Dalata Hotel Group plc
("Dalata" or the "Company" or the "Group")
Ticker: DHG
Dublin, 10th March 2016 | Dalata is pleased to announce that it has received approval from the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission to acquire the leasehold interest of four hotels, the Gibson Hotel Dublin, the Croydon Park Hotel in Croydon, the Clarion Hotel Cork and the Clarion Hotel Limerick. As part of the transaction, the Group will also take over the management of the Clarion Liffey Valley Hotel, Dublin under a short term management contract. This acquisition is expected to close promptly.
Dalata Hotel Group plc
Dermot Crowley, Deputy CEO Business Development and Finance
Tel: +353 (0)1 206 9400
Anthony Farrell
Tel: +353 (0)1 679 6363.
FTI Consulting
Melanie Farrell, Director, Strategic Communications
+353 (0)1 66 33 683 direct
+353 (0)86 401 5250 mobile