Director Declaration

ISIS Property Trust 2 Limited 02 November 2007 To: Company Announcements Date: 02 November 2007 Company: ISIS Property Trust 2 Limited Subject: Director Declaration Director Declaration In accordance with the requirements of the London Stock Exchange Listing Rule 9.6.14, ISIS Property Trust 2 Limited announces that Mr Chris Spencer, a non - executive director has informed the company that, Thames River Legion Fund Limited, of which he is a non-executive director, was admitted to the Official List of Irish Stock Exchange on 01 November 2007 All Enquiries: The Company Secretary Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited Trafalgar Court Les Banques St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 3QL Tel: 01481 745001 Fax: 01481 745051 Ian McBryde Scott Macrae F&C Investment Business Ltd Tel: 0207 628 8000 Fax: 0131 225 2375 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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