Interim Results

Carphone Warehouse Group PLC 03 November 2004 Wednesday 3 November 2004 Embargoed until 0700 hours The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC Interim Results for the 26 weeks to 25 September 2004 26 weeks ended 25 26 weeks ended 27 % growth September 2004 September 2003 £m £m Turnover 1,033.0 825.5 25.1% Profit before tax* 28.1 20.3 38.3% Headline earnings per share* 2.41p 1.74p 38.5% Dividend per share 0.55p 0.40p 37.5% * before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill Financial Headlines • 22.5% growth in Retail revenues; 11.7% like-for-like • 15.8% growth in Retail gross profit; 7.0% like-for-like • 38.5% growth in headline earnings per share to 2.41p • 23.6% growth in connections to 2.77m • 21.6% growth in subscription connections to 1.29m • 37.5% growth in interim dividend to 0.55p per share Operational Headlines • 115 net new stores opened, taking total to 1,329 • 648,000 TalkTalk UK customers; profitable after all costs in August and September • 80.3% growth in Opal traffic to 4.1 bn minutes • TalkTalk launches in France, Spain and Germany • UK Broadband launch this week Charles Dunstone, CEO, said: 'The Carphone Warehouse has delivered another good set of results, reflecting our focus on choice, service and value for our customers, the buoyant mobile market and the success of our fixed line services. We are building on these positions through our on-going store opening programme, through this week's launch of a broadband service, and by offering better service and value than ever. The prospects for the Group give the Board no hesitation in declaring a 37.5% increase in the interim dividend.' Overview Group turnover for the period was £1,033.0m compared with £825.5m for the prior year, representing growth of 25.1%. We achieved growth in turnover across all our core businesses. Excluding the acquisitions of Hutchison, Xtra and Ntel, underlying growth in turnover was 15.9%. Operating profits increased by 37.8% to £30.4m (2003: £22.1m), with operating margin expanding to 2.9% (2003: 2.7%). Pre-tax profits for the Group, before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation, were £28.1m, an increase of 38.3%. Earnings per share on the same basis grew by 38.5% to 2.41p (2003: 1.74p). The mobile retail environment continues to be buoyant, with a wealth of new products and attractive offers for customers. Mobile markets across Europe are becoming more fragmented with the arrival of new entrants, making the need for impartial advice ever greater. As a result we are aggressively seeking to consolidate our number one position in the market by opening more stores and offering better service and value than ever. The very strong performance of our Distribution division clearly reflects the success of this strategy, as strong connections growth feeds through into high margin Insurance and Ongoing business streams, and translates into growth in our TalkTalk customer base. In the fixed line business market, Opal has continued to perform well. Despite competitive pressures in certain segments of the business telecoms market, Opal's network efficiency protects margin, and its value-added services create strong customer relationships. We are confident that we will continue to grow the business, through both new customer wins and acquisitions, in a marketplace that is now consolidating rapidly. On the residential side, the launch of free calls on TalkTalk and a sustained brand-building campaign have taken us to a position as the clear alternative to BT in the minds of the customer. Over the last 18 months nearly 650,000 customers have joined TalkTalk as we have successfully leveraged the competitive advantages of the Opal network and our high street presence. The launch of a broadband service this week, at very competitive prices, is the logical next stage in our development as a significant provider of fixed line services to the home. In addition, we are now combining our UK experience and our growing European store portfolio to introduce fixed line services across our major markets. The Phone House Telecom, our German service provider business, is making good progress and customer recruitment, retention and margins have all been ahead of our expectations at the start of the year. Our retail operations in Germany continue to improve and are becoming an important recruitment channel. Contribution from Mobile Services as a whole grew year-on-year, despite a decline in profitability from our operations outside Germany. Outlook The outlook continues to be positive. We expect the mobile phone market to continue to grow year-on-year over the Christmas period and into the New Year. While our own exceptional performance in the second half of last year is likely to limit the rate of like-for-like progress, we are confident of continued good connections growth. TalkTalk is now profitable after all costs, and the launch of broadband should provide stimulus to customer recruitment in the UK. Our international TalkTalk operations are still in their infancy but we are confident that we can build sustainable and profitable residential businesses in all relevant markets. We expect to make further strong progress in the second half. Distribution 2004 2003 £m £m Turnover 607.4 482.9 Retail 491.4 401.2 Online 45.3 26.5 Insurance 47.8 35.8 Ongoing 22.9 19.4 Contribution 74.4 60.1 Retail 33.0 27.3 Online 3.0 1.6 Insurance 15.5 11.8 Ongoing 22.9 19.4 Support costs (32.8) (28.3) EBITDA 41.6 31.8 Depreciation (17.0) (14.5) EBIT 24.6 17.3 EBIT % 4.1% 3.6% Before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill The Distribution division generated revenues of £607.4m and EBIT of £24.6m, representing growth of 25.8% and 42.6% respectively on the prior year. The EBIT margin expanded by 50 basis points to 4.1%. We continue to focus our strategy on growing profits at the divisional level by driving mobile connections volumes, which in turn deliver high margin revenues beyond the point of sale. Retail and Online Total connections grew 23.6% to 2.77m. The mobile phone market continued to show healthy unit growth, stimulated by continuing technological innovation, fashion and competition between mobile network operators. Subscription connections grew by 21.6% to 1.29m. Although the rate of growth declined in the second quarter, we saw strong demand throughout the first half as new high end handsets were widely available at attractive prices. We expect the growth rate to continue to decline slightly over the rest of the financial year as year-on-year comparisons become progressively tougher. Pre-pay connections (including SIM-free sales) grew 25.4% to 1.48m. Growth in pre-pay accelerated in the second quarter as competition between networks intensified and our own pricing became more aggressive. We opened 136 stores and closed 21 in the first half, taking the total number of stores in the portfolio to 1,329, of which 46 are franchise stores (2003: 15 franchise stores). Total average selling space in all stores grew by 11.3% to 72,424 sqm (2003: 65,094 sqm). Total Retail revenues grew 22.5% to £491.4m. Like-for-like growth was 11.7%, as connections per store continued to increase in the strong market. Subscription revenue per connection rose by 1.3% and pre-pay revenue per connection rose by 2.2%. Retail gross profit grew 15.8% to £138.6m. Like-for-like growth was 7.0%. Subscription gross profit per connection was in line with last year at £91.0 (2003: £90.8). We saw greater competition in the pre-pay market, as indicated at the start of the financial year, and chose to compete more aggressively in the second quarter. As a result, gross profit per connection on pre-pay fell by 13.8% to £24.9 (2003: £28.9), but we benefited from selling greater volumes. Retail contribution grew by 21.0% to £33.0m, as the effect of strong like-for-like growth offset the decline in gross margin that naturally arises in a high-subsidy environment. Contribution margin fell marginally year-on-year to 6.7% (2003: 6.8%). Most of our operations performed strongly, with market conditions similarly good across much of Europe. Connections growth in our international businesses was 31.5%, compared to 16.1% in the UK. Our Online business grew very strongly, with connections ahead by 38.8% to 186,000, supported by the acquisition of E2Save at the start of the calendar year. Revenues grew 70.8% to £45.3m (2003: £26.5m) and contribution by 84.5% to £3.0m (2003: £1.6m). Insurance Insurance continued to make good progress, with revenues increasing by 33.5% year-on-year to £47.8m (2003: £35.8m). The persistent strong trend in subscription connections has translated into further growth in our customer base which rose by 26.8% to 1.46m. The annualised average premium per customer increased by 4.0% to £68.9. Contribution from Insurance rose 31.2% to £15.5m (2003: £11.8m), with the margin declining slightly from 32.9% to 32.4% because of the impact of lower margin third party revenues. Ongoing Growth in Ongoing revenues, our ARPU-sharing agreements with mobile networks, also continued to be supported by strong subscription connections growth. Ongoing revenues grew 18.4% to £22.9m (2003: £19.4m). Telecoms Services 2004 2003 £m £m Turnover 372.9 240.5 Fixed 192.1 112.3 Mobile 180.8 128.2 Contribution 23.6 17.8 Fixed 13.5 8.0 Mobile 10.1 9.8 Support costs (11.5) (7.8) EBITDA 12.1 10.0 Depreciation (5.9) (4.5) EBIT 6.2 5.5 EBIT % 1.7% 2.3% Before exceptional items and amortisation of goodwill The Telecoms Services division generated revenues of £372.9m and EBIT of £6.2m, representing growth of 55.1% and 12.5% respectively on the prior year. The EBIT margin fell by 60 basis points to 1.7% as TalkTalk UK generated further losses. We expect the divisional EBIT margin to improve going forward now that TalkTalk has moved into profitability. Fixed Opal generated revenues of £115.5m in the first half, an increase of 9.1% year-on-year. Contribution grew by 31.5% to £17.8m, representing a margin of 15.4% (2003: 12.8%). Business traffic on the Opal network increased by 21.5% to 2.53 billion minutes. Margin expansion reflects the improvement in business mix towards direct business and away from premium rate services. Premium rate revenues fell 29.1% in the first half with all other revenues growing by 28.2%. Revenues in the first half were particularly influenced by the loss of two Opal resellers that were acquired by other network operators. However, we in turn acquired two small resellers during the period, and a further one immediately subsequent to the half-year end, and will continue to pursue similar opportunities. As highlighted at the start of the financial year, Opal is operating in an increasingly competitive environment, particularly in the reseller market. In addition to this, revenues in the second half will be negatively impacted by the regulatory reduction in termination rates on calls to mobile phones, which has inevitably led to a cut in our mobile tariffs. However, our network strategy of deepening our level of interconnect into the BT local exchange network continues to provide us with a degree of protection from margin erosion. On our estimates, Opal recently became the most deeply interconnected network into BT in the UK, as measured by the number of local exchanges into which Opal has a direct interconnect. As a result of this strategy, in September approximately 80% of all calls on Opal originated at the local exchange level, well in excess of our original target of 75% by March 2005. Overall we continue to expect to see steady growth in contribution at Opal for the full year. TalkTalk in the UK generated a loss of £5.8m (2003: loss of £5.5m) on revenues of £50.2m (2003: £6.4m) in the first half, but was profitable after all costs in August and September. Total marketing and customer acquisition costs were £18.8m and the acquisition cost ('SAC') per customer was £23.1. We had a total of 648,000 tolling customers at the period end and continue to target 900,000 by March 2005. This week has seen the launch of our broadband product in the UK. We believe that broadband offers us a significant opportunity in the long term, with the new product benefiting from the success of the TalkTalk brand and the low cost of customer recruitment through our stores. Meanwhile, we continue to wait for developments in relation to a workable wholesale line rental product. Our fixed line operations outside the UK generated a positive contribution of £1.4m on revenues of £26.4m. Profits from Xtra and Ntel were offset by start-up losses from our TalkTalk operations in France, Spain and Germany. Overall we anticipate that our non-UK fixed line businesses will achieve a break-even contribution for the current financial year. Mobile Turnover in Mobile Telecoms Services grew 41.0% to £180.8m, and contribution grew by 3.0% to £10.1m. The decline in the contribution margin, from 7.7% to 5.6%, was mainly the result of the inclusion of The Phone House Telecom, our German service provider business, for a full six months. The Phone House Telecom had a very good first half. We continued to pursue our strategy of building the customer base through a number of distribution channels, with Phone House stores in particular showing an encouraging trend over the course of the period. The total base grew by 15.2% year-on-year to 747,000, with the subscription base growing by 13.6% to 577,000. Margins were better than expected as the business demonstrated excellent operational efficiency. The ongoing success of the Hutchison acquisition has given us confidence to invest further in our German operations. Our other customer bases in the UK and France grew 9.3% to 1,331,000. In France, our contract with Orange has changed and we are now starting to manage customers recruited through our own stores. In the medium term this gives us scope to grow the business beyond 600,000 customers but in the short term, profits under the new commercial agreement are lower than previously enjoyed. Customer numbers at Fresh were a little lower than at September 2003 but we have relaunched the Fresh proposition in recent months and now offer the cheapest cross-network rates for voice and text on pre-pay. As a result, the base has returned to growth since June. Our French MVNO, Breizh Mobile, was launched in July and will be loss-making this year. Wholesale 2004 2003 £m £m Turnover 60.7 102.2 Contribution 0.6 1.0 Support costs (0.7) (1.1) EBITDA (0.1) (0.1) Depreciation (0.3) (0.6) EBIT (0.4) (0.7) EBIT % (0.7)% (0.7)% Wholesale operations comprise our pre-pay voucher distribution business and the wholesale shipment of trade-in handsets. There have been no further developments in relation to the Customs & Excise investigation of VAT recovery in the handset trading industry. Depreciation and support costs The depreciation charge of £23.3m grew 18.8% year-on-year, reflecting the on-going investment in IT, new stores and the Opal network. Support costs increased by 20.6% year-on-year to £44.9m. Within this figure, we have provided £2m entirely in the first half for the annual accounting charge for the Performance Share Plan. Move to International Accounting Standards Over recent months we have been preparing for the move over to IAS. The first accounting period for which the new accounting standards will apply to the Group is the 52 week period ending March 2006. At this stage we are expecting the only material impact on reported profitability (other than the treatment of goodwill amortisation or impairment) to be the expensing of awards under the Group's option schemes. Including the charge relating to the Performance Share Plan noted above, we currently estimate an annual accounting charge of approximately £3m for share-based payments, starting in our next financial year. We intend to provide further detail on the move to IAS at our annual investor and analyst day, which has been provisionally scheduled for 14 April 2005. Cash flow and dividend At 25 September 2004, the group had net debt of £86.6m, compared to net debt of £40.5m at the end of March 2004. During the period the group generated cash flow from operations of £36.6m (2003: £36.6m), and total free cash flow (excluding the capital cost of new stores and before acquisitions) of £2.8m (2002: £18.3m). The Board has declared an interim dividend of 0.55p per share (2003: 0.40p per share), in line with underlying earnings growth and reflecting its confidence in strong free cash flow generation for the full year. The ex-dividend date will be 10 November 2004 and the record date will be 12 November 2004. The intended payment date will be 25 November 2004. Analysts' presentation and webcast There will be a presentation for investors and analysts at 9.00 am this morning at the offices of Deutsche Bank, 1 Great Winchester Street, London EC2N 2DB. The event will be audio webcast and the presentation slides will be available on our website, Next trading update The Group will give a full trading update, including revenues, connections and customer bases, for the third quarter of the current financial year on 13 January 2005. Please note that the current year is a 53 week reporting period. For Further Information For analyst and institutional enquiries Roger Taylor 07715 170 090 Peregrine Riviere 07909 907193 For media enquiries Vanessa Tipple 07947 000 021 Anthony Carlisle 07973 611 888 Citigate Dewe Rogerson 020 7638 9571 FINANCIAL REVIEW Consolidated profit and loss account For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 Before After exceptional Exceptional exceptional items and items and items and amortisation of amortisation amortisation goodwill of goodwill of goodwill 26 weeks 26 weeks 26 weeks 26 weeks 52 weeks ended ended ended ended ended 25 September 25 September 25 September 27 September 27 March 2004 2004 2004 2003 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 2 1,032,954 1,032,954 825,537 1,849,011 Cost of sales (724,291) (724,291) (589,223) (1,303,246) Gross profit 308,663 308,663 236,314 545,765 Operating expenses (254,906) (254,906) (199,316) (427,667) excluding amortisation and depreciation EBITDA 53,757 53,757 36,998 118,098 Depreciation (23,319) (23,319) (19,637) (41,684) Amortisation of goodwill - (13,961) (13,961) (12,446) (25,417) Operating profit 30,438 (13,961) 16,477 4,915 50,997 Exceptional items 5 - - - (1,652) Net interest payable (2,359) (2,359) (1,790) (4,858) Profit on ordinary 28,079 14,118 3,125 44,487 activities before taxation Tax on profit on 3 (7,020) (7,020) (5,076) (16,783) ordinary activities Profit (loss) for the 21,059 7,098 (1,951) 27,704 financial period Equity dividends 6 (4,814) (4,814) (3,498) (11,369) Retained profit (loss) 16,245 2,284 (5,449) 16,335 for the financial period Basic earnings per share Unadjusted 4 0.81p (0.22)p 3.17p Headline 4 2.41p 1.74p 6.81p Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 27 March 2003 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit (loss) for the financial period 10 7,098 (1,951) 27,704 Currency translation 10 685 (199) (1,014) Total recognised gains and losses relating to the 7,783 (2,150) 26,690 period Prior period adjustments - - (3,949) Total gains and losses recognised since last 7,783 (2,150) 22,741 financial statements Consolidated balance sheet As at 25 September 2004 25 September 2004 27 September 2003 27 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Notes Fixed assets Intangible assets Goodwill 7 401,577 387,110 403,191 401,577 387,110 403,191 Tangible assets 204,519 137,477 195,594 Investments 5,865 15,009 5,897 Total fixed assets 611,961 539,596 604,682 Current assets Stock 95,151 75,330 78,298 Debtors 349,572 242,242 271,444 Short-term investments 17,455 9,595 10,805 Cash at bank and in hand 68,170 125,246 72,813 Total current assets 530,348 452,413 433,360 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (476,466) (338,094) (400,149) Net current assets 53,882 114,319 33,211 Total assets less current liabilities 665,843 653,915 637,893 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than (145,574) (151,261) (117,737) one year Provisions for liabilities and charges (52,526) (48,461) (48,313) Net assets 467,743 454,193 471,843 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 875 873 874 Share premium 8 398,634 396,054 397,262 Capital redemption reserve 8 30 30 30 Profit and loss account 8 68,204 57,236 73,677 Total capital employed 10 467,743 454,193 471,843 Approved by the Board of The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC 3 November 2004 Consolidated cash flow statement For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 27 March 2003 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 36,570 36,626 102,657 Net cash outflow from returns on investments and (2,359) (1,790) (4,858) servicing of finance Net cash outflow from taxation (9,589) (1,976) (2,350) Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and 11 (37,781) (1,410) (84,245) financial investment Net cash outflow from acquisitions and 7 (22,504) (30,978) (59,050) disposals Equity dividends paid (7,869) (8,729) (12,229) Net cash outflow before financing (43,532) (8,257) (60,075) Net cash inflow from financing 28,411 93,732 96,596 (Decrease) increase in cash in the period 13 (15,121) 85,475 36,521 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 27 September 27 March 2004 2003 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 16,477 4,915 50,997 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 23,319 19,637 41,684 Amortisation of goodwill 13,961 12,446 25,417 EBITDA 53,757 36,998 118,098 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 58 125 163 Increase (decrease) in provisions 4,024 3,411 (1,469) Increase in stock (15,902) (16,611) (20,684) Increase in debtors (71,456) (31,722) (53,621) Increase in creditors 66,089 44,425 60,170 Net cash inflow from operating activities 36,570 36,626 102,657 Notes to the financial statements For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 1 Basis of preparation and accounting policies This interim report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those set out on page 30 of The Carphone Warehouse Group PLC annual report for the 52 weeks ended 27 March 2004. The financial information for the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 and the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2003 is unaudited. The information set out in this interim report for the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 does not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of The Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the 52 weeks ended 27 March 2004, incorporating the unqualified auditor's report, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2 Segmental analysis Divisional results are analysed as follows: 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 2003 27 March 2004 Turnover Profit Net Turnover Profit Net Turnover Profit Net before tax assets before tax assets before tax assets £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Distribution 607,387 24,637 443,251 482,878 17,274 415,497 1,128,939 66,939 440,521 Telecoms Services 372,868 6,219 24,492 240,470 5,529 38,696 554,491 15,021 31,322 Wholesale 60,732 (418) - 102,189 (709) - 178,067 (813) - Eliminations (8,033) - - - - - (12,486) - - 1,032,954 30,438 467,743 825,537 22,094 454,193 1,849,011 81,147 471,843 Amortisation of (13,961) (12,446) (25,417) goodwill Operating - (4,733) (4,733) exceptional items 16,477 4,915 50,997 Non-operating - - (1,652) exceptional items Net interest (2,359) (1,790) (4,858) payable Profit before tax 14,118 3,125 44,487 Results by geographical location are analysed by origin as follows: 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 2003 27 March 2004 Turnover Profit Net Turnover Profit Net Turnover Profit Net before tax assets before tax assets before tax assets £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 United Kingdom 581,905 19,426 178,450 504,515 13,805 310,073 1,102,185 49,836 177,144 Rest of Europe 451,049 11,012 289,293 321,022 8,289 144,120 746,826 31,311 294,699 1,032,954 30,438 467,743 825,537 22,094 454,193 1,849,011 81,147 471,843 Amortisation of (13,961) (12,446) (25,417) goodwill Operating - (4,733) (4,733) exceptional items 16,477 4,915 50,997 Non-operating - - (1,652) exceptional items Net interest (2,359) (1,790) (4,858) payable Profit before tax 14,118 3,125 44,487 Notes to the financial statements For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 3 Tax on profit on ordinary activities Taxation has been provided using the estimated effective rate of taxation for the 53 weeks ending 2 April 2005 of 25% (52 weeks ended 27 March 2004 - 22%). 4 Earnings per share The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the following profits or losses and number of shares: 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 27 March 2003 2004 Weighted average number of shares (000's) 874,573 873,131 873,555 Unadjusted earnings for the financial period (£'000) 7,098 (1,951) 27,704 Headline earnings for the financial period (£'000) 21,059 15,228 59,506 Basic earnings (loss) per share Unadjusted 0.81p (0.22)p 3.17p Headline 2.41p 1.74p 6.81p Headline earnings per share is calculated on earnings before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items and is provided because the Directors consider that it gives a better indication of underlying performance than unadjusted earnings per share. 5 Exceptional items Exceptional items include the following operating exceptional items and losses on the disposal of fixed asset investments: 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 27 September 27 March 2004 2003 2004 Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 Costs of operational reorganisation (a) - (4,733) (4,733) Exceptional operating items - (4,733) (4,733) Loss on disposal of fixed asset (b) - - (1,652) investments Total exceptional items - (4,733) (6,385) (a) Costs of operational reorganisation Following the acquisition of Hutchison Telecommunications GmbH ('HTG') in June 2003, the Group closed its support centre in Munich, closed a further 15 retail stores and commenced the integration of the retail business with HTG. A provision of £4.7m was booked to cover the cost of this reorganisation, including the write-down of tangible fixed assets. (b) Loss on disposal of fixed asset investments During the period ended 27 March 2004 the Group disposed of 50% of its interest in Wireless Frontiers, an independently managed wireless investment fund. In exchange, the acquirer assumed the Group's commitment to make further contributions to Wireless Frontiers. The disposal resulted in a net loss of £1.7m. Notes to the financial statements For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 6 Dividends An interim dividend of 0.55p (2003 - 0.40p) per ordinary share is proposed. 7 Acquisitions In April 2004 the Group acquired the trade and assets of STL Networks Ltd for a net cash consideration of £3.6m, giving rise to goodwill of £3.6m. In June 2004 the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Telequip Ltd for an initial net cash consideration of £5.8m, giving rise to goodwill of £5.4m. In June 2004 the Group paid deferred consideration of £13.0m in relation to Opal Telecom plc, which was acquired in November 2002. 8 Reserves Profit and loss Share Capital Total account premium redemption reserve £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At 27 March 2004 73,677 397,262 30 470,969 Retained profit for the financial period 2,284 - - 2,284 Currency translation 685 - - 685 Issue of share capital (378) 1,372 - 994 Purchase of own shares (8,064) - - (8,064) At 25 September 2004 68,204 398,634 30 466,868 9 Reconciliation of headline information to statutory information 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 2003 27 March 2004 EBITDA Operating Profit EBITDA Operating Profit EBITDA Operating Profit profit before tax profit before tax profit before tax £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Headline 53,757 30,438 28,079 41,731 22,094 20,304 122,831 81,147 76,289 Amortisation of - (13,961) (13,961) - (12,446) (12,446) - (25,417) (25,417) goodwill Exceptional - - - (4,733) (4,733) (4,733) (4,733) (4,733) (6,385) items (see note 5) Statutory 53,757 16,477 14,118 36,998 4,915 3,125 118,098 50,997 44,487 EBITDA represents earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation of goodwill. Contribution represents EBITDA before allocation of support costs. Notes to the financial statements For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 10 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 2003 27 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit (loss) for the financial period 7,098 (1,951) 27,704 Dividends (4,814) (3,498) (11,369) Purchase of own shares (8,064) - - Currency translation 685 (199) (1,014) Issue of share capital 995 298 928 Net movement in shareholders' funds (4,100) (5,350) 16,249 Opening shareholders' funds 471,843 459,543 455,594 Closing shareholders' funds 467,743 454,193 471,843 11 Capital expenditure and financial investment 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 2003 27 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Payments to acquire fixed asset investments (15) (25) (257) Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (31,791) (18,263) (100,305) Net (outflow) inflow on short-term (6,650) 16,720 15,471 investments Receipts from sale of tangible fixed assets 675 158 846 Net outflow from capital expenditure and (37,781) (1,410) (84,245) financial investment 12 Movement on net (debt) funds 26 weeks ended 26 weeks ended 52 weeks ended 25 September 2004 27 September 2003 27 March 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating cash flow 36,570 36,626 102,657 Tax and interest (11,948) (3,766) (7,208) Capex (excluding new stores and freeholds) (21,827) (14,549) (38,449) Free cash flow 2,795 18,311 57,000 New store capex (9,289) (3,556) (13,700) Freehold acquisitions - - (47,310) Acquisitions and investments (22,519) (31,003) (59,307) Purchase of own shares (8,064) - - Dividends (7,869) (8,729) (12,229) Net cash outflow (44,946) (24,977) (75,546) Opening net (debt) funds* (40,572) 29,098 29,098 Share issues and foreign exchange (1,041) (1,224) 5,876 Closing net (debt) funds* (86,559) 2,897 (40,572) * Including short term investments Notes to the financial statements For the 26 weeks ended 25 September 2004 13 Analysis of changes in net debt At 27 March Cash flows Retranslation At 25 September 2004 2004 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 72,813 (4,844) 201 68,170 Overdrafts (1,175) (10,277) (19) (11,471) 71,638 (15,121) 182 56,699 Debt due within one year (15,099) (10,011) (1) (25,111) Debt due after more than one year (107,916) (25,469) (2,217) (135,602) Short-term investments 10,805 6,650 - 17,455 Net debt (40,572) (43,951) (2,036) (86,559) This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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