Interim Results
Bulgin PLC
5 October 2000
Bulgin PLC
Interim results
Bulgin PLC ('Bulgin'), the manufacturer of electromechanical,
electronic components and power electronics products announces
interim results for the six months ended 31 July 2000.
Key Points:
* Pre-tax profits increased 11% to £448,000 (6 months ended 31
July 1999: £405,000)
* Turnover increased 9% to £8.27 million (6 months ended 31
July 1999: £7.57 million)
* Interim Dividend maintained at 0.25p per share on increased
number of shares in issue
* Acquisition of Milmega Ltd, a designer and manufacturer
of solid state microwave amplifiers, for US $2 million
* Sales in the electronic component trading operation up 176%
compared with six month period to 31 July 1999
Alastair Winter, Chairman, commented 'The Group continues to set
itself ambitious trading targets. There will be further major
capital investment in automation and IT systems within our
Electromechanical Components operation in order to achieve the
operating efficiencies that are essential to match our
competitors worldwide. We shall also expand our international
sales network to improve access to the growth market sectors.
The Board continues to look for and evaluate acquisition
opportunities as an ongoing part of the Company's strategic
development programme. I look forward to reporting further
progress in my statement for the full year.'
For further information please contact:
Brian Emerson Hamish McFall
Chief Executive Ana Nogales
Bulgin PLC Tavistock Communications
Tel: 020 8477 9300 Tel: 020 7600 2288
Chairman's Statement
Review of Operations
The Group has made good progress in this latest half year.
Turnover of £8,270,000 represents a 9% increase over the
corresponding period last year and profit before tax of £448,000
represents a slightly greater increase of 11%. This improvement
in profits has been achieved at the same time as continuing high
levels of investment in people and facilities to support future
growth. Despite unfavourable sterling exchange rates exports
now constitute over 40% of turnover as compared to 32% on
average during the year to 31 January 2000.
If discontinued operations and acquisitions are excluded, the
increase in turnover over the comparable period last year was an
encouraging 23% and is the direct result of our continuing focus
on growth sectors by product, geography and industry. In
addition, Milmega was acquired in time to make one month's
contribution to these results. This acquisition represents the
first step in the inorganic element of our strategy to increase
the proportion of Group turnover generated by our Power
Electronics and Electronic Component Trading operations, which
now stands at 40%. I am pleased to report that the process of
integrating Milmega into the Group has proceeded smoothly and it
is already becoming apparent that the price paid for Milmega
represents even greater value to the Group than was originally
The acquisition of Milmega also accounts for the bulk of the
decrease in cash of £2,306,000 and corresponding increase in net
gearing to 51% from 3% at 31 January 2000. The growth in
turnover (especially export sales which typically require
extended credit terms) has resulted in a higher working capital
Electromechanical Components
During the first half some £250,000 has been committed to the
purchase of automation equipment as part of a £2 million
programme. Overall a 30% increase in production capacity will be
achieved during the course of the year. This is already starting
to feed through to turnover which at £5,840,000 is 12% higher
than the comparable period last year. The order book remained
strong at approximately £2 million as at 31 July 2000. Product
pricing and margins have been maintained.
Power Electronics
Bulgin Power Source recorded a loss in the first half as was
forecast in the Annual Report for the year to 31 January 2000
but is expected to be profitable in the second half. Milmega
made a very encouraging first contribution to the Group's
results. A significant development has been the redesign of
both companies' web sites to maximise interactive use by
customers' design engineers. The majority of new enquiries are
from the telecommunications market although the CATV order flow
has been held back by corporate consolidations within the
customer base. There has, however, been important new business
in respect of computer networking and test systems in the areas
of telecommunications and electronic pollution. The order book
remained healthy at approximately £4 million as at 31 July 2000.
Electronic Component Trading
Overall, sales were up 176% compared with the same period last
year. The US now accounts for 34% of business compared with
almost zero in the first half last year. The recruitment of
additional experienced brokers is already leading to significant
growth in business from the UK and Continental Europe.
Parent Company
The recruitment of senior managers at the operational level has
enabled the Group Chief Executive and Finance Director to devote
more of their time to strategic development and in particular to
analysing acquisition opportunities. These costs are not
allocated to the operations. They and our small Corporate
Headquarters staff will be relocated in October 2000 to new
offices in Chelmsford, Essex.
Dividends and Earnings Per Share
Earnings per share were 0.72p in the first half, which is an
increase from the 0.61p achieved in the comparable period last
year. These are calculated after taking into account the
issuing of 16 million new shares following the approval of the
enfranchisement proposals in March 2000.
Shareholders will recall that in the last Annual Report the
Board expressed its intention to maintain dividend cover of at
least 3 times in order to allow for re-investment throughout the
Group. However, taking account of the increased number of
shares in issue, the Board has decided to maintain the interim
dividend at 0.25p per share, which will be payable on 1 December
2000 to shareholders on the register at 3 November 2000.
The Group continues to set itself ambitious trading targets.
There will be further major capital investment in automation and
IT systems within our Electromechanical Components operation in
order to achieve the operating efficiencies that are essential
to match our competitors worldwide. We shall also expand our
international sales network to improve access to the growth
market sectors. The Board continues to look for and evaluate
acquisition opportunities as an ongoing part of the Company's
strategic development programme. I look forward to reporting
further progress in my statement for the full year.
A.S. Winter
Group Profit and Loss Account
Unaudited Interim Results to 31 July 2000
Half year to Half year Year to
31 July to 31 July 31 January
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover - continuing operations 8,005 6,533 13,373
- acquisitions 265 - -
------- ------- -------
- discontinued operations 8,270 6,533 13,373
- 1,039 1,039
-------- ------- ------
8,270 7,572 14,412
===== ====== =====
Operating profit
- continuing operations 441 345 707
- acquisitions 75 - -
------- ------- --------
516 345 707
- discontinued operations - (10) (5)
------ ------- -------
516 335 702
Discontinued operations:
Profit/ (loss) on sale of
operations - 20 (25)
Profit on disposal of freehold
property - 133 134
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
before interest 516 488 811
Net interest payable (68) (83) (146)
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 448 405 665
Tax on profit on ordinary
activities (124) (129) (188)
------- ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 324 276 477
Dividends (113) (73) (186)
------- ------- -------
Retained profit for the period 211 203 291
===== ===== =====
Earnings per share - Basic 0.72p 0.61p 1.06p
===== ===== =====
Earnings per share - Diluted 0.72p 0.61p 1.05p
===== ===== =====
Dividends per share 0.25p 0.16p 0.41p
===== ===== =====
Group Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Unaudited Interim Results at 31 July 2000
Half year Half year to Year to
to 31 July 31 July 31 January
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial period
after taxation 324 276 477
Unrealised loss on fixed asset
investments - (198) -
------- ------- -------
Total recognised gains and
losses for the financial period 324 78 477
===== ===== =====
Note of Historical Cost Profits and Losses
Half year to Half year to Year to
31 July 31 July 31 January
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Reported profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 448 405 665
Realisation of property
revaluation gains of previous - 120 120
Difference between a historical
cost depreciation charge and the
actual depreciation charge of the
period calculated on the revalued
amount 3 6 9
------- ------- -------
Historical cost profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 451 531 794
Taxation on profit on ordinary
activities (124) (129) (188)
Dividends (113) (73) (186)
--------- -------- ----------
Historical cost profit for the
period after taxation and dividends 214 329 420
===== ===== =====
Group Balance Sheet
Unaudited Interim Results at 31 July 2000
31 July 31 July 31 January
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 1,060 99 129
Tangible assets 3,968 3,490 3,497
Investments - 684 -
------- ------- -------
5,028 4,273 3,626
===== ===== =====
Current assets
Stocks 1,938 1,459 1,344
Debtors 3,823 3,288 2,237
Cash at bank and in hand 902 651 2,111
------- ------- -------
6,663 5,398 5,692
Amounts falling due
within one year (5,265) (3,603) (3,201)
------- ------- -------
Net current assets 1,398 1,795 2,491
------- ------- -------
Total assets less
current liabilities 6,426 6,068 6,117
Amounts falling due after
more than one year (1,521) (1,744) (1,436)
Provision for liabilities
and charges (176) (92) (163)
------- ------- -------
Net assets 4,729 4,232 4,518
===== ===== =====
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,260 1,460 1,460
Share premium 34 834 834
Revaluation reserve 122 (70) 125
Profit and loss account 2,313 2,008 2,099
------- -------- -------
Shareholders' funds - equity 4,729 4,232 4,518
===== ====== =====
Group Cash Flow Statement
Unaudited Interim Results at 31 July 2000
31 July 31 July 31 January
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash flow from operating
activities (69) 7 906
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance (80) (117) (176)
Taxation - (14) 76
Capital expenditure and financial
investment (386) (264) 166
Acquisitions and disposals (1,466) 375 1,257
Equity dividends paid (113) - (365)
------ ------- -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before
financing (2,114) (13) 1,864
Financing (192) (238) (703)
------ ------- -------
(Decrease)/Increase in cash (2,306) (251) 1,161
===== ===== =====
Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash flow from
operating activities
31 July 31 July 31 January
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit 516 335 702
Depreciation charges 292 281 535
Amortisation of development costs
and goodwill 46 8 21
Provision for exceptional
administration costs (39) 56 40
(Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible
fixed assets (22) 3 10
(Increase)/decrease in stocks (254) (109) 6
(Increase) in debtors (1,127) (976) (562)
Increase in creditors 519 409 154
------ ------- -------
Cash flow from operating activities (69) 7 906
===== ===== =====
Included in cash flow from operating activities is £39,000 (year
ended 31 January 2000 - £156,000; six months ended 31 July 1999
- £98,000) net outflow in respect of exceptional items.
Summary of Results
Group profits before taxation for the first half of the
financial year were £448,000 (1999: £405,000) details of which
are as follows:
31 July 2000 31 July 1999 31 January 2000
Profit/(loss) Profit/(loss) Profit/(loss)
before before before
Turnover taxation Turnover taxation Turnover taxation
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Continuing operations
Bulgin PLC - (263) - (196) - (378)
Components 5,840 713 5,198 652 10,159 1,124
Power Electronics 1,514 (79) 1,003 (62) 2,330 (44)
Electronic Component
Trading 916 77 332 15 884 2
------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
8,270 448 6,533 409 13,373 704
Discontinued operations
Cirkit Distribution
Limited - - 1,039 (4) 1,039 (39)
------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
8,270 448 7,572 405 14,412 665
===== ====== ===== ===== ====== =====
1. Operating profit on continuing operations is after
accounting for exceptional costs of £Nil (year ended 31 January
2000 - £185,000, six months ended 31 July 1999 - £154,000).
2. The financial information in this statement does not
constitute statutory accounts. The financial information in
respect of the year ended 31 January 2000 has been extracted
from the statutory accounts which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts
was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section
237 of the Companies Act 1985.
3. The interim financial information has been prepared on the
basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 January 2000. Fixed
annual charges are apportioned to the interim period on the
basis of time elapsed. Other expenses are accrued in accordance
with the same principle used in the preparation of the annual
4. The Board has declared an interim dividend of 0.25p per
share (1999: 0.16p per share, post enfranchisement) payable on 1
December 2000 to shareholders on the register at 3 November
5. In accordance with FRS 14 the earnings per share
calculations have been calculated to take account of the scrip
issue of 16 million shares following enfranchisement on 6 April