Interim Results

Cairn Energy PLC 28 August 2001 EMBARGOED UNTIL 0700 28 August 2001 CAIRN ENERGY PLC INTERIM RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT HIGHLIGHTS Financial * Turnover £56.8m (H1 2000: £55.9m) * Operating profit up to record £31.4m (H1 2000: £30.0m) * Profit after tax up 25% year on year to £22.8m (H1 2000: £18.3m) * Operating cash flow of £40.2m (H1 2000: £33.9m) * Net cash of £4.3m at 30 June 2001 (H1 2000: £7.2m) Operational * Three hydrocarbon discoveries on Block CB/OS-2 offshore Western India (Ambe, Gauri and Parvati) * Two gas sales contracts signed for Lakshmi gas field on Block CB/OS-2 * One oil and two gas discoveries on Block KG-DWN-98/2 offshore Eastern India ('N', 'R' and 'P') * Production Sharing Contracts signed for Blocks 5 and 10 in Bangladesh Bill Gammell, Chief Executive, commented: 'Cairn's strong financial results and exploration success have added significant value for shareholders this year. The outlook for the second half is positive both financially and operationally.' Enquiries to: Cairn Energy PLC: Bill Gammell, Chief Executive Tel: 07785 557 310 Dr Mike Watts, Exploration Director Tel: 07768 631 328 Kevin Hart, Finance Director Tel: 07771 934 974 Brunswick Group Limited: Victoria Sabin, Catherine Bertwistle, Mark Antelme Tel: 0207 404 5959 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT OVERVIEW Cairn has consistently sought to add value for shareholders by focusing on its core strength of front-end exploration. This strategic focus on exploration has been further defined in recent years by concentrating on a single geographic region - the Indian subcontinent. Through its exploration drilling programme, the Group has started to realise the substantial organic growth potential inherent in its portfolio in the Indian subcontinent. Cairn has completed a total of eight exploration wells in India since the beginning of 2001, six of which have proved successful in discovering hydrocarbons. Three of these discoveries are offshore Western India, close to the Lakshmi gas field which is currently under development. The other three discoveries are located in the Krishna-Godavari Basin offshore Eastern India, which has the potential to be a significant hydrocarbon province. Subject to successful appraisal, the prospect 'R' gas discovery on Block KG-DWN-98/2 offshore Eastern India (the Annapurna gas field) has the potential to satisfy current demand shortfall in the local market and substitute more expensive existing and contemplated fuel sources for this region. The recently announced prospect 'P' oil and gas discovery, also on Block KG-DWN-98/2, provides increased confidence in the potential for oil in other prospects on this block. Further appraisal is also required to establish the commerciality of the 'P' discovery. The fast-track development of the Lakshmi gas field in Block CB/OS-2 offshore Western India is underway, with first production expected in Q3 2002. Two conditional gas sales contracts have been signed by the CB/OS-2 co-venturers for the sale of gas from Lakshmi into the industrialised Gujarat market. The Sangu Deep exploration well, drilled into the highly overpressured reservoirs beneath the producing Sangu field, proved unsuccessful with no significant quantities of gas being found. RESULTS AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Financial Highlights % Increase/ H1 2001 H1 2000 (Decrease) Production (boepd) 19,962 21,180 (6) Average price per boe ($) 22.54 22.45 0.4 Turnover (£m) 56.8 55.9 2 Average production costs per boe ($) 5.49 5.05 9 Pre-tax profit (£m) 32.7 29.9 9 Profit after tax (£m) 22.8 18.3 25 Operating cash flow (£m) 40.2 33.9 19 The first half of 2001 has seen a continuation of the high oil price environment experienced during the last 18 months. These conditions, together with the Group's low cost production base, have ensured that Cairn's financial position has remained robust throughout a period of significantly increased capital expenditure. The average oil price realised for the first half of 2001 was $22.54 per boe compared with $22.45 per boe for the equivalent period in 2001. Average daily production was 19,962 boepd representing a 6% decrease year on year, mainly as a consequence of the planned partial shutdown of production from Ravva in March 2001 to facilitate satellite gas development operations. In addition, the Government's share of profit petroleum from Ravva increased with effect from April 2001. Despite this decrease in production, profit after tax has increased significantly year on year. Turnover from continuing operations increased as a consequence of foreign exchange movements by 2% year on year to £56.8m (H1 2000: £55.9m). Average production costs for the period were $5.49 per boe (H1 2000: $5.05 per boe). Operating profit was a record £31.4m (H1 2000: £30.0m). Administrative expenses excluding exceptionals for the period were £5.3m (H1 2000: £3.6m). Net interest received was £0.9m (H1 2000: net payable £0.3m) and the Group realised a foreign currency exchange gain of £0.4m (H1 2000: £0.2m). A £9.9m tax charge (H1 2000: £11.6m) arises on profits in India and the UK, resulting in profit after tax of £22.8m (H1 2000: £18.3m). This represents a 25% increase year on year. The Group's operating cash flow remained strong during the period with net cash inflow from operations after administrative expenses, interest and taxation totalling £46.3m (H1 2000: £31.1m). Cash outflow from capital expenditure for the period was £56.3m (H1 2000: £14.1m), the majority of which was exploration spend. At 30 June 2001 the Group had net cash of £4.3m (H1 2000: £7.2m). OPERATIONS INDIA Eastern India - Krishna-Godavari Basin Production Ravva (Cairn 22.5% and operator) Ravva remains on plateau production and averaged 46,600 bopd and 25 mmscfd for the first half of 2001. In order to remain on plateau, two additional oil producers require to be drilled in 2001/2 and two to three existing wells require to be worked over. In April 2001, the Government's share of profit petroleum pursuant to the PSC increased from 15% to 25%. The development of the non-associated (dry gas) satellite gas fields at Ravva is now underway. The development plan envisages approximately 86 bcf of sales gas with production commencing in September 2001, reaching a plateau delivery of 32 mmscfd early in 2002. Two of the required satellite gas development wells have been completed and a further two wells will be drilled and completed in 2001/2. Exploration Block KG-OS/6 (Cairn 50% and operator) The Group drilled exploration wells on two prospects on this block during 2001. The first, prospect 'A' was plugged and abandoned as a dry hole. Drilling operations on the second, prospect '6', were terminated following several failed attempts to continue drilling after encountering a shallow gas reservoir at 600 metres. However, exploration drilling will recommence on prospect '6' and one other exploration well will be drilled on the block during 2002. Block KG-DWN-98/2 (Cairn 100% and operator) The PSC for this deep water block was signed in April 2000. A 1,500 km2 3D seismic survey was acquired in the northern area in Q2 2000, on which a number of prospects with associated direct hydrocarbon indicators were initially identified. Earlier this year, a further 2,386 line km of reconnaissance 2D seismic data were also acquired. Exploration drilling by the Group during the year to date has resulted in three hydrocarbon discoveries, on prospects 'N', 'R' and 'P' respectively. An exploration well on prospect 'N', which comprises a cluster of eight or nine potential reservoir bodies located in the extreme north-east of the block, commenced drilling in January 2001. The well intersected one of these bodies and discovered gas in excellent quality reservoir sandstones in February 2001. Further appraisal drilling will be required to confirm that other reservoir bodies within the cluster are gas bearing before commerciality of the 'N' cluster can be established. In June 2001, Cairn announced a major gas discovery called Annapurna following the successful testing of gas from prospect 'R'. During testing, the well flowed at a cumulative rate of 80 mmscfd from two zones. An appraisal well is currently being drilled on Annapurna to enable further assessment of the reserve potential of the field and the feasibility of a commercial deep water development. Third party gas market studies commissioned by Cairn confirm the potential demand for supply of gas to and substitution of other energy sources in the local Kakinada and regional Indian markets. In early August 2001, Cairn announced an oil and gas discovery with its third exploration well on the block on prospect 'P', located approximately 12.5 km north-west of Annapurna. A drill stem test completed on the discovery flowed 3,648 bopd from a single zone. Testing of a second zone could not be conclusively carried out due to technical difficulties but indications are that this zone is also oil bearing. Whilst further appraisal is required to establish the commerciality of the 'N', 'R' and 'P' discoveries, they have increased confidence to a high level in the potential for commercial oil and gas on the block. It is expected that a further three exploration wells will be drilled on the block as part of the current drilling programme for 2001/2. Western India Block CB/OS-2, Cambay Basin Cairn holds a 75% interest in Block CB/OS-2 and is operator for the joint venture, which includes TATA (15%) and ONGC (10%). ONGC has a right to increase its stake by 30% in the event of a commercial discovery on the block and has exercised this right in respect the Lakshmi discovery. The equity holdings for the ring-fenced Lakshmi gas field are therefore Cairn 50%, TATA 10% and ONGC 40%. Exploration (Cairn 75% and operator) Exploration drilling by the Group on Block CB/OS-2 to date has resulted in four hyrocarbon discoveries - Lakshmi, Ambe, Gauri and Parvati. Lakshmi was discovered in May 2000 and Ambe, Gauri and Parvati were discovered early in 2001. A 2,500 km 2D seismic survey was acquired across the entire block in 2000 and formed the basis for the exploration well locations. From March to May 2001, a 100 km2 3D seismic survey was acquired over the Ambe discovery and a 210 km2 3D seismic survey was acquired over the Lakshmi and Gauri discoveries. These surveys will allow optimisation of appraisal and development well locations. In May 2001, a further 627 km of 2D seismic data was acquired over additional undrilled leads and prospects in the western part of the block. Lakshmi Development (Cairn 50% and operator) The Lakshmi gas field was successfully appraised by the CB-A-2 well in December 2000, which encountered multiple hydrocarbon pay zones between 750 and 1,250 metres. Four zones were tested with a cumulative flow rate of 103 mmscfd. It is expected that five or six development wells will be drilled on Lakshmi between October 2001 and early 2002. All relevant consents have been obtained for the Lakshmi field development project and an EPIC contract awarded to a consortium of Clough Offshore and Hyundai Heavy Industries. Offshore jackets have already been installed on location by McDermott. The acquisition of land for the onshore plant is at the final stage and is expected to be allocated shortly. Lakshmi is scheduled to commence deliveries in Q3 2002. Lakshmi Gas Sales Contracts ('GSCs') Two GSCs have been signed by the CB/OS-2 co-venturers for the sale of gas from Lakshmi into the industrialised Gujarat market. The signing of these agreements means that Cairn now has four formal gas sales contracts in India. The two Lakshmi GSCs are with Gujarat Powergen Energy Corporation Limited ('GPEC') and Gujarat Gas Company Limited ('GGCL'). GPEC, which is 88% owned by Powergen, operates the 655 MW Paguthan power plant in Gujarat. GGCL, which is 65% owned by BG Group plc, is India's largest privately owned gas distribution company. The two GSCs are conditional on the finalisation of agreements between GGCL and Gujarat State Petronet Limited. These agreements relate to the five kilometre connection of Cairn's onshore processing facilities at Suvali with GGCL's Gujarat pipeline infrastructure which is currently being extended to GPEC's power plant at Paguthan. The DCQ under the GPEC GSC is 70 mmscfd for three years. The DCQ under the GGCL GSC is 45 mmscfd for five years, with an option in favour of GGCL to increase to 50 mmscfd, to be exercised prior to 3 November 2001. The CB/OS-2 co-venturers have an exclusive option to extend the plateau under each GSC. The Lakshmi facilities will initially have a maximum capacity of 150 mmscfd. Gas from the field is contracted to be sold under a combination of oil-indexed (with a contractual floor and ceiling) and fixed pricing. The provisions in the GSCs in respect of pricing are confidential. However, the composite floor price is above the Ravva dry gas ceiling price of $3.30/mmbtu. The two GSCs are specific to Lakshmi and exclude other discoveries on the block such as Ambe and Gauri. Cairn anticipates additional gas sales arrangements being entered into in due course in respect of these other discoveries. Block RJ-ON-90/1, Rajasthan Basin (Cairn 50% and operator) Between June 2000 and March 2001 a 2D seismic survey comprising 1,266 line km was completed across the block and a 647 km2 3D seismic survey acquired over the structural trend of the 1999 Guda-2 oil discovery. An exploration well is planned to commence in Q3 2001 on prospect 'H', located approximately 40 km north-east of Guda-2. Civil engineering works for the drill site are currently underway. A further exploration well is planned for 2002 on prospect 'E', which is located approximately 12 km north-north-west of Guda-2. BANGLADESH Production Sangu (Shell operator, Cairn 37.5%) During the first half of 2000, offtake from the Sangu gas field averaged 144 mmscfd, an increase of 12% on the 128 mmscfd achieved for the corresponding period last year. The highest offtake to date was 223 mmscfd, taken on 13 February 2001. The realised gas price for the period was $2.91/mcf (H1 2000: $2.87/mcf). Production volumes continue to be published on a monthly basis on Cairn's website. Exploration Block 16 (Shell operator, Cairn 50.0%) The Sangu Deep exploration well has completed testing operations in the deep, over-pressured section below the gas-bearing reservoir discovered by the South Sangu-1 well in January 2000. Three production tests were carried out. All three tests flowed water and gas at low rates. Certain aspects of the third test remain inconclusive and the results are currently being evaluated by the operator. The well has now been plugged and abandoned and the operator has no plans at the current time to further appraise the deep potential at Sangu. The final exploration period of the Block 16 PSC expired in May 2001. The operator has sought an extension of the exploration term and is awaiting the consent of Petrobangla and the Bangladesh Government. Block 15 (Shell operator, Cairn 50.0%) The first extension of the exploration period of the Block 15 PSC expired in December 2000 and the parties did not enter into the second extension of the exploration period at that time. The operator is currently in discussions with Petrobangla and the Bangladesh Government regarding entering the final extension of the exploration period without undertaking the minimum work commitment required under the existing terms of the PSC. Blocks 5 and 10 (Shell operator, Cairn 45.0%) Cairn and Shell signed PSCs for Blocks 5 and 10 with the Government of Bangladesh in July 2001 and each holds a 45% interest in these blocks, the remaining 10% being held by Bapex. It has been agreed with the Government that commitment exploration wells will not have to be drilled on the blocks until there is a demonstrable market for any gas that may be discovered. Under the terms of the original farm-in agreement between Cairn and Shell up to $25m of Cairn's net exploration and appraisal expenditure on Blocks 5 and 10 would be carried by Shell. NORTH SEA Cairn continues to hold a 10% interest in the Gryphon field in the UK North Sea and several small interests in producing properties in the Dutch North Sea. Average net production for these two areas in the first half of 2001 was 2,987 boepd (H1 2000: 3,507 boepd). The Group's North Sea production interests support its Indian exploration activities by providing cash flows from production and third party tariff income. In the UK North Sea, Cairn participated in the drilling of a horizontal development well in the central part of the South Gryphon field (Cairn 7.5%), which completed in early July 2001 and commenced production in August 2001. In the Dutch North Sea, the P6-D gas field (Cairn 9.75%) is expected to commence production at a rate of 45 mmscfd in Q3 2001, with gas being evacuated to the P6 main platform. RESERVES Booked 2P reserves at 30 June 2001 were 89 mmboe on a net entitlement basis (equivalent to 124 mmboe on a working interest basis), with 93% of these reserves in the Indian subcontinent. Reserves attributed to the Lakshmi gas development had not been booked at 30 June 2001 as the associated GSCs remain subject to a condition precedent. Similarly, potential reserves associated with the new discoveries on the west and east coasts of India have not as yet been booked. OUTLOOK The outlook for the second half of 2001 is positive from both an operational and financial perspective. Cairn will continue to focus on its strategy of seeking to add value through high-impact exploration drilling. In addition to the considerable success already achieved in the 2000/1 exploration drilling programme, it is anticipated that the Group will drill a further four exploration wells on its Indian acreage during the remainder of 2001. In addition, Cairn is progressing with the development of Lakshmi and the appraisal of Annapurna with a view to monetising these fields at the earliest opportunity. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Peter Fowler CMG was 65 on 26 August 2001 and has consequently retired as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his contribution to the Board which in particular has benefited from his extensive experience and knowledge in relation to Cairn's investments in the Indian subcontinent. Norman Lessels CBE Chairman 28 August 2001 GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following are the main terms and abbreviations used in the Chairman's Statement:- Corporate Bapex Bangladesh Exploration Petroleum Co. Ltd. Cairn the Company and/or its subsidiaries as appropriate GAIL Gas Authority of India Limited GGCL Gujarat Gas Company Limited GPEC Gujarat Powergen Energy Corporation Limited McDermott J. Ray McDermott Middle East (Indian Ocean) Ltd. ONGC Oil & Natural Gas Company Ltd. (Indian state oil and gas company) Petrobangla Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Bangladesh state oil and gas company) Shell Shell Bangladesh Exploration and Development B.V. TATA TATA Petrodyne Limited The Board the Board of Directors of Cairn Energy PLC The Company Cairn Energy PLC The Group the Company and its subsidiaries Technical 2D two dimensional 3D three dimensional 2P proved and probable bcf billion cubic feet boe barrel of oil equivalent boepd barrels of oil equivalent per day bopd barrels of oil per day DCQ Daily Contract Quantity EPIC engineering, procurement, installation and construction GSC Gas Sales Contract km kilometres km2 square kilometres /mcf per thousand cubic feet of gas /mmbtu per million British thermal units mmscf million standard cubic feet of gas mmscfd million standard cubic feet of gas per day PSC Production Sharing Contract Note: This announcement contains forward looking statements that reflect Cairn's expectations regarding future events. Forward looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual events could differ materially from those projected herein and depend on a number of factors including the uncertainties relating to oil and gas exploration and production and sale of oil and gas. Cairn Energy PLC Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (unaudited) For the six months to 30 June 2001 Six Six Year ended months months 31 Notes to 30 to 30 December June June 2000 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Producing 56,788 55,112 114,574 Rig - 816 1,529 56,788 55,928 116,103 Cost of sales Production costs (13,616) (12,458) (25,678) Rig operating costs - (579) (1,092) Depletion (6,317) (6,952) (12,074) Decommissioning charge (201) (179) (337) Depreciation of rig - (1,243) (1,966) Gross profit 36,654 34,517 74,956 Write-down of oil and gas assets - - (260) Administrative expenses (5,290) (4,545) (8,893) Operating profit 31,364 29,972 65,803 Loss on disposal of rig - - (666) Profit on ordinary activities before 31,364 29,972 65,137 interest Interest receivable and similar income 1,786 504 1,690 Interest payable and similar charges (465) (569) (1,064) Profit on ordinary activities before 32,685 29,907 65,763 taxation Taxation on profit on ordinary activities - current 1,874 (5,767) (21,268) - deferred (11,766) (5,812) (2,912) (9,892) (11,579) (24,180) Profit for the period 22,793 18,328 41,583 Earnings per ordinary share - basic 1 15.82p 12.17p 28.59p Earnings per ordinary share - diluted 2 15.68p 12.13p 28.42p Notes: 1. The basic earnings per ordinary share is calculated on a profit of £ 22,793,000 (H1 2000: £18,328,000) on a weighted average of 144,066,040 (H1 2000: 150,607,060) ordinary shares. 2. The diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated on a profit of £ 22,793,000 (H1 2000: £18,328,000) on 145,360,613 (H1 2000: 151,142,454) ordinary shares, being the basic weighted average of 144,066,040 (H1 2000: 150,607,060) ordinary shares and the dilutive potential ordinary shares of 1,294,573 (H1 2000: 535,394) ordinary shares relating to share options. 3. No dividend has been declared. Cairn Energy PLC Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited) As at 30 June 2001 As at As at As at 30 June 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Exploration assets 227,809 154,384 171,681 Development/producing assets 125,683 112,898 115,149 Other fixed assets 2,322 17,571 2,273 Investments 4,061 555 5,521 359,875 285,408 294,624 Current assets Debtors 55,462 47,331 50,711 Cash at bank 11,375 10,535 13,653 66,837 57,866 64,364 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 51,871 44,651 31,755 Net current assets 14,966 13,215 32,609 Total assets less current liabilities 374,841 298,623 327,233 Provision for liabilities and charges 8,224 5,240 7,067 Deferred taxation 35,545 15,340 22,889 Net assets 331,072 278,043 297,277 Capital and reserves - equity interests Called-up share capital 14,780 15,067 14,714 Share premium 73,142 72,489 72,612 Special reserve - 36,435 - Capital reserves - non distributable 50,487 50,120 50,487 Capital reserves - distributable 35,254 41,537 35,254 Profit & loss account 157,409 62,395 124,210 Shareholders' funds 331,072 278,043 297,277 Notes: 1. In accordance with a Special Resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting on 2 May 2000, and after receiving clearance from the Court of Session on 30 June 2000, the Group's share premium account has been reduced by £110,000,000. £73,565,000 has been transferred to the Group's Profit and Loss account with the remaining £36,435,000 being transferred initially to a Special Reserve and subsequently to the Group's Profit and Loss account on consent being attained from any remaining creditors at 30 June 2000 to allow the reserve to become distributable. 2. The disclosed figures are not statutory accounts in terms of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000, on which the auditors gave an unqualified report, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. Cairn Energy PLC Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (unaudited) For the six months to 30 June 2001 Six months Six months Year ended to 30 June to 30 June 31 2001 2000 December £'000 £'000 2000 £'000 Profit for the period 22,793 18,328 41,583 Unrealised foreign exchange differences 10,406 10,640 12,765 Total recognised gains and losses for the 33,199 28,968 54,348 period Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited) For the six months to 30 June 2001 Six Six Year ended months months 31 to 30 to 30 December June June 2000 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Total recognised gains and losses for the period 33,199 28,968 54,348 New shares issued in respect of employee share 596 57 194 options Repurchase of shares - - (6,283) Net additions to shareholders' funds 33,795 29,025 48,259 Opening shareholders' funds 297,277 249,018 249,018 Closing shareholders' funds 331,072 278,043 297,277 Cairn Energy PLC Group Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited) For the six months to 30 June 2001 Six Six Year months months ended to 30 to 30 31 June June December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 40,172 33,902 75,837 Returns on investment and servicing of finance 1,115 (224) 566 Taxation 5,012 (2,539) (11,094) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of exploration assets (41,704)(11,199) (35,037) Purchase of development/producing assets (14,121) (2,352) (7,451) Purchase of other fixed assets (including Energy (489) (500) (1,389) Explorer IV) Purchase of own shares - - (5,987) Sale of other fixed assets (including Energy Explorer 29 - 14,844 IV) (56,285) (14,051) (35,020) Equity dividends paid - - - Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid (9,986) 17,088 30,289 resources and financing Management of liquid resources(1) Cash on short term deposit 4,631 (6,812) (12,607) Financing Issue of shares 596 57 194 Repurchase of shares - - (6,283) Debt drawdowns 7,112 - - Repayment of debt - (15,127)(18,070) 7,708 (15,070)(24,159) Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period 2,353 (4,794) (6,477) Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows (unaudited) Operating profit 31,364 29,972 65,803 Depletion, depreciation and decommissioning 7,112 8,817 15,566 Amortisation of long term incentive plan 1,309 134 1,157 Exceptional write-down of oil and gas assets - - 260 Exceptional administrative expenses - 911 514 Working capital movement (2,076) (6,051) (7,224) Other provisions 791 (1,310) (536) (Gain)/loss on sale of other fixed assets (6) - 202 Foreign exchange differences 1,678 1,940 1,214 40,172 34,413 76,956 Cash outflow on transfer of operatorship and Group - (511) (1,119) restructuring Net cash inflow from operating activities 40,172 33,902 75,837 Notes: (1) Short term deposits of less than one year are disclosed as liquid resources. INDEPENDENT REVIEW REPORT TO CAIRN ENERGY PLC Introduction We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2001 set out on pages 9 to 12. We have read the other information contained in the Interim Report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors' responsibilities The Interim Report, including the financial information contained therein is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the Interim Report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999 /4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 June 2001. Ernst & Young LLP Edinburgh 28 August 2001
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