FRM Credit Alpha Fund Estimated NAV 17 July 2009 |
NAV ESTIMATE FRM Credit Alpha Limited (the 'Company') Estimated Net Asset Value GBP Shares as at 17 July 2009.
The estimated net asset value per GBP share as at the close of business on 17 July 2009 was 91.0 pence.
The estimated net asset value per GBP Share has been calculated on the basis that all GBP Shares validly tendered as of 30th June 2009 being redeemed by the Company as of that same date (representing 20% of the issued Shares of the Company).
This is an estimated valuation of the net assets of the Company as at the above date. It has been prepared in good faith by the Company's Investment Manager for information purposes only. It is based principally on unaudited estimated valuations supplied by the administrators, managers or investment advisers of the Company's underlying investments. Such estimates may be subject to little verification or other due diligence and may not comply with generally accepted accounting practices or other valuation principles. Whilst the Company believes this information to be useful to investors, it may be subject to significant change and, therefore, no assumption should be made as to its accuracy.
Sedol: B1QH6J2 ISIN: GG00B1QH6J27 |