Interim Results

Dinkie Heel PLC 21 September 2001 Dinkie Heel plc Announcement of Interim Results Chairman's Statement Financial results and review of the period Sales for the first six months were £4,834,000 (2000: £5,011,000) and before exceptional items the company made an operating profit of £1,000 (2000: loss £110,000). After the exceptional items of £60,000 (2000: £50,000) and interest payable of £110,000 (2000: £95,000) the loss on ordinary activities before taxation was £169,000 (2000: £255,000). Losses per share were 1.14p (2000: 1.73p). Davies Odell continued to increase its sales outside the footwear industry. Development and refinement of the range of products for impact protection in protective clothing (PPE equipment) played a particular part in improving sales and margins. Sales of PPE equipment increased 12% by comparison with the same six months of 2000 although sales of EVA flooring products for the equestrian and dairy industries were hindered by the problems of the agricultural industry and increased by just 3%. Together the sales of these products represented 20% (2000: 19%) of total company sales in the first half year. Sales by Davies Odell of products to the footwear trade were 3% ahead of last year's level. For the half year the operating profit of Davies Odell is 92% ahead of 2000. Sales by the Dinkie-FCE toe cap business for the first half year fell 2% by volume below those of 2000 but with sales prices continuing to be under pressure the total sales revenue fell by 4.5%. Production costs and overheads were considerably reduced. Labour costs were 9% lower and overhead costs almost 20% lower and reflecting the benefit of the consolidation of warehouse facilities on the Warmley site carried out in the latter part of 2000. As a result and despite the fall in sales revenue the loss for the operation was reduced by comparison with the first half of 2000. Sales of footwear components manufactured by Phillips Rubber were 18% lower than in the same period of 2000 reflecting in particular lower sales to the UK shoe repair industry. Overheads were tightly controlled and the business recorded only a small operating loss in the period. In March 2001 the company announced its intention to cease manufacture of Phillips products in Manchester, to have the products manufactured by a well established South African partner and to distribute them from the company's premises in Warmley. It also announced that the toe cap business would begin the manufacture with an overseas partner of some of its products for export markets. During this six months the reorganisation costs associated with these changes amount to £60,000 and are shown as an exceptional item. In the six months to June 2000 the exceptional item related to lease closure costs associated with the Warmley warehouse reorganisation. Net cash outflow from operating activities in the period was £232,000 (2000: £42,000) reflecting in particular the stock build to help accommodate the Phillips move and the seasonal increase in other working capital. Net debt at 30 June 2001 was £2,583,000 (2000: £2,430,000) representing gearing of 87% (2000: 72.5%). Dividend The Board is concentrating on returning the company to healthy profit and conserving the cash needed to implement its strategy. Accordingly no interim dividend is recommended for this year (2000: nil). Prospects Sales of PPE equipment continue to increase and look set to benefit from our insistence on the maintenance of quality standards in a market in which other suppliers have been less stringent. EVA flooring products are traditionally strong in the second half of the year and sales are expected to continue to increase. Overseas production of rubber components has begun and production in Manchester will cease during the second half year during which time the Phillips business will be transferred to Bristol. The freehold premises in Manchester are for sale and it is expected that in due course their sale will realise a premium over book value. Market conditions for safety steel toe caps are difficult given the global economic slow down and increasing competition. Manufacture overseas for export markets is beginning during the second half of the year and will improve the company's ability to profitably supply those markets. Richard Organ Chairman 21 September 2001 2001 Interim Report to Shareholders Profit and Loss Account Unaudited Audited 6 months 6 months 12 months to to to 31 December 30 June 30 June 2000 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 4,834 5,011 10,152 Operating profit/(loss) before 1 (110) (242) exceptional items Exceptional items (60) (50) (59) Operating loss from continuing (59) (160) (301) operations Interest payable (110) (95) (174) Loss on ordinary activities (169) (255) (475) before taxation Taxation - - - Loss for the period (169) (255) (475) Dividends - - - Loss set against reserves (169) (255) (475) Loss per share (basic and (1.14p) (1.73p) (3.22p) diluted) 2001 Interim Report to Shareholders Balance Sheet Unaudited Audited As at As at As at 30 June 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net assets employed Fixed Assets 3,333 3,660 3,485 Current assets: Stocks 1,521 1,493 1,446 Debtors 1,839 1,806 1,751 Cash at bank and in hand 17 18 17 3,377 3,317 3,214 Creditors: amounts falling due within (2,938) (2,857) (2,850) one year Net current assets 439 460 364 Total assets less current liabilities 3,772 4,120 3,849 Creditors: amounts falling due after (809) (768) (717) more than one year Provisions for liabilities and charges - - - 2,963 3,352 3,132 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 738 738 738 Share premium 715 715 715 Revaluation reserve 524 532 528 Profit and loss account 986 1,367 1,151 Total equity shareholders' funds 2,963 3,352 3,132 2001 Interim Report to Shareholders Cash Flow Statement Unaudited Audited 6 6 12 months months months to to to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash flow from operating activities Operating loss (59) (160) (301) Depreciation charges 215 218 428 (Increase)/decrease in stocks (75) 77 124 (Increase)/decrease in debtors (88) 263 318 Decrease in creditors (225) (440) (245) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating (232) (42) 324 activities Cash Flow Statement Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating (232) (42) 324 activities Returns on investments and servicing of (110) (95) (174) finance Taxation - - - Capital expenditure (63) (70) (105) Acquisitions - (65) (65) Equity dividends paid - - - (405) (272) (20) Financing (28) (58) (136) Decrease in cash (433) (330) (156) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Decrease in cash in the period (433) (330) (156) Cash reduction from change in debt 28 58 136 Change in net debt (405) (272) (20) Net debt at 1 January (2,178) (2,158) (2,158) Net debt at period end (2,583) (2,430) (2,178) Notes: 1. The calculation of the loss per share for the six months is based on 14,770,000 (2000: 14,770,000) ordinary shares, being the weighted number in issue during the period. 2. The financial information contained in the accounts does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The results for the half year to 30 June 2001 are unaudited. The abridged profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2000 were extracted from the published accounts which received an unqualified audit report and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 3. A copy of the interim report is being sent to shareholders. Further copies will be available to the public from the Company Secretary at the Company's registered address, St Ivel Way, Warmley, Bristol BS30 8TY.


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