Interim Results

Close Brothers Group PLC 5 March 2001 Close Brothers Embargoed for release 7.00 am Monday 5th March, 2001 CLOSE BROTHERS GROUP plc The specialist merchant banking group INTERIM RESULTS 2001 HIGHLIGHTS 31st January, 2001 2000 * Operating profit before taxation, exceptional £57.9m £75.2m -23% costs and goodwill amortisation * Operating profit before taxation on ordinary £56.1m £66.2m -15% activities * Earnings per share 27.02p 33.46p -19% * Interim dividend per share 9.0p 8.0p +12% * Shareholders' funds £402m £338m +19% * Asset Management showed substantial growth in profitability and now represents 22% of operating profits (previously 10%). * Corporate Finance diversified and widened its source of revenue. * Market-Making performed well in difficult conditions; profits were £25.9 million compared to £52.3 million, although last year's first half profits included exceptional boom profits of some £29 million. * Banking showed significant progress. Commenting on the results, Sir David Scholey, Chairman, said: 'The fall in profits was expected and should be seen by shareholders in the context of the boom conditions in the securities market in our last financial year. If last year's first half boom profits of £29 million are excluded, then our first half profits showed an underlying increase of 25 per cent. The depth and length of the slowdown in the US economy is unclear, as is the effect that this may have on the UK. Although we remain cautious about the next few months, we are clear that our strategy of having a well spread mix of diverse activities remains the correct way to achieve ongoing growth of the group.' Enquiries to: Rod Kent/Peter Winkworth Close Brothers Group plc 020 7426 4000 John Sunnucks Brunswick Group Limited 020 7404 5959 Webcast video interview with Rod Kent, Managing Director, Close Brothers Group plc at DIRECTORS' STATEMENT Profit and Dividend The operating profit on ordinary activities before taxation and after deducting goodwill amortisation of £1.8 million (2000 - £1.0 million) and exceptional reorganisation costs of £Nil (2000 - £7.9 million) for the six months ended 31st January, 2001 was £56.1 million compared to £66.2 million last year, a decline of 15.3 per cent. The profit before taxation, and before goodwill amortisation and reorganisation costs for the six months ended 31st January, 2001 was £57.9 million compared to £75.2 million last year. Earnings per share on profit attributable to shareholders were 27.02p compared to 33.46p last year, a fall of 19.2 per cent. This fall in profits was expected and should be seen by shareholders in the context of the boom conditions in the securities market in our last financial year. At the time of last year's annual results, we explained that there had been an exceptional boom period between November 1999 and March 2000 in stock market trading, particularly in technology stocks, which had given rise to additional profits in our market-making division, Winterflood Securities ('WINS'), of approximately £50 million. Of this we estimate that some £29 million fell in the first half of our last financial year. If this boom profit is excluded from last year's first half figures, then our first half profits (before goodwill amortisation and reorganisation costs) showed an underlying increase of 25 per cent. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 9p net per share, an increase of 12.5 per cent. over last year. This is payable on 18th April, 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 16th March, 2001. Overall Business Review We have broken down the mix of operating profits before central costs from our main areas of activity in greater detail than before: First half First half Full year 2001 2000 2000 Asset Management 22% 10% 9% Corporate Finance 7% 6% 6% Banking 31% 20% 20% Market-Making 40% 64% 65% The previous category of asset finance has been combined with our other banking and lending activities, reflecting the similarity of these businesses. Asset management includes all of our offshore activities. This demonstrates that the overall mix of our businesses has returned to a more balanced level. The contribution from market-making, whilst still substantial, dropped to a more normal percentage of the total, and the contribution from asset management increased very substantially from last year. Over the last six and twelve months, the group loan book has grown by 22 per cent. and 32 per cent. respectively, reflecting both good organic growth and PROMPT's recent acquisition of a rival insurance premium financing business. Net interest income grew by 24 per cent. compared to the first half of last year. The annualised charge for bad debts remained at 1.5 per cent. of the net average group loan book. Since the year end, shareholders' funds have increased to £402 million from £ 368 million and total assets to £2.9 billion from £2.6 billion. DIRECTORS' STATEMENT Divisional Business Review Asset Management Our Asset Management division showed substantial growth in profitability both from existing operations and from acquisitions. Investment funds under management at the period end were some £3.1 billion (2000 - £2.6 billion) with further substantial cash and trust assets managed and administered offshore. Relative to their benchmarks and objectives our funds have performed well and several have been outstanding, particularly our technology funds. The mix of the different types of funds under management is as follows: 31st January, 31st July, 2001 2000 Specialist investment and unit trusts 38% 37% Private clients 32% 28% Protected unit trusts and tracker funds 13% 18% Tax sheltered products 10% 11% Private equity 7% 6% During the period we acquired an 80 per cent. interest in OLIM Limited which manages funds for private clients and undertakes specialist mandates, including direct property investment for investment trusts, pension funds and charities. Offshore we acquired a trust management business in Jersey from Abbey National which complements our existing operations in Guernsey, the Isle of Man and Geneva. We intend to increase the geographical spread of our offshore activities. Corporate Finance Having established itself as a leading provider of M&A advice to mid-market growth companies in the UK, our Corporate Finance division has taken deliberate steps to diversify and widen its sources of revenue. During the period we set up several new teams, notably in debt restructuring, energy finance (concentrating on the Middle East) and private placements. In France we restructured our operations so that they are now carried out solely by Dome, which offers purely advisory services. We continued the expansion of Freyberg in Germany and took a 10 per cent. participation in our new Spanish associate, Atlas Capital. Our new relationship with Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin, a large mid-market adviser in the US, is beginning to show promising levels of two-way business. In our core European M&A business we experienced a strong start, but a patchy finish to the period. Although deal activity levels remain high and we expect further growth, we see a more difficult market for the remainder of the year with the probability of lower conversion rates. Market-Making Although its profits were substantially down compared to the boom conditions of the comparable period last year, Market-Making performed well in difficult conditions. As the leading jobber in small and mid-cap UK stocks, WINS makes markets in a large number of technology stocks. Thus, whilst bargain numbers remained pleasingly buoyant in the circumstances, WINS' profits were affected by the sharp fall in the value of its net equity position, even though we benefited from the valuation of our London Stock Exchange shares (£4 million). WINS' operating profits were £25.9 million compared to £52.3 million. We estimate that last year's first half profits included exceptional boom profits of some £29 million. The securities market continues to evolve at a rapid rate, with new entrants, new trading platforms and increasing internationalisation. Whilst some of these changes pose competitive threats to WINS, they also present opportunities. DIRECTORS' STATEMENT WINS continued to diversify its business by launching several new initiatives. We extended the number and size of UK stocks in which we deal, and continued to increase the range of European equities in which we make markets. In November 2000 we began to deal in retail orders for a wide range of NYSE and NASDAQ stocks and in the Spring we will be launching, in conjunction with others, a new gilts and bond trading platform. The second half of the year has started modestly and seen further weakness in the indices. We anticipate that the stock market may be distorted in the run up to a general election. Banking (including asset finance) Our Banking division showed significant progress. Our treasury, property lending, PROMPT and credit management operations all increased profits. Our overall asset finance operations saw marginally lower results with new product start-up costs, some increase in bad debts on printing equipment business written in earlier years when the DM/sterling rate was considerably lower, and the continued reorganisation of Warrior all having an impact during the period. Conversely, our used car finance activity saw its profits recover from the low point last year. On the development front PROMPT's acquisition added some 56 per cent. to its loan book which had already shown substantial organic growth in the period; it now represents the largest part of the group loan book. This new business will be merging into PROMPT's new Tolworth headquarters later in the year which will provide significant economies of scale. The mix of our group loan book has changed somewhat in the past six months: 31st January, 31st July, 2001 2000 Insurance 25% 15% Printing equipment 20% 23% Cars 15% 17% Property 12% 14% Commercial vehicles and aircraft 11% 12% Other 17% 19% Outlook The depth and length of the slowdown in the US economy is unclear, as is the effect that this may have in the UK. With such uncertainty, stock market activity and levels may be subdued and this may impact certain parts of our business. However, in other parts of our business, notably the merchant bank, the development of additional building blocks initiated in the last two years is beginning to bear fruit. Although we remain cautious about the next few months, we are clear that our strategy of having a well spread mix of diverse activities remains the correct way to achieve ongoing growth of the group. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Six months ended Year ended 31st January, 31st July, 2001 2000 2000 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 Interest receivable 101,630 77,864 166,123 Interest payable (56,641) (41,491) (90,609) Net interest income 44,989 36,373 75,514 Dividend income 41 272 479 Fees and commissions receivable 70,402 57,717 122,048 Fees and commissions payable (8,381) (12,569) (25,708) Net dealing income - market-making 47,418 104,092 203,954 Other operating income 3,361 3,492 6,764 Other income 112,841 153,004 307,537 Operating income 157,830 189,377 383,051 Administrative expenses - ordinary 89,294 105,887 209,724 - exceptional - 7,940 8,040 Depreciation 3,200 2,545 5,688 Provisions for bad and doubtful 7,414 5,733 12,533 debts Amortisation of goodwill 1,827 1,039 2,305 Total operating expenses 101,735 123,144 238,290 Operating profit on ordinary 56,095 66,233 144,761 activities before taxation Taxation on profit on ordinary 18,508 21,012 46,857 activities Profit on ordinary activities 37,587 45,221 97,904 after taxation Minority interests - equity 1,360 1,144 2,668 Profit attributable to 36,227 44,077 95,236 shareholders Interim dividend 12,121 10,770 33,356 Retained profit 24,106 33,307 61,880 Interim dividend per share (net) 9.0p 8.0p 25.0p Earnings per share before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional costs 28.38p 38.47p 77.79p Earnings per share on profit 27.02p attributable to shareholders 33.46p 71.88p Diluted earnings per share 26.82p 33.19p 71.28p All income and profits are in respect of continuing operations. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31st January, 31 July, 2001 2000 2000 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 Assets Cash and balances at central banks 362 153 235 Loans and advances to banks 562,885 557,259 631,824 Loans and advances to customers 1,088,191 825,327 895,334 Debt securities - long positions 31,935 17,047 23,521 Debt securities - other 529,942 290,187 486,488 Settlement accounts 355,212 914,868 301,340 Equity shares - long positions 54,943 60,416 52,917 Loans to money brokers against stock 71,462 58,881 85,491 advanced Equity shares - investments 28,414 25,498 21,100 Intangible fixed assets - goodwill 83,733 48,519 50,264 Tangible fixed assets 20,403 18,278 20,817 Other assets 38,442 37,549 51,038 Deferred taxation 7,906 6,088 6,949 Prepayments and accrued income 24,322 20,399 17,508 Total assets 2,898,152 2,880,469 2,644,826 Liabilities Deposits by banks 87,042 34,007 67,382 Customer accounts 1,055,687 924,376 1,066,388 Bank loans and overdrafts 610,190 416,567 453,685 Debt securities in issue - loan 36,281 54,422 36,281 notes Debt securities in issue - short 29,247 18,942 25,891 positions Settlement accounts 298,608 740,475 249,741 Equity shares - short positions 15,897 17,765 10,657 Loans from money brokers against 47,174 83,154 39,127 stock advanced Other liabilities 180,542 170,791 204,618 Accruals and deferred income 74,050 54,540 63,302 Subordinated loan capital 51,937 21,937 51,937 Minority interests - equity 9,928 4,997 7,975 Total liabilities 2,496,583 2,541,973 2,276,984 Shareholders' funds Called up share capital 34,008 33,656 33,760 Share premium account 192,156 184,262 185,243 Profit and loss account 175,405 120,578 148,839 Total equity shareholders' funds 401,569 338,496 367,842 Total liabilities and shareholders' 2,898,152 2,880,469 2,644,826 funds Memorandum items Contingent liabilities - guarantees 14,317 1,525 3,717 Commitments - other 138,941 133,178 139,402 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Six months ended Year ended 31st January, 31st July, 2001 2000 2000 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating 40,637 71,500 117,306 activities (Note 1(a)) Returns on investments and servicing of finance: Dividends paid to minorities (1,307) (513) (719) Taxation: UK corporation taxation paid (17,510) (9,929) (36,983) Capital expenditure and financial investment: Purchase of tangible fixed assets (3,210) (6,834) (13,033) Sale of tangible fixed assets 537 584 1,014 Purchase of equity shares held for (9,173) (3,323) (6,279) investment Sale of equity shares held for 1,651 - 7,505 investment (10,195) (9,573) (10,793) Acquisitions and disposals: Minority interests (acquired)/sold (6,374) 967 2,443 for cash Purchase of subsidiaries (Note 1(b)) (13,524) (12,565) (15,103) (19,898) (11,598) (12,660) Equity dividends paid (22,697) (14,365) (25,024) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before (30,970) 25,522 31,127 financing Financing: Issue of ordinary share capital 1,961 1,821 2,906 including premium Issue of subordinated loan capital - - 30,000 (Decrease)/increase in cash (29,009) 27,343 64,033 In the directors' view, cash is an integral part of the operating activities of the group, since it is a bank's stock in trade. Nevertheless, as required by Financial Reporting Standard No. 1 (Revised), cash is not treated as cash flow from operating activities but is required to be shown separately in accordance with the format above. THE NOTES 1. Consolidated cash flow statement 31st January, 31st July, 2001 2000 2000 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) £'000 £'000 £'000 (a) Reconciliation of profit on ordinary activities before taxation to net cash inflow from operating activities Operating profit on 56,095 66,233 144,761 ordinary activities before taxation (Increase)/decrease in interest receivable and prepaid expenses (1,557) (4,191) 609 Increase in interest 7,775 9,769 17,367 payable and accrued expenses Increase in net (5,005) (135,884) (13,090) settlement accounts Decrease/(increase) in 3,214 (16,924) (16,533) net equity shares held for trading (Increase)/decrease in (5,058) 71 546 net debt securities held for trading Depreciation and 5,027 3,584 7,993 amortisation Net cash inflow/ 60,491 (77,342) 141,653 (outflow) from trading activities Net (increase)/decrease in: Debt securities held for (43,454) 19,313 (176,988) liquidity Loans and advances to (93,714) (18,588) (88,595) customers Loans and advances to 39,803 104,914 104,100 banks not repayable on demand Other assets less other 21,828 58,243 (10,197) liabilities Net increase/(decrease) in: Deposits by banks 19,660 (56,502) (23,177) Customer accounts (10,701) (187) 109,922 Bank loans and 46,819 41,531 78,649 overdrafts Debt securities in issue - - (18,141) - loan notes Exchange adjustment (95) 118 80 Net cash inflow from 40,637 71,500 117,306 operating activities (b) Analysis of net cash outflow in respect of purchase of subsidiaries Cash consideration of (20,780) (44,386) (46,924) purchases Net movement in cash 7,256 31,821 31,821 balances (13,524) (12,565) (15,103) (c) Analysis of changes in financing Share capital (including premium) and subordinated loan capital: Opening balance 270,940 192,958 192,958 Shares issued for cash 1,961 1,821 2,906 Shares issued other than 5,200 45,076 45,076 for cash Subordinated loan - - 30,000 capital issued Closing balance 278,101 239,855 270,940 (d) Analysis of Movement cash balances in the period £'000 Cash and 127 362 153 235 balances at central banks Loans and advances to banks repayable (29,136) 93,929 86,457 123,065 on demand (29,009) 94,291 86,610 123,300 THE NOTES 2. Basis of preparation The interim accounts, which are unaudited, have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the 2000 group accounts. The figures shown for the full year ended 31st July, 2000 represent an abridged version of the full accounts of Close Brothers Group plc for that year, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors have given an unqualified report. The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute the group's statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 3. Earnings per share The earnings per share in 2001, both on profits before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional costs and on profit attributable to shareholders, is based on a weighted average of 134,079,000 (2000 - 131,714,000) ordinary shares in issue during the period. The diluted earnings per share is based on a weighted average of 135,087,000 (2000 - 132,782,000) ordinary shares after allowing for the exercise of options under the sharesave and executive share option schemes. INTERIM REVIEW REPORT Interim Review Report to Close Brothers Group plc Introduction We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information set out on pages 4 to 8 and we have read the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. Directors' responsibilities The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 31st January, 2001. Deloitte & Touche Chartered Accountants Hill House, 1 Little New Street, London EC4A 3TR 5th March, 2001
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