Final Results

Cranswick PLC 23 May 2001 CRANSWICK plc - RECORD RESULTS Cranswick plc, the food manufacturing group, announces its audited results for the year ended March 31 2001. Highlights: * Pre-tax profits rise by 26 per cent to £11.7m (2000: £9.3m) * Earnings per share 43.7p, up 12 per cent (2000: 39.0p) * Turnover increased by 22 per cent to £192.6m (2000: £157.3m) * Recommended final dividend of 12p making total of 16.5p (2000: 15.0p) Commenting on the figures, Chairman Jim Bloom said: 'Despite the difficulties that the outbreak of foot and mouth disease introduced, the growth of the Company has continued. This is a tremendous achievement. The solid track record of the Company is evidenced by the compound rates of growth over the past five years. This excellent record underlines the management strategy for the development of Cranswick. 'The platform is there for continued growth. We have an experienced management team, a skilled group of employees, capacity within our plants to increase output and a growing customer base. This is supported by a conservative financial structure which leaves us well placed for further in-fill acquisitions. The current year has started well and we look forward with optimism to continuing Cranswick's successful record.' -ends- Note to Editors: Figures in the highlights are stated before goodwill amortisation. For further information: Martin Davey, Chief Executive/John Lindop, Finance Director Cranswick plc 07775 576426 Paul Quade mobile 07947 186694 CityRoad Communications 020 7334 0243 CRANSWICK plc CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Results. In the November 2000 interim statement to shareholders we commented that each year the markets in which the Company operates throw out new challenges and that this would undoubtedly continue. The outbreak of foot and mouth disease three months later was certainly not a consideration at that time. Despite the difficulties this introduced, the growth of the Company has continued. This is a tremendous achievement and one for which all connected with Cranswick should take great pride. An increase in profit of 26 per cent continues the unbroken growth record. Prior to goodwill amortisation, profit before taxation rose from £9.3m last year to £11.7m and earnings per share moved up 12 per cent to 43.7p from 39.0p previously. Turnover for the year was £192.6m, an increase of 22 per cent, and is considered in more detail below. Dividend. The Board is proposing a final dividend of 12.0p per ordinary share. Having paid an interim dividend of 4.5p per share in January 2001 this makes a total dividend for the year of 16.5p per ordinary share, an increase of 10 per cent on last year's 15.0p. The final dividend, if approved by shareholders, will be paid on 7 September 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 27 July 2001. Shareholders will again have the option to receive the dividend by way of scrip issue. Cash Flow. Net borrowings reduced by £4.9m during the course of the year to £5.0m. Working capital decreased by £0.5m notwithstanding the 22 per cent increase in turnover and capital expenditure amounted to £3.3m. Year-end gearing fell to 12 per cent based on net assets, including goodwill, and interest cover was 21 times. Consistent growth. The solid track record of the Company is evidenced by the compound rates of growth over the past five years. Profit before tax and goodwill amortisation has risen to record levels annually - from £4.0m for the year ended 31 March 1997 to £11.7m this year, a compound rate of increase of 31 per cent per annum. Over the same five year period, earnings per share have risen from 19.5p to 43.7p and dividends per share from 10.2p to 16.5p, compound rates of increase of 22 per cent and 13 per cent per annum respectively. This excellent record underlines the management strategy for the development of Cranswick. Review of activities - food. Turnover from the Company's food business, Cranswick Country Foods, increased by 17 per cent to £121.7m. Sales of fresh pork were nine per cent ahead at £70.8m and that of sausages and hams 31 per cent higher at £50.9m, the latter partly attributable to the inclusion of Sutton Fields for the full year compared to six months previously. Refrigerated capacity at the fresh pork plant in Hull was increased during the year and this, along with further investment in packing equipment, should continue to keep this business amongst the most efficient in the sector. Sales of high quality cooked meats for delicatessen counters have continued to perform well, as has the sale of gourmet sausages. Cranswick now has a 25 per cent share in the premium sausage market. Investment has been made during the year in this value added area of our business comprising equipment in pursuit of further efficiency and factory premises adjacent to Sutton Fields for future expansion. Focus on new product development and widening of the customer base during the year has been successful. New sausage flavours have been added to the range along with high quality premium beefburgers, using traditionally matured on the bone beef, the latter under Sainsbury's 'Taste the Difference' range. The development of new products has enabled the Company to develop sales in the food service sector. Investment has been made in automated production facilities for kebab manufacture, 'Ready to Eat' pre-cooked sausages are showing encouraging sales growth and ham sales to sandwich manufacturers are developing well. Products are now represented in the estates of major restaurant chains and airline and rail caterers. Whilst food service is an expanding side of the business, the main outlet continues to be the grocery multiples. Growth continues in this area in sales of our delicatessen hams, the 'Ready to Eat' range of sausages is listed with three of the major multiples with potential for further listings and sales of recently developed fresh pork products with a new multiple customer are ahead of budget. Cranswick's association with Duchy Originals continues to be a success story, showing volume growth on Free-Range and Organic sausages. Further new products are anticipated. Cranswick has plans to develop its Lazenby brand on a national basis, beginning with the launch of the new 'Best of British' range. Listings have been obtained with most major retailers for a new range of products. Investment during the year in plant capacity and product development, along with a wider customer base, sets the scene for continued growth in this area of our business. We have plans to purchase the outstanding minority interest in Cranswick Gourmet Sausage Company at the end of June. Review of activities - agribusiness. Sales in the agribusiness activity rose 50 per cent from £34.8m to £52.3m. In the feed division, which manufactures specialist diets for the pig and poultry farming sectors, sales increased 39 per cent to £25.5m. Pig marketing, which involves the purchase of pigs from UK farmers, principally in the north of England, for sale to UK meat processors saw turnover rise 62 per cent to £26.8m. Pig marketing provides an important link between the two sectors of the pig meat production chain. It had a successful year given the reduced number of pigs in the UK during the year. The impact of this reduction on turnover was offset by the rise in the general level of pig prices and an increase in the volume of business with third party processors. Despite the reduction in the UK pig herd during 2000, sales of feed rose 41 per cent in volume terms to over 200,000 tonnes. The majority of this increase is attributable to the Wellingore acquisition in March last year. On a like for like basis, sales of pig and poultry feed were up by approximately seven per cent. This performance was particularly pleasing given the difficulties faced by this sector in recent years and represents a significant increase in our market share. Despite industry margins being under pressure, the Wellingore mill has achieved a break-even result for the year from a previous loss-making position at the time of acquisition. Cranswick's feed manufacturing capacity now stands at 250,000 tonnes per annum and therefore offers considerable opportunity for volume growth. The Wellingore site and the original mill at Driffield have benefited from ongoing investment and adhere to the various trade and retailers accreditations including the UKASTA Feed Assurance Scheme, the most widely recognised scheme in the industry. In addition the Driffield mill is approved by the Soil Association to manufacture organic feeds, a small but growing market, and complements the organic pork produced by Cranswick Country Foods from our own herd. The agricultural supply industry will be subject to ongoing cost pressures with continued emphasis on animal welfare and food safety. This may well lead to further rationalisation throughout the supply chain. Cranswick is well positioned to take advantage of any opportunities that this will create as we seek to utilise the capacity of the two mills by increasing our presence in the major pig producing regions of the UK. Review of activities - pet. Sales in the pet business were unchanged at £18.6m. The TMC aquatics business increased turnover 15 per cent to £7.0m, whilst the Buckton bird and small animal food activity saw a fall of seven per cent to £11.6m. A reduction in the availability of peanuts for feeding to wild birds was the main reason for the decline in sales at Buckton. Consolidation at both wholesale and retail levels in the pet and garden sector was a feature of the year, although the impact of this was minimised by Buckton continuing to focus on its strategy of direct supply to independent retail outlets. Emphasis during the year on enhancing the product range by including a wider selection of pet treats and accessories such as feeders for wild birds, nesting boxes and a range of premium parrot food contributed to the increase in new customers. Convenience packaged food for pets and wild birds is an area where we continue to focus and anticipate growth this year. The Buckton brand of food for racing pigeons was recently re-launched for the 2001 season and has been well received, with volumes ahead of last year. Tropical Marine Centre achieved increased sales of marine livestock to aquatic retail outlets and public aquaria and a rise in sales of consumable products for water features marketed through garden centres. Continued development of commercial systems for supply to universities, commercial fish farms, public aquaria and garden centres was a feature of the year. The success of this was evidenced by the award of a contract to supply the Singapore government with aquaculture equipment for a project aimed at boosting the supply of fish for consumption in its home market. During the year the company launched its own publishing company, 'TMC Publishing', with the supply of its first book, on Seahorses. Further additions will be marketed this year on its web site Following a review of the UK market for marine livestock and associated dry goods, TMC opened a facility in Manchester during April 2001. A successful future is anticipated for this outlet in meeting the demands of customers in the north of the country and in Scotland. Steps taken to broaden the customer base of Buckton's, the developments by TMC in commercial systems and the opening of the Manchester facility point to future growth in this activity. Outlook. This was another successful year for Cranswick. The platform is there for continued growth. We have an experienced management team and a skilled group of employees, capacity within our plants to increase output and a growing customer base. This is supported by a conservative financial structure which leaves us well placed for further in-fill acquisitions. The current year has started well and we look forward with optimism to continuing Cranswick's successful record. Jim Bloom Martin Davey Chairman Chief Executive 23 May 2001 CRANSWICK PLC AUDITED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31 March 2001 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 192,612 157,348 Operating profit before goodwill amortisation 12,323 10,092 Interest charge 579 770 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation and goodwill 11,744 9,322 amortisation Goodwill amortisation 816 461 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 10,928 8,861 Taxation 3,385 2,699 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 7,543 6,162 Equity minority interest 104 140 Profit attributable to shareholders 7,439 6,022 Equity dividends 3,135 2,829 Retained profit for the year 4,304 3,193 Earnings per share (pence) Basic 39.4p 36.2p Adjusted for goodwill amortisation 43.7p 39.0p Dividends per share (pence) 16.5p 15.0p Notes 1. The profit and loss accounts for the years ended 31 March 2001 and 2000 are not statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240(5) of the Companies Act 1985. The auditors of Cranswick, Ernst & Young, have made a report under Section 235 of the Act on the statutory accounts of Cranswick for the financial year ended 31 March 2000. Such report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2), (3) or (4) of the Act and such accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001 incorporate an unqualified audit report (which does not contain a statement under Section 237(2), (3) or (4) of the Act) and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting of Cranswick. 2. Basic earnings per share is based on profit attributable to shareholders and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 18,889,565 (2000: 16,622,017). Adjusted earnings per share is based on profit attributable to shareholders adjusted for goodwill amortisation. 3. Subject to shareholders' approval the final dividend will be paid on 7 September 2001 to shareholders on the register on 27 July 2001. 4. The Company intends to post the Report and Accounts to shareholders on 6 July 2001. Further copies will be available upon request from the Company Secretary, Cranswick plc, Cranswick, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 9PF. CRANSWICK AUDITED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 31 March 2001 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 15,982 16,312 Tangible assets 25,296 24,815 41,278 41,127 Current assets Stocks 7,234 6,189 Debtors 21,001 20,069 Cash at bank and in hand 3,372 1,005 31,607 27,263 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Loan notes payable 1,516 1,624 Bank loans 1,875 1,406 Bank overdraft 1,144 2,384 Hire purchase 132 97 Trade and other creditors 18,487 16,076 Corporation tax 2,154 2,495 Proposed equity dividend 2,284 2,075 27,592 26,157 Net current assets 4,015 1,106 Total assets less current liabilities 45,293 42,233 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Bank loans and hire purchase 3,674 5,339 Deferred taxation 1,316 1,002 Government grants 221 296 Total assets less liabilities 40,082 35,596 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 1,902 1,887 Share premium account 20,593 20,090 Profit and loss account 17,308 13,299 Equity shareholders' funds 39,803 35,276 Equity minority interest 279 320 40,082 35,596 CRANSWICK AUDITED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMNET for the year ended 31 March 2001 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Net cash inflow from operating activities 15,760 12,293 Returns on investment and servicing of finance Hire purchase interest paid (21) (54) Bank interest paid (588) (664) (609) (718) Taxation paid (3,412) (3,421) Capital expenditure and financial expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed assets (3,276) (5,710) Government grants received - 40 Proceeds of sale of tangible fixed assets 266 355 (3,010) (5,315) Acquisitions and disposals Purchase of subsidiary undertaking - (2,194) Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertaking - (1,708) Part purchase of minority interest (631) (573) (631) (4,475) Equity dividends paid (2,773) (2,087) Cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 5,325 (3,723) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 65 234 New medium term loan - 5,000 Medium term loan repayments (1,407) (1,250) Loan note repayments (108) (607) Capital element of hire purchase payments (273) (200) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (1,723) 3,177 Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 3,602 (546) RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASH INFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating profit 11,507 9,631 Goodwill amortisation 816 461 Depreciation, net of government grants 2,800 2,331 Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets 99 68 (Increase)/decrease in stocks (1,045) 733 Increase in debtors (932) (2,566) Increase in creditors 2,515 1,635 Net cash inflow from operating activities 15,760 12,293


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