Consort Healthcare (Tameside) plc
Adjudication partial decision
London, 23 October 2023 - Consort Healthcare (Tameside), a project company for the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) concession contract to design, construct, finance, maintain and manage the lifecycle costs of new hospital facilities in Tameside for the Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (the "Trust"), notifies about the adjudication referenced in the Company's previous announcement on 4 May 2022 regarding alleged defects in the Tameside hospital ("Adjudication").
On Friday 20 October the adjudicator handed down a partial decision in the Adjudication which largely determines the principles in dispute in the adjudication. A final decision which will determine the balance of all issues in the referral is due to be handed down by the adjudicator on 21 December 2023. The final decision will in large part, determine the associated financial quantum and ramifications of the partial decision.
Further announcements will be made in respect of the adjudication as and when appropriate.