Interim Results
CML Microsystems PLC
22 November 2005
22 November 2005
CML Microsystems Plc ('CML'), which designs, manufactures and markets a broad
range of semiconductor products, primarily for the global communications market,
announces its Interim Results for the six months ending 30 September 2005.
CML's semiconductor solutions serve customers in the wire-line telecom, wireless
data, two-way radio, memory card controller and programmable platform markets.
Operations are in the UK, Germany, the US, Singapore, China and Taiwan.
Commenting on the results, George Gurry, Chairman said:
'It is pleasing to report that your company has continued to achieve the firm
progress in product sales that I had expected as the opening period began, led
strongly by the healthy growth maintained in sales for memory card controllers.'
Financial Highlights
• Turnover up 24.5% to £14.240m (H1 '04: £11.440m)
• Pre-tax profit up 4.7% to £1.416m (H1 '04: £1.352m)
• Earnings per share up 17.6% to 7.83p (H1 '04: 6.66p)
• Cash reserves remain at a satisfactory level
• Introduction of IFRS
Business Review
• Good gains in sales of Memory Controller products
• Increased product development expenditure to increase range and scope of
new products for Hyperstone
• Sales of Radio and Wireless Data applications ahead over comparative
• Sales of Wireline Telecom products into China remains weak
• Products to market for marine communications and multi-standards land
mobile voice and data markets
• R&D expenditure to rise in H2 - strong new product portfolio underpins
growth strategy
Regarding prospects, George Gurry, Chairman said:
'Although I expect the weaknesses that have persisted in some historic market
areas will continue to present difficulties through the months ahead, I feel
quite sure that your company will continue to achieve its growth objectives.'
CML Microsystems Plc
Nigel Clark, Financial Director 020 7786 9600 (today)
Chris Gurry, Business Development Director 01621 875500 (thereafter)
Binns & Co PR
Peter Binns 020 7153 1485
Paul McManus 07980 541 893
Chairman's Statement
It is pleasing to report that your company has continued to achieve the firm
progress in product sales that I had expected as the opening period began, led
strongly by the healthy growth maintained in sales for memory card controllers.
Collectively, turnover from products for other semiconductor market areas served
by the group were ahead of the figures for the immediately preceding six months,
but were lower than those recorded for the comparable half.
Although the overall operating results for the opening period to 30 September
2005 are also viewed as a satisfactory outcome by your board, it is difficult to
make direct comparisons with the results reported for earlier years due to the
introduction of the mandatory new IFRS reporting standards.
The IFRS reporting standards do not materially impact on figures for turnover in
these results, for example, but they do introduce new rules for the treatment of
R&D expenditure, amortisation, depreciation and other accounting issues, which
can significantly alter the presentation of results compared with traditional UK
GAAP reporting standards.
As required from all companies with a full listing on the London Stock Exchange,
a full description of the transition to International Financial Reporting
Standards has been lodged with the LSE, and a copy can be viewed and downloaded
from the group's website at
Good gains were posted in sales of memory card controllers into the Far East, US
and European territories, with Germany forming a notable component in the
European figures. Steps taken to increase the range and scope of Hyperstone's
new products portfolio are an ongoing feature of its operations, and product
development expenditure is again expected to reach increased levels in this
second half. Additional engineering staff are among the measures being taken.
Sales for the group's radio communications and Wireless Data products were
comfortably ahead over the comparative period, but the gains in sales of two way
radio products in the Far East were more than offset by the weakened sales of
Wireline Telecom products into China. The problems in this market area became
evident during the second half of last year and have continued since. It is not
likely that a material improvement in the situation will be seen before the
New products introduced to market this year have included high performance
devices aimed towards rapidly growing areas of the marine communications market
and multi-standards land mobile voice and data applications. Expenditure on
product design and development is again set to rise through the second half,
reflecting the strong new products portfolio that underpins the group's growth
strategies. Additionally, the group increased senior level resources in sales
and marketing positions in Europe and the Far East.
Although I expect the weaknesses that have persisted in some historic market
areas will continue to present difficulties through the months ahead, I feel
quite sure that your company will continue to achieve its growth objectives.
G. W. Gurry
Consolidated Income Statement
6 Months End 6 months End 12 Months End
30/09/05 30/09/04 31/03/05
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Revenue 14,240 11,440 23,457
Cost of sales (6,292) (4,435) (8,597)
----------- ---------- -----------
Gross Profit 7,948 7,005 14,860
costs (6,632) (5,819) (12,507)
----------- ---------- -----------
1,316 1,186 2,353
income 156 276 581
----------- ---------- -----------
profit before
adjustments 1,472 1,462 2,934
costs - - (420)
Share based
payment (40) (39) (79)
----------- ---------- -----------
profit after
adjustments 1,432 1,423 2,435
Finance cost (112) (118) (249)
Finance income 96 47 119
----------- ---------- -----------
Profit before
tax 1,416 1,352 2,305
Taxation (250) (381) 181
----------- ---------- -----------
Profit for the
to equity
shareholders 1,166 971 2,486
----------- ---------- -----------
Earnings per share
Basic 7.83p 6.66p 16.77p
----------- ---------- -----------
Diluted 7.77p 6.56p 16.64p
----------- ---------- -----------
Statement of Recognised Income and Expenditure
6 Months End 6 months End 12 Months End
30/09/05 30/09/04 31/03/05
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the
to equity
shareholders 1,166 971 2,486
differences 187 77 (40)
losses - - (493)
Deferred tax - - 148
----------- ---------- -----------
gains and
relating to
the period 1,353 1,048 2,101
----------- ---------- -----------
CML Microsystems Plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
30/09/05 30/09/04 31/03/05
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Non current assets
Property, plant and equipment 7,205 6,828 7,193
Investment properties 3,150 3,150 3,150
Intangible assets - Research & development 5,396 4,629 5,089
Intangible assets - Goodwill on consolidation 3,512 3,512 3,512
Deferred tax asset 1,583 1,066 1,573
----------- ----------- ---------
20,846 19,185 20,517
----------- ----------- ---------
Current assets
Inventories 1,944 1,991 1,723
Trade receivables and prepayments 5,310 3,837 4,093
Cash and cash equivalents 7,413 8,471 8,449
----------- ----------- ---------
14,667 14,299 14,265
----------- ----------- ---------
Total assets 35,513 33,484 34,782
----------- ----------- ---------
Current liabilities
Bank loans and overdrafts 4,000 4,378 4,378
Trade and other liabilities 5,293 4,788 4,086
Current tax liabilities 413 418 272
----------- ----------- ---------
9,706 9,584 8,736
----------- ----------- ---------
Non current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities 2,624 2,408 2,624
Provisions 319 - 420
Long term liabilities 3,504 3,093 3,504
----------- ----------- ---------
6,447 5,501 6,548
----------- ----------- ---------
Total liabilities 16,153 15,085 15,284
----------- ----------- ---------
Net Assets 19,360 18,399 19,498
----------- ----------- ---------
Share capital 745 741 744
Convertible warrants 120 240 120
Share premium 3,784 3,630 3,753
Share based payments 122 42 82
Capital Redemption Reserve 255 255 255
Foreign exchange differences 147 77 (40)
Retained earnings 14,187 13,414 14,584
----------- ----------- ---------
Shareholders' equity 19,360 18,399 19,498
----------- ----------- ---------
CML Microsystems Plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
6 Months End 6 Months End 12 Months End
30/09/05 30/09/04 31/03/05
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating activities
Net profit for the period before
income taxes 1,416 1,352 2,305
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 295 289 663
Movement in pension deficit - - (82)
Amortisation of research and
development 1,730 1,301 3,354
Share based payments 40 39 79
Exceptional restructuring costs - - 420
Interest expense 112 118 235
Interest income (96) (47) (119)
(Decrease)/Increase in working
capital (537) 385 243
---------- --------- ---------
Cash flows from operating
activities 2,960 3,437 7,098
Income tax refunded 99 284 142
---------- --------- ---------
Net cash flows from operating
activities 3,059 3,721 7,240
---------- --------- ---------
Investing activities
Purchase tangible fixed assets (305) (593) (1,351)
Investment in intangible assets (2,049) (1,579) (4,093)
Disposals of tangible fixed
assets 4 53 99
Interest income 96 47 119
---------- --------- ---------
Net cash flows from investing
activities (2,254) (2,072) (5,226)
---------- --------- ---------
Financing activities
Issue of ordinary shares 32 41 47
Repayment of bank loan (378) - -
Dividends paid to group
shareholders (1,563) (1,556) (1,556)
Interest expense (112) (118) (235)
---------- --------- ---------
Net cash flows from financing
activities (2,021) (1,633) (1,744)
---------- --------- ---------
(Decrease)/Increase in cash and
cash equivalents (1,216) 16 270
---------- --------- ---------
Movement in cash and cash
At start of period 8,449 8,245 8,245
(Decrease)/Increase (1,216) 16 270
Effects of exchange rate changes 180 210 (66)
---------- --------- ---------
At end of period 7,413 8,471 8,449
---------- --------- ---------
CML Microsystems Plc
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Share Capital Convertible Share Premium Share based Capital Foreign Retained Total
Warrants payments redemption Exchange earnings
reserve differences
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
At 1st
April 740 240 3,590 3 255 - 13,999 18,827
Shares 1 40 41
differences 77 77
Dividends (1,556) (1,556)
Profit for
period 971 971
Share based
payments 39 39
------ -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------
At 30th
September 741 240 3,630 42 255 77 13,414 18,399
Shares 3 123 126
converted (120) (120)
differences (117) (117)
directly to (493) (493)
Profit for
period 1,515 1,515
Share based
payments 40 40
Deferred 148 148
------ -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------
At 31st
March 744 120 3,753 82 255 (40) 14,584 19,498
Shares 1 31 32
differences 187 187
Dividends (1,563) (1,563)
Profit for
period 1,166 1,166
Share based
payments 40 40
------ -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------
At 30th
September 745 120 3,784 122 255 147 14,187 19,360
2005 ------ -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------
CML Microsystems Plc
1. Presentation of results
The directors approved this Interim Statement on 21st November 2005.
The results for the current period have been prepared using International
Financial Reporting Standards. Comparative information previously published
under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice has been restated under
International Financial Reporting Standards. Reconciliation's of this
restatement may be found in the announcement dated 15th November 2005.
The financial information contained in this Interim Statement does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the Companies Act
1985. The financial information for the year ended 31st March 2005 is based on
the statutory accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2005 that have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an
unqualified audit opinion.
All shareholders will be sent a copy of this Interim Statement which can also be
obtained from the company's registered office at Oval Park, Maldon, Essex CM9
6WG, England.
2. Dividend
The directors do not recommend the payment of an interim dividend.
3. Income tax
The directors consider that tax will be payable at varying rates according to
the country of incorporation of a subsidiary and have provided on that basis.
4. Earnings per share
The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable
to shareholders for the period and on the following weighted average number of
shares in issue:
No of Ordinary 5p shares
6 months ended 30th September 2005 14,891,212
6 months ended 30th September 2004 14,810,378
12 months ended 31st March 2005 14,829,848
The calculation for diluted earnings per share takes into consideration 778,855
of shares under option at 30th September 2005.
5. Employee benefits
The directors have not obtained an actuarial report in respect of the defined
benefit pension scheme for the purpose of this Interim Statement.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange