Final Results

Cranswick PLC 21 May 2007 Embargoed 7am Monday May 21 2007 CRANSWICK plc: RECORD PROFITS Cranswick plc ('Cranswick' or 'the Company'), the Yorkshire-based food producer, announces its audited results for the year ended March 31 2007. Highlights: • Sales increased by 19 per cent to £525m (2006: £441m) • Profit before tax & exceptional gains up 12 per cent at £32.4m (2006: £29.0m) • Earnings per share pre exceptional gains rose 5 per cent to 50.1p (2006: 47.8p) • Recommended 10 per cent increase in final dividend to 12.2p per ordinary share • Feed milling business sold • Encouraging start to current year Martin Davey, Cranswick Chairman, said: 'Cranswick has continued its successful development and is once again reporting record profits. Underlying sales growth was particularly strong resulting in an increase in market share which was further enhanced by the strategic acquisition of DeliCo on 1 November 2006. 'The past year has seen sales rise by 19 per cent and we anticipate further increases over the next year. 'The Company today announces the sale of the feed milling business of Cranswick Mill, the group's original activity. The trading environment has been particularly challenging in recent years following the substantial reduction in the UK pig herd. 'The Board is confident that the maintenance of an unchanged strategy will continue the successful development of Cranswick. The current year has commenced in an encouraging manner and the Board looks to the future with confidence'. -ends- For further information: Paul Quade 07947 186694 CityRoad Communications 020 7248 8010 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to be able to report to Shareholders that Cranswick has continued its successful development and is once again reporting record profits. Underlying sales growth was particularly strong resulting in an increase in market share which was further enhanced by the strategic acquisition of DeliCo on 1 November 2006. Results The Company achieved an increase in sales of 19 per cent to £525 million. Turnover in the food division was up by 21 per cent at £493 million and this accounted for 94 per cent of total Company sales. The increase in sales largely reflected organic growth although the DeliCo acquisition during the year added £9 million. Strong sales increases were evident across most food categories highlighting the success of the Company's strategy in positioning itself in a number of growing, premium areas of the market. The Company's other activity which is involved in the pet and aquatic sector saw a marginal reduction in sales reflecting higher aquatic sales but a decline in bird food. Profit before tax and exceptional gains increased by 12 per cent from £29.0 million to £32.4 million. Earnings per share on a similar basis rose to 50.1 p (2006 47.8p). The increase of 5 per cent in earnings per share reflects a normal tax charge this year compared to a lower charge previously following the acquisition of Perkins, as well as additional shares in issue. Exceptional gains in both this year and last year relate to profits on disposal of surplus properties. The results are considered in more detail in the review of activities section. Cash Flow Cash flow was again very strong with cash generated from operations of £41.8 million, the same as the previous year. This allowed the Company to purchase DeliCo without increasing year-end borrowings. The net cash cost of the acquisition was £13.4 million with a further £3.6 million satisfied by shares. Capital expenditure net of disposal proceeds was slightly ahead of last year at £10.8 million, resulting in borrowings of £75.9 million compared with £77.1 million a year ago. Interest cover pre exceptional gains was 7.9 times compared with 6.7 times in 2006. Dividend The Board is proposing an increase in the final dividend of 10 per cent to 12.2p per ordinary share. Along with the interim dividend of 5.9p per ordinary share paid in January 2007 this makes a total dividend for the year of 18.1p per ordinary share, an increase of 10 per cent on last year's 16.5p. The final dividend, if approved by Shareholders, will be paid on 7 September 2007 to Shareholders on the register at the close of business on 6 July 2007. Shareholders will have the option to receive the dividend by way of scrip issue. Strategic Development The Company was formed by farmers in the early 1970's to produce pig feed. In 1998 the Board embarked on a strategy to broaden the base of the Company's activities and to seek opportunities to develop into related areas offering greater scope to add value to the Company's processes. Through a combination of acquisitions and organic development the business has evolved into one focused predominantly on the supply of premium food products. As part of this strategy the Company today announces the sale of the feed milling business of Cranswick Mill, the group's original activity. There will be a cash inflow resulting from the sale and the reduction in working capital of approximately £7 million. The trading environment for this business has been particularly challenging in recent years following the substantial reduction in the UK pig herd. Despite some rationalisation of milling capacity in the industry there continues to be oversupply. Efforts to mitigate the impact of this have included the further development of the starter feed business and tight cost control. Feed sales in the year totalled £25 million and a small profit was achieved. The opportunity to develop a solution to the challenges facing the business was explored and successfully concluded with BOCM Pauls, a leading supplier of animal feed. BOCM have plans for investment in the site and for the further development of the business. The sale of the feed milling business follows the sale of the pig production business in the previous financial year. The pig marketing business of Cranswick Mill, the procurement arm of Cranswick Country Foods, is to continue as an integral part of the Group. We wish David Ball, managing director of Cranswick Mill, his colleagues and BOCM every future success. The food division was expanded in November with the acquisition of DeliCo, producer of sliced cooked meats, a growing category in the food sector. The business has been successfully integrated by the management team in the Cranswick Convenience Foods division. At the time of acquisition there was substantial unutilised capacity in the relatively new production facility. Our plans for filling this capacity have been successful and the business is on track for a substantial increase in sales over the next year. Cranswick Gourmet Bacon, producer of traditional air-dried bacon, was established by way of joint venture in 2004 with Cranswick holding 70 per cent of the equity. This was increased to 85 per cent during the year and we anticipate that this will be increased to 100 per cent in the near future. The quality of the premium bacon produced by this business is underlined by the numerous awards it continues to pick up. The Company has recently received planning permission for the further development of the primary pork processing site in East Yorkshire which secures the longer term plans of this important part of the Company's activities. Outlook Compound annual growth in sales over the past five years has been 18 per cent per annum and is a combination of both organic and acquisitive development. The past year has seen sales rise by 19 per cent and we anticipate further sales increases over the next year although, as reported previously, there are signs that the Company is facing a more competitive trading environment. The Board is confident that, with activities in a number of growing premium food categories and strong operational management teams, the maintenance of an unchanged strategy will continue the successful development of Cranswick. The current year has commenced in an encouraging manner and the Board looks to the future with confidence. Martin Davey Chairman 21 May 2007 Review of Activities Food - by the Chief Executive Bernard Hoggarth The strong sales growth continued, as in recent years, with sales up 21 per cent at £493 million. Sales of food products rose by 20 per cent, with agricultural products up 32 per cent. The food group's businesses have all shown strong growth in the premium sectors, with our sausage and bacon sales growth being exceptional. The focus and investment in developing our foodservice sales is now bearing fruit with sales in the year exceeding £20 million. The vast majority of this growth has come from specialist lines sold into the gastro-pub chains and supplying the high street dining outlets. All the Cranswick food producing sites have achieved the highest 'A' grade BRC (British Retail Consortium) standards. We are also proud to have the first food factory in the UK to score zero minor non-compliance at a recent audit. New product development continues to be the life blood of the business across the food operations. To put this into perspective fresh pork, sausage and bacon currently have 25 products under development and launched 88 new products during the year. As part of this process, it is very pleasing to report the food businesses collected 11 industry awards during the financial year. The fresh pork business has been successful in gaining planning permission for a new replacement processing facility at the Preston site in East Yorkshire. This should be completed during the next two years. This development, coupled with investment we have made previously in the centrally packed meat plant adjoining, will consolidate its position as one of the most efficient primary facilities, and is currently the largest pig processing plant in the UK. This will facilitate the continued development of our customer base and growth going forward. Overall, fresh pork sales in the UK grew by 2 per cent in the year, whilst the Cranswick pork business achieved an impressive 23 per cent increase. Recent investment in new equipment is facilitating the processing of by-product into organic matter which can be used as fertilizer. The tallow extracted in the process is utilised in the production of bio-fuel. We are currently exploring the possibility of using the recycled fuel to power the factory boilers for hot water and steam production and to fuel part of our own fleet of vehicles. In addition we have immediately reduced vehicle movements, due to the previous removal off site of all such by products via HGV's. The Lazenby's sausage factory is just 2 years old, but due to the phenomenal success achieved in sales, and the development of new business, we are installing three new production lines to meet demand. This will require capital expenditure in excess of £2 million. The total sausage market showed no growth in the year, but premium categories grew by 19 per cent. The Cranswick business however achieved growth of 28 per cent. Lazenby's was successful in becoming the licensee for the 'Weight Watchers' brand of sausage which we launched during the second half of the year. We also produce the 'Black Farmer' brand, which was launched during the year, and Duchy Originals. The latter grew at almost 23 per cent, and reinforces again the continuing trend for consumers to 'trade up' in fresh prepared foods. Recently the Cranswick Gourmet Sausage Company launched the 'Simply Sausage' brand at The Ivy in London. This event was attended by buyers from the main retailers and a myriad of journalist and food writers and was hosted by celebrity chef James Martin. You can log onto the new website for information on this exciting new range at: The cooked meat business, Cranswick Convenience Foods, has continued to grow its sales well above the market place. Pre-packed cooked meat sales nationally rose by almost 7 per cent whereas Cranswick grew by 16 per cent. Deli sales declined slightly in line with the national fall of 3 per cent as consumers continue to switch to more pre-packed convenient formats. The DeliCo acquisition has integrated into the group well and is performing in line with expectations. By the summer this facility will be operating at over 90 per cent of capacity, again in line with our plans. There has been continued capital expenditure, in excess of £6.6 million across the cooked meat facilities during the year. This enables us to continue to be at the forefront of the sector, by incorporating the most modern, efficient equipment into our specialist business units. This coupled with new product development and significant growth in our customer base, bodes well for the future. Bacon sales were up a very healthy 65 per cent with which we are delighted. With further growth anticipated we are planning for additional production capacity. We have acquired a new freehold site 'twixt Leeds and York of over 8,000 square meters which will enable us to continue to grow this business. We anticipate a weekly capacity from this new facility of in excess of 400 tonnes per week, this compares with a current peak of approximately 75 tonnes. The expected project cost will be approaching £9 million. This large investment will allow the continued focus on the development of the premium bacon category, in the same way that we have developed our sausage business over the last decade. Across the UK bacon market as a whole, we currently have less than a 2 per cent market share. Taking the premium categories on the other hand, Cranswick Gourmet Bacon Company has a 22 per cent market share. Our bacon business received 2 Gold Medals and 2 Silver Medals in the BPEX Foodservice awards and the Foodservice 'Pork Product of the Year' 2007. Continental Fine Foods, Cranswick's Manchester based charcuterie business had an exceptional year with sales up 21 per cent to almost £70 million. The business invested in a new high speed slicing line during the year at a cost of £1 million which helped achieve average weekly volumes of over 700,000 packs, compared with 520,000 packs a year ago. Corned beef continues its revival with sales volumes up 22 per cent in the year. We are working with a small artisan producer of fresh filled pasta in Italy to bring all their facilities up to BRC standards, ready for serving the UK retail market. Following this accreditation we will launch this very special product with a major retail customer later this year. This highlights perfectly one of the main routes to market for Continental Fine Foods, driven by our skilled buyers, researchers and development teams. The Sandwich Factory (TSF) saw sales rise by 5 per cent in the year with sales of £36m. New business wins in the year include, Ryan Air, Flybe, BMI baby, First Great Western Railways and the further development of exciting ranges with our retail customers. TSF has been working with Duchy Originals on a new organic range of sandwiches. The first products should be launched during summer this year. These products will target the premium category with research having shown that there is demand for such premium products in the sector. Within the product portfolio are three new categories. We now produce and supply 'food to go' solutions, salads and pizzas. Total units produced were 40 million, with approximately 25 per cent being alternatives to the standard skillet, or sliced sandwich. TSF has developed it's plan to use more recyclable packaging during the year with the introduction of cardboard skillets, biodegradable webs and 'returnable' plastic distribution trays. Further 'green ' initiatives include the development of an electrolyzed water supply to reduce the amount of chemicals used by the business in the factory cleaning process by 40 per cent. In summary, we believe our food businesses now operate from some of the best invested and most modern production facilities in the UK. This, coupled with the strong management teams we have in situ and the strength of our new product development teams, leads us to believe we are well placed to continue the profitable growth and development of the food business. Pet - by the Chief Executive Derek Black Total sales were marginally down for the year at £31.5 million (2006 - £32.1 million) with increased sales of aquatic products and a reduction in food. In Pet Products, predominantly bird and small animal food, sales were a little under £20.5 million down 8 per cent. This was due mainly to an extremely hot summer, coupled with a mild autumn and winter. The public's perception is that wild birds do not need feeding during a mild winter. Changing habitats and the need to protect endangered native birds means it is imperative to feed birds not only in winter but all year round and we, along with the RSPB, strive to get this message over to the public. Our target markets remain unchanged and include high street retail chains, wholesale discount multiples, retail membership groups, grocery and mail order. Sales in the TMC aquatic business were ahead of last year at almost £11 million (2006 - £9.7 million) up 12 per cent. Sales of marine livestock increased by 20 per cent. It is particularly pleasing to report the continued growth and development of the branch businesses. Manchester saw sales up 10 per cent and Bristol an increase of 26 per cent. Sales of dry goods were adversely impacted following a major fire in the warehouse in December at the Chorleywood site and, as a consequence, there was a more modest rise in sales of 6 per cent on last year in this category. The building is presently being reconstructed and will be fully operational by July 2007. There will be no impact to profit, due to the comprehensive levels of insurance cover in place. During the year TMC supplied a number of high profile projects including 7 large ocean exhibits to Sea Life centres around the UK, including the new aquarium in Loch Lomond, a large recirculation and water treatment system for a cod hatchery in Scotland, and four large marine holding systems to a shellfish suppler. New product launches has also been a key feature for the business with the development of the V2 ultra-violet skimmers, which was voted best Marine Product in 2006 by Practical Fishkeeping. CRANSWICK plc: AUDITED ----GROUP INCOME STATEMENT Year ended 31 March 2007 2007 2006 _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Before Exceptionals Total Before Exceptionals Total exceptionals exceptionals Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Revenue 2 524,823 - 524,823 441,178 - 441,178 Cost of sales (438,508) - (438,508) (364,388) - (364,388) Gross profit 86,315 - 86,315 76,790 - 76,790 Operating expenses (49,239) - (49,239) (42,720) - (42,720) Operating profit 2 37,076 - 37,076 34,070 - 34,070 Profit on disposal of - 281 281 - 2,079 2,079 property, plant and equipment Profit before finance and 37,076 281 37,357 34,070 2,079 36,149 taxation Finance revenue 6 - 6 25 - 25 Finance costs (4,707) - (4,707) (5,076) - (5,076) Profit before tax 32,375 281 32,656 29,019 2,079 31,098 Taxation (9,773) (229) (10,002) (7,716) (562) (8,278) Profit for the year 22,602 52 22,654 21,303 1,517 22,820 Profit for the year attributable to: Equity holders of the 22,574 22,784 parent Minority interest 80 36 22,654 22,820 Earnings per share: (total and continuing) Basic 3 50.1p 0.1p 50.2p 47.8p 3.4p 51.2p Diluted 3 49.7p 0.1p 49.8p 47.4p 3.4p 50.8p CRANSWICK plc: AUDITED GROUP BALANCE SHEET 31 March 2007 2007 2006 Notes £'000 £'000 Non-current assets Goodwill 117,520 111,921 Property, plant and equipment 80,277 67,725 197,797 179,646 Current assets Inventories 24,626 18,555 Trade and other receivables 66,416 54,027 Other financial assets 330 106 Cash and cash equivalents 2,262 5,000 Total current assets 93,634 77,688 Non-current assets classified as held for sale - 688 Total assets 291,431 258,022 Current liabilities Trade and other payables (65,073) (53,376) Other financial liabilities (16,933) (19,422) Income tax payable (3,834) (3,138) Provisions (289) (334) Total current liabilities (86,129) (76,270) Non-current liabilities Other payables (37) (76) Other financial liabilities (61,544) (62,720) Deferred tax liabilities (6,150) (4,657) Provisions (1,736) (1,877) Total non-current liabilities (69,467) (69,330) Total liabilities (155,596) (145,600) Net assets 135,835 112,422 Equity Called-up share capital 6 4,595 4,467 Share premium account 6 47,204 40,797 Share-based payments 6 1,018 531 Hedging and translation reserves 6 351 (13) Retained earnings 6 82,564 66,604 Equity attributable to members of the parent company 135,732 112,386 Minority interests 103 36 Total equity 135,835 112,422 CRANSWICK plc: AUDITED GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT Year ended 31 March 2007 Notes 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Profit before finance and taxation 37,357 36,149 Adjustments to reconcile group operating profit to net cash inflows from operating activities Depreciation 9,252 8,087 Share based payments 487 284 Release of government grants (39) (36) Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment (250) (2,220) (Increase)/decrease in inventories and biological assets (5,329) 1,125 Increase in trade and other receivables (9,141) (5,751) Increase in trade and other payables 9,493 4,200 Cash generated from operations 41,830 41,838 Tax paid (7,936) (6,954) Net cash from operating activities 33,894 34,884 Cash flows from investing activities Interest received 6 25 Acquisition of subsidiaries (13,506) - Purchase of property, plant and equipment (11,979) (14,064) Proceeds from sale of equipment 1,147 3,929 Net cash used in investing activities (24,332) (10,110) Cash flows from financing activities Interest paid (3,966) (5,119) Proceeds from issue of share capital 1,776 1,691 Proceeds from borrowings 10,000 - Issue costs of long-term borrowings (40) - Repayment of borrowings (11,395) (18,753) Dividends paid (6,467) (5,847) Net cash used in financing activities (10,092) (28,028) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (530) (3,254) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 46 3,291 Effect of foreign exchange rates (10) 9 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 5 (494) 46 Notes to the preliminary announcement 1. Basis of preparation The income statements for the years ended 31 March 2007 and 2006 are not statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 (5) of the Companies Act 1985. The auditors of Cranswick, Ernst & Young LLP, have made a report under Section 235 of the Act on the statutory accounts of Cranswick for the financial year ended 31 March 2006. Such report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under 237(2), (3) or (4) of the Act and such accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 incorporate an unqualified audit report (which does not contain a statement under Section 237 (2), (3) or (4) of the Act) and which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting of Cranswick. The financial statements have been prepared under IFRS as adopted by the European Union. The company's accounting policies can be found in the statutory accounts. 2. Segmental Analysis Turnover Operating profit 2007 2006 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Food 493,365 409,119 38,936 35,433 Pet 31,458 32,059 566 796 524,823 441,178 39,502 36,229 Central costs - - (2,426) (2,159) 524,823 441,178 37,076 34,070 Exceptionals - - 281 2,079 Group total 524,823 441,178 37,357 36,149 Finance costs - - (4,701) (5,051) Profit before tax 524,823 441,178 32,656 31,098 3. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share are based on profit attributable to shareholders and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 45.0 million shares (2006: 44.5 million shares). The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on 45.3 million shares (2006: 44.8 million shares). 4. Dividends Subject to Shareholders' approval the final dividend will be paid on 7 September 2007 to Shareholders on the register at the close of business on 6 July 2007. 5. Analysis of changes in net debt At Cash Other At 31 March flow non cash 31 March 2006 changes 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash and cash equivalents 5,000 (2,728) (10) 2,262 Overdrafts (4,954) 2,198 - (2,756) Cash and cash equivalents 46 (530) (10) (494) Other financial assets - - 306 306 Other financial liabilities (146) - 146 - Bank loans (75,970) 1,290 (114) (74,794) Loan notes (1,072) 145 - (927) Net debt (77,142) 905 328 (75,909) 6. Reconciliation of movements in equity Attributable to equity holders of the parent _____________________________________________________________________________ Minority Total Share Share Share Hedging Translation Retained Total Interest Equity capital premium based reserve reserve earnings payments £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At 1 April 2006 4,467 40,797 531 (40) 27 66,604 112,386 36 112,422 Cash flow hedges - - - 369 - 369 - 369 Exchange - - - - (5) - (5) (5) differences Profit for the - - - - - 22,574 22,574 80 22,654 year Exercise of 65 1,711 - - - - 1,776 - 1,776 options Scrip dividends 15 1,144 - - - - 1,159 - 1,159 Share issues 48 3,552 - - - - 3,600 - 3,600 Share based - - 487 - - - 487 - 487 payments Deferred tax - - - - - 300 300 - 300 recognised directly in equity Corporation tax - - - - - 712 712 - 712 recognised directly in equity Purchase of - - - - - - - (13) (13) Minority Interest Dividends - - - - - (7,626) (7,626) - (7,626) At 31 March 2007 4,595 47,204 1,018 329 22 82,564 135,732 103 135,835 7. The Company intends to post the Report and Accounts to shareholders on 6 July 2007. Further copies will be available upon request from the Company Secretary, Cranswick plc, 74 Helsinki Road, Sutton Fields, Hull, HU7 0YW. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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