Result of AGM
All resolutions put to the meeting were approved by votes on a show of hands.
For information, the following represents the proxy position at the close of
books at 11.00 am on Wednesday 12 May 2010. The number of ordinary shares in
issue at that date was 153,849,793
|Resolution |Shares For | Shares | Shares |Shares Marked |
|(No. as noted on | | Discretionary | Against | As Votes |
|proxy form) | | | | Withheld / |
| | | | | Abstentions |
|1. To receive the | | | | 21,545 |
|accounts for y/e |101,307,631|42,055 |670,571 | |
|31/12/2009 | | | | |
|2. Approve | | | | 3,044,760 |
|Directors' |98,908,438 |55,393 |33,211 | |
|Remuneration Report| | | | |
|3a. Re-election of | | | | 1,171,316 |
|P W Hulme as a |95,746,190 |42,055 |5,082,241 | |
|director | | | | |
|3b. Re-election of | | | | 128 |
|I J Lewis as a |101,090,518|42,680 |908,476 | |
|director | | | | |
|3c. Re-election of | | | | 128 |
|M J Norris as a |101,122,215|43,174 |876,285 | |
|director | | | | |
|3d. Re-election of | | | | 1,172,982 |
|P J Ogden as a |98,943,935 |42,055 |1,882,830 | |
|director | | | | |
|4. Re-appoint E&Y |101,173,993|41,480 |189,208 | 637,121 |
|as auditors | | | | |
|5. Authorise | | | | 624 |
|Directors to |101,785,919|42,055 |213,204 | |
|determine auditors'| | | | |
|remuneration | | | | |
|6. Authority to |101,823,943|42,055 |175,804 | 0 |
|allot shares | | | | |
|7. Dis-application | | | | 1,589 |
|of pre-emption |101,989,846|41,382 |8,985 | |
|rights | | | | |
|8. Market purchase |101,945,066|41,508 |8,258 | 46,970 |
|of shares | | | | |
|9. 14 days notice | | | | 2,470 |
|period for General |97,613,992 |41,510 |4,383,830 | |
|Meetings | | | | |
|10. Cancellation of|101,981,494|41,660 |1,548 | 17,100 |
|Redeemable B Shares| | | | |
|11. Adopt new | | | | 1,004,688 |
|Articles of |100,916,273|77,343 |43,498 | |
|Association | | | | |
Two copies of the resolutions passed as Special Business have been submitted to
the UK Listing Authority and will shortly be available for inspection at the UK
Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility which is situated at:
Financial Services Authority
25 The North Colonnade
Canary Wharf
E14 5HS
Telephone Number: 020 7676 1000