TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings
1a. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares towhichvotingrightsareat-tached ii : |
Central Asia Metals PLC |
1b. Please indicate if theissueris anon-UKissuer (please mark with an "X" if appropriate) |
Non-UK issuer |
2. Reason for the notification (please mark theappropriateboxor boxeswithan"X") |
An acquisition ordisposal ofvoting rights |
X |
An acquisition ordisposal offinancialinstruments |
An eventchanging the breakdown ofvoting rights |
Other (please specify) iii : |
3. Details of person subject tothenotificationobligation iv |
Name |
City and country ofregistered office (ifapplicable) |
4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.) v |
Name |
City and country ofregistered office (ifapplicable) |
5. Date on which the threshold wascrossed orreached vi : |
30/12/2020 |
6. Date on which issuer notified (DD/MM/YYYY): |
31/12/2020 |
7. Total positions of person(s) subject tothenotificationobligation |
%ofvotingrightsat-tachedtoshares(to-talof8.A) |
%ofvotingrightsthroughfinancialinstru-ments (total of 8.B1+8.B2) |
Total of bothin%(8.A+8.B) |
Total number of voting rights of is-suer vii |
Resulting situation on thedateonwhichthresholdwascrossedorreached |
2.87% |
2.87% |
176 026 619 |
Position of previous notification (if applicable) |
N/A |
N/A |
8. Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on whichthethresholdwascrossedorreached viii |
A: Votingrightsattached toshares |
Class/type ofshares ISIN code(ifpossible) |
Number ofvotingrights ix |
%ofvotingrights |
Direct (Art 9 ofDirective2004/109/EC)(DTR5.1) |
Indirect (Art 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) (DTR5.2.1) |
Direct (Art 9 ofDirective2004/109/EC)(DTR5.1) |
Indirect (Art 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) (DTR5.2.1) |
GB00B67KBV28 |
5 054300 |
2.87% |
5 054300 |
2.87% |
B 1:Financial InstrumentsaccordingtoArt.13(1)(a)ofDirective2004/109/EC(DTR5.3.1.1(a)) |
Type offinancialin-strument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/ Conversion Period xi |
Number ofvotingrightsthatmaybeacquirediftheinstrumentisexercised/converted. |
%ofvotingrights |
B 2:Financial Instrumentswithsimilareconomiceffect accordingtoArt.13(1)(b) of Directive2004/109/EC(DTR5.3.1.1(b)) |
Type offinancialinstrument |
Expiration date x |
Exercise/ Conversion Pe-riod xi |
Physical or cash settlement xii |
Number ofvotingrights |
%ofvotingrights |
9. Information inrelation tothepersonsubject tothenotificationobligation (please mark theapplicableboxwithan"X") |
Person subjecttothenotificationobligationisnotcontrolledbyanynaturalpersonorlegalentityanddoesnotcontrolanyotherundertaking(s)holdingdirectlyorindirectlyaninterestinthe(underlying)issuer xiii |
Full chainofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orthe financialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheldstartingwiththeultimatecontrollingnaturalpersonorlegalentity xiv (please addadditionalrowsasnecessary) |
Name xv |
%of votingrightsifitequalsor ishigherthanthenotifiablethreshold |
%of votingrightsthroughfinancialin-strumentsif itequalsorishigher thanthenotifiablethreshold |
Total of both if itequalsor ishigherthanthenotifiablethreshold |
10. Incase ofproxyvoting,pleaseidentify: |
Name of the proxyholder |
The number and % of votingrightsheld |
The date until which thevotingrightswillbeheld |
Place of completion |
Paris - France |
Date of completion |
30/12/2020 |