EGM Statement

Character Group PLC 16 July 2001 The Character Group plc ('the Company' or 'the Group') Results of EGM Further to the announcement made by the Company on 22 June 2001, the Company is pleased to announce that all of the resolutions proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, held at 11.00am today, were duly passed. The Company also confirms that the £4.6 million Convertible Loan Note (as detailed in the circular to shareholders dated 22 June 2001) has been issued and the proceeds received by the Company, of which £2.5 million has been utilised to repay the short term loan facility entered into on 29 May 2001. Admission to the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange of the up to 23,119,663 new Ordinary Shares being issued pursuant to the Rights Issue (as also announced on 22 June 2001) is expected to occur, nil paid, at 8.00am tomorrow morning. 16 July 2001
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