Directors' Dealings

GUINNESS PEAT GROUP PLC 3 September 1999 Guiness Peat Group plc Directors' Share Options Guiness Peat Group plc announces that Share Options were granted on 2 September 1999 over the Ordinary Shares of 10p each of the Company to Directors of the Company under the 1992 Share Option Scheme at an exercise price of 48.5p per share as follows: TJN Beyer 250,000 Al Gibbs 1,550,000 BA Nixon 1,550,000 Dr GH Weiss 1,750,000 No payment was made for the options. All options are Super Options and are exercisable between 2 September 2004 and 1 September 2009. Following this notification the Directors will hold options over the following numbers of shares: TJN Beyer 947,358 Al Gibbs 5,278,818 BA Nixon 6,045,158 Dr GH Weiss 7,427,394


Coats Group (COA)
UK 100