CRH plc (the "Company")
31st March 2011
Re: 2010 Annual Report, Notice of Annual General Meeting, Letter to Shareholders in relation to Scrip Dividend Offer and Scrip Entitlement/Proxy Form
The above documents have been posted to shareholders today. Copies of the documents have been submitted to the Irish Stock Exchange and, in accordance with Rule 9.6.1 of the Listing Rules of the London Stock Exchange, to the U.K. National Storage Mechanism later today. The documents will shortly be available for inspection at:
Companies Announcement Office
The Irish Stock Exchange
28 Anglesea Street
Dublin 2
Tel. no. + 353 1 677 8808
and at:
(Documents will usually be available for inspection within six normal business hours of this notice being given).
The Annual Report is also available on the Company's website,
Neil Colgan
Company Secretary
Tel: 00 3531 6344340