reports that our colleague, Dieter Johr, has recently passed away. Dieter Johr was a tower of strength with his unswerving friendship and good counsel over a period of 25 years. Everyone who knew him will miss him deeply. Lawrie Group Plc As is our custom, we include an extract from the Chairman's Statement of Lawrie Group for the six months to 30th June 1999: The Group's negative results to 30th June 1999 are very disappointing,especially when compared with the exceptionally profitable first half of 1998. The downturn is primarily attributable to the severe impact upon our tea crops of unusually adverse weather conditions reported in my statement to shareholders dated 1st June 1999, accompanied and exacerbated by an unexpected continuance of depressed tea price levels. Under these unfavourable circumstances the operating results at interim stage of our tea companies in India and Bangladesh have inevitably suffered, as for similar reasons have the extensive tea and coffee interests of our principal subsidiary, Linton Park Plc. UNITED KINGDOM Walter Duncan & Goodricke Limited In Duncan Lawrie Limited, deposits have remained static during the first half year, but funds under management have increased. Certain personnel changes were initiated during the first half of 1999 and a new and younger management team is now in place. Duncan Lawrie has now completed all the checks and testing necessary to ensure that its systems and those of the suppliers on whom it relies are year 2000 compliant. With the exception of one small London flat still on the market, W.D.G. Properties' portfolio is now fully let. Linton Park Plc Linton Park's pre-tax profit for the first six months amounted to £3.58 million, compared to £17.82 million for the same period last year. The following is an extract from the Chairman's Statement dated 2nd September 1999: 'The substantial decline in the profits for the six months ended 30th June 1999 as compared to the same period last year was foreshadowed in my statement to the Annual General Meeting in May. The main contributing factors to this decline were as follows: - A serious drought in Kenya resulted in tea production being some 40 per cent. below the same period last year and tea prices declined by 15 per cent. compared with the same period last year. - A substantial decline in the prices realised for our Malawi teas, which were over 33 per cent. lower than the corresponding period last year. - A substantial reduction in the sales price for Kenyan coffee. - Orders for our offshore oil related engineering activities in the United Kingdom remained at a low level as a result of the low price of oil at the beginning of the year. - Substantial restructuring costs incurred by Siegfried, our Swiss pharmaceutical associate, in relation to meeting Federal Drug Administration requirements in America. The trading performance of the agricultural operations was exceptionally strong in the first half of 1998. However, excluding Siegfried, group profits in the first six months showed a modest improvement on those achieved in the last six months of 1998. Associated Cold Stores & Transport has benefited from the increased capacity in its new cold store in Wolverhampton and continues to make a very positive contribution to profits. Abbey Metal Finishing again made useful profits and has successfully launched additional services to its aerospace customers, including plasma spraying and non destructive testing. Highland Fuels has also enjoyed satisfactory profits in the first part of the year. South Africa suffered from high interest rates and low table grape prices, but the sale of the first vintage from our wine cellar has been encouraging. Yandilla Park in Australia enjoyed good results with an excellent wine grape harvest, good throughput in the citrus packing operations and reasonably high citrus prices. Despite the restructuring costs incurred by Siegfried, their underlying trading performance remains encouraging, although earnings for 1999 before restructuring costs are anticipated to be below the previous year. There had been some recovery in the level of tea production in Kenya, but unfortunately recent severe hailstorms will reduce crops levels in the second half of the year. Tea prices remain very disappointing. There is little doubt that, apart from Australia, all our overseas agricultural interests will have a poor year. It is also unlikely that our UK engineering interests will recover the ground lost in the first six months. The board nevertheless remain cautiously optimistic about the medium term prospects of the group.' British Mohair Holdings Plc Since the half-year results of this company have not yet been announced a break-even outcome for the period has been assumed in the context of the Lawrie Group's interim results. INDIA The damaging effects of prolonged drought have extended well into the tea growing season in North India. About half the crop's production is located in the Dooars where the 1999 crop is currently 21 per cent. down on 1998. Production on our Assam gardens has been even more drastically affected. Price levels are only marginally less than last year's at this time but are nevertheless disappointing since some increase could reasonably have been expected in response to the lower crops. The half-year results of our tea estates in North India have therefore been considerably impaired. However, in the context of the year as a whole, the interim results of our estates in both India and Bangladesh have absorbed much of the expenditure attributable to the total annual crop, while the bulk of the year's sale proceeds will be realised in the latter half of the year. BANGLADESH Drought conditions over several months severely reduced the country's tea production, and in the case of our ten Longbourne estates, crop is currently 28 per cent. behind 1998. The market for Bangladesh teas has also been much weaker, with prices averaging 24 per cent. below those of last year at this time. It is encouraging to report, however, that since the beginning of August contemporary production on our tea gardens has been catching up with last year's levels. United Insurance Company Limited is under pressure from newly established rival companies, but the pre-tax profits of United Leasing Company Limited show a very satisfactory improvement over 1998 at the half-year. By Order of the Board P.E. Hill 14th September 1999 Secretary INTERIM RESULTS Half year to Half year to Year ended 30th June 30th June 31st December 1999 1998 1998 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover-continuing operations 108,816 117,235 237,987 -discontinued operations 1 - 8,006 9,471 ------- ------- ------- 108,816 125,241 247,458 ------- ------- ------- Operating profit - continuing operations 1,897 17,222 31,506 - discontinued operations - (6) 87 ----- ------ ------ 1,897 17,216 31,593 Share of results of associates Profit before interest and restructuring costs 2,984 3,919 6,765 Restructuring costs 2 (2,568) - - ----- ----- ----- 416 3,919 6,765 Investment income 417 336 554 Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments 36 324 31 Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings 3 - 491 327 Attributable goodwill transferred from reserves - (1,182) (880) ----- ----- ---- - (691) (553) ----- ------ ------ 2,766 21,104 38,390 Net interest payable and similar charges including share of associated undertakings net interest 4 2,821 2,694 6,103 ----- ------ ------ Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation (55) 18,410 32,287 Taxation 5 1,279 6,955 10,538 ----- ------ ------ Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation (1,334) 11,455 21,749 Interest of minority shareholders 135 5,195 8,781 ----- ------ ------ Attributable profit/(loss) (1,469) 6,260 12,968 ----- ------ ------ Dividends: Interim for 1998 of 19p per share - 469 469 Final for 1998 of 28p per share - - 690 Earnings/(loss) per share 6 (59.59)p 253.85p 525.92p INTERIM RESULTS Notes 1. The discontinued operations relate to J. Bennett (Billingsgate) Limited, a fish wholesaling company, which was sold on 7th August 1998. 2. Restructuring costs are those incurred by Siegfried AG in relation to meeting Federal Drug Administration requirements in America. 3. Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings relates to Duncan Lawrie Pension Consultants Limited which was sold on 13th March 1998 and J. Bennett (Billingsgate) Limited and Grant and May Limited which were sold on 7th August 1998. 4. Net interest includes £202,000 (1998 first half year: £174,000 - full year: £487,000) in respect of the Group's share of associated undertakings' net interest. 5. Taxation includes overseas taxation of £1,447,000 for the first half year (1998 first half year: £5,267,000 - full year: £8,796,000) and share of associated undertakings' taxation credit of £249,000 (1998 first half year: charge £944,000 - full year: charge £1,240,000). 6. The calculation of earnings/(loss) per share is based on attributable profit/(loss) divided by the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue in first half year which was 2,465,125 (1998 first half year: 2,466,000 - full year: 2,465,781). 7. Year 2000 - Planning for the year 2000 issues relating to the Group's information systems is well in hand and action has been taken to eliminate all significant problems in advance of the year end. Operational and financial systems are regularly upgraded and replaced and the cost of compliance with year 2000 is not expected to be material. 8. The first half year figures are unaudited and have not been reviewed by the company's auditors. The figures for year ended 31st December 1998 are an abridged statement from the Group's accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' Report on these accounts was unqualified. 9. Supplementary Listing Particulars and the Interim Statement for the six months ended 30th June 1999 are being posted to shareholders today, copies of which, together with this Announcement, can be obtained from the Company's Registrars:- IRG plc., Balfour House, 390/398 High Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 1NQ. or from the Company's registered office: 25 Upper Brook Street, London, W1Y 1PD.


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