FootageQuest Update

Newsplayer Group PLC 18 January 2002 For Immediate Release 18 January 2002 Update on FootageQuest Acquisition Newsplayer Group plc ('NPG') announces that completion of its planned acquisition of FootageQuest from eMotion, Inc. ('eMotion'), has been delayed until the services of an alternative technology supplier to NextLec, Inc. ('NextLec') have been secured. The services provided by NextLec to eMotion in respect of the assets to be acquired are crucial to the functionality of the assets, and NPG will require that similar services be secured before the purchase can proceed. NPG announced on 2 January 2002, that it had signed a conditional agreement to acquire the trade and assets of FootageQuest from eMotion, a distributor of rights protected and royalty free content, (the 'Agreement'). Two of the conditions for the completion of the Agreement related to the provider of technical services to FootageQuest, NextLec, which was in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection when the Agreement was signed. NextLec's Chapter 11 bankruptcy has since converted to Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which is the equivalent of being in liquidation. As a result neither of the two conditions related to NextLec will be met and the Agreement has to be renegotiated. This does not effect the acquisition of Footage.Net from eMotion which NPG announced on 27 December 2001. Paul Duffen, Chief Executive of NPG, said: 'We remain committed to acquiring FootageQuest and are in talks with third parties who can provide the services previously supplied by NextLec. When we signed the agreement we knew that this situation was a possibility and have planned for this contingency. We are working closely with eMotion to find a satisfactory solution.' A further announcement will be made as appropriate. Enquiries: Newsplayer Group Plc Paul Duffen, CEO 07785 313 485 Barry Llewellyn, Marketing Director 07768 502 090 Brunswick Group Ltd Harry Chathli 020 7404 5959 Pamela Small Notes to editors: Newsplayer Group plc is a new media company that exploits rights and/or licences to television and cinema content and markets them globally to business, educational and consumer audiences using interactive technology. Revenues are generated from the licensing of content to third parties, from subscription and pay-per-view fees paid by consumers, and from shared advertising revenues. NPG has a range of on-line channels including: * - a thousand hours of 20th century news material from ITN and Reuters * - hundreds of interviews conducted by Sir David Frost * - Hollywood and showbiz footage * - online video editing service * Birdstream - archives of RSPB film unit * - hundred years of music videos from EMI
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