CRH plc
5th October 2018
Pursuant to paragraph 9.6.13 of the Listing Rules, CRH plc hereby notifies the following:
(a) in the last five years Ms. Mary Rhinehart, who joined the Board on 1st October 2018, has been a director of the following publicly quoted companies:
Ply Gem Holdings, Inc.
CoBiz Financial, Inc.
(b) in the last five years Ms. Siobhan Talbot, who will join the Board on 1st December 2018, has been a director of the following publicly quoted company:
Glanbia plc
(c) there are no details requiring disclosure in respect of the appointments of Ms. Rhinehart or Ms. Talbot under paragraph 9.6.13 (2) to (6).
Neil Colgan
Company Secretary
Tel: +353 1 6344340