Falkland Gold and Minerals Ltd
24 June 2008
Falkland Gold and Minerals Limited (the 'Company')
Investing strategy
The Company wishes to notify the market of its investing strategy which was approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting ('AGM') on 4 March 2008 and as was detailed in the AGM notice of 8 February 2008.
The Board's objective is to use its broad experience, and to leverage the Company's financial and operating assets, to continue the Company's basic strategy of high-risk exploration, with a focus on early stage mineral exploration opportunities. The Board is actively considering projects within the mineral sector elsewhere in the world and will update shareholders in due course. The Company's Directors have the experience to make an initial assessment of whether specific opportunities should be considered in detail and, if so, they would be subjected to formal due diligence using external advisers. If a suitable transaction is not completed by 3 March 2009, the Company will consider returning remaining funds to shareholders.
The AGM notice is available on the Company's website: www.fgml.co.uk.
Falkland Gold and Minerals Limited
Richard Linnell (Chairman) +27 82 440 6710
W.H. Ireland Limited
James Joyce/ Sarang Shah +44 (0)20 7220 1666