CRH plc
20th February 2015
Pursuant to paragraph 9.6.13 of the Listing Rules, CRH plc hereby notifies the following in relation to Ms. Lucinda Riches, who has been appointed a Director of the Company with effect from 1st March 2015:
(a) in the last five years Ms. Riches has been a director of the following publicly quoted companies:
Graphite Enterprise Trust plc
The Diverse Income Trust plc
(b) Ms. Riches was an investment partner in The Mill Street Partnership NO 2 LLP which was placed in creditors' voluntary liquidation on 11th July 2012.
(c) there are no details requiring disclosure for Ms. Riches under paragraph 9.6.13 (2), (4), (5) or (6).
Neil Colgan
Company Secretary
Tel: +353 1 6344340