Interim Results

CML Microsystems PLC 20 November 2001 For Immediate Release 7:00am 20 November 2001 CML MICROSYSTEMS PLC 2001/02 INTERIM RESULTS Turnover and Profits in line with expectations but prospects affected by negative market conditions and will need to be revised CML Microsystems Plc ('CML'), which designs, manufactures and markets a broad range of semiconductor products, primarily for those in the communications industry seeking low power mixed signal solutions, announces its interim results in respect of the six months ended 30 September 2001. CML's semiconductor circuits and devices serve customers in electronic manufacture, assembly and distribution in the wireline telecom, wireless data (narrow band) and two-way radio markets. CML is listed on The London Stock Exchange and is traded OTC as an ADR in the US. The Group has five operating subsidiaries in the UK, the US and Singapore. Commenting upon the problems faced by CML in North America during the first half, George Gurry, Chairman said: 'Conditions in that market had deteriorated sufficiently by late second quarter that a slight shortfall against the Group's first- half sales forecast was recorded.' Financial highlights * Sales: £9.8m, as against £10.6m in 2000; due to depressed conditions in the US * Sales by region: UK & Europe 39%, Japan/Far East 40%, Americas & others 21% * Gross margins in the first half of 2001/02 show an improvement to over 70% (2000: 69%) * Pre-tax profits: £2.37m (2000: £2.44m), a 3% decline * Basic earnings per share were up 1.7% to 11.46p (2000: 11.27p) * CML elects to only pay a final dividend to shareholders and will maintain this course of action * Net cash reserves at period end amounted to £11m, a marginal increase on year end position Business Review * CML's trading operations and design centres are supported by a global distribution network * In excess of 65 representative centres worldwide * In spite of the market difficulties in the US CML has enjoyed success in Far East and Europe * Customers served in the first half include: Alcatel, Bang & Olufsen, Kenwood, Landis & Gyr, Motorola, NEC, Novatel, Panasonic, Samsung and Siemens * CML has effected cutbacks wherever possible without creating additional problems for itself * Continuing investment in new products to strengthen portfolio of over 150 products Regarding Group prospects for the current year, Chairman George Gurry said: 'I believe that a substantial decrease in the results is now the more likely outcome to the present year, reflecting the very negative market conditions that the Group is presently facing. 'On the positive side, the Group is achieving an increased level of design-win success and investment in new products and market areas continues. I remain confident that your company is well placed to return significant growth as market conditions improve.' Enquiries: Nigel Clark, Financial Director CML Microsystems Plc 020 7786 9600 (today) Chris Gurry, Business Development 01621 875500 (thereafter) Director Peter Binns Binns & Co PR Limited 020 7786 9600 Simon Ellis/Paul McManus 020 7786 2807/020 7786 2802 CML MICROSYSTEMS PLC INTERIM RESULTS Chairman's Statement The results reported for the first six months trading period are much in line with the Group's internal business forecast, which indicated that a year of further firm growth would be characterised by a fairly flat performance in the opening half and a markedly stronger second period. As I noted in my comments on current trading at the AGM (1st August), the Group's sales were slightly ahead of operating forecast for the first quarter, despite the difficult market conditions already being encountered in North America, but conditions in that market had deteriorated sufficiently by the late second quarter that a slight shortfall against the Group's first-half sales forecast was recorded. As the result, overall sales for the opening six months show a 7.6% fall to £9.794m against the comparative earlier figure (2000: £10.598m). Operating profit and pre-tax profit are both slightly down against their earlier numbers, operating profit being down by 4.2% at £2.098m (2000: £2.190m) and pre-tax profit down by approximately 3% at £2.369m (2000: £2.444m). Earnings per share grew 1.7% to 11.46p (2000: 11.27p), benefiting from the reduced tax charge available to the Company under the UK R&D investment rules. Net cash reserves of approximately £11m were maintained at the period close. The Group continued to make satisfying progress with various important areas of its business operations throughout the opening period, and apart from the slight easing in sales, these interim results could be taken to substantially underwrite the Group's forecast for a year of further firm growth. This would be to disregard the depth that the downturn in the Group's markets has currently reached, and the extraordinary lack of reliable forward market visibility that also exists. The semiconductor shipment schedules for the third quarter months are running approximately 50% below the anticipated levels, and the reduced take-up is broadly spread in territorial and market application sector. Based only on this reduction in shipments, the Group would expect difficulty with meeting previous year earnings. Given that reliable confirmation for final quarter shipments is lacking, the Group has also quite severely reduced its earnings expectations for this period. It is clear that the Group is subject to the problems that are taking place in its markets, and that my earlier expectations for a further year of improved results will not be met. I believe that a substantial decrease in the results is now the more likely outcome to the present year, reflecting the very negative market conditions that the Group is presently facing. On the positive side, the Group is achieving an increased level of design-win success and investment in new products and market areas continues. I remain confident that your company is well placed to return significant growth as market conditions improve. G W Gurry Chairman 20th November 2001 INTERIM RESULTS GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the half year ended 30th September 2001 Unaudited Unaudited Audited 6 Months 6 Months 12 Months ended ended ended 30/09/01 30/09/00 31/03/01 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 9,794 10,598 21,719 Operating Profit 2,099 2,191 4,758 Interest Receivable 271 253 566 Profit on Ordinary Activities before Taxation 2,370 2,444 5,324 Taxation (682) (826) (1,522) Profit on Ordinary Activities after Taxation 1,688 1,618 3,802 Minority Interest (13) 1 12 Profit Attributable To Shareholders 1,675 1,619 3,814 Basic Earnings Per Share 11.46p 11.27p 26.38p INTERIM RESULTS GROUP BALANCE SHEET As at 30th September 2001 Unaudited Unaudited Audited As at As at As at 30/09/01 30/09/00 31/03/01 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Tangible Assets 9,492 9,535 9,858 Current Assets Stocks 1,749 2,594 2,037 Debtors 3,287 3,411 2,900 Investments 7,078 6,389 8,733 Cash at Bank & in Hand 3,885 2,803 2,173 15,999 15,197 15,843 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 3,115 4,703 4,778 Net Current Assets 12,884 10,494 11,065 Net Assets 22,376 20,029 20,923 Capital & Reserves Called up Share Capital 731 730 730 Share Premium Account 3,237 3,223 3,226 Capital Redemption Reserve 255 255 255 Profit & Loss Account 18,129 15,798 16,701 Shareholders' Funds 22,352 20,006 20,912 Minority Interests 24 23 11 22,376 20,029 20,923 INTERIM RESULTS GROUP SUMMARY CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the half year ended 30th September 2001 Unaudited Unaudited Audited 6 Months 6 Months 12 Months ended Ended ended 30/09/01 30/09/00 31/03/01 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,881 3,050 5,759 Returns on investments and servicing of finance 271 254 566 Taxation (345) (282) (835) Capital expenditure and financial investment (2) (328) (1,091) Equity dividends paid (1,534) (1,217) (1,216) Net cash inflow before financing 271 1,477 3,183 Financing 12 435 438 Increase in cash 283 1,912 3,621 Notes: 1. Comparative Results - the actual results for the year to 31st March 2001 as shown in this statement are an abridged version of the Company's 2001 accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on the 2001 accounts was unqualified. Results for the six months ended 30th September 2000 are the unaudited figures published in the Interim Statement dated 22nd November 2000. 2. Taxation - the Directors consider that tax will be payable at varying rates according to the country of incorporation of a subsidiary and have provided on that basis. 3. Earnings per share - the calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to shareholders for the period and on a weighted average number of shares of 14,612,029 shares (2000 - 14,367,032 shares). The calculation of earnings per share for the year ended 31st March 2001 was based on a weighted average number of 14,460,886 shares. 4. This statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 19th November 2001 and printed copies will be sent to shareholders shortly. Additional copies will be available from the Company's registered office: Oval Park, Langford, Maldon, Essex CM9 6WG.
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