Final Results

Cohort PLC 06 July 2006 COHORT PLC MAIDEN PRELIMINARY RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2006 STRONG PLATFORM FOR GROWTH ESTABLISHED Cohort plc, owner of Systems Consultants Services Limited ('SCS'), a leading independent defence technical services business, today announces its maiden set of preliminary results since floating on AIM for the 12 months ended 30 April 2006. Highlights include: • Turnover up 23% to £18.0m • Operating profit £1.8m* • Profit after tax £1.3m* • Year-end cash balance £5.6m • Basic earnings per share 5.47 pence • Proposed maiden dividend 0.4 pence per share * excluding share of joint ventures and exceptional items Commenting of the results, Nick Prest CBE, Chairman of Cohort plc said: 'We have a strong business model and we will continue to push for organic growth while seeking complementary acquisitions of businesses which can benefit from the Cohort group concept. Overall the Board is positive about the outlook.' For further information please contact: Cohort plc 01491 843150 Nick Prest, Chairman Investec 020 7597 5970 Michael Ansell, Martin Smith Gainsborough Communications 020 7190 1705 Julian Walker Notes to Editors Cohort has been established to capitalise on opportunities to grow, both organically and through acquisition, in the defence technical services market. The directors of Cohort believe that the accessible UK market for such services is large and offers scope for expansion, whilst a portion of the supplier base is fragmented and provides opportunities for consolidation. Cohort will seek to make targeted acquisitions of complementary businesses. Cohort's sole initial trading subsidiary, Systems Consultants Services Limited ('SCS'), is a leading independent defence technical services business based in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom. SCS provides a range of technical services to clients in the defence and security sectors, its principal client being the UK Ministry of Defence ('MOD') and its agencies. Its other clients include other UK government departments, NATO, major defence contractors and non-defence businesses. Cohort plc was listed on London's Alternative Investment Market (AIM) on 8 March 2006. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to announce this maiden set of results for Cohort plc since listing on AIM in March 2006. Cohort has traded in accordance with our expectations at flotation. KEY FINANCIALS In the year ended 30 April 2006, Cohort achieved turnover of £18.0m (2005: £14.6m) representing a 23% increase on the level achieved by Systems Consultants Services Limited (SCS), Cohort's sole operating subsidiary, in 2005. Group operating profit before accounting for the share of joint ventures and exceptional items was £1.8m (2005: £2.0m). This reduction was due primarily to an increase in staff costs as new revenue generating personnel and support staff were recruited to manage the increased scale of the business, provide a base for further expansion and meet the reporting and governance requirements of a public company. Profit before interest and tax was £1.3m (2005: £1.6m) after accounting for the Group's share of joint venture losses and exceptional items in relation to venture capital activities of £467k (2005: £401k). As a private company, SCS had invested in some venture capital activities. At flotation, the decision was taken to provide fully for the maximum commitment to these activities so that Cohort could go forward on a firm financial and strategic basis. The profit after tax and before share of joint ventures and exceptional items was £1.3m (2005: £1.5m). Profit after interest and before tax was £1.4m (2005: £1.6m) and profit after tax was £0.9m (2005: £1.1m). Basic earnings per share were 5.47p (2005: 6.97p) The Cohort cash balance at year end was £5.6m, reflecting primarily the proceeds of the share placing net of costs. DIVIDENDS The Group plans to pay an initial dividend of 0.4p, being approximately one third of the dividend which would have been paid had the Company's shares traded publicly for the whole of the financial year. This will be payable on 6 September 2006 to shareholders on the register at 4 August 2006 subject to approval at the annual general meeting on 31 August 2006. The Group plans to follow a progressive dividend policy in future and to pay interim and final dividends in respect of the current financial year in March and September 2007. BOARD AND PERSONNEL We were pleased to welcome Simon Walther, who joined as Finance Director in May 2006. Simon has experience in the defence industry and in mergers and acquisitions as well as in the finance function in a quoted company environment. This has released Andy Thomis, who handled the finance function during the listing, to concentrate on his intended roles in strategic and business development. The new board of Cohort, brought together specifically to pursue the strategy of flotation followed by expansion, both organic and through acquisition in the defence technical services market, has bedded in well. The operating team under Stanley Carter is busy and productive and the transition from a private to a quoted company environment is being well handled. Whilst Stanley is in the day to day charge of the business, I am spending significant time with the company, particularly in relation to acquisitions and business development. OUTLOOK Cohort's business is at present largely concentrated in the UK defence market. In overall terms the market is reasonably stable but growth is concentrated in certain areas. The view set out at the time of flotation, namely that the provision of independent technical services to the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) and industry is one such growth area, has been borne out by the many customer contact meetings which have been held since March. SCS has a strong business model and we will continue to push for organic growth. At the same time we will seek complementary acquisitions of businesses which can benefit from the Cohort group concept. Overall the Board is positive about the outlook. Nick Prest Chairman CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW The formation of Cohort, whose sole trading subsidiary is currently Systems Consultants Services (SCS), and its listing on AIM in March this year marked another successful year for SCS. It led to changes in the composition of the SCS Board and other senior posts and placed increased demands on SCS senior management. Despite the potentially unsettling effect common in these circumstances, SCS achieved a creditable growth of 23% in revenue and 17% in gross profit. Employee response to the change in status of SCS and to the staff changes has been very positive and is reflected by the high take-up of share options and the SAYE share scheme in June 2006. This augurs well for the continuing organic growth of SCS. Notable contract awards won in competition during the year include: a year's contract as part of a five year support agreement to the Joint Warfare Training Centre with SCS heading a consortium of EDS Defence, Cubic and Titan; a two year exclusive agreement to provide support to the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency in the Hague with SCS heading a consortium of six companies; SCS key membership of a consortium of QinetiQ, Thales and others to provide human factors support in an exclusive pan-MOD agreement and SCS winning with Roke Manor an urban warfighting research support contract with the MOD Research Acquisition Agency. SCS continues to play a central role in two major Network Enabled Capability programmes: the Land Environment Air Picture and the Joint Effects Tactical Targeting System in consortiums headed by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon respectively. Another notable contract was won to support the National Audit Office study into a major defence communications programme. The Company is alert to opportunities to apply its expertise in non-defence areas and was awarded a contract to supply crisis management advice to a cruise liner operator. The recent and continuing trends to integrate and consolidate in the wider defence market, has included the absorption of some private technical advisory businesses by major international defence suppliers. This has led to a significant reduction in the availability of impartial and independent technical advice available to the MOD and correspondingly increased opportunities to companies remaining in the field. Also the MOD has declared an intention to compete in future much of the research work historically mandated to QinetiQ, which will result in opportunities both in the research programme itself and in related advisory work. At the same time the sustained high levels of operational commitment of HM Forces coupled with a natural 'front-line first' policy is tending to leave gaps in military technical posts in the MOD, which is already having to cope with reduced technical support arising from the significant reduction of the scientific civil service brought about by privatisation. All of these factors have benefited the Group and will continue to do so in the future. I am confident that the comprehensive, first-hand defence market knowledge and experience of the Cohort team make it well able to recognise and respond to these and future trends and to meet the increasing need for independent technical advice and support. Stanley Carter Chief Executive CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 30 April 2006 2006 2005 Notes £000 £000 Turnover of the Group including its share of joint ventures 1 18,008 14,595 Less share of turnover of joint ventures 2 (185) (163) --------- --------- Group turnover 17,823 14,432 Cost of sales (13,318) (10,576) --------- --------- Gross Profit 4,505 3,856 Administrative expenses (2,708) (1,841) --------- --------- Group operating profit 1,797 2,015 Share of operating result of joint ventures 2 (148) (120) --------- --------- Total operating profit 1,649 1,895 Exceptional items 3 (319) (281) --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities before interest 1,330 1,614 Interest receivable 105 48 Interest payable and similar charges (76) (85) --------- --------- 29 (37) --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,359 1,577 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 4 (440) (473) --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 919 1,104 --------- --------- Basic earnings per share 5.47p 6.97p Diluted earnings per share 5.45p 6.97p The profit on ordinary activities before taxation arises from the continuing operations of the Group which merged with Systems Consultants Services Limited on 9 February 2006 There are no recognised gains or losses other than as stated in the profit and loss account. BALANCE SHEET As at 30 April 2006 Notes 2006 2005 £000 £000 Fixed Assets Tangible Fixed Assets 6 99 1,036 --------- --------- Investments 2 Share of gross assets of joint ventures 101 215 Share of gross liabilities of joint ventures (192) (228) --------- --------- (91) (13) Provision against joint venture investments - (33) --------- --------- Net investments in joint ventures (91) (46) 8 990 --------- --------- Current Assets Debtors 6,375 3,947 Cash at bank 5,591 571 --------- --------- 11,966 4,518 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (2,830) (2,572) --------- --------- Net current assets 9,136 1,946 --------- --------- Total assets less current liabilities 9,144 2,936 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year - (469) Provision for liability and charges 2 (220) (270) --------- --------- Net assets 8,924 2,197 --------- --------- Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 2,212 1 Share premium account 5,339 - Profit and loss account 1,373 2,196 --------- --------- Equity shareholders' funds 7 8,924 2,197 --------- --------- CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 30 April 2006 2006 2005 Notes £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 8 893 1,337 Net interest received/(paid) 28 (24) Taxation paid (603) (335) Purchase of tangible fixed assets (66) (36) Sale of tangible fixed assets 868 - Investment in joint ventures 2 (50) (130) Investment in related parties 10 (339) (121) Equity dividend paid (159) (228) --------- --------- Cash inflow before financing 572 463 Issue of ordinary shares (net of costs) 7 5,323 - Finance lease asset 85 - Repayment of secured loan (514) (43) (Repayment)/drawdown of Directors' loans 10 (446) 89 --------- --------- Increase in cash 5,020 509 Finance lease asset 251 - Secured loan 514 43 Directors' loans 446 (89) --------- --------- Increase in net funds 6,231 463 Opening net funds (389) (852) --------- --------- Closing net funds 9 5,842 (389) --------- --------- ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of accounting The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Accounting period The Group has adopted merger accounting and presents the accounts for the year ended 30 April 2006 with comparatives restated accordingly for the year ended 30 April 2005 Consolidation The Group has adopted merger accounting and presented Group results for the year ended 30 April 2006. In preparing the Group accounts, the Group's interest in joint ventures has been accounted for in accordance with the gross equity method and the comparatives have been restated accordingly. The comparative figures for the Group are the audited accounts for Systems Consultants Services Limited (SCS) for the year ended 30 April 2005 as restated for changes in accounting methods in preparing Group accounts. The impact of this accounting change and the restatement which arises from the change is the recognition of the Group's share of losses in joint ventures and is further explained in note 11. Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation is provided on cost in annual instalments over the estimated useful life of assets which are reviewed annually. The rate of depreciation for equipment, fixtures and fittings is 25% per annum on cost on a straight line basis. For the property sold in the year, the depreciation rate was 2% per annum on cost (excluding land) on a straight line basis. Finance Lease The Group has a finance lease asset with its 25% joint venture undertaking, Digital Millennium Map LLP. In this instance, where the Group acts as a lessor and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the related assets are transferred to the lessee, the net present of the future lease payments are recognised as a debtor and the interest value is recognised over the period which it is earned on an actuarial basis. Operating Lease Agreements Rentals applicable to operating leases where substantially all of the benefits and risks of ownership remain with the lessor are charged against profits on a straight line basis over the period of the lease. Deferred Taxation Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. Timing differences are differences between the Group's taxable profits and its results as stated in the financial statements that arise from the inclusion of gains and losses in tax assessments in periods different from those in which they are recognised in the financial statements. Deferred tax is measured at the average tax rates that are expected to apply in the periods in which timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis. Pension Contributions Payments are made to the Group's stakeholder pension scheme, a defined contribution scheme. Amounts are charged to the profit and loss account as incurred. Turnover Turnover represents amounts receivable for services provided, net of Value Added Tax. In accordance with Urgent Issues Task Force 40 (Revenue recognition and service contracts), the Group recognises contract revenue as the activity progresses to reflect the partial performance of contractual obligations. Financial Instruments Income and expenditure arising on financial instruments are recognised on an accruals basis and credited or charged to the profit and loss account in the financial period to which they relate. 1. TURNOVER The Group's turnover was derived from its principal activity undertaken wholly within the UK. 2. JOINT VENTURES The Group has two joint ventures Name Share of Equity Principal Activity SCS Mothership Limited (SML) 50% 3D Mapping technology Digital Millennium Map LLP (DMM) 25% 2D Mapping and photography SML DMM Total investment in joint ventures £000 £000 £000 At 1 May 2005 (46) - (46) Additions - 83 83 Profit and loss account: Share of joint ventures (15) (146) (161) Release of provision against joint venture investment - 33 33 --------------------------------------------- At 30 April 2006 (61) (30) (91) --------------------------------------------- The Group's share of joint ventures was as follows: 2006 2005 Profit and loss account SML DMM Total SML DMM Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 144 41 185 157 6 163 --------------------------- ---------------------------- Share of operating result (7) (141) (148) (18) (102) (120) Share of interest (8) (5) (13) (10) (3) (13) --------------------------- ---------------------------- Share of profit before tax (15) (146) (161) (28) (105) (133) --------------------------- ---------------------------- Balance Sheet SML DMM Total SML DMM Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Share of assets 15 86 101 67 148 215 Share of liabilities (76) (116) (192) (113) (115) (228) --------------------------- ---------------------------- (61) (30) (91) (46) 33 (13) Provision against investment in joint ventures - - - - (33) (33) --------------------------- ---------------------------- (61) (30) (91) (46) - (46) --------------------------- ---------------------------- In addition to the above, the Group has provided £220,000 (2005: £270,000) against its investment commitment in DMM. During the year the Group invested £50,000 (2005: £130,000) in DMM. 3. EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS 2006 2005 £000 £000 Release of provision against joint venture investments and commitments (116) - Provision against joint venture investments and commitments 14 160 (102) 160 Provision against costs incurred on behalf of related party 339 121 undertakings (see note 10) Loss on sale of fixed assets (see note 6) 82 - ---------- --------- 319 281 ---------- --------- The Group current tax charge includes £101,700 credit (2005: £4,000 charge) in respect of exceptional items. 4. TAX ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 2006 2005 £000 £000 Corporation tax in current year 406 550 Deferred tax 34 (77) ---------- --------- 440 473 ---------- --------- 5. EARNINGS PER SHARE The basic earnings per share is calculated on profit after tax of £919,000 (2005: £1,104,000) and a weighted average number of shares of 16,791,727 (2005: 15,840,000). The diluted earnings per share is calculated on profit after tax of £919,000 (2005: £1,104,000) and a weighted average number of shares, after taking into account share options, of 16,857,038 (2005: 15,840,000). 6. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS During the year ended 30 April 2006 the Group sold its freehold property for £880,000 realising an exceptional loss after selling costs of £82,000 7. EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Share capital Share premium Profit and loss Total account account £000 £000 £000 £000 1 May 2005 (restated) 1 - 2,196 2,197 Profit after tax - - 919 919 Dividends paid - - (159) (159) Bonus issue of shares on merger of 1,583 - (1,583) - Cohort plc with Systems Consultants Services Limited Issue of new shares 628 6,175 - 6,803 Cost of new share issue - (836) - (836) --------- --------- --------- --------- At 30 April 2006 2,212 5,339 1,373 8,924 --------- --------- --------- --------- The reserves at 1 May 2005 have been restated to take account of the Group's equity interest in joint ventures, a net reduction to reserves of £46,000 from £2,242,000 to £2,196,000. The issue of the new shares raised cash in the year ended 30 April 2006 as follows: Shares Issue Net issued costs £000 £000 £000 New shares 6,803 (836) 5,967 Shares issued for debt receivable from N M Prest (750) - (750) (see note 10) Costs to be paid in year ended 30 April 2007 - 106 106 --------- --------- --------- Net cash raised 6,053 (730) 5,323 --------- --------- --------- 8. NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 2006 2005 £000 £000 Operating profit 1,797 2,015 Depreciation 54 47 Increase in debtors (1,428) (692) Increase/(decrease) in creditors 470 (33) --------- --------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 893 1,337 --------- --------- 9. MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS At 1 May 2005 Cash Flow At 30 April 2006 £000 £000 £000 Cash and bank 571 (258) 313 Short term deposits - 5,278 5,278 --------- --------- --------- 571 5,020 5,591 --------- --------- --------- Finance lease - 251 251 Directors loans (446) 446 - Secured loan (514) 514 - --------- --------- --------- (389) 6,231 5,842 --------- --------- --------- The short term deposits held by the Group are all less than one month in duration. 10. RELATED PARTIES Costs incurred in respect of related party 2006 2005 £000 £000 Sentinel Programmes Limited (now SP Residual Limited) 172 92 Centre for Defence and International Security Studies 87 29 SCS South Africa 80 - --------- --------- 339 121 --------- --------- The above costs incurred have been fully provided against in the respective year by the Group (see note 3). During the year ended 30 April 2006, Directors' loans have been fully repaid and interest charged and paid in full as follows: Loan Interest £000 £000 A E S Carter 323 21 J Lyde 122 7 J Tydeman 1 - --------- --------- 446 28 --------- --------- At 30 April 2006, £750,000 (2005: £Nil) was payable by N M Prest in respect of 979,790 10 pence ordinary shares. This debt is payable on or before 31 January 2007. 11. PRIOR YEAR RESTATEMENT The figures presented for the year ended 30 April 2005 are based upon the SCS statutory accounts. These have been adjusted to take account of the Group's equity interest in joint ventures. The impact of the adjustments are to: i. Increase headline turnover by £163,000 ii. Reduce net profit by £28,000, comprising a net share of the loss of joint ventures (including interest) of £133,000 offset by a reduction in the loss on exceptional items of £105,000 12. The financial information presented in this announcement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the year ended 30 April 2006 is derived from the statutory accounts for that period, which have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditor has reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Cohort (CHRT)
UK 100