Interim Results

Camellia PLC 28 September 2005 Camellia Plc Interim report 2005 Chairman's statement The pre-tax profit from continuing operations of £2,455,000 for the six months to the 30 June 2005 compares with a profit of £710,000 for the same period last year. Results for the half year include nearly £8 million of profits before tax on disposal of assets and discontinued operations. The board has declared an interim dividend of 20p per ordinary share payable on 8 November 2005 to shareholders on the register on 14 October 2005. The company has adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for its 2005 group accounts as required by European Union Regulations. The impact of adopting IFRS has been to increase equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2004 from £186.08 million to £193.86 million. The main reasons are the increase of £13.84 million in investments to reflect their fair value, the increase of £5.59 million arising on the treatment of biological assets and the inclusion of net pension scheme deficits of £11.45 million, the latter two amounts being after provision for deferred tax. Other significant changes arise from the provision of £3.50 million deferred tax liability on the share of distributable reserves of our associate Siegfried Holding AG and an increase in reserves of £2.90 million on release of negative goodwill. A summary of the movements from UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP) to IFRS is shown in note 11 to the Interim Statement and in the appendix. Tea India Production is marginally ahead of last year but prices are about 15% lower. Our tea operations in the Dooars have recently experienced a two week strike that affected the entire region which, although now settled, will have an adverse impact on production and profitability for the second half of the year. The emphasis in India continues to be the policy of producing the highest quality product possible. The market for orthodox teas continues to be poor because of low demand from traditional markets. Bangladesh Production is 10% ahead of last year and prices have also increased resulting in a considerably reduced loss for the first six months of the year. The prospects for Bangladesh appear to be encouraging. Africa Tea production in Kenya has been slightly ahead of the levels achieved in 2004, however prices have fallen by 25 US cents per kg compared with the same period last year. This fall, combined with a relatively strong Kenyan shilling, has resulted in disappointing results from our Kenyan operations which made a loss in the first half of the year. Production in Malawi is at the same levels as last year, and the fall in prices has not been so marked. This, together with the impact of a weakening Malawi kwacha, has resulted in satisfactory profits being achieved. The outlook for the second half of the year is less clear as the rains received since February are well below average, and if this trend continues will result in reduced production levels. In South Africa, where the tea estates were closed last year, some progress has been made in disposing of plant and machinery. Discussions continue concerning the disposal of the land assets, but this is likely to be a long and tortuous exercise. Citrus As previously reported, we disposed of our citrus interests in Australia through the sale of our 70% shareholding in East African Coffee Plantations in March 2005. Our citrus operations in Chile and South Africa both experienced inclement climatic conditions resulting in a low pack-out for export. The operation in California is progressing well as the orchards mature. Edible nuts This will be an 'off' year for our pistachio production resulting in a negligible crop. The prospects for the harvest of macadamia nuts in Malawi and South Africa are encouraging and the crop will be well in excess of last year. Prices have also been very good although there is some recent evidence of levels weakening. The orchards in both Malawi and South Africa are currently experiencing extremely dry conditions, if these continue they may impact on flowering and fruit set for the 2006 crop. Other horticulture Table grape production in South Africa was greatly reduced with a significant lack of weight in each bunch. Exports were therefore 50% below last year and this, coupled with weak prices and a strong rand, has resulted in very disappointing results. Wine grape production was satisfactory both in South Africa and Chile, but the wine market continues to be very competitive. The Kakuzi avocado crop appears to be in line with expectations and the building of a new packing shed has commenced. In Brazil, soya prices have declined substantially and the exceptional profits over the last two years will not be repeated this year. In Bangladesh, rubber production continues to increase and prices are remunerative showing a good improvement over the same period last year. Food storage and distribution Associated Cold Stores & Transport experienced a most unsatisfactory first six months. Occupancy level in the cold stores was low and the transport operations suffered from a lack of demand from their major customers. Considerable effort continues to be devoted to reducing costs. There has been a modest increase in activity over the last month. Engineering Our UK engineering operations are performing ahead of expectations and the previous year. Most of our operations are busy particularly as a result of higher activity in the oil industry but margins are continually under pressure. Banking The acquisition of Douglas Deakin Young by Duncan Lawrie has had a positive impact on profits, and their contribution is ahead of expectations. The prospects for our banking operations remain encouraging. Pharmaceutical Although Siegfried's sales revenues for the six months have reduced by 14.8% compared to 2004, it appears that the considerable restructuring costs incurred last year are beginning to show a positive benefit. Siegfried is expected to return to growth during the second half of 2005. Other associated undertakings In Bangladesh profitability of both the United Leasing Company and of the United Insurance Company continues to be satisfactory. Prospects The prospects for the group are somewhat clouded by the uncertainties in Kenya and the poor trading results at Associated Cold Stores & Transport but progress is being made in returning our engineering operations to profitability. It is difficult to make any prediction as to the outcome for the full year. M C Perkins Linton Park Chairman Linton Near Maidstone 28 September 2005 Kent ME17 4AB Consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Continuing operations Revenue 2 65,930 66,788 149,676 ====== ====== ======= Trading (loss)/profit 2 (2,864) (2,938) 3,625 (Loss)/gain arising from changes in fair value of biological assets (72) 428 1,722 Share of associates' results 3 2,343 2,382 2,924 Profit on disposal of non-current assets 448 61 1,283 Profit on disposal of 'available-for-sale' investments 1,970 681 695 Profit on part disposal of a subsidiary 4 795 - - Profit on part disposal of an associate - 38 121 Restructuring costs and negative goodwill 5 - 304 (1,634) ------ ------ ------ Profit from operations 2,620 956 8,736 Investment income 1,415 1,419 2,105 Net finance costs (1,580) (1,665) (2,824) ------- ------ ------- Profit before tax 2,455 710 8,017 Taxation (345) 1,254 (2,486) ------ ----- ------- Profit for the period from continuing operations 2,110 1,964 5,531 Discontinued operations Profit/(loss) for the period from discontinued operations 6 3,058 (799) 1,371 ----- ----- ----- Profit for the period 5,168 1,165 6,902 ===== ===== ===== Profit attributable to minority interests 941 400 792 Profit attributable to equity shareholders' 4,227 765 6,110 ----- ----- ----- 5,168 1,165 6,902 ===== ===== ===== Earnings per share - basic and diluted 7 166.9p 30.2p 241.2p Consolidated balance sheet at 30 June 2005 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Non-current assets Intangible assets 5,766 1,521 1,516 Property, plant and equipment 80,623 95,575 83,252 Biological assets 77,409 80,937 79,646 Prepaid operating leases 968 920 876 Investments in associates 61,263 61,610 62,050 Deferred tax assets 5,080 5,323 4,100 Available-for-sale investments 45,216 40,118 43,367 Retirement benefit surplus 2,430 2,260 2,120 Trade and other receivables 148 108 756 ------- ------- ------- 278,903 288,372 277,683 ======= ======= ======= Current assets Inventories 20,290 20,172 20,918 Trade and other receivables 56,271 53,426 53,057 Assets held for resale - - 11,157 Cash and cash equivalents (note 10) 175,045 152,388 150,906 ------- ------- ------- 251,606 225,986 236,038 ======= ======= ======= Current liabilities Borrowings (23,186) (31,422) (28,282) Trade and other payables (198,266) (171,270) (166,100) Deferred income from anticipated sale - - (3,591) Current income tax liabilities (2,162) (1,172) (3,214) Provisions (1,086) - (436) ------- ------- ------- (224,700) (203,864) (201,623) ------- ------- ------- Net current assets 26,906 22,122 34,415 ------- ------- ------- Total assets less current liabilities 305,809 310,494 312,098 Non-current liabilities Borrowings (11,730) (23,285) (20,541) Deferred tax liabilities (30,105) (29,348) (29,441) Retirement benefit obligations (30,312) (23,228) (27,141) Other non-current liabilities (543) (500) (436) Provisions (38) - (113) ------- ------- ------- (72,728) (76,361) (77,672) ------- ------- ------- Net assets 233,081 234,133 234,426 ======= ======= ======= Capital and reserves Called up share capital 260 260 260 Reserves 192,325 186,852 189,225 ------- ------- ------- Equity shareholders' funds 192,585 187,112 189,485 Minority interests 40,496 47,021 44,941 ------- ------- ------- 233,081 234,133 234,426 ======= ======= ======= Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash generated from operations Cash flows from operating activities 8 2,626 982 11,475 Interest paid (1,580) (1,892) (2,785) Income taxes paid (770) (298) (2,552) Interest received 542 649 265 Dividends received from associates 1,530 2,202 2,149 ----- ----- ----- Net cash flow from continuing operating activities 2,348 1,643 8,552 Net cash flow from discontinued operating activities (2,083) (1,599) 6,330 ----- ----- ----- Net cash flow from operating activities 265 44 14,882 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of intangible assets (24) (36) (70) Purchase of property, plant and equipment (2,022) (2,615) (5,328) Proceeds from sale of non-current assets 1,490 323 2,244 Disposal of subsidiaries/businesses (net of cash disposed) 12,883 540 540 Part disposal of a subsidiary 1,673 - - Acquisition of subsidiary (net of cash acquired) (4,393) - (108) Purchase of minority interests - (478) (482) Proceeds from sale of shares in associates - - 1,075 Proceeds from sale of investments 2,595 1,788 2,589 Purchase of investments (299) (619) (3,579) Income from investments 873 876 1,374 Net cash flow from discontinued operations (1,095) (455) (725) ------ ----- ----- Net cash flow from investing activities 11,681 (676) (2,470) Cash flows from financing activities Equity dividends paid - - (2,258) Dividends paid to minority interests (1,617) (707) (1,871) Net repayment of debt (8,458) (1,320) (5,328) Purchase of own shares - (16) (16) Net cash flow from discontinued operations - 1,121 (3,879) Net cash flow from financing activities (10,075) (922) (13,352) ------ ----- ------ Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 9 1,871 (1,554) (940) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period (10,619) (9,946) (9,946) Exchange (losses)/gains on cash (180) (145) 267 ------ ----- ------ Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (8,928) (11,645) (10,619) ====== ====== ====== For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents are included net of overdrafts repayable on demand. These overdrafts are excluded from the definition of cash and cash equivalents disclosed on the balance sheet. Statement of recognised income and expense for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Foreign exchange translation differences 3,940 (4,246) (7,470) Actuarial movement on defined benefit pension schemes (2,704) (3,246) (8,190) Movement on deferred tax relating to defined benefit pension schemes (51) (368) (627) Available-for-sale investments: Valuation gains taken to equity 1,011 2,687 5,021 Transferred to profit or loss on sale (1,191) (669) (669) Share of associate's fair value adjustments (32) - 169 Share of associate's loss on cash flow hedges (632) - - ----- ----- ------ Net income/(expense) recognised directly in equity 341 (5,842) (11,766) Profit for the period 5,168 1,165 6,902 ----- ----- ------ Total recognised income and expense for the period 5,509 (4,677) (4,864) ===== ===== ====== Attributable to: Minority interests 644 319 (2,760) Equity shareholders' 4,865 (4,996) (2,104) ----- ----- ------ 5,509 (4,677) (4,864) ===== ===== ====== Statement of changes in shareholders' equity for the six months ended 30 June 2005 Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit attributable to equity shareholders 4,227 765 6,110 Dividends (1,765) (1,739) (2,258) Foreign exchange translation differences 3,659 (4,210) (6,027) Actuarial movement on defined benefit pension schemes (2,250) (2,407) (6,246) Movement on deferred tax relating to defined benefit pension schemes (51) (291) (462) Available-for-sale investments: Valuation gains taken to equity 995 1,816 5,021 Transferred to profit or loss on sale (1,191) (669) (669) Share of associate's fair value adjustments (24) - 169 Share of associate's loss on cash flow hedges (500) - - Purchase of own shares - (16) (16) ------- ------- ------- Net movement in shareholders' equity 3,100 (6,751) (4,378) ------- ------- Opening shareholders' equity (as previously reported under UK GAAP) 186,482 186,482 Prior year adjustment (400) (400) ------- ------- 186,082 186,082 Adjustments on adoption of IFRS (note 11) 7,781 7,781 ------- ------- Opening shareholders' equity restated 189,485 193,863 193,863 ------- ------- ------- Closing shareholders' equity 192,585 187,112 189,485 ======= ======= ======= The prior year adjustment of £400,000 reflects the cost of 62,500 Camellia Plc shares held by its own subsidiaries. These were previously included within available-for-sale investments. Notes to the accounts 1 Basis of preparation The group adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on 1 January 2005 and therefore the financial information contained within the interim report has been prepared on the basis of the recognition and measurement requirements of IFRS in issue that either are endorsed by the EU and effective (or available for early adoption) at 30 June 2005 or are expected to be endorsed and effective at 31 December 2005, the group's first annual reporting date at which it is required to use IFRS. It should be noted that the IFRS that will be effective in the annual financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2005 are still subject to change and to additional interpretations and therefore cannot be determined with certainty. Details of accounting policies adopted under IFRS and applied in the preparation of the interim financial statements and reconciliations of comparative figures between UK GAAP and IFRS have been included in the appendix. These reconciliations are unaudited. The group has not adopted International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' in these interim financial statements. This standard is not mandatory. The financial information contained in this report has not been audited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2004, which were prepared under UK GAAP, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' opinion on these accounts was unqualified and does not contain a statement made under Section 237(2) and Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2 Segmental analysis of revenue and trading (loss)/profit Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Revenue By activity Agriculture and horticulture 36,746 40,035 92,650 Food storage and distribution 19,016 20,059 42,007 Engineering 9,705 6,172 13,684 Trading, agency and others 463 522 1,335 ------ ------ ------- 65,930 66,788 149,676 ====== ====== ======= By country of origin United Kingdom 24,157 21,843 46,764 Continental Europe 4,918 4,576 9,932 India 11,557 9,332 32,159 Kenya 8,948 10,533 22,923 Malawi 7,923 7,536 11,438 Bangladesh 2,974 2,989 7,656 United States of America 252 188 1,468 South Africa 2,830 7,085 14,025 South America 2,371 2,706 3,311 ------ ------ ------- 65,930 66,788 149,676 ====== ====== ======= Trading (loss)/profit By activity Agriculture and horticulture (1,204) (436) 7,831 Food storage and distribution (755) (152) (682) Engineering 458 (893) (582) Trading, agency and others 562 809 478 Banking 597 448 721 ------ ------ ------ (342) (224) 7,766 Net unallocated expenses (2,522) (2,714) (4,141) ------ ------ ------ (2,864) (2,938) 3,625 By country of origin United Kingdom 883 226 (145) Continental Europe (30) (35) 22 India (3,644) (3,787) 1,708 Kenya (563) 676 2,775 Malawi 2,928 2,671 3,325 Bangladesh 31 (375) 1,654 United States of America 93 75 984 South Africa (106) (469) (3,402) South America 66 794 845 ------ ------ ----- (342) (224) 7,766 ====== ====== ====== 3 Share of associates' results The group's share of the results of associates is analysed below: Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 2,823 3,143 4,216 Investment income 14 3 47 Net finance costs 113 (239) (551) ----- ----- ----- Profit before tax 2,950 2,907 3,712 Taxation (607) (525) (788) ----- ----- ----- Profit after tax 2,343 2,382 2,924 ===== ===== ===== By activity Pharmaceutical 2,221 2,217 2,330 Agriculture and horticulture (28) (84) 8 Leasing and Insurance 150 249 586 ----- ----- ----- 2,343 2,382 2,924 ===== ===== ===== 4 Profit on part disposal of a subsidiary A profit of £795,000 was realised following completion of the sale of 1,673,000 ordinary shares (8 per cent.) in Linton Park Plc's subsidiary, Eastern Produce Kenya Limited. The group's holding is now 70.0 per cent.. The cash consideration was £1,673,000. 5 Restructuring costs and negative goodwill The restructuring costs and negative goodwill credit in 2004 related to the closure of the group's tea operations in South Africa and closure costs relating to the Birmingham division of British Metal Treatments Limited. 6 Discontinued operations In March 2005, Linton Park Plc disposed of its 70.5 per cent. holding in East African Coffee Plantations Limited (EACP), as a result the revenue and results of the EACP group have been excluded from the income statement and are recorded in a single line on a post-tax basis. A breakdown of the results of discontinued operations is shown below: Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Revenue 3,373 7,071 29,231 ===== ===== ====== Operating (loss)/profit (499) (962) 2,300 Investment income 69 - - Finance costs (50) (173) (331) ----- ----- ----- (Loss)/profit before tax (480) (1,135) 1,969 Taxation - 336 (598) ----- ----- ----- (Loss)/profit after tax (480) (799) 1,371 ----- ----- ----- Profit on disposal of discontinued operations 5,167 - - Taxation in relation to disposal (1,629) - - ----- ----- ----- Profit/(loss) for the period from discontinued operations 3,058 (799) 1,371 ===== ===== ===== 7 Earnings per share Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 Earnings per share - continuing operations Earnings per share - basic and diluted 64.7p 53.4p 217.8p Earnings/(loss) per share - discontinued operations Earnings/(loss) per share - basic and diluted 102.2p (23.2)p 23.4p The weighted average number of shares used in the calculation of both basic and diluted earnings per share is 2,532,500 (2004: six months 2,532,809 - year 2,532,653). 8 Reconciliation of profit from operations to cash flow Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit from operations 2,620 956 8,736 Share of associates' results (2,343) (2,382) (2,924) Depreciation and amortisation 3,817 3,682 7,365 Impairment of fixed assets - - 1,254 Loss/(gain) arising from changes in fair value of biological assets 72 (428) (1,722) Profit on disposal of non-current assets (448) (24) (1,278) Profit on part disposal of a subsidiary (795) - - Profit on disposal of investments (1,970) (681) (695) Profit on part disposal of an associate - (38) (121) Restructuring costs and negative goodwill - (304) 1,634 Increase in working capital (1,217) (364) (9,495) Net decrease in funds of banking subsidiaries 2,890 565 8,721 ----- ----- ------ 2,626 982 11,475 ===== ===== ====== 9 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Six months Six months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2005 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents in the period 1,871 (1,554) (940) Cash outflow from decrease in debt 8,458 200 9,207 ------ ------ ------ Decrease/(increase) in net debt resulting from cash flows 10,329 (1,354) 8,267 Finance lease balances of business acquired - - (19) Loans of subsidiaries sold 2,002 - - New finance leases (188) (258) (1,332) Exchange rate movements (210) 647 716 ------ ------ ------ Decrease/(increase) in net debt in the period 11,933 (965) 7,632 Net debt at beginning of period (36,128) (43,760) (43,760) ------ ------ ------ Net debt at end of period (24,195) (44,725) (36,128) ====== ====== ====== 10 Cash and cash equivalents Included in cash and cash equivalents of £175,045,000 (2004: six months £152,388,000 - year £150,906,000) are cash and short-term funds, time deposits with banks and building societies and certificates of deposit amounting to £164,324,000 (2004: six months £142,407,000 - year £138,228,000), which are held by banking subsidiaries and which are an integral part of the banking operations of the group. 11 Adjustments on adoption of IFRS On adoption of IFRS, the book value of the group's shareholders' equity increased. The following table explains the increase of £7,781,000 as at 1 January 2004. £'000 Biological assets 5,587 IAS 41 - Agriculture: Requires the group to fair value its biological assets. Pension liability (11,453) IAS 19 (revised) - Employee benefits: Requires any surplus or deficit in the fair value of the group's pension schemes assets over their liabilities to be recognised in the balance sheet. Leases (1,611) IAS 17 - Leases: Requires leases to be reclassified subject to their classification, in particular the requirement to treat leased land as an operating lease. Available-for-sale investments 13,840 IAS 39 - Financial Instruments: Requires the group to fair value its available-for-sale investments. Goodwill 2,902 IFRS 3 - Business combinations: Requires the credit of previously recognised negative goodwill. Property valuation 591 IFRS 1 - First time adoption of IFRS: Permits certain properties to be recognised at their fair value. Deferred tax (3,814) IAS 12 - Income taxes: Requires deferred tax to be provided on all temporary differences between accounting and tax book values, including the tax impact of the potential distribution of associate's distributable reserves. The financial impact of IAS 12 has been included in the adjustments above where appropriate. Proposed dividend 1,739 IAS 10 - Events after the balance sheet date: Dividends that are declared after the balance sheet date are not recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date. ----- 7,781 ===== A copy of the full interim report including the appendix is available on the company's website at Press Enquiries: Malcolm Perkins, Chairman Tel: 01622 746655 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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