3 June 2024
CAPITAL & REGIONAL PLC ("Capital & Regional" or "the Company")
UK company number 01399411
LSE share code: CAL
LEI: 21380097W74N9OYF5Z25
Result of AGM
Capital & Regional plc announces that at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company, held on 3 June 2024, all of the resolutions set out in the Company's Notice of AGM, dated 9 May 2024, were duly passed on a poll with the results as stated below.
As at the close of business on 31 May 2024, being the last day for registration of shareholdings before the AGM, the Company had a total of 224,906,731 ordinary shares in issue each carrying one vote and therefore the total number of voting rights in respect of the AGM was 224,906,731.
Resolution number |
For |
% For |
Against |
% Against |
Total Shares Voted |
% Shares Voted |
Votes Withheld |
1 - To adopt the report and accounts |
171,249,997 |
100.00 |
4,756 |
0.00 |
171,254,753 |
76.14% |
0 |
2 - To approve the final dividend of 2.95 pence per share |
171,254,430 |
100.00 |
323 |
0.00 |
171,254,753 |
76.14% |
0 |
3 - To approve the 2023 Directors' Remuneration Report |
171,134,511 |
99.93 |
116,995 |
0.07 |
171,251,506 |
76.14% |
3,247 |
4 - To appoint Mazars LLP as auditors |
171,252,380 |
100.00 |
2,215 |
0.00 |
171,254,595 |
76.14% |
158 |
5 - To authorise the directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors |
171,254,272 |
100.00 |
323 |
0.00 |
171,254,595 |
76.14% |
158 |
6 - To re-elect David Hunter as a director of the Company |
166,367,764 |
97.15 |
4,880,788 |
2.85 |
171,248,552 |
76.14% |
6,201 |
7 - To re-elect Lawrence Hutchings as a director of the Company |
171,240,801 |
100.00 |
7,752 |
0.00 |
171,248,553 |
76.14% |
6,200 |
8 - To re-elect Stuart Wetherly as a director of the Company |
171,225,387 |
99.99 |
23,166 |
0.01 |
171,248,553 |
76.14% |
6,200 |
9 - To re-elect Laura Whyte as a director of the Company |
170,626,793 |
99.64 |
621,759 |
0.36 |
171,248,552 |
76.14% |
6,201 |
10 - To re-elect Katie Wadey as a director of the Company |
170,717,624 |
99.69 |
530,927 |
0.31 |
171,248,551 |
76.14% |
6,202 |
12 - To re-elect Norbert Sasse as a director of the Company |
169,904,993 |
99.22 |
1,343,560 |
0.78 |
171,248,553 |
76.14% |
6,200 |
12 - To re-elect Panico Theocharides as a director of the Company |
169,902,883 |
99.21 |
1,345,622 |
0.79 |
171,248,505 |
76.14% |
6,248 |
13 - To elect Gerry Murphy as a director of the Company. |
171,240,801 |
100.00 |
7,752 |
0.00 |
171,248,553 |
76.14% |
6,200 |
14 - To allot securities. |
170,214,633 |
99.39 |
1,037,055 |
0.61 |
171,251,688 |
76.14% |
3,065 |
15 - Special resolution - To disapply pre-emption rights |
170,211,664 |
99.39 |
1,040,024 |
0.61 |
171,251,688 |
76.14% |
3,065 |
16 - Special resolution - To disapply pre-emption rights for acquisitions or capital investments |
170,199,829 |
99.39 |
1,050,722 |
0.61 |
171,250,551 |
76.14% |
4,202 |
17 - Special resolution - To make market purchases of the Company's own shares in compliance with Section 693 of the Companies Act 2006 |
170,011,994 |
99.27 |
1,242,710 |
0.73 |
171,254,704 |
76.14% |
49 |
18 - Special resolution - To call a general meeting on not less than 14 clear days' notice |
170,326,722 |
99.46 |
927,982 |
0.54 |
171,254,704 |
76.14% |
49 |
1Where shareholders have appointed the Chairman of the meeting as their proxy with discretion as to voting, those votes have been cast in favour of all of the resolutions.
2A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of the votes "for" and "against" a resolution.
Votes of independent shareholders on the resolutions concerning the election or re-election of the independent Non-executive Directors:
Resolution number |
For |
% For |
Against |
% Against |
Total Shares Voted |
% Shares Voted |
Votes Withheld |
6 - To re-elect David Hunter |
13,140,498 |
72.92 |
4,880,788 |
27.08 |
18,021,286 |
25.14% |
6,201 |
9 - To re-elect Laura Whyte |
17,399,527 |
96.55 |
621,759 |
3.45 |
18,021,286 |
25.14% |
6,201 |
10 - To re-elect Katie Wadey |
17,490,358 |
97.05 |
530,927 |
2.95 |
18,021,285 |
25.14% |
6,202 |
13 - To elect Gerry Murphy |
18,013,535 |
99.96 |
7,752 |
0.04 |
18,021,287 |
25.14% |
6,200 |
As previously announced, Ian Krieger did not seek re-election and stepped down as Senior Independent Director and Non-Executive Director at the conclusion of the meeting.
Laura Whyte has assumed the role of Senior Independent Director and Gerry Murphy the role of Audit Committee Chair from the close of the meeting.
- ENDS -
For further information:
Capital & Regional plc 020 7932 8000
Lawrence Hutchings
Stuart Wetherly
FTI Consulting 020 3727 1000
Richard Sunderland
Oliver Parsons
About Capital & Regional plc
Capital & Regional is a UK focused retail property REIT specialising in community shopping centres that dominate their local catchment, serving the non-discretionary and value orientated needs of the local communities. It has a track record of delivering value enhancing retail and leisure asset management opportunities across a portfolio of tailored in-town community shopping centres.
Using its expert property and asset management platform Capital & Regional owns and manages community shopping centres in Edinburgh, Hemel Hempstead, Ilford, Maidstone, Walthamstow and Wood Green.
Capital & Regional is listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and has a secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE).
For further information see www.capreg.com.