CRH plc ("the Company")
26th April 2016
CRH plc announces that, under the Company's Scrip Dividend Scheme, 35.90% of its Ordinary Shareholders elected to receive shares in lieu of cash in respect of all or part of their Final Dividend for 2015 to be paid on 6th May 2016.
As a result, a total of 5,301,827 Ordinary Shares of €0.32 each have been allotted pursuant to, and in accordance with, the terms of the Company's Scrip Dividend Scheme. An application will be made for admission of the New Shares to (a) the Official Lists of the UK Listing Authority and the Irish Stock Exchange and (b) trading on the London Stock Exchange's market for listed securities and the Main Securities Market of the Irish Stock Exchange. Dealing in the New Shares is expected to commence on Friday, 6th May 2016.
Neil Colgan
Company Secretary
Tel: 00 3531 6344 340