Interim Results
Carclo PLC
3 December 2001
Carclo plc
Interim Results for the Six Months ended 30 September 2001
Key Points
* Sales from continuing operations maintained at £64m.
* Underlying operating profits from continuing operations fell by 35%
to £3.7m (2000: £5.6m)
* Operating profits increased by 4.8% in the Specialist Wire Division
* Carclo Technical Plastics suffered from decline in demand for
telecom products
* Exceptional charges include £4.9m costs of closing two UK operations
and £6.3m for impairment of goodwill associated with acquisition of
CTP Alan
* Successful disposal of the Joseph Sykes Brothers wire business
* Interim dividend passed and focus on debt reduction until benefits
of reorganisation programme have been demonstrated
Commenting on the results, George Kennedy, Chairman, said:
'The prompt and aggressive actions to eliminate loss making activities enable
us to expect improved trading performance in the second half year. We are
confident in our strategy of building a global technical plastics group and
the development of manufacturing facilities in China and the Czech Republic
will complement the technical resources of the redefined UK operations.'
For further information please contact:
Carclo plc
Ian Williamson, Chief Executive On 3 December: 020 7324 8888
Chris Mawe, Finance Director Thereafter: 01924 330500
Golin/Harris Ludgate
Richard Hews 020 7324 8888
Trish Featherston
Chairman's statement
Sales in the six months to 30 September 2001 from continuing operations
increased marginally to £64.4 million compared to the equivalent period last
year, due to the inclusion of sales from CTP Alan offset by lower sales at CTP
Carrera. Operating profits at the ongoing businesses reduced by 34.5% to £3.7
million mainly due to lower activity in the USA and operating losses at CTP
The loss before tax of £10.9 million is stated after charges for exceptional
items and goodwill together totalling £12.6 million. These include £4.9
million costs of closing two UK operations and a charge of £6.3 million for
the impairment of goodwill associated with the acquisition of CTP Alan. The
exceptional items also include a net profit of £0.4 million on the disposal of
the Joseph Sykes Brothers wire business offset by a charge of £1.5 million for
the reinstatement of goodwill and £0.9 million profit on the sale of the
Halifax site formerly occupied by Lee Smith Wires. The loss per ordinary
share was 21.4p compared to earnings per share of 5.4p last year, the
reduction being mainly due to these exceptional charges.
Financial position
Net debt at 30 September 2001 was £50.0 million representing gearing of 88%
and an increase of £6.4 million since 31 March 2001 due mainly to the payment
of both interim and final dividends totalling £5.6 million in the period.
Capital expenditure at £6.2 million was at a similar level to the equivalent
period last year and included the acquisition of the freehold property
occupied by CTP Wipac. The final earnout payment of £2.1 million was paid to
the former owners of CTP Carrera and proceeds of £5.7 million were received
for the sale of the wire manufacturing business of Joseph Sykes Brothers.
We will be cash generative in the second half, with capital expenditure below
depreciation, property disposals and further proceeds from the sale of the
Joseph Sykes business. We expect to end the year with debt well below the
half year peak.
Operating review
The results for the six months to 30 September 2001 reflect the most difficult
trading conditions for many years. The group has suffered from a dramatic
decline in the demand for telecommunication components which has necessitated
aggressive action to reduce the UK manufacturing capacity. The closure of two
UK plastics operations was announced in September and the results of these
businesses have been treated as discontinuing.
Those continuing businesses exposed to the telecommunications markets
experienced reduced profits. Losses were incurred at CTP Alan and profits
reduced at CTP Carrera due to lower operating efficiencies caused by the low
demand for telecom products. Strong performance in the US medical market
helped CTP Carrera to achieve a reasonable overall result and prospects for
the second half will benefit from the continued increase in demand for its
medical products.
The automotive and medical operations demonstrated creditable resilience in
the difficult market conditions. Product innovations, including the multiband
antenna, have enabled the UK automotive businesses to maintain profitability
despite continuing pressure on selling prices. The medical operations also
have several new products in an advanced state of development which will
provide growth opportunities to this profitable core business.
The specialist wire division reported a modest increase in profits despite
reduced sales in the UK card clothing business. Reduced order intake in card
clothing reflects the current depressed global textile market and the
manufacturing and selling cost base is being reviewed to retain the benefits
from productivity improvements achieved in recent years. The remaining small
engineering businesses performed well to improve profits despite the decline
in their customer base of UK manufacturing companies.
Whilst the trading environment remains uncertain the board of Carclo believes
that shareholders will be best served by a determined focus on debt reduction
to protect the overall value of the group. Accordingly, your board has
decided to pass the interim dividend and will review the level of the final
dividend in June next year when the benefits of the reorganisation programme
will have been demonstrated and, hopefully, the direction of the global
manufacturing economy is clearer.
The prompt and aggressive actions to eliminate loss making activities enable
us to expect improved trading performance in the second half year. We are
confident in our strategy of building a global technical plastics group and
the development of manufacturing facilities in China and the Czech Republic
will complement the technical resources of the redefined UK operations.
George Kennedy
3 December 2001
Consolidated profit and loss account (unaudited)
Half year ended 30 Half year ended Year ended
September 30 September 31 March
2001 2000 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
---------- ---------- ----------
operations ongoing 64,416 64,281 130,922
discontinuing 6,123 12,782 21,482
---------- ---------- ----------
70,539 77,063 152,404
Discontinued operations 9,229 11,605 18,736
---------- ---------- ----------
79,768 88,668 171,140
---------- ---------- ----------
Continuing ongoing - before 3,688 5,632 11,511
operations rationalisation costs
- rationalisation costs (594) (158) (336)
- after rationalisation 3,094 5,474 11,175
discontinuing (985) 919 1,079
---------- ---------- ----------
2,109 6,393 12,254
Discontinued operations 597 611 1,196
---------- ---------- ----------
2,706 7,004 13,450
Goodwill amortisation (521) (472) (1,038)
Goodwill impairment (6,299) - -
---------- ---------- ----------
Operating (loss)/profit (4,114) 6,532 12,412
Disposal of subsidiary undertaking (1,141) (46) (101)
Loss on termination of operations (4,872) (852) (1,102)
Profit on sale of properties 870 97 98
---------- ---------- ----------
(Loss)/profit before interest (9,257) 5,731 11,307
Net interest payable 1,661 1,224 2,680
---------- ---------- ----------
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (10,918) 4,507 8,627
before taxation
Taxation - 1,578 2,938
---------- ---------- ----------
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (10,918) 2,929 5,689
after taxation
Ordinary dividends - 1,885 5,624
---------- ---------- ----------
(Deficit)/retained profit for the (10,918) 1,044 65
---------- ---------- ----------
Earnings per ordinary share
Basic (21.4p) 5.4p 10.5p
Underlying 2.2p 7.1p 13.7p
---------- ---------- ----------
Dividend per ordinary share 0p 3.44p 11.00p
---------- ---------- ----------
Statement of total recognised gains and losses
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (10,918) 2,929 5,689
after taxation for the period
Exchange losses on the translation of (351) (216) (455)
overseas assets
---------- ---------- ----------
Total gains and losses recognised (11,269) 2,713 5,234
relating to the period
Prior year adjustment (1,250) - -
---------- ---------- ----------
Total gains and losses recognised (12,519) 2,713 5,234
since the last annual report
---------- ---------- ----------
1. The financial information in this document has been prepared on the
basis of the accounting policies set out in the audited accounts for the year
ended 31 March 2001, with the exception of the adoption of FRS 19 on deferred
taxation. This financial information was approved by the directors on 3
December 2001.
2. The taxation charge for the six months ended 30 September 2001 has been
calculated in accordance with the provisions of FRS 19 on deferred taxation.
No adjustment is required to the taxation charge for the six months ended 30
September 2000 and the year to 31 March 2001. A prior year adjustment of
£1,250,000 has been made against revenue reserves at 1 April 2000 to
incorporate a full provision for deferred taxation at that date in accordance
with FRS 19. As a result the balance sheets at 30 September 2000 and 31 March
2001 have been restated.
3. The financial information is unaudited but has been reviewed by the
auditors and their report to the company is set out on page 7.
4. The results for the year ended 31 March 2001 are an abridged version of
the company's full accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies, on which the company's auditors reported without qualification.
Comparative figures for the year to 31 March 2001 have been extracted from
these accounts with a prior year adjustment to the balance sheet to
incorporate a full provision for deferred taxation in accordance with FRS 19.
5. The amount shown for estimated taxation for the half year ended 30
September 2001 represents 0% of the profit on ordinary activities before
taxation (30 September 2000 - 35%).
6. Earnings per ordinary share at 30 September 2001 have been
calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of £
10,918,000 by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of
7. Copies of the Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 7
December 2001 and are available from the company's registered office,
Ploughland House, P.O. Box 14, 62 George Street, Wakefield, WF1 1ZF.
Consolidated balance sheet (unaudited)
30 September 2001 30 September 2000 31 March 2001
as restated as restated
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
-------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Fixed assets
Intangible 18,543 19,687 24,676
Tangible 55,187 58,030 61,508
Investments 1,343 1,383 1,369
------ ---------- ----------
75,073 79,100 87,553
Current assets
Stocks 15,302 17,396 18,076
Debtors 36,723 37,159 38,030
Pensions 11,742 11,393 11,561
due after more
than one year
Cash at bank 17,239 10,669 10,797
and in hand
------- ---------- ----------
81,006 76,617 78,464
------- ---------- ----------
falling due
within one year
Bank loans and 13,317 9,649 10,046
Trade and 24,314 26,510 31,054
other creditors
Taxation 816 1,239 1,662
Dividends - 1,882 5,621
--------- ---------- ----------
38,447 39,280 48,383
-------- ---------- ----------
Net current
assets 42,559 37,337 30,081
------ ------- -------
Total assets
less current 117,632 116,437 117,634
falling due 53,184 36,589 43,488
after more
than one year
Provisions for
liabilities 7,402 7,324 7,331
and charges
----- ------- ------
Total net assets 57,046 72,524 66,815
------ ------- -------
Capital and
Called up
share capital 2,594 2,790 2,594
Share premium 41,772 41,772 41,772
Revaluation reserve 2,252 2,063 2,268
Other reserves 1,330 1,134 1,330
Profit and loss
account 9,098 24,765 18,851
------ ------- -------
funds 57,046 72,524 66,815
------ ------- -------
Ordinary shareholders'
funds 110p 130p 129p
per share
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 September 2001 30 September 31 March
2000 2001
as restated as restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
---------- ---------- ----------
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities (10,918) 2,929 5,689
after taxation for the period
Dividends - 1,885 5,624
---------- ---------- ----------
(10,918) 1,044 65
Other recognised losses relating to (351) (216) (455)
the period (net)
Goodwill reinstated 1,500 - -
New share capital issued - 52 52
Share buy back - - (4,491)
---------- ---------- ----------
(9,769) 880 (4,829)
Opening shareholders' funds 66,815 71,644 71,644
---------- ---------- ----------
Closing shareholders' funds 57,046 72,524 66,815
---------- ---------- ----------
Cash flow statement (unaudited)
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 September 2001 30 September 2000 31 March 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
---------- ---------- ----------
Cash flow from operating 3,757 7,705 20,656
Returns on investments and (1,661) (1,439) (2,811)
servicing of finance
Taxation (777) (1,117) (2,672)
Capital expenditure and (6,178) (6,245) (9,402)
financial investment
Acquisitions and disposals 3,561 121 (6,752)
Equity dividends paid (5,622) (6,020) (6,020)
---------- ---------- ----------
Cash outflow before use of (6,920) (6,995) (7,001)
liquid resources and funding
Issue of shares - 52 52
Repurchase of own shares - - (4,491)
Increase in debt 10,014 5,590 11,078
Capital element of finance (497) (361) (760)
lease rentals
---------- ---------- ----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in 2,597 (1,714) (1,122)
===== ===== =====
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 September 2001 30 September 2000 31 March 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
---------- ---------- ----------
Reconciliation of net cash flow
to movement in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash 2,597 (1,714) (1,122)
in period
Cash inflow from increase in (9,517) (5,229) (10,318)
debt and lease financing
---------- ---------- ----------
Change in net debt resulting (6,920) (6,943) (11,440)
from cash flows
Exchange movement 550 (859) (1,878)
Loans and finance leases - - (2,238)
acquired with subsidiary
---------- ---------- ----------
Movement in net debt in period (6,370) (7,802) (15,556)
Net debt at beginning of (43,671) (28,115) (28,115)
---------- ---------- ----------
Net debt at end of period (50,041) (35,917) (43,671)
===== ===== =====
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 September 2001 30 September 2000 31 March 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
---------- ---------- ----------
Reconciliation of operating profit to
operating cash flows
Operating (loss)/profit (4,114) 6,532 12,412
Goodwill amortisation 6,820 472 1,038
Depreciation charges 4,204 4,211 8,735
Amortisation of own shares 31 15 28
(Profit)/loss on sale of (92) 44 (87)
tangible fixed assets
Cash flow relating to (312) - (700)
exceptional reorganisation
(Increase)/decrease in stocks (44) 430 705
Decrease in debtors 1,988 1,445 2,174
Decrease in creditors (4,724) (5,444) (3,649)
---------- ---------- ----------
Net cash inflow from operating 3,757 7,705 20,656
===== ===== =====
Group turnover and operating profit
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 September 2001 30 September 2000 31 March 2001
Operating Operating Operating
profit profit profit
Turnover Turnover Turnover
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
---------- ------- ---------- ------- -------- -------
By class of
Technical 50,197 2,986 49,281 4,838 100,614 9,957
Specialist 14,219 1,198 15,000 1,143 30,308 2,390
wire division
division 6,123 (985) 12,782 919 21,482 1,079
---------- -------- ---------- ------- ------ -------
70,539 3,199 77,063 6,900 152,404 13,426
costs (note 1) (594) (158) (336)
---------- -------- ---------- ------- ------- -------
70,539 2,605 77,063 6,742 152,404 13,090
operations 9,229 597 11,605 643 18,736 1,253
Rationalisation - (32) (57)
--------- ------- --------- ------- ------- ------
9,229 597 11,605 611 18,736 1,196
--------- --------- ---------
79,768 88,668 171,140
--------- ------ --------- ------- -------- -------
Divisional operating 3,202 7,353 14,286
Central administration (596) (499) (1,136)
Pension cost: - regular (1,319) (1,269) (2,538)
- credit 1,419 1,419 2,838
in respect of surplus
Goodwill amortisation (521) (472) (1,038)
(note 2)
Goodwill (6,299) - -
------- ------ -------
Group operating (loss)/ (4,114) 6,532 12,412
--------- ------- -------
By geographical area
United 46,393 3,184 44,375 3,948 91,240 8,340
United 13,697 1,236 15,885 2,184 31,193 4,193
States of America
Rest of 4,326 (236) 4,021 (151) 8,489 (186)
United 6,123 (985) 12,782 919 21,482 1,079
--------- -------- ------- ------ -------- ------
70,539 3,199 77,063 6,900 152,404 13,426
Rationalisation (594) (158) (336)
costs (note 1)
--------- --------- ------ ------- ------- ------
70,539 2,605 77,063 6,742 152,404 13,090
United 9,229 597 11,292 564 18,423 1,149
Rest of - 313 47 313 47
--------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------
9,229 597 11,605 611 18,736 1,196
--------- -------- --------
79,768 88,668 171,140
--------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------
operating 3,202 7,353 14,286
Central administration (596) (499) (1,136)
Pension cost - regular (1,319) (1,269) (2,538)
- credit in respect of surplus 1,419 1,419 2,838
Goodwill amortisation (521) (472) (1,038)
(note 2)
Goodwill impairment (6,299) - -
--------- ------- -------
Group operating (loss)/ (4,114) 6,532 12,412
--------- ------- --------
Geographical segment - by
United 38,366 48,034 89,040
Rest of 17,805 13,047 28,520
Rest of 23,597 27,587 53,580
--------- --------- ---------
79,768 88,668 171,140
--------- --------- ---------
1. The rationalisation costs in the half year relate to both divisions.
2. Goodwill amortisation relates to the technical plastics division.
Report of the auditors
to Carclo plc
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 September 2001 which comprises a Consolidated Profit
and Loss Account, a Consolidated Balance Sheet, a Consolidated Cash Flow
Statement, a Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses and
the related notes. We have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements
or material inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the
Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the
accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts
except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
'Review of interim financial information' issued by the Auditing Practices
Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making
enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data, and based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied, unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities
and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed
in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an
audit opinion on the financial information.
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 September 2001.
Ernst & Young LLP
3 December 2001