Issue of Equity

Dinkie Heel PLC 26 March 2004 Dinkie Heel plc Placing, Issue of Warrants, Cancellation of Loan Notes and Capital Re-organisation Key points of the transaction • Dinkie Heel plc ('Dinkie Heel' or the 'Company'), the AIM quoted manufacturer of components for the footwear manufacture and repair industries, is proposing to place 95,800,000 shares with institutions and certain individuals. • David Horner and Peter Cook will join the Dinkie Heel Board as non-executive directors. • Alongside the existing business activities of the Company, the Board, with the benefit of the additional skills of the Proposed Directors, wish to broaden the Company's activities to enable it to invest in Management Buy-Out and Management Buy-In opportunities. • Dinkie Heel shareholders will receive 1 warrant to subscribe for a New Ordinary Share for every 2 Dinkie Heel shares held at 19 April 2004, exercisable at 2p per share. For further information, please contact: Dinkie Heel plc Geoff Martin, Finance Director Tel: 0117 303 3404 David Horner, proposed director Tel: 01225 483 030 City Financial Associates Limited Tony Rawlinson/James Caithie Tel: 020 7090 7800 Introduction The Board of Dinkie Heel announced earlier today details of proposals to raise £958,000 (before expenses) through a placing of 95,800,000 Placing Shares at an issue price of 1p each. It was also announced that of the £400,000 Loan Notes issued on 19 December 2002 and due for repayment on 17 December 2003, £330,000 were to be cancelled in consideration for the issue of the Loan Note Shares (also to be issued at 1p each). The proposed Placing and cancellation of Loan Notes will result in the issue, in aggregate, of 128,800,000 New Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 89.13 per cent. of the Company's Enlarged Issued Ordinary Share Capital. The Concert Party would be interested, following the implementation of the Proposals, in more than 30 per cent. of the Enlarged Issued Ordinary Share Capital which would require the Concert Party to make an offer for the balance of the New Ordinary Shares unless the Waiver is approved. In addition, your Board proposes, conditional upon Admission, to allot Warrants to all Shareholders, in the ratio of one Warrant for every two New Ordinary Shares. The purpose of this document is to provide Shareholders with details of the Proposals, and to explain the reasons why your Board considers the Proposals to be in the best interests of the Company and Shareholders as a whole. A circular has been sent to all Shareholders and the Company has convened an extraordinary general meeting to be held on 19 April 2004 at which Resolutions to approve the Proposals will be put. Working Capital The Company is in urgent need of funds from the Placing for its survival. Debt levels are currently unsustainable and cash flows from the Company's existing operations have been insufficient to enable debts to be serviced or capital repayments maintained. In particular, the Company has an outstanding overdue creditor in the form of HM Customs & Excise, in respect of a VAT liability of £223,000 (plus overdue penalties) largely arising from the sale of its freehold premises in October 2003 (as mentioned in the paragraph entitled 'Current Trading and Prospects' below). Additionally, the Loan Notes, which were due to be repaid on 17 December 2003, remain overdue, as detailed in the paragraph entitled 'Cancellation of Loan Notes' below. If the Proposals detailed below are not approved by Shareholders, the Board believes it would have no alternative but to seek appointment of an administrator or pursue other insolvency options. The Placing The Placing is intended to repay debts and provide working capital for the existing businesses of the Company, and also to provide 'seed capital' for the new business activities described below. Accordingly, the Company is proposing to raise £958,000 (before expenses) through the Placing of 95,800,000 New Ordinary Shares at a price of 1p each with institutional and other placees. This represents 89.13 per cent. of the Enlarged Issued Ordinary Share Capital. The Placing price represents a discount of 77.78 per cent. to the mid-market closing price per Existing Ordinary Share of 4.50p on 24 March 2004. The Board believes that, given the precarious financial position of the Company, these terms are acceptable. The Placing is conditional, inter alia, on Admission. Dealings in the Placing Shares are expected to commence on 20 April 2004. Warrants Ideally, the Board would have wished to offer holders of Existing Ordinary Shares the opportunity to take up all or some of the Placing Shares. This has not been possible given the additional time and costs involved and the placees' requirement to take up minimum levels of stock as a precondition of their commitment to the Placing. However, in order to provide holders of Existing Ordinary Shares with some opportunity to participate, the Proposals also comprise the issue of 1 Warrant for every two New Ordinary Shares held which would, if exercised, represent 33.27 per cent. of the Enlarged Diluted Issued Ordinary Share Capital. Each Shareholder will receive, for every 2 New Ordinary Shares, 1 Warrant. Each Warrant will entitle the holder thereof to subscribe for one New Ordinary Share at 2p per share at any time in the period following Admission until the third anniversary of Admission. The Warrants will not be admitted to trading on AIM. Cancellation of Loan Notes The Loan Notes fell due for repayment on 17 December 2003. The capital sum outstanding is currently incurring interest charges of 12 per cent. per annum. An important element of the Proposals involves the holders of £330,000 of outstanding Loan Notes agreeing to cancel their Loan Notes in consideration for the issue of the Loan Note Shares. The balance of the outstanding Loan Notes (plus unpaid interest accrued on all the Loan Notes) will be repaid out of the proceeds of the Placing. The City Code Under Rule 9 of the City Code, where any person acquires shares which (taken together with shares held or acquired by persons acting in concert with him) carry 30 per cent. or more of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the City Code, then, except with the consent of the Panel, he and any person acting in concert with him, must make a general offer to other shareholders to acquire for cash the balance of the shares not held by him and his concert parties in that company at not less than the highest price paid by him or any persons acting in concert with him within the preceding twelve months. In addition, Rule 9 provides that, inter alia, where any person who holds between 30 per cent. and 50 per cent. of the voting rights of a company and such person (or any person acting in concert with him) acquires further voting rights, then that person or group of persons is required to make a general offer to all shareholders to purchase their shares for cash at not less than the highest price paid by him or any persons acting in concert with him within the preceding twelve months. The Concert Party's interests following the implementation of the Proposals will amount to 82,254,050 New Ordinary Shares, representing 56.92 per cent. of the Enlarged Issued Ordinary Share Capital. On a fully diluted basis the Concert Party's interests would amount to 123,531,075 New Ordinary Shares representing 56.89 per cent. of the Enlarged Diluted Issued Ordinary Share Capital. The Panel has been consulted and has agreed, subject to the passing on a poll by Shareholders (who for the avoidance of doubt do not include members of the Concert Party) of the Whitewash Resolution, to waive the obligation on the Concert Party to make a general offer to Shareholders under Rule 9 of the City Code which would otherwise arise as a result of the implementation of the Proposals. In the event that the waiver is confirmed, Shareholders should be aware that, for so long as the Concert Party remains constituted as at present, any member of the Concert Party may acquire any number of further New Ordinary Shares without being obliged to make a general offer to all other Shareholders. However, each individual member of the Concert Party will normally incur an obligation to make a general offer should he or she (together with associates) acquire shares which have the effect of increasing his or her individual holding to 30 per cent. or more of the Company's issued voting share capital at that time. Following the transactions set out above the Concert Party will own or control more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company and will therefore be able to acquire further New Ordinary Shares without incurring any further obligation under Rule 9 to make a general offer. Following discussions with the Panel it has been agreed that certain Shareholders and placees are to be treated as the Concert Party for the purposes of the City Code. The members of the Concert Party are David Horner, Chelverton Asset Management Limited, Colinette Holdings Limited, Belas Knapp Trust, Stanton Trust, Chelverton Growth Trust PLC, Robin Boyle, Helen Veale, Stephen Barclay, Ian Buckley, Richard Organ, Robert Mitchell, Geoff Martin, Chris Ball, David Abell, Simon Stephenson, Tom Sinclair, David Hart, David Dunbar, Peter Cook, Linda Deschampsneufs and David Munn. The key member of the Concert Party is one of the Proposed Directors, David Horner, and his related interests. On completion of the Proposals, the Concert Party will hold 123,531,075 New Ordinary Shares in aggregate, representing approximately 66.49 per cent. of the Enlarged Issued Ordinary Share Capital (assuming that no Options or Warrants are exercised by Independent Shareholders but that all Warrants and Options available to members of the Concert Party are exercised). New business activities Alongside the existing business activities of the Company, the Board, with the benefit of the additional skills of the Proposed Directors wish to broaden the Company's activities to enable it to invest in Management Buy-Out and Management Buy-In opportunities with an overall value below £5 million. Target companies will tend to be stable, steady growth, profitable and cash generative businesses. The Directors and Proposed Directors have identified this area of the venture capital market as underfinanced and containing many opportunities. It is therefore proposed that the Company would, through an investment management contract with Chelverton Asset Management Limited (an unlisted investment management company controlled by David Horner, one of the Proposed Directors, a member of the Concert Party and participant in the Placing), identify suitable targets. Chelverton Asset Management Limited would waive all fees under such a contract until an investment was made by the Company. Although part of the proceeds of the Placing will provide some seed capital for the new business activities it is likely that further funds would need to be raised to develop the business until the time that it becomes self funding through realisations and yields from investments. These investments which will be in a variety of forms including equity, redeemable preference shares and loan stock will achieve their target returns by way of dividend yields and also loan interest on the outstanding sums, coupled with a steady return of capital over the first five years of the investment. This return of capital will be achieved by redeeming preference shares and repaying loans. The ongoing businesses of the Company, which comprise the manufacture and supply of a range of components for the footwear manufacture and repair industries, together with the manufacture and distribution of products for personal protection and for the equestrian and dairy industries, will continue for the time being. The Concert Party is not intending to prejudice the existing employment rights, including pension rights, of any of the employees of the Company. Board Changes It is proposed that Andrew Stowey, Martyn Stowey and Robert Mitchell will stand down from the Board following the EGM. David Horner and Peter Cook will join the Board immediately following the EGM as non-executive directors. In addition, Christopher Ball will relinquish his position as Managing Director and become a non-executive director. Capital Re-organisation and Reduction of Capital The latest audited balance sheet of the Company, as at 31 December 2002, shows a deficit of £2,135,000 on its profit and loss account. While there is a deficit on the Company's profit and loss account, the Company is not able to pay dividends. The Board is therefore proposing to effect the Capital Re-organisation and, in due course, the Reduction of Capital to eliminate the deficit. Accordingly, subject to Shareholder approval, it is proposed to split the Existing Ordinary Shares into New Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each and Deferred Shares of 4.9p each. Thereafter, shareholder approval is sought to cancel the Deferred Shares. Shareholder approval is also sought for the reduction of the share premium account of the Company following Admission by £1,869,064. The Court's sanction of the Reduction of Capital is also required. If approved, the reserve arising on the Reduction of Capital will be available to eliminate the deficit on the Company's profit and loss account as at 31 December 2002. The Court will be concerned to ensure that the creditors of the Company will not be prejudiced by the Reduction of Capital and may require their position to be protected by way of an undertaking. The precise nature of such protection is for the Court to determine and the Company will provide such protection as the Court requires and the Company's solicitors advise is appropriate. The Capital Re-organisation and subsequent Reduction of Capital will not further affect the number of shares held by Shareholders or the rights attaching to those shares. The Capital Re-organisation and Reduction of Capital is subject to Shareholder approval of the Special Resolutions to be proposed at the EGM. It is the Board's intention to effect the Capital Reduction by applying to Court for sanction of the Capital Reduction in due course. The Board believes this is feasible providing there is no significant change in the financial and trading position of the Company between the date of the EGM and the date of Court approval of the Capital Reduction. Current Trading and Prospects The Company published on 29 September 2003 its interim results for the six months to 30 June 2003 and reference was made in the announcement to impending sales of fixed assets. The audited results for the full year to 31 December 2003 are expected to be announced before the end of June 2004. Since 30 June 2003, the Company has sold all of its Bristol premises. The freehold premises realized £980,000 in cash, net of expenses, and resulted in an unaudited profit over book value of £255,000. The long leasehold premises realised a further £390,000 net of expenses and an unaudited profit over book value of £148,000. The Company's remaining plant and machinery were also sold realising their net book value of £59,000. The proceeds of all of these sales were used to reduce the Company's bank borrowings. Restructuring costs in the second half of the year are estimated at £228,000. The Davies Odell division, which is involved in the manufacture and distribution of a wide range of components for the footwear manufacture and repair industries and of products for personal protection and for the equestrian and dairy industries, continued to trade successfully in the second half of the year and performance at the beginning of 2004 continues to be satisfactory. The Dinkie division, which supplies safety steel toecaps worldwide, continued to be loss-making in the second half of 2003 but its current performance is close to the expectations of the Board for the re-organised business. EXPECTED TIMETABLE (all dates are 2004) Latest time for receipt of Forms of Proxy - 11.00 a.m. on 17 April Extraordinary General Meeting - 11.00 a.m. on 19 April Record Date for entitlement to the Warrants - 5.30 p.m. on 19 April Admission of Placing Shares and Loan Note Shares to trading on AIM - 20 April For further information, please contact: Dinkie Heel plc Geoff Martin, Finance Director Tel: 0117 303 3404 David Horner, proposed director Tel: 01225 483 030 City Financial Associates Limited Tony Rawlinson/James Caithie Tel: 020 7090 7800 City Financial Associates Limited, which is authorised and regulated by The Financial Services Authority, is the Company's Nominated Adviser for the purposes of the AIM Rules. Its responsibilities as the Company's Nominated Adviser under the AIM Rules are owed solely to the London Stock Exchange and are not owed to the Company or any Director. City Financial Associates Limited will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to customers of City Financial Associates Limited or for advising any other person on the Proposals and other arrangements described in the circular to Shareholders dated 26 March 2004. Hazlewoods, which is authorised and regulated by The Financial Services Authority, is acting for Dinkie Heel plc and its board of directors in relation to the Waiver and is not advising any other person. Accordingly, Hazlewoods will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company and its board of directors for providing the protections afforded to clients of Hazlewoods or for providing advice on the Waiver or any other matter referred to in the circular to Shareholders dated 26 March 2004. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors and the Proposed Directors the information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. To the best of the knowledge and belief of each of the members of the Concert Party the information contained in this announcement relating to the Concert Party is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Definitions in this announcement apply as they are set out in the circular dated 26 March 2004 which is being sent to shareholders of Dinkie Heel today and is available from the offices of City Financial Associates Limited, 6 Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0BL. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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