
Datang Intl Power Generation Co Ld 08 September 2004 The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. (a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China) (Stock Code: 991) Connected Transaction Development Right Transfer Agreement Pursuant to the Development Right Transfer Agreement, the Company has agreed to transfer to Huayin Power the Development Right and all rights and obligations relating to the Development Right for a consideration of RMB103,020,694.69 (approximately HK$97,189,335), representing the total cost prepaid by the Company relating to the Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II as at the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement. Connected transaction of the Company As at the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement, CDGC owned 35.43% and 43.54% interest in the Company and Huayin Power, respectively, therefore Huayin Power is a connected person of the Company. Accordingly, the Development Right Transfer Agreement constitutes a connected transaction for the Company under the Listing Rules. As each of the relevant percentage ratios (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules) is less than 2.5%, the Development Right Transfer Agreement is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. Relevant details will also be included in the next published annual report and accounts of the Company in accordance with Rule 14A.45 of the Listing Rules. DEVELOPMENT RIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT Background On 23 May 2003, the Company and Huayin Power obtained 60% and 40% of the right to develop the Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II, respectively, pursuant to the approval issued by the State Development and Reform Commission dated the even date. No consideration has been paid by the Company in relation to the grant of the Development Right. Further, pursuant to the said approval, the Company did not incur any contractual commitment in return of such grant. Other than the Development Right, no other interest has been granted to the Company and/or its connected person (as defined in the Listing Rules) in relation to the Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II and no joint venture agreement has been entered into by the Company. The total approved planned investment cost to develop the Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II is estimated to be RMB4.8 billion. According to the Development Right Transfer Agreement dated 5 April 2004, the Company agreed to transfer the Development Right to Huayin Power. Such transfer was not subject to any condition precedent and was completed upon receipt of the full payment of the consideration of the transfer, in any event, no later than the thirtieth day from the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement. Such sum was fully settled by Huayin Power on 4 May 2004. Date 5 April 2004 Parties (1) the Company as the transferor; and (2) Huayin Power as the transferee Major terms of the Development Right Transfer Agreement Subject: the Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II Consideration: RMB103,020,694.69 (approximately HK$97,189,335) payable in cash within 30 days from the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement. The consideration is based on the actual costs prepaid by the Company in relation to the Development Right including principally, inter alia, the deposits prepaid by the Company relating to the supply of equipment for Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II as at the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement and any interest accrued therefrom. Rights and obligations: All rights attached to the development of the Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II and all liabilities arising from the costs incurred by the Company as at the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement and all payment obligations of the Company shall be borne and transferred to Huayin Power upon the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement. REASON FOR ENTERING INTO THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT Due to the adjusted development strategy of the Company of which development emphasis will be put more on relatively more cost efficient hydraulic and coal-fired power plants with a view to optimising shareholders' return, the board of Directors decided to transfer the Development Right to Huayin Power. The Directors, including the independent non-executive Directors, considered that the entering into the Development Right Transfer Agreement is in the best interest of the Company. The Company believes that the transfer of the Development Right should have no material adverse impact on the Company. The Directors, including the independent non-executive Directors, consider that the terms of the Development Right Transfer Agreement are fair and reasonable as far as the Company and the Company's shareholders as a whole are concerned. CONNECTED TRANSACTION As at the date of the Development Right Transfer Agreement, CDGC owned 35.43% and 43.54% interest in the Company and Huayin Power, respectively, therefore Huayin Power is a connected person of the Company. Accordingly, the Development Right Transfer Agreement constitutes a connected transaction for the Company under the Listing Rules. As each of the relevant percentage ratios (as defined in Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules) is less than 2.5%, the Development Right Transfer Agreement is only subject to the reporting and announcement requirements set out in Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The relevant details will also be included in the next published annual report and accounts of the Company in accordance with Rule 14A.45 of the Listing Rules. Pursuant to Rule 14A.47 of the Listing Rules, the Company is required to notify the Stock Exchange as soon as possible after the terms of the relevant connected transaction have been agreed. The Company is not in strict compliance with the said rule and the Stock Exchange reserves the right to take any appropriate action against the Company and/or its Directors in this respect. INFORMATION RELATING TO THE COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES The principal business of the Company includes the development and operation of power plants, the sale of electricity, and the repair and maintenance of power equipment and power-related technical services. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this announcement, capitalised terms appearing herein shall, unless the context otherwise admits, have the meanings set out below: 'CDGC' China Datang Corporation (Chinese Characters), a state-owned enterprise established under the laws of the PRC and is a substantial shareholder of the Company holding approximately 35.43% of the issued share capital of the Company 'Company' Datang International Power Generation Co., Ltd. (Chinese Characters), a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the PRC on 13 December 1994, the H Shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange 'Development Right the development right transfer agreement dated 5 April 2004 entered into between Transfer Agreement' the Company and Huayin Power in respect of the transfer of the Development Right and all rights and obligations relating to the Development Right 'Development Right' the entire 60% of the right to develop the Jinzhushan Power Plant Phase II 'Directors' directors of the Company 'H Shares' the overseas listed foreign shares of the Company with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each and are listed on the Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange 'HK$' Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong 'Hong Kong' the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC 'Huayin Power' Hunan Huayin Electric Power Co., Ltd. (Chinese Characters), a company which is principally engaged in construction of power plants, power generation and sales of power 'Jinzhushan Power the proposed expansion project to construct 2x600 MW power plant at a power Plant Phase II' plant site located at Jinzhushan, Hunan Province 'Listing Rules' the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange 'London Stock Exchange' The London Stock Exchange Limited 'MW' Megawatt. One million watts. The installed capacity of power plants is generally expressed in MW 'PRC' the People's Republic of China 'RMB' Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC 'Stock Exchange' The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited By Order of the Board Yang Hongming Company Secretary Beijing, the PRC, 7 September 2004 As at the date of this announcement, the Directors are:- Zhai Ruoyu, Zhang Yi, Hu Shengmu, Kou Bingen, Yang Hongming, Liu Haixia, Guan Tiangang, Su Tiegang, Ye Yonghui, Tong Yunshang, Xie Songlin*, Xu Daping*, Liu Chaoan*, Yu Changchun* and Xia Qing* * independent non-executive Directors This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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