Cenkos Securities plc (the 'Company' or the 'Group')
Annual General Meeting - Statement
At Cenkos Securities plc's Annual General Meeting, held this afternoon, the Chairman of Cenkos, John Hodson, made the following statement:
'The markets in which we operate continue to be difficult, however the Group has made an encouraging start to the current year and is trading profitably. All of our key revenue earning teams have made a positive contribution to the Group's performance during the current period. Despite the weak market for IPO's and other fundraisings, since the year end we have raised over £360 million for our clients and our pipeline remains positive. We continue to take advantage of the present market instability by adding high quality people to our business. It is the view of the directors of the Company that the diversification of income streams and the flexible cost base which is highly geared to performance. The Company continues to be cash generative and to trade profitably in the current markets'
Andy Stewart
Chief Executive Officer - 020 7397 8900
Simon Melling
Finance Director - 020 7397 8900