20 April 2022
Capital Metals plc
("CMET" or the "Company")
Outstanding Drill Results Confirms Higher Grade
and Potential Resource Extensions
& Project Update
Capital Metals plc (AIM: CMET), a natural resources company focused on the development of the Eastern Minerals Project located in the Eastern Province in Sri Lanka (the "Project"), one of the highest-grade mineral sands projects globally, is pleased to announce the first half of results from the late-2021 auger drilling programme.
· 50% of the assays from the Q4 2021 auger drilling programme completed
· High levels of assay precision and accuracy returned from comprehensive quality assurance programme
· Exceptional high-grade results of +30%Total Heavy Minerals* ("THM"), including:
o 1m at 86.1% THM
o 0.5m @ 70.86% THM
o 0.5m @ 56.77% THM
o 2.4m @ 50.14% THM
o 2.5m @ 46.40% THM
o 2.5m @ 38.29% THM
o 3.5m @ 33.40% THM
· Average grade of results of 19.94% THM from 352 drill results received to date, compared to the existing JORC resource grade of 17.6%
· Confirmation of continuity of high grade as well as lateral extensions of resource areas
· Results indicate likely new potential high-grade resource areas not previously identified
· All results from surface to maximum of only 3.5m depth due to limit of auger drilling and average depth 1.5m from surface. All results ended in mineralisation
· Further air core drill programme planned later in the year in order to test lateral and depth extensions to increase the JORC Resource
The drill results are in the Komari and Ureni North sections, located in the southern portion of the Project (see link to map below). Extremely high-grade zones of +30% THM were identified within the drilling, with 63 of the 352 drill results received to date recording over 30% THM, and the highest result returning 1m at 86.1% THM.
The average grade of results to date is 19.94% THM which compares favourably with our current global resource grade of 17.6% THM and these results indicate possible high-grade resource areas not previously identified.
All drill results are from surface to a maximum of only 3.5m depth with average depth 1.5m from surface and we believe there is resource continuity at depth as shown from the 2018 drill programme, which included results of 14m at 26.3% THM; 8m at 26.6% THM.
Encouragingly, drilling to date has confirmed continuity of high grade as well as adjacent extensions of resource areas. Further analysis of the remaining samples and test work to characterise the mineral assemblage is still to be completed by the lab being used in Sri Lanka, however, given the results to date, the Company is expecting a further uplift to historical figures.
The Company's geologists are now preparing an air core drilling campaign for later this year that will test lateral and depth extensions with the aim of increasing our current JORC Resource of 17.2Mt at 17.6% THM, which will be funded from our oversubscribed February 2022 fundraise.
THM is defined here as the magnetic fraction plus the non-magnetic heavy liquid separation ("HLS") sink fraction.
A summary of the sampling and assay procedure is presented in Appendix 1.
A summary of significant intercepts is presented in Appendix 2.
A drilling and resource plan is included in a PDF version of this announcement on the Company's website by clicking the link below:
Verified assay results returned to date have had extensive QA/QC review. Sample duplicates and heavy mineral standard samples have all been introduced to the laboratory for this drilling programme. A Competent Person ("CP") audit of the laboratory in March 2022 has confirmed the high level of accuracy and precision returned from quality assurance samples.
Development Study
We have been informed by IHC Mining, who are completing the Development Study and the revised Project Economics, that they are nearing the final draft of their report. Following feedback from the Company's commercial and technical team on the initial drafts of the Development Study, including the Project Economics, we are expecting to receive the final report imminently.
Economic Situation in Sri Lanka
The Company notes the economic and political events in Sri Lanka related to country's debt position and discussions with the International Monetary Fund ("IMF"), caused largely by the COVID shutdowns and the lack of tourist income on which the country is heavily reliant. This has resulted in shortages of foreign exchange reserves and essentials including fuel as well as power generation due to the shortages in hydroelectricity. However, the country is currently experiencing heavy showers which has eased some pressure on diesel power plants.
In response to the social pressure exerted by island wide protests, the Governor of the Central Bank and the Treasury Secretary has been replaced by respected and qualified professionals who have taken immediate steps to halt the current decline and are currently engaged with the IMF on debt restructuring and obtaining funding.
There have been no direct impacts on the Project from the situation and the Board believes that our Project, when operational, will be favourable for the country as it will generate foreign export earnings for the country. We are continuing to work diligently with the Sri Lankan authorities in order to progress the issue of our first Industrial Mining Licence ("IML"). This will enable us to move into commissioning the mineral sands concentrator to enable first production of a heavy minerals concentrate.
Michael Frayne, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"The first half of results from our auger drilling campaign were spectacular. Less than 10% of the Project has been drilled to date and these latest results confirm our belief that this resource will expand and we will uncover high grade areas not previously identified.
"Our geologists are now planning the air core drill campaign for later this year which we expect will increase the resource.
"The Project is shaping up in every aspect to be a significant mineral sands project and we look forward to sharing the results of the Development Study in the very near term."
Competent Person
Information in this report relating to Exploration Results is based on data reviewed by Mr Richard Stockwell, a principal of Placer Consulting Pty Ltd and Technical Manager of the Company. Mr Stockwell is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and has in excess of 20 years' experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity he is undertaking, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2021 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Stockwell consents to the inclusion of the information in the form and context in which it appears.
For further information, please visit or contact:
Capital Metals plc Michael Frayne (CEO) James Mahony (CFO)
SPARK Advisory Partners (Nominated Adviser) Neil Baldwin / James Keeshan |
+44 (0) 20 3368 3554 |
WH Ireland Limited (Joint Broker) Harry Ansell / Katy Mitchell |
+44 (0) 20 7220 1666 |
Tavira Securities Limited (Joint Broker) Jonathan Evans / Oliver Stansfield |
+44 (0) 20 7100 5100 |
Criteria |
Explanation |
Comment |
Sampling techniques
Nature and quality of sampling (e.g. cutchannels,randomchips, orspecificspecialisedindustrystandardmeasurementtoolsappropriateto themineralsunderinvestigation,suchasdownholegammasondes,orhandheld XRF instruments,etc.).Theseexamplesshouldnotbe takenaslimitingthebroadmeaningofsampling. |
Hand auger drilling is executed by the Geological Survey & Mines Bureau in Sri Lanka ("GSMB") field team using a manually operated enclosed-flight Spiral Auger (SP / SOS) system from Dormer Engineering in Queensland, Australia. Drilling proceeds to the water table, which is intersected at an average depth, for this dataset, of 1.5m from surface. The first 0.5m advance is withdrawn and the contents of the auger removed onto a sheet and set aside for bagging. The subsequent samples are taken in the same manner at 1m intervals or until the hole is abandoned at the water table. The whole sample is retained.
Include reference tomeasurestaken to ensuresamplerepresentivityandtheappropriatecalibrationofanymeasurementtools orsystemsused. |
All drilling is completed above the water table. Drilling and sampling activities are supervised by a suitably qualified GSMB geologist who is present at all times. All drill samples are geologically logged by the geologist at the drill site. Each sample is bagged at site and transferred to the GSMB laboratory. Samples are dried and weighed prior to analysis. |
Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that are Material to thePublicReport. Incaseswhere'industrystandard'workhasbeendonethiswould berelativelysimple(e.g.'reversecirculationdrillingwasusedtoobtain1 msamplesfrom which3kgwaspulverisedto producea 30g chargeforfireassay'). Inothercases,moreexplanation may be required,suchas wherethere iscoarsegoldthathasinherentsamplingproblems.Unusualcommoditiesormineralisationtypes(e.g.submarinenodules)maywarrantdisclosureofdetailedinformation. |
All samples are dried and weighed. A riffle-split sub sample is then wet screened to determine slimes (-63 µm) and oversize material (+1mm). Approximately100goftheresultant sand sampleisthen oven-dried and passed over a Franz Isodynamic Magnetic Separator to produce magnetic (M) and non-magnetic (NM) fractions. The NM fraction is then subjected to heavy liquid separation (HLS) using Lithium heteropolytungstate (LST) with a density of 2.82g/ml. All fractions are weighed and reported as a percentage of the in-ground total sample weight. Grain counting of heavy minerals is completed by mineralogist and mineral assemblage data is then reported as a percentage of the HM fraction. |
Drilling techniques |
Drill type (e.g.core,reversecirculation,open-holehammer,rotary airblast,auger,Bangka,sonic,etc.)anddetails(e.g.corediameter,tripleorstandardtube,depthofdiamondtails,face-sampling bitor othertype,whether core is orientedandif so,by whatmethod,etc.). |
All samples are generated by hand auger drilling utilising 75 mm diameter enclosed-flight spiral auger. Drill holes are oriented vertically by eye.
Drill sample recovery |
Method of recording and assessing coreandchipsamplerecoveriesandresultsassessed. |
Samples are assessed visually for recoveries. Samples are retrieved moist from the ground. The configuration of drilling and nature of materials encountered results in negligible sample loss. Hand-auger drilling is ceased when recoveries become poor once the water table has been reached. Water table and recovery information is included in lithological logs. |
Drill sample recovery, cont'd. |
Measures taken tomaximisesamplerecoveryandensurerepresentativenatureof thesamples. |
The GSMB's trained geologists supervise drilling on a 1 team 1 geologist basis and are responsible for monitoring all aspects of the drilling and sampling process. |
Whether a relationshipexistsbetweensamplerecoveryandgradeandwhethersamplebiasmayhaveoccurredduetopreferentialloss/gainoffine/coarsematerial. |
No relationship is believed to exist between grade and sample recovery. The moisture content and absence of hydraulic inflow above the water table results in a sample size that is well within the expected size range. |
Logging |
Whether core and chip samples have been geologically and geotechnically logged toa levelofdetail tosupportappropriateMineralResourcesestimation,miningstudiesandmetallurgicalstudies. |
Qualitative logs of geological characteristics are collected in the field to allo w a comprehensive geological interpretation tobe carriedout. Drill holes are characterised by their location within the beach-barrier sequence to assist with domaining each sequence unit in subsequent resource estimations. |
Whether logging is qualitative orquantitative innature.Core(orcostean,channel,etc.)photography. |
Logging of sand samples in the field is qualitative and includes description of sand colour, sorting and angularity. Estimates of black HM and garnet is recorded. A comments field is employed to allow further description of the location or sand sample. |
The total length and percentage of the relevantintersectionslogged. |
All drill holes are logged in full and all samples are assayed. |
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation |
If core, whether cutor sawnandwhetherquarter,halforallcore taken. |
All samples comprise unconsolidated sand. |
If non-core, whether riffled, tubesampled,rotarysplit,etc.andwhethersampledwetordry. |
Samples are taken in their entirety. Drill samples are oven-dried and split for analysis. |
For all sample types, thenature,qualityandappropriatenessofthesamplepreparationtechnique. |
Sample preparation is recorded on a standard flow sheet and detailed QA/QC isundertaken on all samples. Sample preparation techniques and QA/QC protocols are appropriate for the magnetic separation and heavy mineral determinations. |
Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation, cont'd.
Quality control procedures adopted for all sub- sampling stages to maximise representivity of samples. |
Quality assurance protocols include the application of trained geological staff and experienced samplers. Use of plastic sheets and sample bags to remove the potential of sample loss and cleaning of sample equipment between samples. Competent person (CP) review of laboratory techniques and flowsheet is applied to ensure representative sample splitting. Inspection of laboratory procedure and equipment is completed to ensure appropriate technique, good housekeeping and application of accurate sample handling and sample management procedures. Laboratory duplicate and standard sample geostatistical analysis is employed to manage sample precision and analysis accuracy. Twin drilling is applied to determine short range variability in grade and lithological character.
Measures taken to ensurethatthesamplingisrepresentativeof the in-situ materialcollected,includingfor instanceresultsforfieldduplicate/second-halfsampling. |
Samples are taken in their entirety. Laboratory duplicates are generated for precision analysis at the sample splitting stage. Results indicate a high level of precision is achieved.
Whether sample sizes are appropriate to thegrainsizeofthematerialbeingsampled. |
The sample size is considered adequate for a medium-grained sand. |
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests. |
The nature, quality and appropriateness of theassayingandlaboratoryproceduresusedandwhetherthetechniqueisconsideredpartialor total. |
Sample preparation and analysis of drill samples is completed by the GSMB research laboratory in Colombo. Analysis is conducted on a split fraction of the total sample and the retains are labelled and stored. Techniques employed conform to contemporary analysis methodology in the treatment of minerals separable by their physical properties. A CP audit of the facility was completed with no recommended improvements noted. |
For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRFinstruments,etc.,theparametersused in determiningthe analysisincludinginstrumentmakeandmodel,readingtimes,calibrationsfactorsappliedandtheirderivation,etc. |
None used. |
Quality of assay data and laboratory tests, cont'd. |
Nature of quality control procedures adopted (e.g. standards, blanks, duplicates, external laboratory checks) and whether acceptable levels of accuracy (i.e. lack of bias) and precision have been established. |
Quality assurance is maintained by laboratory duplicate and standard sample assayingprocedure. Standard samples are provided by Placer Consulting Pty Ltd and are submitted blind to the laboratory. As a total sample is generated by the drilling, a field duplicate is not generated. A laboratory duplicate is created at the sample splitting stage. Standards and duplicates are submitted at a frequency of 1:20 samples. They are subjectedtothe complete sample preparation and assaying process. Analysis ofsampleduplicatesisundertakenbystandardgeostatisticalmethodologies (Scatter, Pair Difference and QQ Plots) to testforbiasandtoensurethatsamplesplittingisrepresentative. Standards determine assay accuracy performance, monitored on control charts, where failure (beyond 3SD from the mean) triggers re-assay of the affected batch. A high level of accuracy and precision are displayed in geostatistical analyses to date. |
Verification of sampling and assaying |
The verification of significant intersections by either independent or alternativecompanypersonnel. |
Significant intersections are customary from hand auger and sonic core drilling at the Eastern Minerals Project. Results in excess of 20% THM are common and in some cases, substantially higher concentrations are intersected. Placer Consulting considers this to be reasonable and consistent with beach, berm and foredune accumulations in a highly-mineralised region. No audit analyses have been completed on these exploration results. |
The use of twinned holes. |
Twinned holes are drilled across a geographically-dispersed area to determine short-range geological and assay field variability. Twin drilling is applied at a frequency of 1:25 drill holes. Geostatistical analysis of twin drilling data awaits the return of all assay results. |
Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures, data verification, data storage (physical and electronic) protocols. |
Field logging data, photo's and maps are generated in the field by the GSMB geologist and provided to CMET staff in excel spreadsheet, pdf document and jpeg files. These data are stored in the master database at the Colombo office and on a secured cloud-storage facility that is accessible by invitation. |
Discuss any adjustment to assay data. |
Assay data adjustments are made to convert laboratory collected weights to assay field percentages and to account for moisture. |
Location of data points |
Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill holes (collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mineworkingsandotherlocationsusedinMineralResourcesestimation. |
These exploration results are located by GSMB staff using hand-held GPS. Mineral resources are not considered in this report. |
Specification of the grid system used. |
The Kandawala Sri Lanka Grid is used to locate the drill collars. |
Location of data points, cont'd. |
Quality and adequacy of topographic control. |
Elevations are not recorded for these exploration results.
Data spacing and distribution |
Data spacing forreportingofExplorationResults. |
Drill spacing relates to the sequence stratigraphic unit and their extent. Drill holes are generally spaced at 5m-east intervals in the beach and tidal zones. The Berm zone is drilled at 15 - 50m east spacings dependent on their lateral extent. |
Whether the data spacing and distribution is sufficient to establish the degree of geological and grade continuity appropriate for theMineralResourcesandOreReservesestimationprocedure(s)andclassificationsapplied. |
No mineral resource or ore reserve is considered in this report. |
Whether sample compositing has been applied. |
Samples are not composited. |
Orientation of data inrelationto geologicalstructure |
Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased sampling of possible structures and the extent to which this isknown,consideringthedeposittype. |
Sample orientation isverticalandapproximatelyperpendicular to thedipandstrikeof the mineralization, which results in truethicknessestimates.Drillingandsampling isconsistentwith theanisotropyof themineralisation. |
If the relationshipbetweenthe drillingorientationandtheorientationofkeymineralisedstructures isconsideredto haveintroducedasamplingbias,thisshouldbeassessedandreportedifmaterial. |
There isnoapparentbiasarisingfrom theorientationofthedrillholeswithrespectto thestrikeanddipof thedeposit. |
Sample security |
The measures taken to ensuresamplesecurity. |
All samples are numbered, with sample splits, residues and HM sinks stored securely at the GSMB pending completion of the programme. Samples will be transferred for secured storage at CMET property upon completion. |
Audits or reviews |
The results ofanyauditsorreviewsofsamplingtechniquesanddata. |
The Competent Person completed an audit of the GSMB laboratory. Personnel, equipment and procedures represent best practice and no recommended improvements were forwarded. Data are monitored by CMET staff and reviewed by the CP as they are returned. |
Criteria |
Explanation |
Comment |
Mineral tenement and land tenure status |
Type, reference name/number, location and ownership including agreements or materialissueswiththirdpartiessuchasjointventures,partnerships,overridingroyalties,nativetitleinterests,historicalsites,wildernessornationalparkandenvironmentalsettings. |
The exploration results are coincident with thegranted Exploration Licence EL2017/199 wholly owned by CMET JV partner Damsila Exports (Pvt) Ltd. A 7% f.o.b. government royalty is payable on exported minerals. |
The security of the tenureheld at thetimeofreportingalongwithanyknownimpedimentstoobtaininga licenceto operate inthearea. |
There are no known impediments to the security of tenure over the area containing the reported exploration results. |
Exploration done by other parties |
Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration byotherparties. |
CMET and partners have completed the only systematic exploration of this region of the Eastern Minerals Project. The reported results offer support to previous drilling and in some cases, higher heavy mineral grades and greater lateral extent. |
Geology |
Deposit type, geological setting and style of mineralisation. |
Exploration results are indicative of modern, low slimes tidal, beach and berm detrital heavy mineral sand deposits. Holocene dunes are truncated by the modern marine successions and are also heavily mineralised. Heavy minerals are derived originally from the neighbouring Precambrian metamorphic terrane and from Pleistocene dune deposits. Two monsoon seasons provide ample winnowing action on heavy mineral deposits and generate both northerly and southerly long-shore drift. |
Drill hole Information |
A summary ofallinformationmaterialtotheunderstandingoftheexplorationresultsincludingatabulationofthefollowinginformationforallMaterialdrillholes: · easting and northing of the drill holecollar · elevation or RL (Reduced Level - elevationabovesea levelinmetres)of thedrill hole collar · dip and azimuth of the hole · down hole length and interception depth · hole length. If the exclusion ofthisinformation isjustifiedon thebasisthattheinformationisnotMaterialandthisexclusiondoesnot detractfrom theunderstandingofthe report,theCompetentPersonshouldclearlyexplainwhythisis thecase. |
An intercept table is listed in the report. Results support previous releases on exploration results and mineral resources. |
Data aggregation methods |
In reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging techniques, maximum and/or minimum grade truncations (e.g. cutting of high grades) and cut-off grades are usually Material and should bestated. |
Mineral intersections are reported at a 5% heavy mineral bottom cut, as is customary for the Eastern Minerals Project resources. No top cut is applied.
Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths of high grade results and longer lengths of low grade results, the procedure used for such aggregation should be stated and some typical examples of such aggregations should be shown indetail. |
No data aggregation is required. |
Data aggregation methods, cont'd. |
The assumptions used for any reporting of metal equivalent values should be clearly stated. |
Nometalequivalentsare usedforreportingofexploration results. |
Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths |
These relationships are particularly important inthereportingofExplorationResults. |
All drill holes are vertical and perpendicular to the dip and strike of mineralisation. |
If thegeometryofthemineralisationwithrespecttothe drillholeangleisknown,itsnatureshouldbereported. |
Mineral deposits typically approximate a horizontal to shoreward dipping accumulation. Interceptsareapproximately truethickness. |
If it isnotknownandonlythedownholelengthsarereported,thereshouldbeaclearstatementtothiseffect(e.g. 'downholelength,truewidth notknown'). |
Diagrams |
Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and tabulations of intercepts should be included foranysignificantdiscoverybeingreportedTheseshouldinclude,butnotbe limitedtoaplanviewofdrill holecollarlocationsandappropriatesectionalviews. |
Refer to link to website as set out in RNS. |
Balanced reporting |
Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration Results isnotpracticable,representativereportingofbothlowandhighgradesand/orwidthsshouldbepracticedtoavoidmisleadingreportingofExplorationResults. |
Reporting of results is restricted to results returned to the 4th April 2022 from the 2021 GSMB drilling in the Komari Region of the Eastern Minerals Project. Intercepts are disclosed in an unambiguous way and include all intercepts >5% THM and >0.5m in thickness. Only 37 from 223 intercepts are excluded by these criteria. |
Othersubstantiveexplorationdata |
Other explorationdata, if meaningfulandmaterial,shouldbereportedincluding(butnotlimitedto):geologicalobservations;geophysicalsurveyresults;geochemicalsurveyresults;bulksamples- sizeandmethodof treatment;metallurgicaltestresults;bulkdensity,groundwater,geotechnicalandrockcharacteristics;potentialdeleteriousorcontaminatingsubstances. |
No additional, substantive information has returned from the drill sample analyses included in this report. |
Further work |
The nature and scale of planned further work (e.g.testsforlateralextensions or depthextensionsorlarge-scalestep-outdrilling). |
Further sample assay results are anticipated from the GSMB to complete this drilling and assay campaign. Mineralogical results are anticipated from the total sample set. |
Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible extensions, including the maingeologicalinterpretationsandfuturedrillingareas,providedthisinformationisnotcommerciallysensitive. |
Refer to link to website as set out in RNS. |
APPENDIX 2 - Significant intercepts (5%THM bottom-cut, intervals > 0.5m)
K27TE2 |
1m @ 86.1% THM from 0.5m |
K7T1 |
0.5m @ 70.86% THM from 0m |
K36TE1 |
0.5m @ 56.77% THM from 0m |
K33TE1 |
0.5m @ 54.9% THM from 0m |
K24BE1 |
0.5m @ 53.54% THM from 0m |
K9TE1 |
0.5m @ 50.45% THM from 0m |
K36TE2 |
0.6m @ 50.43% THM from 0.5m |
K37BE1 |
2.4m @ 50.14% THM from 0m |
K37TE1 |
0.5m @ 49.71% THM from 0m |
K36BE1 |
2.5m @ 46.4% THM from 0m |
K6T1 |
0.5m @ 44.37% THM from 0m |
K9TE2 |
1m @ 42.48% THM from 0.5m |
K37TE2 |
0.5m @ 42.21% THM from 0.5m |
K33TE2 |
0.5m @ 40.02% THM from 0.5m |
K40BE1 |
2.5m @ 38.29% THM from 0m |
K39TE1 |
0.5m @ 37.63% THM from 0m |
K9T1 |
0.5m @ 36.91% THM from 0m |
K29BE1 |
1.1m @ 35.595% THM from 0m |
K33BE1 |
2.2m @ 34.80% THM from 0m |
K35TE1 |
0.5m @ 34.23% THM from 0m |
K38TE1 |
0.5m @ 33.53% THM from 0m |
K29TE1 |
0.5m @ 33.49% THM from 0m |
K9BM1 |
3.5m @ 33.4025% THM from 0m |
K12TE1 |
0.5m @ 33.22% THM from 0m |
K7BM2 |
2.3m @ 31.925% THM from 0m |
K33BE2 |
2.2m @ 31.80% THM from 0m |
K8BM1 |
1.5m @ 31.745% THM from 0m |
K35TE2 |
1m @ 31.06% THM from 0.5m |
K8TE1 |
0.5m @ 30.83% THM from 0m |
K14TE2 |
1m @ 30.5% THM from 0.5m |
K16BE1 |
1.5m @ 29.47% THM from 0m |
K16TE1 |
0.5m @ 29.32% THM from 0m |
K35BE1 |
2.5m @ 29.03% THM from 0m |
K13BM1 |
1.5m @ 29.005% THM from 0m |
K8BM2 |
1.5m @ 28.97% THM from 0m |
K8BE1 |
1.5m @ 28.745% THM from 0m |
K6BM2 |
1.5m @ 28.665% THM from 0m |
K12BE1 |
1.5m @ 28.3% THM from 0m |
K7BE1 |
1.5m @ 28.285% THM from 0m |
K38BE1 |
1.5m @ 28.12% THM from 0m |
K10BE1 |
2.5m @ 28.1% THM from 0m |
K5BM2 |
1.5m @ 27.355% THM from 0m |
K33BM1 |
2.5m @ 27.10% THM from 0m |
K16TE2 |
1m @ 26.91% THM from 0.5m |
K12BM1 |
1.5m @ 26.89% THM from 0m |
K28TE1 |
0.5m @ 26.7% THM from 0m |
K6BM1 |
1.5m @ 26.65% THM from 0m |
K39BE1 |
1.5m @ 26.42% THM from 0m |
K38BM3 |
1.5m @ 26.385% THM from 0m |
K1T1 |
0.5m @ 26.2% THM from 0m |
K39BM3 |
1.5m @ 26.195% THM from 0m |
K34BE1 |
2.2m @ 26.19% THM from 0m |
K5BE1 |
2.2m @ 26.08% THM from 0m |
K9BM2 |
2.2m @ 25.99% THM from 0m |
K14BE1 |
1.5m @ 25.75% THM from 0m |
K15BE1 |
1.5m @ 25.74% THM from 0m |
K39BM2 |
1.5m @ 25.74% THM from 0m |
K37BM1 |
1.5m @ 25.665% THM from 0m |
K7TE1 |
0.5m @ 25.65% THM from 0m |
K6BE1 |
2m @ 25.64% THM from 0m |
K19TE1 |
0.5m @ 25.62% THM from 0m |
K11BE1 |
2.5m @ 24.775% THM from 0m |
K25TE2 |
1m @ 24.37% THM from 0.5m |
K11TE1 |
0.5m @ 23.96% THM from 0m |
K5BM1 |
1.5m @ 23.93% THM from 0m |
K9BE1 |
1m @ 23.91% THM from 0.5m |
K26BE1 |
1.5m @ 23.775% THM from 0m |
K3TE1 |
0.5m @ 23.75% THM from 0m |
K39BM1 |
1.5m @ 23.52% THM from 0m |
K38BM2 |
1.5m @ 23.29% THM from 0m |
K7BM1 |
2.2m @ 23.13% THM from 0m |
K36BM2 |
0.5m @ 23.04% THM from 0m |
K34TE1 |
0.5m @ 22.99% THM from 0m |
K36BM1 |
1.5m @ 22.71% THM from 0m |
K15TE2 |
1m @ 22.35% THM from 0.5m |
K26TE1 |
0.5m @ 22.29% THM from 0m |
K25TE1 |
0.5m @ 22.18% THM from 0m |
K34TE2 |
1m @ 22.11% THM from 0.5m |
K21TE1 |
0.5m @ 21.87% THM from 0m |
K2TE1 |
0.5m @ 21.79% THM from 0m |
K13TE1 |
0.5m @ 21.58% THM from 0m |
K20TE1 |
0.5m @ 21.3% THM from 0m |
K26TE2 |
1m @ 20.88% THM from 0.5m |
K10BM1 |
1.5m @ 20.855% THM from 0m |
K40BM2 |
1.5m @ 20.66% THM from 0m |
K40BM3 |
1.5m @ 20.54% THM from 0m |
K8TE2 |
0.5m @ 20.46% THM from 0.5m |
K41TE1 |
0.5m @ 20.43% THM from 0m |
K38BM1 |
1.5m @ 20.35% THM from 0m |
K11BM1 |
1.5m @ 20.315% THM from 0m |
K31BE1 |
1.1m @ 20.29% THM from 0m |
K13BE1 |
1.5m @ 20.035% THM from 0m |
K27TE1 |
0.5m @ 19.85% THM from 0m |
K6TE2 |
0.7m @ 19.64% THM from 0.5m |
K6TE1 |
0.5m @ 19.54% THM from 0m |
K40TE1 |
0.5m @ 19.49% THM from 0m |
K22TE1 |
0.5m @ 19.23% THM from 0m |
K24T1 |
0.5m @ 18.95% THM from 0m |
K19T1 |
0.5m @ 18.81% THM from 0m |
K4TE1 |
0.5m @ 18.4% THM from 0m |
K25BE1 |
1.5m @ 18.385% THM from 0m |
K5TE1 |
0.5m @ 18.29% THM from 0m |
K4BM1 |
0.5m @ 17.67% THM from 0m |
K34BM1 |
2.5m @ 17.62% THM from 0m |
K38TE2 |
0.5m @ 17.57% THM from 0.5m |
K35BM1 |
2.5m @ 17.34% THM from 0m |
K28TE2 |
1m @ 17.22% THM from 0.5m |
K23T1 |
0.5m @ 17.18% THM from 0m |
K37BM2 |
1.5m @ 17.025% THM from 0m |
K13TE2 |
1m @ 16.93% THM from 0.5m |
K31BM2 |
2.5m @ 16.64% THM from 0m |
K22TE2 |
1m @ 16.38% THM from 0.5m |
K37BM3 |
0.5m @ 16.28% THM from 0m |
K40BM1 |
1.5m @ 16.23% THM from 0m |
K32BM2 |
2.2m @ 16.14% THM from 0m |
K19BE1 |
1.5m @ 15.955% THM from 0m |
K23TE1 |
0.5m @ 15.65% THM from 0m |
K12TE2 |
1m @ 15.56% THM from 0.5m |
K32BE1 |
1m @ 15.185% THM from 0m |
K4BM2 |
1.5m @ 15.01% THM from 0m |
K22T1 |
0.5m @ 14.55% THM from 0m |
K14TE1 |
0.5m @ 14.53% THM from 0m |
K21TE2 |
1m @ 14.35% THM from 0.5m |
K34BM2 |
2.5m @ 14.27% THM from 0m |
K32TE1 |
0.5m @ 14.2% THM from 0m |
K35BM2 |
2.2m @ 14.16% THM from 0m |
K2T1 |
0.5m @ 14.03% THM from 0m |
K24BM1 |
1.5m @ 14.025% THM from 0m |
K21T1 |
0.5m @ 14.02% THM from 0m |
K18TE1 |
0.5m @ 13.56% THM from 0m |
K28BE1 |
1.5m @ 13.505% THM from 0m |
K21BM1 |
2.5m @ 12.76% THM from 0m |
K11TE2 |
0.7m @ 12.29% THM from 0.5m |
K31TE1 |
0.5m @ 12.14% THM from 0m |
K21BE2 |
1.5m @ 12.14% THM from 0m |
K32BM3 |
2.5m @ 12.02% THM from 0m |
K30BM2 |
3.5m @ 11.785% THM from 0m |
K3BM1 |
1.5m @ 11.665% THM from 0m |
K29BE2 |
1.2m @ 11.645% THM from 0m |
K22BM1 |
2.5m @ 11.63% THM from 0m |
K3BM2 |
1.5m @ 11.565% THM from 0m |
K28BM1 |
1.5m @ 11.03% THM from 0m |
K4T1 |
0.5m @ 10.98% THM from 0m |
K22BE1 |
0.5m @ 10.9% THM from 0m |
K22BE2 |
1.5m @ 10.895% THM from 0m |
K10T1 |
0.5m @ 10.8% THM from 0m |
K27BM1 |
1.5m @ 10.725% THM from 0m |
K2BM2 |
1.5m @ 10.62% THM from 0m |
K18TE2 |
0.7m @ 10.39% THM from 0.5m |
K31BE2 |
1.2m @ 10.195% THM from 0m |
K2BM1 |
1m @ 10.15% THM from 0.5m |
K19TE2 |
1m @ 10.09% THM from 0.5m |
K32BE2 |
1.2m @ 10.085% THM from 0m |
K11T1 |
0.5m @ 9.97% THM from 0m |
K10TE2 |
0.7m @ 9.9% THM from 0.5m |
K5TE2 |
0.6m @ 9.68% THM from 0.5m |
K30BE1 |
0.5m @ 9.08% THM from 0m |
K27BE1 |
0.5m @ 8.58% THM from 0m |
K17BE1 |
1m @ 8.495% THM from 0m |
K21BE1 |
1.5m @ 8.43% THM from 0m |
K18BE2 |
1.5m @ 8.34% THM from 0m |
K17TE2 |
0.7m @ 8.22% THM from 0.5m |
K25BM1 |
2.5m @ 8.11% THM from 0m |
K20BM1 |
1.5m @ 7.975% THM from 0m |
K30BM1 |
1.5m @ 7.89% THM from 0m |
K3TE2 |
1m @ 7.85% THM from 0.5m |
K20TE2 |
1m @ 7.69% THM from 0.5m |
K26BM1 |
2.5m @ 7.58% THM from 0m |
K10TE1 |
0.5m @ 7.5% THM from 0m |
K4BE1 |
1.5m @ 7.49% THM from 0m |
K3T1 |
0.5m @ 7.35% THM from 0m |
K4TE2 |
1m @ 7.32% THM from 0.5m |
K1BE3 |
1.5m @ 7.265% THM from 0m |
K2BE2 |
1.5m @ 7.20% THM from 0m |
K1BM1 |
1.5m @ 7.09% THM from 0m |
K3BE1 |
1.5m @ 6.86% THM from 0m |
K41T1 |
0.5m @ 6.81% THM from 0m |
K23BM2 |
1.5m @ 6.415% THM from 0m |
K24BM2 |
1.5m @ 6.37% THM from 0m |
K19BM1 |
0.5m @ 6.22% THM from 0m |
K17T1 |
0.5m @ 6.1% THM from 0m |
K12T1 |
0.5m @ 5.74% THM from 0m |
K31BM3 |
2.5m @ 5.63% THM from 0m |
K1BE2 |
0.5m @ 5.45% THM from 0m |
K17TE1 |
0.5m @ 5.35% THM from 0m |
K24TE1 |
0.5m @ 5.09% THM from 0m |