Computacenter plc Incorporated in England Registration number: 03110569 LEI: 549300XSXUZ1I19DB105 ISIN: GB00BV9FP302
Computacenter plc (the 'Company')
The following notifications are made under article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation ('MAR') relating to certain transactions in the shares of the Company by Directors of the Company, Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities ('PDMR') of the Company and/or Persons Closely Associated ('PCA') with the Directors and PDMRs.
The Company announces that on 22 January 2018, the following Director's options over ordinary shares of 7 5/9 pence each in the Company under the Computacenter Sharesave Plus lapsed due to the linked savings arrangement being cancelled by the Director.
PDMR/PCA FCA Transaction Notification