Final Results

CML Microsystems PLC 12 June 2001 For Immediate Release 12 June 2001 CML MICROSYSTEMS PLC 2001 FINAL RESULTS Record Results Above Market Expectations; PTP up 150% to £5.32m; Basic EPS up 146% CML Microsystems Plc ('CML'), which designs, manufactures and markets a broad range of semiconductor products, primarily for the global communications industry, announces its Final Results for the trading year ending 31 March 2001. CML's semiconductor circuits and devices serve customers in electronic manufacture, assembly and distribution in the wire-line telecom, wireless data and private mobile radio/land mobile radio markets. CML is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is traded OTC as an ADR in the US. Operating subsidiaries are in the UK, the US and Singapore. Commenting on the results, George Gurry, Chairman said: 'Both halves produced firm improvements on the previous year and the results for 2001 come out showing an increase much in line with your Board's expectations.' Financial Highlights * Sales: £21.72m, up 10% - but up 22% on a like-for-like ' continuing business' basis * Sales by region: UK & Europe 36%, Japan/Far East 36%, America and other 28% * Pre-tax profits: £5.32m (2000: £2.13m), up 150% * Fully diluted earnings per share of 25.86p (2000: 0.71p), up 141% * 9% of net revenues spent on R&D * Net cash reserves of £10.9m (2000: £6.85m) * NAV per share: 143p * Dividend of 10.5p (2000: 8.5p), up 23.5%, payable 3 August 2001 Business Review * Every semiconductor operating company increased their sales * Improved market penetration * Customers include: Alcatel, Bang & Olufsen, Kenwood, Motorola, NEC, Novatel, Panasonic, Racal, Samsung, Siemens and Sony. * Portfolio of over 150 products of mixed signal, low power semiconductor chips for hand wired and wireless applications * Unique niche market position to take advantage of growing demand for application specific semiconductor devices * Rolling programme for new product development Regarding prospects, George Gurry, Chairman said: 'I share the awareness of your Board, and of the management of its operating companies, that the conditions generally forecast for some group market areas are not presently conducive to growth. I do not doubt that challenge is and will be experienced. I am optimistic, however, that your Company will achieve its forecast of a firm improvement to its results for the current year.' enquiries: CLMicrosystems Plc Nigel Clark, Financial Director Chris Gurry, Business Development Director Tel: 020 7786 9600 Binns & Co PR Peter Binns/Simon Ellis/Paul McManus Tel: 020 7786 9600 CML MICROSYSTEMS PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report on a year that has seen your Company post a quite satisfying increase to its final results. Following from the firm improvement that I had reported at the half-way stage, a similarly positive outcome was achieved for the closing six month period, and the results for the full trading year ending 31 March 2001 come out showing an increase much in line with your Board's expectations. Group turnover grew to £21.72m, a 10% rise on the previous full year (2000: £ 19.75m), but a 22% gain when compared on a like for like 'continuing businesses' basis (2000: £17.76m). The accounts (note 27) provide further comparative figures, which draw on the disposal of the group's traffic interests in the prior year. Group operating profit shows an increase to £4.75m, approximately 150% up on the posted prior result (2000: £1.9m), but an increase of 51% when measured on the continuing businesses basis (2000: £3.15m). The net income from interest earnings rose two-fold over the figure for the year earlier. Pre-tax profit grew to £5.324m, again showing a 150% rise on the prior year (2000: £2.135m), but perhaps more appropriately stated as a 57% increase on the continuing businesses basis (2000: £3.398m). The group's operations, which are now conducted principally in the area of semiconductor products, are delivering approximately 24% of turnover to the pre-tax profit level. A reduced level of Corporation Tax for the UK companies resulted from the R&D Tax Credit legislation introduced for the year. This has largely contributed to the reduced tax charge, but this benefit will not necessarily be available in any subsequent years. The group's effective tax rate for the year is reduced to 29%. Fully diluted earnings per ordinary share rose by 141% to 25.86p per share (2000: 10.71p). The Company made no market purchase of its shares during the year, and the number of shares in issue grew only slightly as the result of options exercised under the Employee Share Option schemes. After increased expenditure on R&D, up by £400k to slightly over £2m, and representing approximately 9% of turnover, the Group's net cash reserves amounted to £10.9m at the year end (2000: £6.85m). This equates to 74.6p per share. Your Directors believe that these results represent a year of confident progress by your Company, and they are recommending the payment of a dividend of 10.5p per ordinary share, an increase of 23.5% over that paid for the year earlier (2000: 8.5p per ordinary share). This dividend, if approved, will be payable on 3 August 2001 to all shareholders registered as at 6 July 2001. Each of the group's semiconductor operating companies closed the year having posted firmly increased sales, led principally by their improving penetration of the markets for the group's growing range of devices serving the Wire-line Telecom, Wireless Data and Private Mobile Radio market areas. Taken on a territorial basis, the healthiest gains were evident through sales to customers located in the Far East and the Americas, while a useful improvement was also seen in the figures recorded for Europe. Sales into the UK, as reported in these accounts, show a comparative that is inclusive of the discontinued business. As I noted with my interim statement, the eventual territory for which sales are recorded may be different from the point where the effective sale was secured. This is a feature common to the markets that the group currently addresses, and which the extensive distribution and technical support presence provided through its operating companies serves well. The group maintains a rolling programme for new product development, and the level of investment increased in the year as I have mentioned. The group's products are already achieving best-solution status in key opportunity areas of its markets, and recent and current new-product programme focus will reinforce and expand the group's positioning for continued growth. Wireless Data, in the forms that support Telemetry, Telematics and mobile information and e-mail services, is a growing application supported by various narrow-band spectrum owners operating in many countries. Of the four principle data-only technologies employed worldwide, the group has had product deployed in three. It launched both second-generation and an advanced fourth-system part during the year, and will shortly introduce a further high-integration new product. Wire-line communications has many facets. The group is active in several of these, particularly where very low power requirements are the application pre-requisite. The group's products enjoy success in this area, and this is exploited through the group's perceptive approach to new opportunities. Design activities initiated during the year will result in substantial product launches during the second half of this present year. Private Mobile Radio is a term associated with professional two-way radio communication, but is increasingly used to distinguish private and personal radio uses from the public mobile subscription networks. The group is very active in both the professional and leisure areas of 'private mobile radio', and is adaptive to the changes taking place within each. The trend from analogue towards digital for professional users is recognised through group digital solutions, and the slow pace is being addressed through dual-mode devices due for release in this opening half. I share the awareness of your Board, and of the management of its operating companies, that the conditions generally forecast for some group market areas are not presently conducive to growth. I do not doubt that challenge is and will be experienced. I am optimistic, however, that your Company will achieve its forecast of a firm improvement to its results for the current year. In closing, I would like to acknowledge the vital contribution that the group's employees make towards your Company's success, and to extend my thanks and appreciation for their loyal support and continuing dedicated effort on its behalf. W Gurry Chairman 12th June 2001 PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31st March 2001 Unaudited Audited 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 21,719 19,751 Operating Profit 4,758 2,462 Exceptional item - (556) Profit on Ordinary Activities before Interest and Taxation 4,758 1,906 Interest Receivable 566 247 Interest Payable - (18) Profit on Ordinary Activities before Taxation 5,324 2,135 Taxation (1,523) (617) Profit on Ordinary Activities after Taxation 3,801 1,518 Minority Interest 13 (14) Profit for the financial year 3,814 1,504 Proposed dividend (1,534) (1,217) Retained profit for year 2,280 287 Earnings Per Share Basic 26.38p 10.73p Diluted 25.86p 10.71p Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses Profit for the financial year 3,814 1,504 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net 716 62 investments Total gains recognised since last Report and Accounts 4,530 1,566 PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP BALANCE SHEET at 31st March 2001 Unaudited Audited 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Tangible Assets 9,858 9,817 Current Assets Stocks 2,037 1,681 Debtors 2,900 3,014 Investments 8,733 3,893 Cash at bank and in hand 2,173 2,958 15,843 11,546 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 4,778 3,856 Net Current Assets 11,065 7,690 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 20,293 17,507 Provisions for liabilities and charges - 6 Net Assets 20,923 17,501 Capital and Reserves Called up Share Capital 730 716 Share Premium Account 3,226 2,802 Capital Redemption Reserve 255 255 Profit and Loss Account 16,701 13,704 Shareholders' Funds 20,912 17,477 Minority Interests 11 24 20,923 17,501 PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31st March 2001 Unaudited Audited 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Net cash in flow from operating activities 5,759 3,783 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 566 229 Taxation (835) (564) Capital expenditure and financial investment (1,091) (574) Equity dividends paid (1,217) (974) Net cash in flow before financing 3,182 1,900 Financing 439 473 Increase in cash 3,621 2,373 Notes 1. The profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement are an abridged version of the Company's full accounts which have not yet been filed with the Registrar of Companies and which have not yet been reported on by the Company's auditors. 2. A dividend of 10.5p per Ordinary Share (2000: 8.5p per Ordinary Share) is recommended in respect of the year ended 31st March 2001 and will be paid on 3rd August 2001 to shareholders on the register as at 6th July 2001. 3. The calculation of earnings per share is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share adjusted to allow for the issue of shares on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options. 4. The same accounting policies have been used for the year ended 31st March 2001 as for the year ended 31st March 2000. 5. The preliminary announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 11th June 2001.
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