Interim Results

Cohen(A.) & Co PLC 28 September 2001 A. COHEN & CO. PLC 28th September 2001 Interim results for the half year ended 30th June 2001 Chairman's Statement The unaudited group results of A. Cohen & Co. plc (the 'Company') for the half year ended 30th June 2001 are set out below, together with the audited results for the year ended 31st December 2000 as the only relevant comparable results. The result for the six months ended 30 June 2001 was a net loss of £71,000 from a turnover of £5.6 million. This loss was after a profit of £224,000 on the sale of the shares in Nonferral Recyclers Ltd. approved by shareholders on 11th June 2001, and interest income of £53,000 on term debtors but was after deducting interest costs of £217,000. Each of the net loss, the operating profit and turnover were slightly behind budget, whilst the financing costs were considerably above budget due to the debt levels the Company was carrying until the recent rights issue for which the funds were received in July 2001. Continuing Activities The continuing activities of phosphor copper and associated product sales of A. Cohen (Great Britain) Ltd. and the international trading business of Jacob Metals Ltd. both contributed modest operating profits whilst the merchanting activities of A. Cohen (Great Britain) Ltd. made a small loss. However, the combined operating profits were insufficient to cover the significantly reduced group overhead costs and interests costs. The results were affected by reduced metal prices, and exchange rate volatility in the regions in which the Company operates, and the continuing high debt levels under which the Company operated in the period. The results were slightly behind expectations for the period as outlined in the announcement on 30th April 2001 and included in the prospectus for the six for one rights issue issued on 18 May 2001. Investments No additional income has been brought to account from the continuing investments of the group in the Woolwich site, nor from group investments in Metal Sales in Zimbabwe nor Speedmark in South Africa. These investments will be subject to considerable review in the current half year. Current Trading The unfortunate events in the USA earlier this month and the already deteriorating business environment has placed increased pressure on sales and trading activities in both the products in which the group deals, and the regions in which it operates. Economic activity in many fields and regions has slowed considerably. However, with significantly reduced debt levels the impact on the Company has not been material to date. The directors are monitoring the situation closely. Prospects Whilst the events in the USA, the consequences thereof and the deteriorating business environment will impact on the Company, the Company will be far better placed without any corporate debt to acquire assets and other investments at reduced prices for future expansion of the Company. In this regard, the Company has approached two potential directors to join the board to assist in the future expansion of the Company. In addition to the metals and trading activities of the Company, the expansion envisaged by the directors will extend to environmental, infrastructure and utilities based activities with which the group has a relationship through its existing recycling and trading businesses. Conclusion I would like to thank my co-directors, managers and employees for their continued efforts during a difficult transitional period and look forward to expanding the business of the Company in the existing fields in which it operates and those associated fields in which it is considering investment. It should be reported that the balance sheet of the Company included in these results does not include the benefit of the 6 for 1 rights issue referred to above and is significantly improved with the benefit of that issue. I am hopeful of being able to announce details of the additional board members by mid October 2001 together with possible expansion moves later in the month. R.B. Ritchie Executive Chairman For further information please contact Royce Ritchie 00 61 417 500 979 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2001 Unaudited six months Audited year ended ended 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 5,574 44,987 Cost of sales (4,617) (41,103) Gross profit 957 3,884 Distribution costs (274) (981) Administrative expenses: (898) (2,833) Other operating income 297 130 Group operating profit/(loss) 82 200 Investment income - 29 Interest receivable 53 47 Interest payable (203) (235) Profit on sale of fixed assets (3) 100 Loss on sale and termination of operations - (3,611) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (71) (3,470) Tax charge on loss on ordinary activities - - Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (71) (3,470) Minority interest share of losses for the year - (149) Loss for the financial year attributable to shareholders (71) (3,619) Losses per share (pence) (8.0p) (216.0p) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 30 June 2001 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 1,231 1,271 Investments 335 335 1,566 1,606 Current assets Current asset investments - 1,336 Stocks 183 387 Debtors 2,331 2,455 Cash at bank and in hand 107 56 2,621 4,234 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (3,772) (5,392) Net current liabilities (1,151) (1,158) Total assets less current liabilities 415 448 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one (38) - year - - Provisions for liabilities and charges 377 448 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 373 344 Capital redemption reserve 49 49 Share premium account 215 244 Revaluation reserve 752 752 Other reserves 383 383 Profit and loss account (1,395) (1,324) Equity shareholders' funds 377 448 Minority interests - - 377 448 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Six months ended 30 June 2001 Six months Year ended 31 ended December 2000 30 June 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash outflow from operating activities 470 (1,353) Returns on investments and servicing of finance Investment Income - 29 Interest received 53 48 Interest paid (203) (233) Interest element of finance lease rental (2) (2) payments Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (152) (158) Capital expenditure and financial investment Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets - (213) Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets - (780) Receipts from sale of tangible fixed assets 1,353 657 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure and financial investment 1,353 (336) Acquisitions and disposals Sale of subsidiary undertakings - 273 Net overdraft disposed of with subsidiary - 486 Net cash inflow from acquisitions and - 759 disposals Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 1,671 (1,088) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital in subsidiary company to minority - 1,871 Issue of ordinary share capital 29 38 Increase in borrowings - 1,731 Repayment borrowings (1,611) (163) Capital element of finance lease rental (61) (37) payments Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (1,643) 3,440 Increase in cash 28 2,352 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2001 1. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash outflow from operating activities Six months Year ended 31 December ended 2000 30 June 2001 £'000 £'000 Operating profit/(loss) 82 200 Depreciation 26 568 Net movement in working capital Stocks 204 (192) Debtors 124 (2,589) Creditors 34 660 Net cash outflow from operating 470 (1,353) activities 2. Cash flow statement: Analysis of net debt Acquisitions and disposals At exc. cash and overdrafts At 1 Cash Non cash Exchange 30 January flow movements movement June 2001 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash in hand 56 51 - - - 107 and at bank Overdrafts (20) (23) - - - (43) 36 28 - - - 64 Debt due (1,783) 1,611 - - (33) (205) within one year Finance (71) 61 - - - (10) leases (1,818) 1,700 - - (33) (151) 3. Cash flow statement: Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Six months Year ended 31 December ended 2000 30 June 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 28 2,352 Cash inflow from increase in debt and 1,672 (1,531) lease financing Change in net debt resulting from cash 1,700 821 flows Loans and finance leases disposed with - 8,058 subsidiary New finance leases - (466) Translation differences (33) 415 Movement in net debt in the year 1,667 8,828 Net debt at start of year (1,818) (10,646) Net debt at end of year (151) (1,818) Note: The comparative figures for the six months ended 30 June 2000 have not been provided. 4. Basis of Preparation The interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2001 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory accounts in accordance with section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost accounting convention. Accounting policies consistent with those applied in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2000 have been used in preparing the unaudited interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2001. 5. Dividends The Directors are not declaring a dividend for the six months ended 30 June 2001. 6. Copies of Interim Results Copies of the interim results will be sent to shareholders and will be available from the Company's registered office, Purland Road, London SE28 0AT.
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