City of London Investment Group plc
('the Company')
19 May 2008
Appointment of new director
The Board of City of London Investment Group plc is pleased to announce the appointment of Allan Seymour Bufferd, Treasurer Emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, aged 70, as Non-executive Director, with immediate effect.
Dr Bufferd is currently a director of Massbank Corporation, Och-Ziff Capital Management Group LLC, Ram Holdings Ltd, Adveq AG, Bessemer Trust BGO Fund, Boston Advisors LLC, International Data Group, M Funds, Makena LLC and Morgan Stanley Prime Properties Fund. He is also a Director / Trustee of the following Non-Profit Organisations: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, Controlled Risk Insurance Company / Risk Management Foundation, The Harvard/MIT Cooperative Society, and the Jasper and Martin Whiting Foundation.
In the last five years Dr Bufferd has been a Director / Trustee of the following Non-Profit Organisations: Explorations Inc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (ex-officio) and Wheelock College.
There are no further details required to be disclosed under paragraph g of schedule 2 of the AIM rules.
Doug Allison,
Finance Director
City of London Investment Group plc
Tel: 020 7711 0771