Holdings in Company
Capita Group PLC
23 August 2000
Companies Act 1985 ('The Act') - Part VI
I hereby inform you that as of the date of this letter Barclays PLC, through its
subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, has a notifiable interest in the capital of your
Company of 5.30%.
Details of this interest, together with a breakdown between registered holders
(as required by Section 202(3) of the Act), are set out on the schedule below.
The issued capital of 216,919,832 is the latest figure available to us.
Barclays Bank PLC - Registered Holders Analysis
As at 22 August 2000 Barclays PLC, through its subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, had
a notifiable interest in 11,500,014 ORD GBP0.02 units representing 5.30%
of the issued share capital of 216919832 units.
Registered Holder Holding
Barclays Capital (no.2) Nominees Limited 352,935
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 73520 46,713
Chase Nominees Limited 16331 10,113
Chase Nominees Limited 16341 709,200
Chase Nominees Limited 16344 71,400
Chase Nominees Limited 16345 125,100
Chase Nominees Limited 16376 65,733
Chase Nominees Limited 16400 5,619,144
Chase Nominees Limited 16417 1,132,800
Chase Nominees Limited 16530 2,580,105
Chase Nominees Limited 18409 180,651
Twenty Nine Gracechurch Street Nominees Limited
a/c 5781C 330,303
** Unknown ** 229,470
** Unknown ** 2,085
** Unknown ** 24,351
** Unknown ** 1,500
** Unknown ** 6,963
** Unknown ** 11,448
Total 11,500,014
Barclays Bank PLC - Group Registered Holders Analysis
As at 22 August 2000 Barclays PLC, through its subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, had
a notifiable interest in 19,360,783 ORD GBP0.02 units representing 8.92%
of the issued share capital of 216919832 units.
Registered Holder Holding
Barclays Capital (no.2) Nominees Limited 352,935
Bank of New York Nominees Limited N/A 43,395
Bank of New York Nominees Limited 367748 239,700
Bank of New York Nominees Limited 392067 18,300
Bank of New York Nominees Limited 683013 12,171
Bank of New York Nominees Limited N/A 4,200
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 76,551
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 69402 155,868
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 734262 3,246
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 73520 46,713
Barclaytrust (Channel Islands) Ltd. 57508 1,830
Barclaytrust (Channel Islands) Ltd. 67333 6,177
BT Globenet Nominees Limited 390,786
BT Globenet Nominees Limited 10 N/A 45,369
BT Globenet Nominees Limited 562755 89,400
Chase Nominees Limited 13642 386,550
Chase Nominees Limited 15140 235,443
Chase Nominees Limited 16331 10,113
Chase Nominees Limited 16341 709,200
Chase Nominees Limited 16344 71,400
Chase Nominees Limited 16345 125,100
Chase Nominees Limited 16376 65,733
Chase Nominees Limited 16400 5,619,144
Chase Nominees Limited 16417 1,132,800
Chase Nominees Limited 16530 2,580,105
Chase Nominees Limited 16612 32,700
Chase Nominees Limited 16617 406,245
Chase Nominees Limited 16621 29,700
Chase Nominees Limited 16641 37,377
Chase Nominees Limited 16644 57,900
Chase Nominees Limited 16645 39,912
Chase Nominees Limited 16647 33,864
Chase Nominees Limited 16649 13,899
Chase Nominees Limited 16665 78,516
Chase Nominees Limited 16669 33,696
Chase Nominees Limited 16674 107,265
Chase Nominees Limited 16698 129,642
Chase Nominees Limited 16767 22,053
Chase Nominees Limited 16781 7,371
Chase Nominees Limited 16847 10,401
Chase Nominees Limited 16901 20,100
Chase Nominees Limited 17011 9,000
Chase Nominees Limited 18255 12,675
Chase Nominees Limited 18409 180,651
Chase Nominees Limited 18426 92,370
Chase Nominees Limited 19495 32,352
Chase Nominees Limited 19499 84,114
Chase Nominees Limited 19503 119,061
Chase Nominees Limited 19505 112,452
Chase Nominees Limited 19506 39,444
Chase Nominees Limited 19507 453,231
Chase Nominees Limited 19508 92,076
Chase Nominees Limited 19512 137,199
Chase Nominees Limited 19513 24,900
Chase Nominees Limited 19514 16,014
Chase Nominees Limited 19518 172,200
Chase Nominees Limited 19519 270,000
Chase Nominees Limited 20717 8,718
Chase Nominees Limited B8AC 72,111
Chase Nominees Limited CHS258 24,990
***Unknown*** 90986 54,900
***Unknown*** 683487 22,728
Lloyds Bank Nominees PLC 2300A 2,517
MSS Nominees Limited 320,163
MSS Nominees Limited 5456A 224,400
MSS Nominees Limited 7897A 105,555
MSS Nominees Limited 8809 58,470
MSS Nominees Limited 6,000
MSTC Nominees Limited 8284A 51,900
MSTC Nominees Limited N/A 16,800
***Unknown*** 26,700
Zeban Nominees Limited 9,915
Nortrust Nominees Limited 58,419
Nortrust Nominees Limited BCP01 45,411
Nortrust Nominees Limited B0T12 4,305
Nortrust Nominees Limited CVS21 314,100
Nortrust Nominees Limited SHR14 45,900
Nortrust Nominees Limited USF06 208,614
Nortrust Nominees Limited USF12 181,500
RBSTB Nominees Limited 020723 71,194
Twenty Nine Gracechurch Street
Nominees Limited a/c 5781C 330,303
State Street Nominees Limited 4L9S 350,646
State Street Nominees Limited 573 112,536
State Street Nominees Limited 5750A 320,934
State Street Nominees Limited 5H53 102,393
State Street Nominees Limited JD36 86,355
***Unknown*** 229,470
***Unknown*** 2,085
***Unknown*** 24,351
***Unknown*** 1,500
***Unknown*** 6,963
***Unknown*** 11,448
Vidacos Nominees Limited 001188 4,980
Vidacos Nominees Limited 783373 497,250
Vidacos Nominees Limited 851964 13,650
Total 19,360,783
Barclays Banks PLC - Summary Registered Holders Analysis
CAPITA GROUP Sedol Number 173474
As at 22 August 2000 Barclays PLC, through its subsidiary Barclays Bank PLC, had
a notifiable interest in 11,500,014 ORD GBP0.02 units representing 5.30% of the
issued share capital of 216919832 units.
Non-Material holding is 3.62% of the issued share capital.
Group Holding is 8.92% of the issued share capital.
Registered Holder Holding
Barclays Capital (no.2) Nominees Limited 352,935
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 73520 46,713
Chase Nominees Limited 16331 10,113
Chase Nominees Limited 16341 709,200
Chase Nominees Limited 16344 71,400
Chase Nominees Limited 16345 125,100
Chase Nominees Limited 16376 65,733
Chase Nominees Limited 16400 5,619,144
Chase Nominees Limited 16417 1,132,800
Chase Nominees Limited 16530 2,580,105
Chase Nominees Limited 18409 180,651
Twenty Nine Gracechurch Street Nominees Limited
a/c 5781C 330,303
***Unknown*** 229,470
***Unknown*** 2,085
***Unknown*** 24,351
***Unknown*** 1,500
***Unknown*** 6,963
***Unknown*** 11,448
Material Total 11,500,014
Bank of New York Nominees Limited N/A 43,395
Bank of New York Nominees Limited 367748 239,700
Bank of New York Nominees Limited 392067 18,300
Bank of New York Nominees Limited 683013 12,171
Bank of New York Nominees Limited N/A 4,200
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 76,551
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 69402 155,868
Bank of Ireland Nominees Limited 734262 3,246
Barclaytrust (Channel Islands) Ltd. 57508 1,830
Barclaytrust (Channel Islands) Ltd. 67333 6,177
BT Globenet Nominees Limited 390,786
BT Globenet Nominees Limited 10 N/A 45,369
BT Globenet Nominees Limited 562755 89,400
Chase Nominees Limited 13642 386,550
Chase Nominees Limited 15140 235,443
Chase Nominees Limited 16612 32,700
Chase Nominees Limited 16617 406,245
Chase Nominees Limited 16621 29,700
Chase Nominees Limited 16641 37,377
Chase Nominees Limited 16644 57,900
Chase Nominees Limited 16645 39,912
Chase Nominees Limited 16647 33,864
Chase Nominees Limited 16649 13,899
Chase Nominees Limited 16665 78,516
Chase Nominees Limited 16669 33,696
Chase Nominees Limited 16674 107,265
Chase Nominees Limited 16698 129,642
Chase Nominees Limited 16767 22,053
Chase Nominees Limited 16781 7,371
Chase Nominees Limited 16847 10,401
Chase Nominees Limited 16901 20,100
Chase Nominees Limited 17011 9,000
Chase Nominees Limited 18255 12,675
Chase Nominees Limited 18426 92,370
Chase Nominees Limited 19495 32,352
Chase Nominees Limited 19499 84,114
Chase Nominees Limited 19503 119,061
Chase Nominees Limited 19505 112,452
Chase Nominees Limited 19506 39,444
Chase Nominees Limited 19507 453,231
Chase Nominees Limited 19508 92,076
Chase Nominees Limited 19512 137,199
Chase Nominees Limited 19513 24,900
Chase Nominees Limited 19514 16,014
Chase Nominees Limited 19518 172,200
Chase Nominees Limited 19519 270,000
Chase Nominees Limited 20717 8,718
Chase Nominees Limited B8AC 72,111
Chase Nominees Limited CHS258 24,990
*** Unknown *** 90986 54,900
*** Unknown *** 683487 22,728
Lloyds Bank Nominees PLC 2300A 2,517
MSS Nominees Limited 320,163
MSS Nominees Limited 5456A 224,400
MSS Nominees Limited 7897A 105,555
MSS Nominees Limited B809 58,470
MSS Nominees Limited 6,000
MSTC Nominees Limited 8284A 51,900
MSTC Nominees Limited N/A 16,800
*** Unknown *** 26,700
Zeban Nominees Limited 9,915
Nortrust Nominees Limited 58,419
Nortrust Nominees Limited BCP01 45,411
Nortrust Nominees Limited BOT12 4,305
Nortrust Nominees Limited CVS21 314,100
Nortrust Nominees Limited SHR14 45,900
Nortrust Nominees Limited USF06 208,614
Nortrust Nominees Limited USF12 181,500
RBSTB Nominees Limited 020723 71,194
State Street Nominees Limited 4L9S 350,646
State Street Nominees Limited 573 112,536
State Street Nominees Limited 5750A 320,934
State Street Nominees Limited 5H53 102,393
State Street Nominees Limited JD36 86,355
Vidacos Nominees Limited 001188 4,980
Vidacos Nominees Limited 783373 497,250
Vidacos Nominees Limited 851964 13,650
Non-Material Total 7,860,769
Group Total 19,360,783
Letter to Capita Group plc - dated 17 August 2000
Companies Act 1985
Disclosures of Interest in Voting Shares
In compliance with Part VI of the above Act, as amended, I inform you that, as a
result of recent purchases, the notifiable interest of Prudential plc, in the
following class of voting share in your company, is now as specified below.
Letter from Tom Dowler, for and on behalf of PRUDENTIAL PLC
0173474 ORD GBP0.02 216,919,832 M&G (LOMBARD ST) NOMS AA 89,500
PAC AC 5,490,000
PPL AC 886,835
216,919,832 6,607,835 3.04